Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (2024)

Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (1)With the Corona virus on the loose and a lot of us out here wondering what that will mean to us personally: What can you do to keep busy, and possibly, create something that could help at home?Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (2)
I have been aware of this virus since it emerged. I’ve kept up on the subject as best I can, and it’s scary. For those who don’t want to deal with the possibilities that a lot of epidemiologists and statisticians have been reporting on over the past few months, stop reading here. I’m not out to argue with you.

Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (3)

For me: My family has a history of incredible hardship. From the Great Depression (that my grandparents faced), further back to the Donner Party (yes, THAT Donner Party… although we were the eatees not the eators), and most recently: round after round of strep throat with my kids (and because I would catch it, it caused me to have two separate pulmonary embolisms.) We finally gave up and had my kid’s tonsils out. We’ve all had great health since.

Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (4)

Since we have this background, and also because most of my family were farmers: we have a history of keeping a deep pantry. We have knowledge and practice in gardening and home canning and we always have home remedies on hand. Whether this recipe is going to help with this new issue: I can’t guarantee, but at least it won’t hurt. My family has learned over time, that you can help yourself to a certain degree, but for some of the more serious things: there is only western medical help that will save your life.

Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (5)
Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (6)

Fire cider is something I’ve been aware of for approximately ten years. It’s some potent stuff, and my family turns to it when there’s illness in our home. I started my home remedy journey with this fantastic book: Natural Health, Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine by Andrew Chevallier I have been using this as my “home remedy Bible” for a long time.Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (7)You can get it here: Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine

There are things we’ve needed hospitals for, too. So, if you’re sick, get help. If you are wanting to boost your immunity or are feeling the beginning of a cold, add this, maybe it will help.

Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (8)

A lot of these recipes call for raw, fresh horseradish. My grocer sometimes carries these roots, but they’re big and expensive. I don’t feel like wasting money on something fresh if I can buy it jarred, and use as I need it. I added the jarred horseradish to my fire cider.

I don’t grow horseradish because it’s a brute and will take over, and I don’t need a giant root from the store that I would only reasonably use, at most, a quarter of. This will work just fine.

You can also find some things that the home remedy populous relies on: warming spices from Aryuvedic medicine, homemade elderberry syrup/sambucus, oil of oregano, mushroom complex, Monolaurin, colostrum and homemade Fire Cider. Those are the more popular ideas for immune help, but of course: there are all sorts of things you can try. Feel your way through this and do your own research, if your spidey reflexes are tingling: follow your inner “knowing”. You are the best person to decide what you should do, for you and yours. It is a deeply personal decision that you can choose to make for your family.

Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (9)

I am not implying that this will cure you. From what I have heard: we have no immunity for what is coming and it is traveling at an exponential rate. So, this is my family’s last ditch effort to make us as prepared as I feel we can be.

Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (10)

How to make Fire Cider:

Your base will be apple cider vinegar. My mother had a friend who drank pickle juice every day and swore that was why he never got sick. I think we’re working on the same premise here. Adding an acid to the gut that is full of spices, oils, vitamins and prebiotics. On top of the vinegar, we will be fermenting some things.

If you want to add a vinegar “mother”, it can be added directly to this recipe at the bottom of the jar, or add just the liquid vinegar from a jar with the mother in it. They are both inoculated with the same thing. I used a half gallon of cheap apple cider vinegar and added some Bragg’s vinegar, on top, that has the mother in it.

Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (11)

I have made fermented foods before and the idea of putting something on your counter, for a couple of weeks, to grow good bacteria (etc) is a little nerve-racking your first time through. I’ve had great experiences with home ferments, after overcoming my initial fears.

