Australian supermarket vegan milk taste test: one soy is gold-standard, all almond milks are watery (2024)

Spend more than a minute in a coffee shop anywhere in the country and you’ll quickly learn that soy, oat, almond and other alternative milks have become anything but alternative. Though non-dairy milks still only make up around 7.5% of retail milk sales, a 2021 survey of over 900 cafes found that oat, almond, soy and other plant-based alternatives already make up 25% of milk coffee sales. And that number is climbing.

But while I’ve seen more and more supermarket real estate dedicated to plant-based milks, and my favourite baristas wielding endless fancy oat, soy and almond cartons, I’ve never tried them myself.

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But now, with four cartons each of long-life oat, almond and soy milks hijacking my fridge, it seems I’m about to get a crash course in why these dairy substitutes have so successfully become a part of Australian life.

To test, each carton was chilled, shaken as per label instructions, poured into a glass then sampled straight (no coffee, cereals or other potential flavour masks). Each was assessed on the colour, aroma, creaminess, smoothness and thickness of the liquid, any aftertaste and, most importantly, the taste – whether the hint (or more) of nut, soy or oat flavour was pleasant enough that I would happily drink it again, or whether it made me long for a cow.

Australian supermarket vegan milk taste test: one soy is gold-standard, all almond milks are watery (1)

The test made a few things clear: soy milk, at its best, tastes closest to cow’s milk. Oat tastes like a sweetly nutty cereal milk while almond tastes like the water left in your sink after washing the breakfast dishes. I also learned imbibing 12 full glasses of alternative milk (a total of almost two litres downed in a single session without so much as cookie to keep from corrupting the data) makes for a queasy evening.

When the nausea had subsided and the spilt milk (thanks to the two cartons without an easy-open lid – an act of kindness in one instance) had been wiped away, a few contenders stood victorious.

The best overall

Australian supermarket vegan milk taste test: one soy is gold-standard, all almond milks are watery (2)

Bonsoy Soy Milk 1 litre, $4.80

Score: 10/10

Unlike most of the other cartons in front of me, Bonsoy fails to provide a cap for their carton, so I end up wearing more of their product than I drink. Spills aside, this is the best and most dairy-like of the 12 alt-milks tested. Richly creamy in its texture, neutral in flavour (aside from just enough sweetness) grit-free, and with no nutty or bean-y scent or aftertaste. I even find myself checking the label to make sure I haven’t accidentally bought long-life cow’s milk. If the goal is to perfectly synthesise the milk experience while avoiding dairy, then this is the gold standard.

The best value

So Good Soy Regular 1 litre, $2.20

Score: 7/10

The first pour of this soy milk gives no suggestion that it is anything other than a glass of perfectly white cow’s milk, with none of the subtle brown tones or mystifyingly pink hues I’ve discovered are common in the almond and oat milks. The aroma too has none of the nutty sweetness found throughout the other categories, just a creamy richness. A taste gives things away, but only just, with a faint hint of four-bean mix hiding beneath an otherwise completely neutral milk flavour.

The rest of the test


Vitasoy Oat Milk Unsweetened 1 litre, $3

Australian supermarket vegan milk taste test: one soy is gold-standard, all almond milks are watery (4)

Score: 8/10

While this might faintly taste like the milk that’s been left at the bottom of a bowl of cereal, it’s otherwise a striking simulacrum for the “real” thing. The creamy oat juice instantly coats my tongue the same way cow’s milk does, with only a faint, lingering taste of porridge. Though the label specifies no sugar has been added, this has the same neutral, gentle sweetness as dairy milk, and though there’s a hint of graininess to the texture, I’m guessing that’s only prominent in the unlikely event that you, like me, are drinking this straight from the glass.

Australian supermarket vegan milk taste test: one soy is gold-standard, all almond milks are watery (5)

So Good Barista Oat 1 litre, $4

Score: 7/10

A touch thicker than its oat competitors and with a fair bit more “bowl of cereal” aftertaste, this is still a richly textured milk, evocative of full-cream cow’s milk after it’s had one or two Weet-Bix bobbing around in it. While the label doesn’t reveal what barista-friendly innovations led this to being more amenable to professional coffee makers – only that it’s easier to froth with reliable consistency – it’s a delicious drop that doesn’t need coffee to make it drinkable.

Australian supermarket vegan milk taste test: one soy is gold-standard, all almond milks are watery (6)

Minor Figures Barista Oat 1 litre, $4.80

Score: 6.5/10

This London-based company has generated plenty of international buzz for both its oat milk and its ready-to-drink coffee products, and as with many buzzy start-ups, it has the price tag to match. Overall it’s a strong imitation of cow’s milk, but while it nails that creamy flavour and texture, there’s also a faint, odd hint of acidity. An inoffensive choice that’s sure to be someone’s favourite, but not noteworthy enough to match its asking price.

