How to Say Thank You & You're Welcome in English in 91 Ways (2024)

The English language can be pretty challenging, including even the simplest expressions, such as giving thanks. That’s because there are many ways to say thank you, and you're welcome in English.

Each of these phrases has its own subtle nuance, depending on whom you're speaking with or what kind of occasion you're acknowledging.

The context in which you use each expression is extremely important to make it appropriate. You wouldn't want to use an excessively familiar phrase among colleagues at work, for instance, because it would sound too casual. And on the other hand, if a family member said one of those phrases to you, it could sound overly formal and even disrespectful.

Because of this, sometimes it's easy to forget how to thank someone in English, or you might realize you need to brush up on your skills.

That’s why in this article, we’ll give you a multitude of different ways to say “thank you” and “you’re welcome” in English, explaining the context. These examples give you a basic idea of when to use each phrase - but practicing them will help you put them into action with ease.

The importance of thank you in English

Learning to say “thank you” and “you're welcome” in English is essential for social skills and for your success, whether you're a native speaker or not. Here’s why.

How to Say Thank You & You're Welcome in English in 91 Ways (1)

1. It’s important to show gratitude.

If someone does something for you or gives you a gift, it's natural to say "thank you." It doesn't matter how big or small whatever they did for you is. Saying "thank you" shows that you appreciate their efforts. Knowing different English expressions to say “thank you” will make it easier for you to express your gratitude and appreciation appropriately in any situation.

2. It’s polite.

Of course, “thank you” is one of the first phrases our parents taught us when we were little kids. Why? Well, because saying “thank you” is simply polite - and being polite is essential in most cultures.

Still, it's especially so in English-speaking countries. The more polite words and phrases you know, the better your English will sound.

3. It’s a social norm.

Saying “thank you” is a basic necessity, no matter where you live. There are definite social expectations for doing so, and breaking those expectations can sometimes lead to misunderstandings.

In some countries, not saying “thank you” in certain situations means being rude. And you definitely don’t want to come off as a rude person!

How to say thank you in English

So, how do you give thanks to someone in English? By saying “thank you!” This expression is used when:

  • someone gives you a gift;
  • compliments you; or
  • simply does something nice for you.

It’s also used in everyday situations, such as when the lady behind the counter hands you the change at the store.

A less formal way to say “thank you” in English is “thanks.” If you're expressing gratitude to someone you have a formal relationship with, such as your boss or the call center agent you’re talking to on the phone, then "thank you" is the polite way to do it. If you're thanking someone you know, such as a friend or your mum, the more informal version of "thanks" is the best option.

Here are 30+ ways to say thanks in English.

Thank you.Usually in a formal setting, but it can be used in a casual setting.
Thanks.In a casual setting, for example, to a friend.
Thank you very much.Emphasizes how thankful you are.
No, thank you.To politely decline something.
Okay, thank you.To agree to a solution or offer.
Thank you, my friend.To thank a friend.
Thanks a million.To thank someone very much in a casual way.
Thanks a ton.To thank someone very much in a casual way.
Thank you for everything.To thank someone for their effort.
Thank you, have a nice day.A polite way to end an exchange, for example, in an email or over the phone.
Thank you for your help.To thank someone for helping you.
Thank you for coming.To thank someone for attending an event.
Many thanks.Informal way to express thanks.
Thank you, sir.To thank someone you don’t know.
Thank you for your business.To thank a customer for doing business with you.
Thank you for the gift.To thank someone for a gift.
Thank you for listening.To thank someone for lending an ear.
Thanks in advance.To thank someone for something they will do for you.
Thank you for your service.To thank a service person, such as a waiter or call center rep.
Thank you for the ride.To thank someone for driving you, or to thank a taxidriver.
Thank you, brother.To thank your brother, or to thank someone who’s like a brother to you.
Thank you, cousin.To thank your cousin.
Thank you, sister.To thank your brother, or to thank someone who’s like a sister to you.
I’m so grateful.To express gratitude.
I appreciate it.To express appreciation.
I can’t thank you enough.To express deep gratitude.
That’s so kind of you.To thank someone for something they did for you that they didn’t have to do.
You’ve been a big help.To thank someone for their help.
I couldn’t have done it without you.To express appreciation for someone’s help.
Much appreciated.To casually express appreciation.
Much obliged.To express gratititude.
I really appreciate your help.To express appreciation.
I value your support.A formal way to express appreciation.
Accept my endless gratitude.A very formal way to express gratitude.
You’re a lifesaver!A casual way to say how much someone has helped you.
You shouldn’t have!To thank someone for something they did that you didn’t expect them to do.

