Noom Diet Review: Does This Weight Loss App Work? (2024)

Noom Diet Review: Does This Weight Loss App Work? (1)

Losing weight is often easier said than done. With traditional calorie counting and restrictive eating, it's hard to stick to the diets and programs we sign up for. Noom, the self-proclaimed "Weight Watchers for millennials," claims to be different.

Using a psychology-based approach, Noom aims to not only help you lose weight but also form healthy habits so you can reach your goals. But before you sign up and pay for a subscription, it's good to know more. Here's everything you might be curious about Noom, including its pros, cons, who should use the app and who shouldn't.

What is Noom?

Noom stepped onto the scene in 2008 and is now one of the most popular weight loss apps on the market. Despite claiming not to be a dieting app, Noom uses all the self-monitoring tools of traditional diets, like calorie deficits and food entry.

However, it's unique in a few key ways. Noom uses a psychology-based method that aims to help you make healthy eating choices and habit changes, all so you can reach your goals -- weight loss included. It's about a healthier lifestyle, not just fitting into your old jeans. The jeans are a bonus, but being healthy is the real goal.

With Noom, it's not just what you're eating; it's about learning healthy recipes and examining how you think about food. Noom seems more like a comprehensive wellness program that integrates diet, exercise and behavior. Now, this isn't a new concept -- Noom just packages and markets the tools better than other programs.

There aren't any studies that investigate Noom's effectiveness in comparison to other dieting apps. However, a study of 36,000 Noom users found that after nine months of using the app, 78% of participants lost weight, 23% of which lost more than 10% of their starting weight. That's not enough research to get a full picture, however. There's no data on how well people are able to maintain their new weight long-term, which is one of the biggest obstacles for dieters.

Noom Diet Review: Does This Weight Loss App Work? (2)

How does Noom work?

Noom considers itself a "lifestyle," not a diet app. While I partly agree with that, Noom's core goal is to help you lose weight.

When you sign up, you're asked a series of questions. They're a lot to get through, but if you answer them all, Noom has the best chance of personalizing your health plan to fit you and your goals. The questions start standard -- weight, height, gender -- then move into your goals and motivations. You then have the chance to set your weight loss goals and time frames, which impacts how many calories Noom advises you to eat during your program. (The more weight you aim to lose, the more of a calorie deficit you need to maintain.)

Note that regardless of your goal weight, Noom won't recommend a plan that is less than 1,200 calories per day for women and 1,400 calories for men. Based on online reviews, it's fairly common for Noom to recommend that bottom limit. However, 1,200 or 1,400 calories is far too low for most adults. For context, the US Food and Drug Administration only recommends such a low number of calories for ayoung child(and one that's not very active, at that).

Noom Diet Review: Does This Weight Loss App Work? (3)

What you get in the Noom app

  • Educational content. One of the ways Noom stands out is the educational content it offers. Instead of just helping you lose weight, it teaches you about nutrition and you're prompted to reflect on your motivations and goals.
  • Goal tracking. Most apps offer the option to set and track your goals. Noom also includes biometric tracking.
  • Virtual coaching.With the virtual coach from Noom, you can choose how often you want to interact with them. I like this flexibility because it allows you to decide how much support you need. Note, the coaching is through a chat function, not through phone or video calls.

Not surprisingly, Noom all comes down to what you eat. Noom categorizes food into three groups: green, yellow and red. Each color signifies the caloric density of the foods within the category. Foods in the green category have the lowest caloric density and the highest level of nutrients. Conversely, red food has the highest calories and the least nutrients, like cake or chips.

Noom recommends a breakdown of 30% green foods, 45% red foods and 25% red foods. I like this because it's more realistic than other apps. While it's suggesting that you eat fewer foods that fall in the red category, it isn't wholly restricting anything. Noom also has a pretty thorough list of recipes and their color breakdown. So if you're starting from scratch, you can meal prep from the app.

How much does Noom cost?

A monthly subscription to Noom starts at $70 a month, with discounts if you purchase multiple months at once. It's not the cheapest app on the market. In fact, there are free apps with some of the same features. That said, if you think you'll benefit from the coaching aspects and really want to learn more about living healthy, Noom might be worth that cost.

I should mention that, at least presently, Noom is altering its prices. I can't say how long this will last, but for the time being, you have the option to sign up for a lower price. Don't expect this trial price to last forever, though.