Australian supermarket vegan milk taste test: one soy is gold-standard, all almond milks are watery (7)

The Original Oatly Oat Milk Barista Edition 1 litre, $5.50

Score: 5.5/10

The joke-covered label (“It’s like milk, but made for humans … ”) announces this as a product of Singapore. A few sips in and this oat milk – the most expensive product of the whole test – tastes unmistakably, inescapably of oats. With a thicker viscosity, faint oiliness and more oat-y texture than the others, even a strong shot of coffee wouldn’t cover the oat flavour. Not one for me, but a clear choice for oat obsessives.


Australian supermarket vegan milk taste test: one soy is gold-standard, all almond milks are watery (8)

Australia’s Own Barista Soy 1 litre, $3.50

Score: 6/10

This proudly nationalistic soy milk reintroduces not only the off-white tinge to the taste test, but the nutty notes from the earlier, dark almond era. The word “barista” on the label implies this isn’t a milk to be sipped straight from the glass the way I’m doing, but it’s easy to imagine this thick, creamy and inoffensive example would make an OK – if nutty – cup of coffee.

Australian supermarket vegan milk taste test: one soy is gold-standard, all almond milks are watery (9)

Vitasoy Soy Milky Regular 1 litre, $2.45

Score: 5.5/10

While “milky” is a perfectly ambiguous way of describing this entry’s off-white colour and pleasingly creamy, mouth-coating texture, there’s something decidedly un-milky about the unusual dusty aftertaste I experience. Even in my small sample size, there are better soy milks available for less.


Almond milk, overall, tasted to me like a great choice for anyone keen to not only avoid dairy, but to never be reminded of it again.

Australian supermarket vegan milk taste test: one soy is gold-standard, all almond milks are watery (10)

So Good Almond Original 1 litre, $2.90

Score: 4/10

So Good performed well in the oat stakes, but their almond entry manages to be at once strikingly sweet, powerfully nutty and insipidly watery. It’s almost a scientific marvel that something can taste so overwhelmingly of almonds without managing to capture any of their creaminess. Recommended only for people who love the flavour of almonds but hate eating almonds. More “almond water” than “almond milk”.

Australian supermarket vegan milk taste test: one soy is gold-standard, all almond milks are watery (11)

Vitasoy Almond Milky 1 litre, $3

Score: 3/10

If calling this “milky” was a legal ploy to separate themselves from milk, it was unnecessary; one taste and the word “milk” is far, far from the mind. This almond effort might indeed look “milky”, but it tastes only like faintly nutty water, with an aroma and texture to match.

Australian supermarket vegan milk taste test: one soy is gold-standard, all almond milks are watery (12)

Pure Harvest Organic Almond Original 1 litre, $3.60

Score: 2/10

The gently pink liquid that emerges from this carton hints at something medicinal rather than milky, but ultimately this Australian-owned alternative milk – like all its almond compatriots – tastes to me entirely of water.

Australian supermarket vegan milk taste test: one soy is gold-standard, all almond milks are watery (13)

Bonsoy Almond Milk 1 litre, $4.80

Score: 1/10

Once again, Bonsoy fails to provide an easy-open cap, so once again, thanks to a fiddly battle with the spout of the carton, there’s milk on my hands and pants. Then again, the longer the packaging prevented me from tasting this thin, textureless, bland liquid, the happier I would have been.

Australian supermarket vegan milk taste test: one soy is gold-standard, all almond milks are watery (2024)


Australian supermarket vegan milk taste test: one soy is gold-standard, all almond milks are watery? ›

The test made a few things clear: soy milk, at its best, tastes closest to cow's milk. Oat tastes like a sweetly nutty cereal milk while almond tastes like the water left in your sink after washing the breakfast dishes.

Which vegan milk tastes closest to real milk? ›

The demand for soy milk comes from its creamy texture and slightly nutty flavor, making it an excellent cooking and baking ingredient. It's the closest drink that resembles cow's milk, per a taste test and online public sentiment.

Why can't vegans drink almond milk? ›

When Is Almond Milk Not Vegan? While almond milk typically contains no animal products, its commercial production does require the use of animals and is worth noting. Some people don't consider commercial almond milk vegan because bees contribute to the production process.

Why does almond milk have a weird taste? ›

The reason for this distinct taste boils down to the type of almond that is made. Whilst latte-friendly almond milks are made with American almonds, an almond drink is made with Chinese sweet almonds. In fact, to call them almonds may be a misnomer, since they are actually apricot seeds!

