Guide to [Glory of the Hero] - 3.0.8 strats! (2024)

GLORY OF THE HERO GUIDE - Updated for 3.0.8

This is a guide for the [Glory of the Hero] Meta Achievement. Since 3.0.8, Blizzard fixed a LOT of ways to exploit bosses and achievements, so I'm writing a guide with the post 3.0.8 changes.

Achievements that have been nerfed on 3.0.8 (or before):
- On The Rocks
- Watch Him Die
- Make it Count
- Amber/Ruby Void
- Respect Your Elders
- Volunteer Work
- Volazj's Quick Demise
- Less-Rabi


[|--] = Easy, chances are you'll get it without even trying.
[||-] = Medium, needs a little working, but not a big hassle.
[|||] = Hard, needs some work, might take a few days depending on the achievement.
* = Requires a specific class/spec, or item.

I'm sorry if this all looks like a rainbow. [Consumption Junction] macro is from wowhead, rest is from my own head. I can provide screenshots if you need them!

Utgarde Keep
[On the Rocks] - Defeat Prince Keleseth without shattering any Frost Tombs.

Simple DPS race, you might want to bring in a second class who can heal in case the healer gets Frost Tombed. But it's usually not needed. Prior to 3.0.8, PvP trinket or the Human Racial Every Man for Himself worked to shatter the tombs, but if you use either now, you'll lose the achievement.

The Nexus
[Split Personality] - Defeat Grand Magus Telestra after having killed her images within 5 seconds of each other during both splits.

Just time the adds to die within 5 seconds of each other. The best way is having all the adds collapse on the tank and AoE them down. Remember the Frost (blue) mage won't die while it's casting her Blizzard, so you might want to interrupt it. 5 seconds is a lot longer than you think, but it's fairly easy if you work on it.

[Intense Cold] - Defeat Keristrasza without allowing Intense Cold to reach more than two stacks.

Just keep moving around while killing Keri. If you have difficulties moving around, jumping also works to not let Intense Cold stack. Having a Paladin/Priest to dispell Chains of Ice helps, but in case you don't, you can bring your PvP trinket to get rid of one chain.

[Chaos Theory] - Defeat Anomalus without destroying any Chaotic Rifts.


Easier than it looks. The group always need to stand at least 20 yards away from the tank, at all times. DPS him as normal. When he enters his Rift Phase, the entire party must fall back to not hit existing Rifts. DPS should kill the adds that get past the tank. If you have a Mage, Dampen Magic kills a lot of add damage, making it easier on your healer.

[Watch Him Die] - Defeat Krik'thir the Gatewatcher while Watcher Gashra, Watcher Narjil and Watcher Silthik are still alive.

The kiting strategy works with any healer, but you might want a Paladin since they can survive with Divine Shield. Rush to the boss, telling your tank to not use any AoE moves to draw aggro from the adds. Heal the tank until you get the aggro from all the adds. Then, the healer should rush to the entrance using anything to improve his movement speed (Swiftness Potions works wonders). The DPS should kill the boss as fast as they can, ignoring any adds. After the watchers and their adds are gone, you can use AoE moves to get the beetles away from the DPS. The RNG part consists of the Anub'ar Skirmisher mobs, since they focus on a specific target and are untaunteable while under the effects of the focus. It will require some luck to get all of them to focus on the healer, but once they do, you'll get the achievement easily.
(OBS.: There's a few people saying that this method doesn't work on 3.0.8, but what maks the boss despawn is making his beetles get past the room he's standing. Still works as long as you don't do that.)

[Hadronox Denied] - Defeat Hadronox before he webs the top doors and prevents more creatures from spawning.

Use a class with threat clearing moves (Vanish, Feign Death, Invisibility, or Shadowmeld works). Wait on the platform before the boss while said class pulls the first set of adds, then use it's ability. All the adds will despawn, except for Hadronox himself, so your group just needs to run down to Hadronox and kill it before the adds respawn.

[Gotta Go!] - Defeat Anub'arak in 2 minutes or less.

Once the hardest Heroic achievement out there, it was nerfed to 4 minutes, but the tooltip is still misleading. With a 4 minutes timer, you can get it even if you slack out on DPS or let someone die, but not a combination of both.

Ahn'Kahet: The Old Kingdom
[The Party's Over] - Defeat Prince Taldaram with less than 5 people.

No real trick to this one, just do it with 4 good people.

