Senran Persona: Ninjas of Hearts - Chapter 137 - UknownHero (2024)

Chapter Text

(10/5, Early Morning)

(Harajuku, Haruka’s Apartment)

“Observe, if you will, this slimy little denizen, neither fish nor fowl, perched right upon the top of the lapping brook. This...blob-like, repellent, BLECH of nature...” The narrator of a nature TV show soothingly stated, showing a slimy, little toad perching on top of a branch.

Haruka however groaned in frustration. “Tsumuji-chan, turn off the TV.” She soon ordered.

“Well, you’re clearly stressing about the fact that we haven't heard from the rest of Crimson Squad yet, so I thought it would help.” Tsumuji responded and explained.

“You think this is helping?” Haruka countered, emphasizing to the television.

“Evolution does not have a plan. It makes FREQUENT and CATASTROPHIC mistakes!” The TV narrator soothed and then declared.

Tsumuji grimaced. “Yeah, I should shut that off...” She muttered as she did as such with the remote.

“Dammit, they should’ve called by now.” Haruka muttered with a frown.

“Maybe they lost their phones in the escape?” Tsumuji assumed with a shrug.

All of them?” Haruka however questioned. “Unlikely. There must be something going on.” She soon stated with narrowed eyes.

“Would you like some milk tea with your breakfast to help calm your nerves?” Tsumuji offered.

“...And one of those buns you bought from the store yesterday.” Haruka quickly requested.

“Right away, Haruka-sama.” Tsumuji responded with a bow before heading into the kitchen to prepare the tea.

Haruka sighed as she leaned back in her seat...before turning the TV on again.

Everything has its part to play in the vast circle and panoply of nature...SAVE THE TOAD! WHICH MUST BE BLOTTED OUT AND SHOT INTO SPACE!” The TV narrator soothed and then declared once more, still showing the small toad on a branch.

Okay, actually, it was kind of calming in a weird way.

“Next up, we’re about to explore a thick, beautiful and phallic-like creature from the Hokkaido rivers that can secrete a white, viscous liquid that acts as a po-” The TV narrator soothingly introduced.

Immediately, Haruka flipped to another channel, which was titled AQUARIUMLive and showed a simple aquarium with fish inside. “Huh...this one’s new.” She muttered. “Tsumuji-chan, is the secondary base prepared for the worst case scenario?” She soon asked in a dead serious tone.

In response, the maid shinobi nodded with a loyal bow. “Hai, the cave base is prepared, Haruka-sama.” Tsumuji confirmed.

“Well, at least if things do get belly up, we have a place to go.” Haruka responded. “Although I’d rather not live in a cave. It would be far too much of a trip to visit darling.” She soon sighed out the confession.

“If things do go belly up, seeing him would probably put him in serious danger.” Tsumuji pointed out.

“Well, I have the feeling that wouldn’t stop him.” Haruka countered with a blush before frowning. “...Ugh, okay, it has been long enough. I need to call them.” She finally gave up and retrieved her phone.

“That could give them away.” Tsumuji however reminded in concern.

“I’m risking it. I don’t want to stay here worrying about this all day without knowing if they are still...” Haruka responded with a shake of her head before dialing one of Crimson Squad’s numbers. A minute passed with no one picking up, but then...


Hey, this is Murasaki! I’m probably working out or gaming right now so leave a message after the beep!”

“Dammit...” Haruka cursed, frowning. She tried the others soon afterwards, but still no dice. “Something is wrong. I know it.” She soon stated.

“If something did go wrong, shouldn’t there be Hebijo shinobi kicking down the door right about now?” Tsumuji however pointed out.

“Normally, it would be through the window, but yes. And that’s why I’m holding out for hope.” Haruka responded. “Come on, I need a sign that they’re all okay.” She then added.


And thus, a call came in that would soon become...a fate changer.

(Shibuya, Shin Megami Apartment Complex)

“Zzzzzzz~” The sisters snored out, cuddling each other in their usual nude embrace as they enjoyed their slumber on the bed.

“Zzzz...Dialga, send me back in time...and let me make everyone happy...Zzzz...” Asuka mumbed her request in her sleep.

“Zzzz...Kurenai Buster...Zzzz...Face my wrath evildoers...Zzzz...” Homura meanwhile declared in her sleep in a cutesy manner.