Which vegan milk is thicker? ›

A major benefit of drinking pea milk is that it's nut-free for those allergic to soy or nut-based milk. Pea milk is thicker than other plant-based milk alternatives and has a mild, toasty flavor.

What is the tastiest vegan milk? ›

We're sure you'll find one you enjoy.
  1. #1 Soya Plain Milk. Alpro. 🇫🇷 ...
  2. #2 Oat Drink Barista Edition. OATLY. 🇸🇪 ...
  3. #3 Barista Soya Milk. Alpro. 🇫🇷 ...
  4. #4 Oat Drink. OATLY. ...
  5. #5 Leche de Cacahuate sabor Vainilla Caramel. Vívet. ...
  6. #6 Bebida de Almendra sabor Chocolate. Silk. ...
  7. #7 Vrink Chocolate de Almendras. Vrink. ...
  8. #8 Bevanda al Cocco Original. Alpro.

Which almond milk taste like cow milk? ›

Silk's dairy-free milk line ranges in bases and flavors—from vanilla almond milk to protein-packed chocolate soy milk! Their newest innovation? Vegan milk that tastes exactly like traditional cow's milk.

Why shouldn't you drink almond milk? ›

"The biggest drawback to almond milk is that, in most cases, it's not a great source of protein, though the amount varies significantly from brands ranging from as low as 1 gram to as high as 5 grams per cup," shares Sarah Anzlovar, M.S., RDN, LDN, a registered dietitian and owner of Sarah Gold Nutrition, LLC.

Why is almond milk controversial? ›

Many have questioned whether the plant-based alternative is really that good for the environment, and that's largely because almonds are a very, very thirsty crop. Just one small almond, grown in California, has a water footprint of around 3.2 gallons, according to one 2017 study.

Why shouldn't vegans eat almonds? ›

For a long time, a staple like almonds have been a reliable source of nutrition for anyone on a plant-based diet. However, with recent surges in global popularity and demand for almonds for products like almond milk have seen the introduction of farmed bees in order to pollinate almond farms.

Why is almond milk so watery? ›

Here, using the right amount of water will affect the consistency of the final product. Too much water and your almond milk will be more like almond water; too little and you might as well be drinking an almond smoothie.

Why does almond milk make me feel weird? ›

IgG antibodies react to the almonds, causing inflammation in the body that then can cause unwanted symptoms like bloating or cramps. Almond sensitivity symptoms can also be discovered by those that are lactose intolerant or gluten intolerant.

Why does almond milk go bad in 7 days? ›

Store-bought almond milk has preservatives. These make it last longer. In contrast, homemade almond milk lacks these added preservatives. Hence, it goes bad quickly, often within a week.

What is the creamiest vegan milk? ›

Oat milk is perhaps the creamiest of all the plant milks. Its thick creamy texture means it's one of the closest plant-based milks to resemble dairy milk. Oat milk is quickly becoming a favorite non-dairy alternative to milk with popular brands like Oatly disrupting the traditional milk industry.

What is the closest vegan milk to real milk? ›

Soy milk is most comparable to cow's milk from a protein standpoint. Soy milk is fortified with calcium and vitamin D. While other plant-based milks may contain added calcium and vitamin D, soy milk is most likely to be fortified with these nutrients.

How to make vegan milk taste better? ›

I usually make almond milk, but I also make cashew milk and oat milk sometimes. I soak the nuts or oats overnight, then blend them with water and a bit of sweetness like dates or maple syrup. I strain the milk using a cheesecloth or nut milk bag, and voila!

Which plant-based milk is similar to milk? ›

Oat Milk

Oat milk is naturally sweet and mild in flavor. It can be used in cooking in the same way as cow's milk, and tastes great with cereal or in smoothies. One cup (240 ml) contains 140–170 calories, 4.5–5 grams of fat, 2.5–5 grams of protein and 19–29 grams of carbohydrates (27, 28).

What milk is most similar to human milk? ›

Goat's milk, by nature, is closer to human breast milk than cow's milk or soy, which means less processing and more natural goodness. It is high in oligosaccharides, similar in protein levels to human breastmilk, and is low in lactose, which makes it perfect for babies and toddlers with sensitive tummies.

Does oat milk taste like regular milk? ›

Oat milk is slightly sweet, without the almost sour taste that steamed cow's milk sometimes takes on. It has just enough oaty flavor to be recognizable but not so much as to be off-putting or clash with coffee's natural acidity.

What is the most creamy vegan milk? ›

Oat milk is perhaps the creamiest of all the plant milks. Its thick creamy texture means it's one of the closest plant-based milks to resemble dairy milk.

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.