[Volazj's Quick Demise] - Defeat Herald Volazj in 2 minutes or less.
[|||] *

You'll want to bring a Paladin (non-tank spec) and a Warlock to this one. The easiest way is just to DPS it down so you can bring him to 33% before he finishes the first Insanity cast, then finish him before he casts the second Insanity. But with a Paladin and a Warlock, the DPS requirement gets a little better.
Tell your Warlock to Soulstone the Paladin, then DPS the boss as normal. Once he casts the first Insanity, the Paladin should use Divine Intervention on someone (better assign it to who has the most difficulty on dealing with Insanity). With the Paladin dead, and the other person encased on the DI, the 3 remaining party members will deal with only 2 adds each, making the Insanity much easier. The Paladin and the DI'd person must stay dead/on the DI until Volazj finishes the SECOND Insanity cast. Once it's done, use the Soulstone/release from the DI, finish Insanity, and just kill the boss.

[Respect Your Elders] - Defeat Elder Nadox without killing any Ahn'kahar Guardians.

3.0.8 fixed the strat to kite the boss to the entrance, but didn't fix the other way around, so now we're kiting the Guardians away from him!
You'll need someone to off-tank the guardians (doesn't need to be a proper tank, the guardians hit for around 500 on Plate; Pick someone who can heal himself and you'll be fine) and kite them away from the boss. Keep the boss where you engage him, and once a guardian spawns, the person assigned to "off-tank" picks up the Guardian and kite him away from the boss. You can go as far as the entrance, but it won't be needed to go so far away. The Immunity shield has a range of 100 yards. Once the second, and the third add spawns, the assigned person must come back to the boss and bring the adds far away again. The adds despawn once the boss dies.

[Volunteer Work] - Defeat Jedoga Shadowseeker without killing any Twilight Volunteers.
[||-] *

3.0.8 fixed the strategy to run away from the boss long enough to make her Enrage disappear before she reached the group. So, now, we're surviving the Enrage by bringing someone who can disarm (Warriors, with Disarm, or Rogues, with Dismantle). Disarming prevents her from using the Cyclone Strike attack, and decreases her damage for a good amount. A good tank is still needed, though.

Drak'tharon Keep
[Consumption Junction] - Defeat Trollgore before Consume reaches ten stacks.

The tank must be tanking the boss on the little corner between the left pillar and the stairs, while everyone must DPS away from him. The tank must watch the Consume stacks on Trollgore, and must warn the DPS and the healer to run away out of Trollgore's LOS.
This macro helps the tank to warn everyone, just hit it every time Trollgore gains a new stack of Consume:
/sw 10
/script Stopwatch_Play();
/rw === Cast consume, safe for 10 secs! ===
/in 10 /rw === Back out now! ===
Just tell everyone to follow this macro and the achievement will be done in no time.

[Better Off Dred] - Engage King Dred in Drak'Tharon Keep and slay 6 Drakkari Gutrippers or Drakkari Scytheclaw during his defeat.

You'll need a well-geared healer, since this achievement is hard on them. There's a total of 7 Raptors in his room, you'll need to pull them one by one while doing the boss. Just keep pulling while doing this boss. Marking each add also helps to distinguish them.

[Oh Novos!] - Defeat Novos the Summoner without allowing any undead minions to reach the floor.

In my opinion, the easiest Heroic achievement out there. Just leave someone with good AoE in the stairs to get rid of the adds.

The Violet Hold
[Defenseless] - Defeat Cyanigosa without using Defense Control Crystals and with Prison Seal Integrity at 100%.

Very, very easy, just like Oh Novos!. Just get a good tank and don't let any adds move to the door. You'll most likely get this one from your first Violet Hold run.

[Lockdown!] - Defeat Xevozz, Lavanthor, Ichoron, Zuramat the Obliterator, Erekem, and Moragg in The Violet Hold.

Solely dependant on luck, you'll get 2 of these bosses every reset. Might take as little as 3 days, and as long as your luck sucks. :P

[Dehydration] - Defeat Ichoron without allowing any Ichor Globules to merge.


Assign people to use the defense crystals once he shatters into globules. The crystals have a 6 seconds cast time, so time properly.

[A Void Dance] - Defeat Zuramat the Obliterator without killing any void sentries.

Very easy, just don't switch the DPS to the adds while under the effects of Void Shift. To be sure, don't use any kind of AoE moves while under the effects of the shift. Might need a good geared healer.

[What the Eck?] - Defeat Gal'darah while under the effects of Eck Residue.

The Eck Residue debuff is granted from Eck the Ferocious' Eck Spit ability. Kill Eck before Gal'darah, and stand in front of him to receive the debuff. The debuff has no type, last 1 hour, can be removed by Divine Shield/Ice Block/Cloak of Shadows, and is removed on death.