At that moment though...


The tan skinned girl's eyes struggled and eventually opened. “Ugh...I was having such a nice dream destroying evil monsters too.” Homura yawned as she got her phone. “This better not be Ryuji...Hello?” She muttered before asking after answering the call.

“Good accepts few. Evil accepts all.”

“Suzune-sensei?” Homura mumbled tiredly as she rubbed her eyes. “Why are you calling so early in the morning? I’m still working on-”

“Homura, I need you to listen carefully.” Her teacher interrupted in a serious tone.

“Eh?” Homura responded in a somewhat sleepy tone.

“A rather serious incident has occurred in Hebijo and it is of most importance that you think carefully about how you respond to my questions. You are being recorded.” Suzune warned.

“Huh?” Homura got out, getting her full attention now. “H-Hai, sensei. D-Does it require me to return to the academy?” She responded and soon asked.

“Your mission is too important for you to leave Tokyo, but you are on extremely thin ice right now.” Suzune sounded irritated.

The tan skinned girl nearly choked. Oh God, could it be that she was found out!? “What? Why? I’ve been sending the reports, even if there isn’t much to go off of. It’s more like a diary now more than anything else.” Homura soon asked and reminded. “Filled with lots of lies...” She mentally added.

“This isn’t about you, necessarily. It’s about Crim- your team.” Suzune answered.

“My team?” Homura got out in confusion. “What is it about my team? Are they hurt?” She then asked in concern.

“Yes, but not from a mission or training.” Suzune assured before letting out a sigh. Time to rip the band-aid off. “Last night, Hikage, Mirai, Yomi, and Murasaki betrayed the academy and are now in custody.” She soon revealed in a dead serious, no nonsense tone.





“THEY’RE WHAT!?” Homura screamed, waking up her well as the rest of the apartment complex.

(Hebijo Academy Remains, Private Quarters)

To say Hebijo was destroyed...was an understatement.

There wasn’t much left of the school, with many burnt-out husks of buildings and piles of ashes left. Not everything was gone, some buildings did survive (albeit barely for now), but as of right now...Hebijo Academy was no more.

All of it is now mostly covered in fields of unique purple and gold flowers.

Right now, Rin was currently in a far area inside the wreckage, taking a bath within a large and wide stone tub of water under a lit fire. Surrounding her, like everywhere else, were fields of unique purple and gold flowers as she was still on the phone, talking to the tan-skinned girl.


...Who now had the reaction time of a taco.

“Suzune-sensei, what do you mean my friends are in custody!?” Homura’s voice yelled out from her phone.

Rin in response sighed. “It's exactly what I said. Last night Hikage, Yomi, Mirai and Murasaki attempted to leave Hebijo by distracting everyone with firebomb planted around the surrounding forests, but then someone else went and activated the school's self-destruct system.” She soon explained.

Someone set it off!?” Homura shouted once more.

Rin sighed, wondering how she managed to pass the stealth exams while she heard someone else groan. “Ngh...Homu-neechan-MMPH!” They got out.

“D-DON’T LISTEN! S-Sorry about that. My, uh, roommate walked in.” The tan skinned girl tried to play off, not that it convinced the teacher. Did Homura get worse at lying...? “So um, yeah, about the uh...f*ck-” She then mustered, clearly trying to find the right words once more.

“Look, the fact that you’re flustered is a good thing.” Rin responded.

“Just...tell me. Are they...?” Homura began to ask.

“They are safe, if you're worried about that.” Rin responded, reassuring the tan-skinned girl. “Answer me honestly, Homura: did you know about their plans to leave before?” She then questioned with narrowed eyes.

No!” Homura responded. “I've been busy with my own mission, which may I remind you I have been sending the reports!” She then stated.

Rin however rolled her eyes. Her last report was about crepes and their health benefits. She was running out of lies. “From your tone of voice, I can tell that you were unaware. You do not need to defend yourself any further.” She responded and stated.

f*ck...” Homura swore out.

“However, I need to make sure you are not emotionally compromised.” Rin soon stated.

“Suzune-sensei...I...I don’t know what to say about this...” Homura confessed, clearly distressed. “How many-” She then started

“...We’re still getting the numbers, but it’s shockingly low.” Rin interrupted. “Almost every single person inside Hebijo grounds was injured, some of them have lethal ones, but luckily, thanks to Murasaki, everyone was able to make a full recovery.” She soon revealed.