How to say thank you in English formally

When you’re in a formal setting, such as in a business meeting or when talking to your boss, you want to be very careful with the language you’re using to express yourself. While expressing your gratitude is essential, if you do it in a way that is not appropriate for a formal setting, you might come across as unprofessional.

To help you avoid these awkward situations, we’ve come up with 10 ways to formally say thank you in English.

Thank you.General way to give thanks, appropriate in any situation.
Thank you very much.General way to give thanks, appropriate in any situation.
I sincerely appreciate your help.A formal way to express appreciation for someone’s help.
Please accept my deepest thanks.A very formal way to give thanks; mostly used in official written correspondence.
I appreciate your assistance.Used in a business setting to thank someone for their help.
Your assistance/work is sincerely appreciated.Used in a business setting to thank someone for their assistance or work.
Thank you for your time.Used in a business setting, for example, after a job interview.
Thank you for your feedback.Used in a business setting, for example, after someone provided valuable feedback.
Thank you for your consideration.Used in a business setting, for example, after being offered a job interview.
Thank you for your help.A formal way to thank someone for their help.

Ways to say thank you in casual English or English slang

How to Say Thank You & You're Welcome in English in 91 Ways (2)

Your English vocabulary can’t be complete unless you know a few useful expressions to say thank you in an informal setting. These expressions are used to express gratitude to friends, family members, or other people you have a casual relationship with. And if you’re looking for more American English slang expressions, we’ve got 321 of them right here.

Here are a few different casual thank you phrases and their contexts.

EnglishContextCountry of use
Thanks.A casual way to give thanks.All
Many thanks!A casual way to give thanks.All
Thanks a ton.A casual way to give thanks.All
Thanks a million.A casual way to give thanks.All
Thanks a bunch.A casual way to give thanks.All
Appreciate it.A casual way to express appreciation.All
You’re the best.To express gratitude for something someone did.All
Cheers.A casual way to give thanks in British or Australian English.England, Australia
Cheers, mate.A casual way to give thanks to a friend in British or Australian English.England, Australia
Ta muchly.Thank you very much in British slang.England
Chur.New Zealand’s slang word for “thank you”.New Zealand

Ways to say thank you in social media or messaging slang

Seeing a lot of THX, TY, and TGIF all over social media? Getting messages from your friends that look like an undecipherable code? Did you know that these are actually abbreviations of different “thank you” phrases?

If you didn’t, we understand! The older we get, the harder it becomes to keep up with the new social media and messaging abbreviations. But don’t despair! We’ve got you covered with this list of different ways to say “thank you” over the text.

EnglishContextCountry of use
Thanx / thnx / thxAn abbreviation of “thanksAll
TyAn abbreviation of “thank youAll
TytyMeaning “thank you, thank you”, as in thanking a crowd after giving a speech, but used in a textAll
FnxShort for “thanksAll
TysmAbbreviation of “thank you very muchEngland
TgifAbbreviation for “Thank God, it’s Friday!All
KthxAbbreviation for “ok, thanksAll
TyiaAbbreviation for “thank you in advanceAll
NtyAbbreviation for “no, thank youAll
TysvmAbbreviation for “thank you so very muchAll
TyfeAbbreviation for “thank you for everythingAll
TyfjAbbreviation for “thank you for joining”, used in gaming or virtual groupsAll

How to write a thank you note in English

In English-speaking countries, it’s customary - and polite - to send a thank-you note after receiving a gift. The same goes for showing appreciation for someone’s hospitality, such as when you stay in their home or enjoy a meal with them.