Here are some of the fermented things I’ve made, before, from other websites (these are things that I really recommend trying): Emergency Kimchi (I let mine ferment on the counter only 1 to 2 days and then finish it in the refrigerator, which gives you more of a fresh salad than an overly fermented sour flavor. I also use Chinese/Napa cabbage instead of green cabbage.) and this Lacto Fermented Salsa (again, I only ferment on the counter for a couple of days, until it starts to bubble, and then move it to the refrigerator. That way it continues to ferment at a slower pace. This gives it a fresh taste rather than a “wine” like flavor that can develop if you leave it out longer.) Both of these recipes are great ways to start into the world of fermentation. They aren’t a big shift in taste and you can ease your taste buds (and your digestive system) into longer ferments.

Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (12)
Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (13)

Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (14)

Other additions that are commonly used are whole cut up lemons and oranges. You are putting into this ferment what Aryuvedic medicine (practiced in India, and other regions) considers to be “warming” spices. The W.H.O. (World Health Organization) has said when western medicine is unavailable, aryuvedic medicine is recognized as a valid source for health care in the countries that practice it.

Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (15)

So what are these “warming” spices? Any of these can be added: Cinnamon, allspice, ginger, nutmeg, chilies/hot peppers, black peppercorns, cinnamon, mace, nutmeg, cloves, coriander and cumin seeds, mustard, cayenne, garlic, and horseradish, ginger, turmeric, allspice, cardamom, cloves and spice blends such as garam masala, Chinese five spice and curry powder.Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (16)About a week into the 4 week ferment. I did not put hot peppers in my kid’s ferment, since I’d never get them to take it if I did!

Another set of spices, this time from Europe, are also used commonly as both anti-viral and healing herbs. Some examples of these are: oregano, thyme, sage and rosemary. Oil of oregano is a powerful remedy for fungal infections etc, and I use it both internally and in my organic garden. This gives you a wide assortment of spices that you can use. You don’t need specific ones to be successful with this, use whatever you can find and afford.Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (17)In this tutorial, I’ll show you what I decided to use. This all melds and mellows as it sits, and develops a deep, pleasing flavor. People use this on their salads and in co*cktails. It really does turn out delicious even though the ingredients sound harsh.

Below I’ve linked to examples of tools etc for your convenience.

Fire Cider

  • Servings: 2 half gallon jars
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Print

Tools Needed:
Food processor With A Shredding Disk Or A Manual Grating Tool
Two Half Gallon Mason Jars With Rings
Two Glass Jelly Jars
Parchment Paper
Long Wooden Spoon
Large Funnel
Wax Paper
Seive or colander
Cotton sack cloth, nut milk bag or cheese cloth

1 White Onion Peeled And Roughly Chopped
16 Garlic Cloves, Peeled And Roughly Chopped
(Any Spices Used Below May Be Substituted As Either Fresh Or Dried In A 3 To 1 Ratio )
Large (Hand Length) Ginger Root: (Shredded, Use A Food Processor To Make It Quick. For Dried: Use 2-4 Tbsps)
Box Of Turmeric Roots: Shredded As Above. (For dried use 2-4 Tbsps)
1 Tbsps Prepared Horseradish
1/4 tsp Cracked Black Peppercorns
1 Tbsps Crushed Dried Cloves
1 Tbsps Cardamom
1 Tbsps Italian Spices Mix
3 or 4 Whole Cinnamon Sticks
1 Orange Unpeeled, Washed and Cut Up
1 Lemon Unpeeled, Washed and Cut Up
1 Half Gallon Of Apple Cider Vinegar Per Jar
About A 1/4 cup Of Vinegar With The Mother (Like Bragg’s Brand)
Honey To Taste (Local And Raw Are Ideal)

Add powdered spices, cloves and shredded ginger and turmeric to the bottom of the jar (eventually this won’t matter because you will be stirring the jar daily, but, it will keep the small fresh pieces from floating at the top of the jar, and possibly spoiling, if you layer it like this in the beginning.)
Add prepared horseradish
Add chopped onion and garlic
Add orange and lemon
Pour cider vinegar to fill each jar (minus the 1/4 cup of vinegar with the mother). Leave room to weight it with a jelly jar.
Add the vinegar that has the mother in it.
Float your jelly jar on the top of the ferment. Do not fill the jelly jar with anything.
Put a parchment paper cover across the large jar’s mouth and put the jar ring on and tighten it down.
Find a dark cool area to store your jars. I’ve got mine in a corner, on the kitchen counter, out of the way. Remove: ring, paper and jelly jar and stir daily for four weeks (replace jelly jar, paper and ring after each stirring.)