“...W-What?” Homura got out in skeptic disbelief as she then recalled the last name mentioned. “Murasaki...? The infamous shut-in of Hebijo?” She then recalled in confusion.

“I’d say she isn’t anymore, but I don’t think she’ll be seeing the light of day for a good while.” Suzune muttered under her breath.

“...” Homura went silent, most likely attempting to stay her tongue. “...I have so many more questions...” She soon groaned.

“And we will answer them once we obtain the information.” Rin informed.

The school isn’t going to...” Homura started assuming.

“We’ll see, but you shouldn’t hold your breath.” Rin responded.

“So what am I supposed to do?” Homura soon asked.

“Continue your mission.” Rin answered.

Homura let out a relieved sigh before coughing, attempting to hide it. “S-Sorry. Toad my throat. Um, why sensei? Is there enough of Hebijo left standing to even take advantage of the mental shutdowns? Should I be more useful at school than outside it?” She soon asked.

“On the contrary, Hebijo needs that power more than ever if we wish to come back from this.” Rin stated, resisting the urge to groan in annoyance. “I had already informed Haruka about this and told her not to return either for the sake of her own mission.” Suzune then informed.

“U-Understood.” Homura responded with uneasiness clear in her voice.

Rin soon let out a sigh, and it wasn't just from the warm water she was in. “...Homura.” She then started.

Huh?” Homura got out in confusion.

“Whatever happens in the coming days, you need to keep fighting. No matter what happens.” Rin instructed in a comforting tone. “You are not alone. Even when things seem to be falling apart, there will always be a light to guide you out.” She soon stated.

“That’s...I...” Homura struggled to get out, obviously sounding surprised by those words. “I need to go to school...” She eventually managed to inform her.

“You better get ready then. The world does not stop even in the middle of tragedy.” Rin got out. “Keep yourself posted.” She then ordered.

“Y-Yes ma'am...” Homura responded.

And their call ended with a heavy note. She then threw her phone, where it landed perfectly and safely on the folded towel near her, before sinking lower into the simmering water, bubbles rising as she did so while her bust continued floating.

“So a single night...” Rin breathed out as she looked at the blue and cloudless sky with the sun shining down on them, which had not happened in a very long time.

Such a beautiful morning...after such a terrible night...

Well, for her at least. All the other teachers and students were either searching the debris or inside one of the few surviving buildings.

Rin did feel a little guilty that she was enjoying such a luxury in the aftermath of Hebijo's destruction, especially since she knew of the Crimson Squad’s plan to escape...until someone else decided to activate the self-destruct system and completely ruin it...

But, at the end of the day, she just wanted to be a little selfish for a bit before she had to dive back into the sh*tstorm.

“I might need another bath after that...” Rin couldn’t help but think in a flat manner. She soon checked the sun's position. “I should get out now...” She mumbled as she grabbed the edges of the tub and stood up from the heating water.


“I swear, if that f*cker Dōgen hears about this...or if he's involved somehow...” Rin muttered to herself as she got out of the tub, stretching her limbs and exposing her wet nude body out of the air.

"Suzune-san!" A male voice called out. "Suzune-san, are you here?" He then asked.

Rin turned and saw one of the only two male Hebijo faculty members, who was also one of her colleagues, approaching the area.

The male Hebijo teacher came near...until he slowed down at what he was now witnessing.

"Ah, Amahiko-san. You're here." Rin greeted as she faced him while twisting and squeezing her hair to wring the water out, not bothering about her nude state in front of the male Hebijo teacher.

The teacher now named Amahiko slightly blushed at the nude sight before recomposing himself. "My apologies, Suzune-san...I didn't notice you were taking a bath here." He calmly apologized with a bow.

"Don't worry, it's fine. You're part of Hebijo, so I don't really mind." Rin simply responded before taking her towel and rubbing her hair with it. "What is it that you want to tell me?” She soon questioned.

"Well, I was going to inform you that all students have finally been gathered for the...assembly.” Amahiko responded and informed with a composed manner, still sporting a slight blush on his face.


Still, he couldn't help but notice the bare buxom body of one of their powerful kunoichis in Hebijo. Just like every other female member in the school.