When I signed up, I was prompted to buy a three-month subscription -- which now costs $159. Even if you take advantage of the lower price tag at first, a three-month sign-on isn't preferable, especially since it was my only option on the screen. I tried to find an option for a month-by-month subscription package but couldn't find one. The trial is only seven days long; that's not a lot of time to decide if you like the app enough to pay a large sum of money.

After some digging (and already being subscribed for three months), I found that you can opt to buy Noom in "bulk" to cut costs. The monthly auto-renewing plan will be the most expensive option, but you can save some money by subscribingfor multiple months or even on an annual basis.

Benefits of Noom

Overall, there are a lot of good things about Noom that stood out to me. The app itself is user-friendly, and it's easy to sign up. Everything on the app is organized to make sense, and nothing is hard to find. If you didn't want to use any extra features offered, you could get by just using the home page.

Doesn't cut out food groups

A lot of diets out there rule out certain food groups. And while this might be an effective way to tip the scales in your favor, ultimately, it can lead to unhealthy eating habits. With Noom, no food groups are off-limits. Yes, food is categorized by calorie density, and there are recommendations attached to each section, but nothing is presented as untouchable. You have the flexibility and autonomy to eat what you want, even if Noom encourages you to eat less of those high-sugar or fatty foods.

Focuses on behavior, not just what you eat

In the end, it's all about losing weight. However, the journey Noom takes you on is more holistic than that. It's about more than just the foods you input into the tracker. Noom aims to help you establish healthy eating habits and break the bad ones. It also actively reinforces the fact that it's OK to slip or eat something just to indulge. Noom feels more like an understanding friend and less like a drill sergeant. This could help promote long-term weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.

You learn along the way

When I first opened my Noom app and saw all the lessons that awaited me, I was hesitant. However, the lessons were helpful, and I did learn a lot. The lessons and tips provided are integral to the Noom experience. When you use Noom, you're learning and truly thinking about the habits you have.

The lessons vary and are generally pretty quick. There's even an option to have the app read them to you. You'll start off pretty simple, covering things like caloric density and which foods are better for you. Then you'll pick up helpful insights like past dieting fads and debunked food myths you shouldn't believe.

Noom Diet Review: Does This Weight Loss App Work? (4)

Cons to consider before you sign up

It's still a diet app

For all of its benefits, you can't forget that Noom is a weight-loss app at its core. Unhealthy habits can still arise. In addition to calorie counting and food tracking, the app encourages you to weigh yourself each morning, another common dieting technique. It might seem harmless and even necessary to track progress, but it's also easy to fixate on and could lead to disordered eating.

Studies have shown that self-weighing can be connected to lower levels of self-esteem and lower body satisfaction. I'm not saying that weighing yourself each day means you'll definitely experience these things; it's just something to watch out for. The scale isn't the only representation of the process made.

Low calorie recommendations

Noom's low calorie recommendations are one of its most concerning cons. If you do sign up and receive a low calorie "budget," it's worth getting a second opinion from a trusted doctor, dietitian or nutritionist before you start restricting any foods.

It's not cheap

Another thing to consider is the price. Noom isn't cheap at $70 a month. Noom offers a lot more in terms of education than other programs, so if you're interested in a holistic approach to your health, then the price might not be that scary. For someone who just wants an app that tracks their steps and food intake, the advanced features Noom offers aren't likely worth the money.

It's virtual

If you thrive in the digital space, then this one won't phase you. But for those who like the accountability and relationship of a personal trainer or gym partner, the fact that Noom is virtual might be an issue. It's completely technology-dependent. You can register online, but everything else is on the app. So you're required to access and track everything on your phone or tablet.

The bottom line

I like Noom for its virtual coaching features and educational content. Yes, it's a dieting app, but if you commit to using Noom to its total capacity, then you'll get more than just weight loss. All in all, Noom is a potentially healthful app, but it will only work if you stick with it. Ultimately it's still on you to commit to healthy living; Noom can only do so much.

Who it's good for

  • People looking for more than just a dieting app. You'll like Noom's educational features that are geared towards a healthy lifestyle.
  • People who need a virtual coach to keep them on track.

Who won't love it

  • Anyone on a tight budget. Yes, some of the features are cool, but the cost is pretty high and the trial period is only seven days.
  • People who thrive in a face-to-face relationship.
  • People with a history of disordered eating. Noom's calorie and food tracking could trigger unhealthy habits.
Noom Diet Review: Does This Weight Loss App Work? (2024)


Noom Diet Review: Does This Weight Loss App Work? ›

I found the Noom diet made me more aware of what I was eating, but the fact that no foods are prohibited makes it feel less restrictive than other weight loss programs. Noom takes a different approach than many other weight loss programs, but ensure the platform is right for you before starting.