[Share the Love] - Defeat Gal'darah and have 5 unique party members get impaled throughout the fight.
[||-] *

You'll need 2 tanks for this achievement, since the current tank will never get impaled. Just be able to endure the boss long enough to get everyone impaled. Once the tank who's not currently tanking gets impaled, he must taunt Gal'darah and tank him until the first tank gets impaled.
(OBS.: This achievement is currently bugged, and may not award even when done right.)

[Less-rabi] - Defeat Moorabi while preventing him from transforming into a mammoth at any point during the encounter.
[|||] *

The hardest heroic achievement, after the Gotta Go! nerf. 3.0.8 killed the evade method, and the cast time on his transformer gets faster and faster as his health goes down.
But, if you have a Shaman with 5/5 Reverberation, you won't even need Heroism to get this. Reverberation decreases the cooldown on Shocks to 5 seconds, and the cooldown on Transformation is 5 seconds.
Interrupt him normally until 50%, then after 50%, the Shaman must take out on the interrupts and use Earth Shock every time it's up. That will interrupt him every time without fail, even if you can't see the cast bar. The only thing that can mess up the achievement, with that strategy, is a stun with bad luck.

[Snakes. Why'd It Have To Be Snakes?] - Defeat Slad'ran without getting snake wrapped.

This achievement is not group-wide, so if you don't get wrapped, you'll get it. Since 3.0.8 fixed the kiting method, it's solely dependant on people killing the Constrict Snakes before they get to you.

Halls of Stone
[Good Grief] - Defeat the Maiden of Grief in 1 minute or less.

Very easy, basic DPS race. To avoid the Shock of Sorrow ability, just stand on one of her Void Zones when she casts the Shock of Sorrow ability (it has a 4 second cast time, so plenty of time to move) and the damage from the Void Zone will break the incapacitate.

[Brann Spankin' New] - Defeat the Tribunal of Ages encounter without allowing Brann Bronzebeard to take any damage.

Another very easy achievement. Tank the wave of adds by the entrance opposite of where Brann stands. This achievement is more of a tank check than anything. As long as the adds don't get near Brann to engage him in combat, he also won't take damage from the lasers from the defending statues.

[Abuse the Ooze] - Defeat Sjonnir the Ironshaper and kill 5 Iron Sludges during the encounter.

The Iron Sludges are the slime mobs that spawn once 2 oozes merge, not the small, easily killable oozes. The boss starts spawning Oozes at 50% and stops doing it at 25%, so DPS him down until 50% and stop the DPS. You only need 2 oozes to meet each other to merge and create an Iron Sludge, so you are free to kill the excess of Oozes. You're better doing that since the Iron Sludges got a hard-hitting Poison Volley attack, and having more than 2 up at a time will most likely kill you very fast.

Halls of Lightning
[Timely Death] - Defeat Loken in 2 minutes or less.

Easily doable as long as your group is not made of retarded mouthbreathers. The only challenge is not wiping to the Lightning Nova. The DPS can slack a lot since you'll need a paltry 1800 DPS between everyone to get the achievement.

[Lightning Struck] - Defeat General Bjarngrim while he has a Temporary Electrical Charge.

Another easy achievement. The boss gets an Electrical charge every time he stands on a platform, so all you need to do is clear 1-2 and wait for him. The Electrical charge increases his damage done by 30%, so you might want a decently geared tank. Just kill the adds before the boss.

[Shatter Resistant] - Defeat Volkhan without allowing him to shatter more than 4 Brittle Golems.

Another DPS race. He shatters adds once they're dead, and summons 2 at a time. Since adds don't have an aggro table, simply ignore them and DPS the boss. Another achievement that you'll likely get without even knowing it exists.

The Culling of Stratholme
[The Culling of Time] - Defeat the Infinite Corruptor in The Culling of Stratholme.

Basically you need to finish the timed event. Easily doable unless your entire group is decked out in fresh 80 blues.

[Zombiefest!] - Kill 100 Risen Zombies in 1 minute in The Culling of Stratholme.

On the first area, a total of 85 Zombies spawn at all times, so you can't finish this achievement by only killing all of them. The zombies stop respawning once the second boss (Salramm the Fleshcrafter) is slain, so you'll clear the instance as normal until the second boss spawns.
Once that happens, you should kite him till the Town Hall inn, and once you're there, count 2 minutes after all the zombies you brought there died, to give them time to respawn. Then, kill the boss and proceed as normal until you've killed the third boss.
Once there, you'll need to divide yourselves in 2 groups: 2 DPSers to kill the zombies on the first section, and the tank, healer and another DPS to the gauntlet part. Coordinate yourselves to start killing at the same time, and just kill every zombie you see.