"Alright. Go ahead with the others." Rin responded while rubbing her whole body this time. "Let me put on some clothes and I'll be on my way to the others." She then informed.

"Of course. Be careful on the way back, Suzune-san." The male teacher replied with a bow before immediately leaving the area. He still also wondered why the majority of their female students have huge assets.

After all, he has been a Hebijo staff member for seven years, and somehow the voluptuousness of the students and staff members already grew on him for the most part.

Rin meanwhile sighed as she placed her hands on her bare hips while shaking her head. “Out of all the times for the Crimson Squad to pull...and who the hell activated the self-destruct system just as they were executing their escape?” She muttered and questioned with narrowed eyes before taking her clothes and underwear to proceed to the meeting with the entire Hebijo student body and staff.

She had a lot to explain to the students, especially since she knew others would attempt to cover-up what actually happened...

(Ruined Assembly Chamber)

The assembly chamber (or what was left of it) was crowded with students and makeshift tents. While they all looked fine, sleeping on charred grounds among all the flowers (or not getting any sleep at all) hadn’t exactly raised everyone’s spirits.


“That was hell last night..."

"Has anyone seen my roommate...? Anyone?"

“Right here! Damn shark trap...”

“These flowers smell heavenly...”

“At least you didn't fall into the poisonous slug pit...”

“That light did wonders for my skin. Look how smooth it is- OH sh*t!”


“ coccyx...”

“Like...Slip-Slip Fruit from One Piece smooth?”

Rin couldn’t help but feel sorry for all this. If she had just interfered sooner, if she actually helped, then maybe none of this would’ve happened.

Still, this wasn't the time to mope around and lament any failings. She had learned long ago it was better to use that time and energy to correct such things.

And her first task in doing so? Seeing the principal.

“Miyabi's father.” Rin thought, spotting the man as he observed the surviving students. “Speak of the devil...” She added in her head as she noticed a man among them while the students appeared to be fawning over him.

He shared many traits with his daughter, from the golden snake-like eyes, pale skin, and the short and spiky black and white hair (pre-Blood Riot)...but the most striking thing was how he was dressed, a sharp black business suit with a yellow tie that had the school's symbol on it and black dress shoes.

“Like father like daughter, I guess...” The teacher thought with a sigh. “Principal.” Rin spoke up as he approached him, prompting the man to turn around and see her.

“Suzune.” The principal got out, seeing the teaching kunoichi as he dismissed the fawning girls away.

“How is the situation right now?” Suzune asked him with crossed arms under her breasts.

“Bad.” The principal replied with crossed eyes while staring back at the female student body of Hebijo. “While everyone is perfectly healthy without injury, that will not last very long. Morale is quite low and cannot take care of everyone in the state we’re in.” He soon revealed.

“I take it that our medical supplies and food stores went up in flames?” Suzune assumed.

“Most of it. We managed to salvage about three days of food, if we ration it out.” The principal informed.

“That’s not a lot.” Suzune noted with a frown. And given how much a shinobi must do on a daily basis, especially while in training, they'd surely lose energy and muscle in a matter of hours.

“It almost makes you wish that there was a higher casualty count.” The principal sighed as he shook his head while pocketing his hands into his pant pockets.

“Yeah, you would say that.” Rin thought to herself in disgust. “Are you sending out some groups to grab supplies?” She soon assumed.

“Indeed. It should buy some time while we figure all this out." The principal responded with a nod before looking back at the destruction. “Our investors will not like any of this.” He then stated.

“They will likely pull out when they hear about this.” Suzune added. “Leave us to die while they save their own hides and bank accounts.” She then spat out, glaring at the sky.

“It’s unfortunately how the world works.” The man responded with a shrug.

“What are we going to do?” Suzune then asked.

“...We give them answers.” The principal replied after giving some thought.

Suzune raised an eyebrow to that. “Sir, how would telling them that we don't know who set off the self-destruct system help?” She questioned.

The principal said nothing as he began to execute his plan.

“!” Suzune’s eyes immediately widened as soon as he stepped onto the assembly stage.

“Ahem! Your attention, stat!” The principal ordered the student body, instantly causing everyone to dutifully take their assembly positions, drilled into them since their first days. “Good. It seems the events of last night have not burned away your responsibilities as Evil Shinobi.” He then started.

“Sir, yes, sir!”