But how do you write a thank you note for different social situations? Here are some examples:

Example 1 - Business

Dear *name*,

Thank you so much for your time and valuable advice last week. I really appreciate everything you’ve done to help get this project moving forward.

*your name*

Example 2 - Thank you note to a friend or family member

Dear *name*,

How are you? I just wanted to say thanks so much for your help! I couldn’t have done this without you.

Love you,
*your name*

Example 3 - Thank you note for a gift

Dear *name*,

I received your gift. It’s lovely! Thank you so much for remembering my birthday. I truly appreciate it.

All the best,
*your name*

Example 4 - Thank you note for a teacher

Mrs./Mr. *name*,

With this short note, I wanted to thank you for your assistance and advice throughout the academic year. I’m truly grateful for such an amazing teacher.

Please accept my deepest thanks.

*your name*

Thanks pronunciation

Let's make pronouncing 'thanks' and 'thank you' a breeze! Correct pronunciation is key to sounding natural in English. For a visual demonstration and more tips, be sure to check out our video mini lesson on mastering 'thanks' pronunciation. Happy practicing!

Other words for grateful

When someone does something nice for you, it's a good idea to let them know you appreciate their efforts. The word "grateful" is one of the best ways to express your appreciation.

Here are seven different expressions and synonyms of gratitude and appreciation in English:

  • I am grateful to you.
  • I am indebted to you.
  • I’m obliged.
  • I’m thankful.
  • I appreciate it.
  • I’m really appreciative of what you did.
  • I can't thank you enough.

How to Say Thank You & You're Welcome in English in 91 Ways (3)

How to say you’re welcome in English

In English, “you're welcome” means "you don't owe me anything for what I did" and is the polite way to reply when someone thanks you. Another way to phrase it is "no problem."

The correct way to spell it is “you’re welcome” or “you are welcome” without the contraction. The different spellings you might see on the internet (especially on social media and chats), such as your welcome or youre welcome, are incorrect.

Here are 20 ways to say you’re welcome in English.

You’re welcome.Both formal and informal
You’re very welcome.Formal
No problem.Informal
No worries.Informal
Of course, no problem.Both formal and informal
My pleasure.Both formal and informal
Don’t mention it.Informal
Sure thing.Informal
Happy to help.Both formal and informal
You got it!Informal
Not a problem.Informal
Don’t give it a second thought.Informal
The pleasure is all mine.Formal
Glad I could be of assistance.Formal, business setting
It was nothing.Slightly casual
No thanks are necessary.Formal, business setting
Certainly.Formal, business setting
Always glad to help.Formal

Learn to say thank you in English with songs

Songs are a great way to memorize new vocabulary! They are catchy, fun, and can brighten your day. Plus, dedicating a song to someone who’s truly important to you can be an excellent way to express your gratitude to them.

Here are a few songs in English that you can use to express gratitude:

Thank you for reading!

If you’ve come this far - congrats! With 90+ expressions to say thank you, and you’re welcome in English, you’re now prepared to appropriately express your gratitude and give thanks in any social situation.

We hope that this blog article was truly helpful to you, and we’re grateful that you took the time to read it.

If you enjoyed this article, then remember to check out more English blog vocabulary lessons on our learn English blog.

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How to Say Thank You & You're Welcome in English in 91 Ways (2024)


How do you say thank you and your welcome? ›

Alternatives to “You're welcome”
  1. Don't even mention it. Thanks for the green tea latte! ...
  2. My pleasure. Thank you so much for giving me a lift. ...
  3. Sure, thing. ...
  4. Oh, it was nothing! ...
  5. You're most welcome. ...
  6. Happy to help. / Glad to help. ...
  7. The pleasure's mine. ...
  8. I'm glad to be of assistance.

What should I reply to you're welcome? ›

Just smile. Or you could double down on your gratitude by saying,” I (really) appreciate it. I'm assuming you expressed gratitude and that resulted in “You're welcome.” I always say “Thank you.” This is because of lack of words to respond to the call and also as a sign I'm grateful for the person welcoming me.