Utgarde Pinnacle
[The Incredible Hulk] - Force Svala Sorrowgrave to kill a Scourge Hulk.

Scourge Hulks are the abomination trash before Svala. There's 2 of them on her room, you'll need to pull them to her platform whenever she casts her sacrificing ritual. Keep the abomination there until the sword hits it.

[My Girl Loves to Skadi All the Time] - Defeat Skadi the Ruthless after having killed Grauf from 100% to dead in a single pass.

You'll need to throw 5 harpoons at Skadi's mount to achieve this. The easiest way is to do the gauntlet once, loot 5 Harpoons, then leave the gauntlet room to reset the event. The harpoons won't disappear. Then, just do it again and throw them all.

[Lodi Dodi We Loves the Skadi] - Defeat Skadi the Ruthless within 3 minutes of starting the gauntlet event.

The same method from the other Skadi achievement works here. Get 5 harpoons, reset, and kills adds. An AoE tank (DK or Paladin) is recommended for a faster killing.

[King's Bane] Defeat King Ymiron without anyone in the party triggering Bane.
[|--] *

Very easy if you got good DPS. He casts Bane 20 seconds into each boat phase, so as long as you can take out 20% of his health every 20 seconds, you'll be fine.
In case you don't, simply bring a Warlock and tell him to throw his Felhunter at Ymiron, with Devour Magic on autocast. It will dispell Bane automatically each time he casts it.

The Oculus
[Experienced Drake Rider] - On three different visits to The Oculus, get credit for defeating Ley-Guardian Eregos while riding an Amber, Emerald, and Ruby drake.

Very easy, just run Oculus on 3 different resets with all the drakes.
(OBS.: If you die during the Eregos encounter, you won't get credit for any drakes.)

[Make it Count] - Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos within 20 minutes of Drakos the Interrogator's death.

You'll need a good group AOE group for this one, and everyone experienced with Drakes. The safest Drake composition is 1 Ruby, 2 Emeralds, and 2 Ambers. Chain pull everything, always watch if you have Drakes aggroing on you before on the second boss trash, and your Ambers should be on the ball to get Time Stops, if anything to stop trash.
Eregos should be the hardest part. Assign one Emerald to keep Nightmare Touch (the Thunderclap-esque skill) on Eregos all the time, and the other Emerald to heal everyone. The Ruby drake should keep Martyr as up as he can, and the 2 Ambers should juggle Time Stops and Temporal Rifts.

[Ruby Void] - Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos without anyone in your party using a Ruby Drake.

Since 3.0.8 nerfed the 5 Emerald kiting strat, bring 5 Ambers. Ventrilo will be needed for this. You'll need to coordinate Time Stops and Temporal Rifts so you can enter both Astral phases without spawning whelps.
Assign 3 players to use Time Stop in succession, and 1 Player to start the channeling on the Temporal Rift. On the engage, the assigned player to use Temporal Rift should start channeling, and everyone else must start nuking and using Time Stop in sucession.
Once his Temporal Rift has 10 charges, he calls everyone to start channeling their Temporal Rifts, while he nukes with Shock Lance. When Shock Lance hits, it will deal a lot of damage and make everyone's Rift charges go up to 10. Then, the assigned player should rechannel Temporal Rift and everyone else nuke, rinsing and repeating until he enters his Astral phase. This technique is called Rift Juggling.
Time Stop has diminishing returns, lasting 10 seconds, then 6, then 3, then Eregos goes immune. You'll need to assign players to use Time Stop to prevent him from spawning whelps and doing damage to everyone, since everyone is pretty much tanking the boss.

[Emerald Void] - Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos without anyone in your party using an Emerald Drake.

If you do the 5 Amber strategy explained on the [Ruby Void] achievement, you'll also achieve [Emerald Void] on the same kill.

[Amber Void] - Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos without anyone in your party using an Amber Drake.

The safest bet for this one, with the 5 Emerald kiting nerf, is bring in 3 Rubies and 2 Emeralds. Much easier than getting Ruby/Emerald Void, since you are free to use 2 drakes. Just juggle Martyrs and heals, while keeping Nightmare Touch up all the time. Should be really easy. Didn't classify this as easy since you actually need to not get Ambers for this one.

Last edited by Gihelle; 02-25-2009 at 10:31 PM.

Guide to [Glory of the Hero] - 3.0.8 strats! (1)

Guide to [Glory of the Hero] - 3.0.8 strats! (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.