Know the Difference Between a Cupcake and a Muffin | Theobroma (2024)

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It’s tough to tell the two apart, because cupcakes and muffins look similar in shape and size. They’re both sweet, irresistible and it’s hard to stop at just one! But there is a difference between the two, and no, it’s not just the frosting you find on cupcakes. Our in-house chef explains the real difference between a cupcake and a muffin so read on to find out.

What’s the difference between a cupcake and a muffin?

Very often, muffins are eaten for breakfast, but cupcakes are exclusively a dessert item. That’s because cupcakes are, well, mini cakes, and so they’re always sweet, creamy and soft. Muffins, on the other hand, can even be savory. You’ll find muffins with cheese, bacon, vegetables, dry fruits or fresh fruits.

When it comes to ingredients, cupcakes tend to be made with cake flour and butter, but muffins can be made with maida, whole wheat flour and vegetable oil. Another key muffin and cupcake difference lies in the way these baked goodies are prepared.

To make muffins, the dry ingredients are mixed together and then added to the wet ingredients. After a couple of quick stirs, you’ll get a thick, lumpy batter. For cupcakes, you have to add the ingredients one by one and whisk them thoroughly. You’ll end up with a fluffy batter that has a silky, smooth texture. The fluffy batter is what gives cupcakes their soft, spongy texture. Muffins, on the other hand, are moist and dense.

Another important difference between a cupcake and a muffin is that cupcakes tend to have more sugar and so they’re a lot sweeter than muffins. They also tend to be decorated with a variety of delicious frostings. Muffins, on the other hand, can come with a range of fillings like jam, chocolate, nuts or fruits. Muffins never have frosting on them, so it’s the quickest way to tell them apart from cupcakes.

Then there’s our red velvet cupcake, made with a cocoa and buttermilk sponge and topped with our signature cream cheese and lime juice frosting. For those who like fruity cupcakes, our vanilla & blueberry cupcake is perfect for you. It’s made with a vanilla sponge and topped with our in-house blueberry jam buttercream. They also come with interesting fillings, so bite into them for a tasty surprise!

Choco Hazelnut Cupcake

Theobroma offers a range of tasty cupcakes, bite-sized delights that satisfy your sweet tooth and uplift your mood. We offer a delectable chocolate cupcake covered in frosting made of pure chocolate; a chocolate & hazelnut cupcake made of moist chocolate sponge and topped with a homemade hazelnut buttercream frosting.

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Know the Difference Between a Cupcake and a Muffin | Theobroma (2024)


Know the Difference Between a Cupcake and a Muffin | Theobroma? ›

The fluffy batter is what gives cupcakes their soft, spongy texture. Muffins, on the other hand, are moist and dense. Another important difference between a cupcake and a muffin is that cupcakes tend to have more sugar and so they're a lot sweeter than muffins.

What is the difference between a cupcake and a muffin? ›

Texture: Cupcakes have a lighter and fluffier texture than muffins. While cupcake batters are soft and smooth, muffin batters are thicker, resulting in a denser texture, similar to bread.

What is the difference between a muffin case and a cupcake case? ›

Muffin Cases – A little larger than standard cupcake cases, these will accommodate a larger appetite. Size is around 55mm base x 33mm deep. Other non-standard cases are: Wraps – Very popular for muffins with not much decoration, if any, eg.

What do cupcakes and muffins have in common? ›

Cupcakes and muffins share similarities in their base ingredients of flour, sugar, and fat, but in many cases the commonalities end there. My husband's moniker "sugar muffin" assumes all cupcakes are sweeter than muffins. This is true — cupcakes have more sugar and fat (oil, butter, or dairy).

Are cupcake and muffin cups the same? ›

If you're wondering if a cupcake pan is the same as a muffin pan, the answer is yes! Though generally called muffin pans, they can be used to bake cupcakes, muffins and even savory items, like egg cups.