After 4 weeks: Take a cotton woven sack cloth, nut milk bag or several layers of cheese cloth and place it on the bottom of a large seive or colander. Put the cloth covered seive in a large bowl. Carefully pour the contents of the large jar through the seive. Allow to drain. Squeeze the rest of the juices out of the cloth-bound solids. Put the contents into a glass container (I just reused my Mason jars) Add honey to your taste preference. (Honey will make this more palatable for kids) Add a cover to the jar (because this is an acid, do not use a Mason jar lid unless you put a piece of wax paper between the lid and the contents of the jar, or your lid will rust) Place your fire cider in the refrigerator. Use within one year. If you have the cider turn into something that does not taste anything like what you start with, or if you notice mold growth: I would suggest getting rid of it. However: the vinegar should keep the cider’s small suspended solids from turning and refridgeration should keep the vinegar stable for extended periods of time. Honey is a preservative as well, and does not go bad. The small particles will sink and separate after sitting. You do not need to shake this to take it.
Dosage: (adults) work up to 1 Tbsps 2-3 times a day as a preventative (children) work up to 1 tsp 2-3 times a day as a preventative
Notes: start slowly with any fermented food. It can do a number on your gut if you ramp up the dose too quickly. This is also a good thing to remember with vinegar. Both can upset your stomach, so start slowly. Baby steps are best when you are trying to change your gut flora and acidity.

One of the reasons I make homemade remedies is that it is thought free, busy work. I can make something and stay in a place of creativity and calm. It’s also why I garden: it’s meditative. When the world gets yanked out from under you, there’s only so much fear and panic you can feed before it turns on you.

Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (18)

Another simple thing that you can do for your immune system is to take hot baths. Here’s a video link explaining the benefits of sauna or hot baths and the immune system (And yes, there’s science behind it.)

This was a bit of time where I had a small goal, and was able to accomplish it. It gave some meaning to the hours and days of quiet fear and anxiety. This may have zero effect on my family’s health, but it made me feel like I was doing something positive, and for that: it was worth the time to make it.

Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (19)

I have also made my own sambucus from freeze dried elderberries and honey. I’ll put that recipe up soon.

Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (20)

I am home with my husband and my children, creating moments that I hope we remember fondly because of our positivity, and focus on family strength and love. I hope you find ways to make this time of waiting meaningful and relaxing. I’ll be keeping everyone in my prayers.

How are you spending your days during this period of waiting? What is keeping you going? How are you creating positive experiences? Let me know in the comments below.

(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)

Fire Cider: Immunity Booster (2024)


Does fire cider boost the immune system? ›

Fire cider is an herbal tonic that's used to boost immunity, help with digestion, and warm you up on a cold day. The basic recipe combines horseradish with root vegetables, like ginger, garlic, and onions, which are then dissolved in apple cider vinegar. Hot peppers are added to make it fiery.

Can apple cider boost immune system? ›

The drink is highly concentrated in vitamin C and fibre, which are believed to boost immunity and ease the congestion that comes with a cold. There are various ways apple cider vinegar can boost your immunity. The fermented drink has beneficial bacteria and prebiotics that have a positive impact on the immune system.

Does fire cider have side effects? ›

Unfortunately, if you're not careful you can experience some nasty side effects from fire cider. Vinegar can erode your teeth, especially if you drink it straight. That's why it's best to dilute fire cider or other vinegars in water before drinking — we recommend about 8 ounces of water for every tablespoon of ACV.

Why did fire cider go out of business? ›

Much of Shire City's lifespan was consumed by a yearslong trademark dispute over the company's ownership of the term “Fire Cider.” Shire City filed for the trademark in 2012, inadvertently stoking the ire of the herbalist community, which claimed that the term was a generic descriptor for a traditional folk remedy and ...