How do you say thank you 100 ways? ›

Any time that you feel grateful to another person, consider these general remarks:
  1. Thank you for your time.
  2. Thank you so much.
  3. Please accept my gratitude.
  4. Thank you for everything.
  5. Thank you very much.
Apr 9, 2024

What is a good way to say you're welcome? ›

How to say you're welcome in English
You're very welcome.Formal
No problem.Informal
No worries.Informal
Of course, no problem.Both formal and informal
16 more rows
Mar 28, 2022

What is the best reply for "thank you"? ›

8 Responses to “Thank You” That Mean (Even) More Than “You're Welcome”
  • “Happy to!” Delighting someone else is one of the great pleasures of being human. ...
  • “It was my pleasure.” ...
  • “I'm so glad you liked it!” ...
  • “I'm so glad it was helpful!” ...
  • “Of course!” ...
  • “It's an honor!” ...
  • “Any time!” ...
  • “You're most welcome.”
Dec 10, 2022

What is the best reply for welcome message? ›

Positive Response Examples
  • Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm excited to be a part of the team and look forward to contributing my skills and expertise in the coming months.
  • I appreciate the warm welcome and introduction! ...
  • Thanks for the kind welcome!

How to say you're welcome without saying it? ›

you're welcome
  1. forget it.
  2. it's nothing.
  3. my pleasure.
  4. no problem.
  5. no worries.
  6. not at all.
  7. you are welcome.

How do you humbly say you're welcome? ›

There is really no need.” “I'm happy to help out with whatever I can.” “It's good to know you're satisfied with the results.” “It's always a pleasure to support the team.”

How do you say thank you meaningfully? ›

Other ways to say thank you in any occasion
  1. I appreciate what you did.
  2. Thank you for thinking of me.
  3. Thank you for your time today.
  4. I value and respect your opinion.
  5. I am so thankful for what you did.
  6. I wanted to take the time to thank you.
  7. I really appreciate your help. Thank you.
  8. Your kind words warmed my heart.

How do you say you're welcome in words? ›

Informal ways to say 'you're welcome'

They include: don't mention it, it was nothing, sure thing, anytime, and no problem. For example, suppose your friend helped you fix a problem with your computer. Here is what the two of you might say: Thanks for all your help!

How do you say thank you in a wonderful way? ›

12 alternative ways to say thank you so much
  1. 1 “You're the best” ...
  2. 2 “I owe you” ...
  3. 3 “Many thanks” ...
  4. 4 “My warmest thanks” ...
  5. 5 “I can't thank you enough” ...
  6. 6 “You're a lifesaver” ...
  7. 7 “Thank you kindly” ...
  8. 8 “Much obliged”
May 22, 2023

How do you say thank you in 50 words? ›

All right, let's jump in to our ways to say “thank you” in English:
  1. “Thanks for… / Thank you for…”
  2. “Thanks a lot. Thank you so/very much.”
  3. “Thanks a million!”
  4. “Thanks in advance.”
  5. “I really appreciate it. I'm really grateful.”
  6. “That's very kind of you.”
  7. “It meant a lot to me.”
  8. “I can't thank you enough.”

What is the best thank you message? ›

Personal Thank-You Phrases
  • I am grateful for your support.
  • I appreciate you.
  • I appreciate your taking the time.
  • I value the insights and guidance you provide.
  • I wanted to thank you as soon as possible.
  • I truly appreciate the confidence you showed in me.
  • I very much appreciate your help.
  • It was very thoughtful of you.
Apr 7, 2024

How to reply for appreciation? ›

Thank you, I really appreciate it.” “Thank you for your kind words. It means a lot to me.” “I'm pleased to hear you say that.

Should you always say you're welcome after thank you? ›

For the record, 'you're welcome' is still by far the most common response, so there's absolutely nothing wrong with using it, but different responses do have slightly different meanings, so let's expand your vocabulary and knowledge of English by learning them.

What can I say instead of "thank you"? ›

Show Your Appreciation With 25 Other Ways To Say “Thank You”
  • I'm so grateful.
  • I appreciate it.
  • Thanks for your hard work on this.
  • I couldn't have done it without you.
  • I owe you one.
  • Much obliged.
  • Thanks for having my back.
  • Please accept my deepest gratitude.
Dec 9, 2021

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