What's the difference between a cupcake and a cake? ›

The main difference between a cake and cupcake is the size. Cupcakes are much smaller, and meant to be consumed by one person whereas cakes are large and meant to be consumed by a group. Any cake can be turned into a cupcake by adjusting the ratio of ingredients, which is why they can be thought of as mini-cakes.

What is the difference between cupcakes and fairy cakes and muffins? ›

Cupcakes and fairy cakes are often made using the creaming method, with the sugar and butter mixed together, followed by the eggs then the flour. Muffins, on the other hand, are made with the dry ingredients combined separately to the wet ingredients before being mixed together.

What is the difference between a muffin and a cupcake without frosting? ›

Cupcake recipes generally have more sugar and fat (butter, oil, or dairy) than muffins and may include ingredients like whipped eggs or even mayo for texture. And yes, cupcakes almost always include frosting. Muffins, on the other hand, are typically mixed with the muffin method no matter their flavor.

What is the difference between a cupcake and mini muffin pan? ›

The size and shape of the pan come into play when choosing a muffin or cupcake pan. Mini muffin pans are fabulous for bite-sized snacks, while jumbo muffin pans are ideal for larger groups. Cupcake pans usually have 6 or 12 cups, while muffin pans typically have 6, 12, or 24 cups.

Are muffins healthier than cupcakes? ›

Cupcake recipes generally contain much higher levels of sugar and fat. This makes cupcakes sweeter, and juicier with finer crumbs. Muffins usually have fruit, nuts, and other ingredients mixed into the batter to compensate. Because of this, muffins are usually considered healthier than cupcakes.

What are the 2 main types of muffins? ›


There are two types of muffins: Standard (bread-like) or cake-like, each mixed using a different method and containing different proportions of fat and sugar to flour.

Are pancakes quick bread? ›

Muffins, coffeecakes, scones, and pancakes are examples of quick breads, that like their name implies, can be prepared quickly in a kitchen.

Why are cupcakes called cupcake? ›

Likewise, the name “cupcake” comes from how the recipe was measured: 1 cup butter, 2 cups sugar, 3 cups flour, and 4 eggs. Early cupcakes were baked in teacups or ramekins (small clay pots) before the invention of the multi-cup pans we use today. Hence, a cup of cake!

What's the difference between muffins and cupcakes? ›

Muffins have a thick batter that gives them a bread-like texture. They are either sweet or savory and have no frosting or icing. On the other hand, cupcakes have a light and fluffy texture. they are sweet and always have frosting or icing on top.

Can I use muffin cases for cupcakes? ›

Our recipes suggest you bake using muffin cases rather than dainty little fairy cake cases so that you get a more satisfying sponge. When filling your cupcake cases, only pour the batter until it is two thirds full… then stop! Overfilling leads to overflowing, so always leave some rising room for your cupcake sponge.

Can you ice a muffin? ›

Many muffin recipes come so close to the edge of actually being cake that I would not hesitate to think of them in that category. I think a little glaze is okay on a muffin (or some crystal sugar baked on top). But big dollops of frosting belong on cupcakes, not muffins.

What makes a muffin a muffin and not a cake? ›

Muffins have more or less all ingredients used in cakes but the proportion is different. There is more flour, more liquid, less sugar and fat in muffin batter. Most cakes need two or more eggs while muffins use only one. Baking powder is used for batter rise but yeast is never used in muffins.

Is a muffin healthier than a cupcake? ›

Cupcake recipes generally contain much higher levels of sugar and fat. This makes cupcakes sweeter, and juicier with finer crumbs. Muffins usually have fruit, nuts, and other ingredients mixed into the batter to compensate. Because of this, muffins are usually considered healthier than cupcakes.

What are the two main types of muffins? ›

There are two types of muffins: Standard (bread-like) or cake-like, each mixed using a different method and containing different proportions of fat and sugar to flour.

Why is a cupcake called a cupcake? ›

In previous centuries, before muffin tins were widely available, the cakes were often baked in individual pottery cups, ramekins, or molds and took their name from the cups they were baked in.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.