“Good accepts few...” The principal then began.

“Evil accepts all!”

“Very good.” The principal encouraged. “Now then, last night was a tragic day in the history of our school. The ones responsible brought fire and destruction in an attempt to destroy what we have been working towards ever since Hebijo became a school for shinobi with nowhere left to go. However, they did not succeed in breaking our spirit.” He soon started revealing.

I dunno, I feel pretty broken...” One student mumbled.

“I will not mince words here. We are in a dire situation that is more troubling than what you see around you.” The principal soon confessed, causing some nervousness among the students. “This...this could very much be the beginning of something worse, something that could destroy us all. It was only by luck that all of you are here now. It was fortunate, but I cannot help but feel as though we have lost. We have survived, but it is nothing more than a pyrrhic victory.” He then stated.

“You call this anything close to a victory!?” Ryōbi suddenly called out, causing everyone to look at her and her twin sister as she was holding a familiar purple bear plushie.

“Ryōbi-san...” The principal sighed out. “If the Demon course was not burned into a crisp, you would be going 500 laps right now. But...I must agree that does not sound like any sort of victory. At your knowledge.” He then stated and confessed.

“Eh?” The brunette twin got with a raised eyebrow.

“There is a silver lining we managed to find amongst the black and gray: We have captured the ones responsible for attempting to bring death to our way of life.” The principal soon started and informed. “But with a heavy heart, I must reveal that it was our own Elites that have conspired to destroy us.” He then revealed.

“!?” Suzune’s eyes subtly widened to that. “He's blaming Crimson Squad for all of this!?” She thought in a furious manner.


“What? Aren’t they supposed to be the best and most loyal?”

“They...tried to kill us all...?”

“What? I thought they managed to bail...” Ryōbi thought with a scowl.

“They have confessed to their crimes and are now in a secure place, awaiting their punishment. Their reason, I regret to inform you, is superficial at best.” The principal then revealed.


“They’re taking credit?”

“I guess they couldn’t handle being shinobi anymore...”

“...He’s lying to everyone...” Ryōna meanwhile thought with narrowed eyes.

“Do they deserve death or something worse? We have yet to determine that. It is unknown when they began to plot against us, and we do not know if they were working with Good Shinobi or another outside force, but make no mistake. They are, indeed, traitors.” The principal then promised.


“Okay, what is with you repeating sh*t?”

“Those...Those bastards!”

No one in the know could refute that, but...laying on the total destruction of the school on top of everything? That was just...

“So this is his play...” Rin realized as the whispers grew in volume, but never over the principal's words.

“Now, I understand that these words may seem unbelievable, that you cannot fathom such a thing, but take this as a lesson: do not be deceived by the masks people wear to hide their true self. The bonds they forged here, the help they have provided, the trust we had in was all for naught. Fake. But, such things come with going down the path of a shinobi. Do not feel sorry for them, they do not deserve such sympathy.” The principal soon stated and declared.

“Asshole...” Ryōna mentally growled in fury, resisting the urge to bring out her guns.

“What a load of bullsh*t...” Ryōbi meanwhile muttered with narrowed eyes while tightening her hold on the plushie.

“The principal’s right.”


“What’s happening to our school...?”

Meanwhile, at a dark corner of the area, Imu could only watch and listen as her best friend's father destroyed her sister and her team’s reputation, despair, guilt and shame filling her entire being.

Beside her were the New Wave girls, who had their own reactions.

“Deserved.” Sōji muttered with a smirk.

“...H-Hikage-sama...” Bashō quietly got out in a nervous manner.

“They'll be dead by the end of the day. the way of the shinobi.” Chitose mumbled, though hesitated with that last part.

“This isn’t normal...” Ibuki muttered in confusion.

“...” Ashiya, however, said nothing as she silently prayed to her deity. None of them could tell if it was for mercy or to smite them.

“I assure you they will pay for everything they have done to you, that is my promise in these trying times.” The principal soon stated. “Get stronger, ensure that this does not happen again.” He concluded before stepping off the remains of the assembly stage.

Still, the Elites did this...?”

“Pfft. I always knew one of them would snap.”

“How could they do this?”

Suzune had not said anything throughout the speech, hadn't even expressed any emotion...because should she show how she was feeling, she would've attacked the man before he even finished his first paragraph.