How often should I take fire cider when sick? ›

Serving suggestions. Anecdotally, people usually take 1–2 tablespoons daily as an immune booster. However, people who find the tonic strong can dilute it in a glass of water. Some people may only take it if they feel a cold coming or to help warm themselves up during the winter season.

What is the best drink to boost immune system? ›

Here are six dietitian approved options:
  1. Drink your greens. Eating (or drinking) more fruit and veggies is a great way to support and strengthen your immune system. ...
  2. Honey and Lemon. ...
  3. Almond milk (with B12) ...
  4. Infused Water. ...
  5. Boosted smoothies. ...
  6. Ginger tea.

What will boost my immune system fast? ›

Focus on a balanced eating plan.

Aim for five to nine servings of vegetables and fruits daily to provide those immune-boosting vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. A serving of fruit is one medium piece of fresh fruit, 1 cup of berries or melon, or 1/2 cup of canned fruit packed in its own juice.

What vitamins to drink to boost immune system? ›

Consuming adequate amounts of several vitamins and minerals—including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, selenium, and zinc—is important for proper immune function, and clinical deficiencies of these nutrients weaken immunity and can increase susceptibility to infections [2,4,5,8-10].

What juice is best for immune system? ›

8 Immunity Boosting Juices to Improve your Health
  • Apple, carrot and Orange Juice.
  • Tomato and Carrot Juice.
  • Kale, Spinach and Lettuce Juice.
  • Orange and Grapefruit Juice.
  • Kale, Tomato and Cherry Juice.
  • Beet, Carrot, Ginger and Turmeric Juice.
  • Watermelon Juice.
  • Strawberry and Mango Juice.

Who shouldn't take fire cider? ›

If you have health issues like acid reflux or indigestion, this combination of ingredients is likely going to make it worse.” The possible side effects of drinking fire cider include: Indigestion: Spicy foods can wreak havoc on your stomach, particularly if you've got a sensitive digestive system.

Should fire cider be refrigerated? ›

Does Fire Cider Need to Be Refrigerated? The short answer is no. Your fire cider is well preserved in apple cider vinegar, and shelf stable. If you prefer to take the shots cold, refrigeration is an option, but not at all necessary.

Does fire cider help with mucus? ›

Not only does Fire Cider act as an immune boosting super tonic, it also works as a decongestant. With potent ingredients, Fire Cider helps move mucus in both the upper and lower respiratory tract. It can also be used as a gargle to soothe a sore throat.

Who sued over fire cider? ›

The next year, Shire City fired back with a trademark infringement lawsuit against Blue, Langlier, and Wildflower School of Botanical Medicine director Nicole Telkes and sought a declaratory judgment to validate its ownership of the Fire Cider name.

Why is it called fire cider? ›

Although the preparation has been used for hundreds of years, the name Fire Cider can be credited to Rosemary Gladstar , a well-known herbalist and educator. Gladstar coined the term back in the late 1970's because of the pungent plants in the recipe.

Does fire cider go bad? ›

It can be stored either at room temperature (just make sure it's in a cool, dark place away from the sun) or in the refrigerator. Fire cider should last about 6 months at room temperature and up to 1 year in the fridge. Before each use, give the fire cider a good shake.

Does fire cider help with flu? ›

Fire cider is a potent herbal tonic renowned for its immune-boosting and medicinal properties which can be used to prevent colds and flu.

Does charcoal boost immune system? ›

It helps promote a healthy digestive tract by removing toxins that cause allergic reactions, oxidative damage and poor immune system function. By removing the toxins from your system, it can reduce joint pain, increase energy and increase mental function.

Is fire cider good for lungs? ›

Allicin has an affinity for the lungs and digestive tract so it is useful in the prevention and treatment of respiratory infections like colds, flus, sinusitis, and bronchitis and digestive infections that involve unwanted microorganisms.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.