How effective is the Noom weight loss program? ›

Research into the Noom app

Another older piece of research found that out of 35,921 participants with overweight or obesity, 77.9% reported a reduction in their weight. This suggests that Noom is an effective tool for many people trying to lose weight.

What are the complaints about Noom? ›

Reviewers report billing issues in which Noom charged customers even when they canceled their subscriptions before the auto-renew period. In 2022, Noom faced a lawsuit for this exact reason—customers signed up for a “risk-free trial” but were charged fees despite canceling their subscription.

Why aren't I losing weight on Noom? ›

Restrictive Dieting Just Doesn't Work

Just like most weight loss programs, Noom relies on calorie counting, which often fails to sustain results long-term. When calories are restricted, the body's metabolism slows down as a natural response to conserve energy.

How long does it take to lose 10 pounds on Noom? ›

How to lose 10 pounds with Noom. To lose 10 pounds in 5 weeks, you need to maintain a calorie deficit to lose 2 pounds a week (which means you consume fewer calories than you burn).

What is the downside of Noom? ›

While Noom may be a good fit for some people, there are a few downsides. Most notably, Noom doesn't offer in-person interactions with coaches or other Noom members. The cost, concerns around low calorie goals, and potential pitfalls of food tracking are among other downsides of the program.

What do doctors say about Noom? ›

However, while Noom can serve you in the short term by helping you change your eating habits and practice mindful eating, some experts recommend against using weight-loss apps like Noom. "A strict diet protocol, or labeling foods in any way, isn't a healthy practice.

What is the controversy with Noom? ›

Some Noom users say the app's daily weigh-ins and calorie-tracking system are 'toxic' and triggered disordered eating. The weight-loss app Noom built its brand on acknowledging that "diets don't work." Former users say they were drawn to Noom's message, but the app triggered disordered eating.

How did Kelly Clarkson lose weight? ›

During an interview with “The View” host Whoopi Goldberg on Monday's “The Kelly Clarkson Show,” Clarkson admitted to taking a weight loss drug to lose weight. In January, Clarkson told People magazine that diet and exercise helped her slim down. She made no mention of weight loss drugs.

Does Noom work for over 50? ›

Noom for weight loss during menopause isn't about restricting or starving yourself. And if you're using Noom postmenopause, you'll follow the same approach. You'll learn how to make choices that are nutritionally rewarding, keep you feeling satisfied on fewer calories, and leave space for the foods you love.

What is the secret of the Noom diet? ›

Noom uses a system that separates "good" and "bad" foods by assigning colors to different edible treats. Each color signifies how much or how little you should eat to stay on track toward your goals.

Does everyone get 1200 calories on Noom? ›

Minimum Calorie Range

To keep your body functioning at its best, Noom won't let those who identify as female adjust their goal below 1,200-1,320 calories per day, those who identify as male below 1,400-1,540 calories per day, and those who don't choose to select a binary gender below 1,200-1,320 calories per day.

How long do most people use Noom? ›

The Noom plan is designed to last 16 weeks, but you're encouraged to buy up to twelve months at a time for weight loss and maintenance. To meet my goal of a 12-pound weight loss, my calorie budget was 1,250 calories a day for 16 weeks.

What is the average cost of Noom per month? ›

The average monthly cost of Noom varies depending on the plan length. While the monthly auto-renewing plan costs $70, a two-month plan costs $129. According to Noom, most people start with a four-month subscription, billed upfront as a four-month auto-renewing plan for $169.

Does Noom have a meal plan? ›

When signing up for the Noom Weight program, you have the option to add the Meal and Exercise Plans.

Is Noom worth it reviews? ›

Final Verdict of Our Noom Review

I, as someone who has also struggled with those things, can certainly see how Noom may not be the right fit for individuals with a history of disordered eating. However, for those who do not have such a history, Noom is likely to be an effective option for losing weight.

Can I lose 40 pounds on Noom? ›

'I Lost 40 Pounds On The Noom Diet And Have Maintained All My Healthy Habits 8 Months Later' "It taught me how to eat again." My name is Mary Leuthauser (@mamamar_getsfit), and I'm 30 years old and live in upstate New York as a mortgage account rep. I lost 40 pounds after discovering the Noom program.

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