Clearly, the Hebijo students had to believe his words all because he’s the principal, and his words are Hebijo’s judgment...and his good looks too...why did it have to be his good looks? Miyabi really inherited her white hair and hidden beauty from him.

In fact, in some way, she was honestly curious about what's underneath the man’s clothes and undergarments...and not even a single person had to know that about her, or else she might whip out her blades at the first person who knows her secret, horny thoughts.

Right now...she was pissed at him. At least for this moment for valid reasons.

And to say Rin was disappointed was an understatement though. She was just as disappointed as the time she tried to find some fabled mushrooms that change your age depending on the length of it when cooked and consumed so she could stay young. The so-called mushrooms of youth...

The disappointment and frustration from that failed endeavor still lingered within her to this day...

She was also hoping she could ask the principal directly about it one day...

But random thoughts aside, Suzune thought that her principal’s announcement was a serious matter and a very big deal for her, the students, the staff and the school itself, and she needed to speak to him about it as he saw the man coming towards her right away. “Principal, may I speak freely?” She soon requested.

“You may.” The Hebijo principal replied with a nod.

“What the hell was that?” Suzune questioned with narrowed eyes. “You lied to them!?” She then added.

“Shinobi do not need the truth, Suzune. You know this.” The principal reminded. “This is a...motivator for everyone. After such a horrendous ordeal, they need guidance. Something to focus on, rather than tearing each other apart.” He then explained.

“One that everyone survived due to that light.” Suzune however stated.

“That is fascinating, I'll admit.” The principal confessed. “Healing jutsu are a rarity after all.” He then stated

“So why are you using them as a scapegoat?” Suzune questioned once more. “We both know someone else activated the self-destruct system.” She then got out.

“Look around you, Suzune.” The principal soon started, empathising their current environment. “Many are still hurting, having nearly lost friends and trusted allies. Some have even said to have seen the afterlife. Right now, Hebijo is a pot boiling over and we cannot maintain the school like this. We need unity, a common enemy, something or someone to hate to ensure our survival.” He reminded as he picked one of the flowers. “Was it a miracle? Yes, but that does not mean that the truth will necessarily make things better. It would burden them rather than free them.” He then stated and declared.

“And scapegoating them? You know they were pushed to that point.” Suzune had to remind him once more.

“Suzune, are you suggesting they are right in betraying the school?” The principal assumed in a dangerous tone. “For risking their lives over something as superficial as freedom?” He then added.

Rin bit the inside of her cheek. No, she couldn’t be labeled a traitor too. Not yet at least. “My apologies...sir.” She reluctantly responded.

“May I remind you that you have specifically helped many of those traitors into our school. By all means, they are your responsibility, and thus you should be with them right now.” The principal then reminded.

The teacher barely flinched at this on the outside, but inside she was beginning to sweat. Did she screw up...? “And I'm not because...?” She decided to press.

“I trust you, Suzune. With my life and even my daughter's life.” The principal soon revealed, caressing the woman’s cheek, smirking as he noticed the faint blush on her face. “You've been loyal to me ever since you were found and you began teaching here at the Academy. You have done many great things here, from your contribution to the many assassination missions you performed, and I know you will continue to do so as long as I allow you. The fact that I did not revoke your mission to Tokyo is a sign of my respect for you.” He then praised and stated in a serious yet soothing tone.

If it was anyone else, Rin might've been charmed and touched by such a thing. But the truth is...she was planning to betray that very trust even since she came back from Inaba. She was a different woman by then. Or, rather, she remembered how to be herself again.

“...Thank you, sir. But...I do expect some sort of reprimand or punishment. As you said, the Elites are my responsibility.” Suzune responded.

“They are not Elites, anymore. They are renegades.” The principal however pointed out as he put his caressing hand away and into his pocket. “Imu and her team of girls that fought them are the new Elites of the school now.” He then informed her as he adjusted his suit.

The teacher frowned but said nothing about it. “My apologies, sir.” Suzune soon responded.

“And I do not seek punishment from you. I simply request that you do better.” The principal continued. “However, the next time something like this happens again, I will ensure you will relearn the meaning of mercy. And that includes the rest of your fellow faculty colleagues. Am I clear?” He then warned.

“Yes, sir.” Suzune responded once more as she bowed to that.

With a hum of approval, the principal soon took out his phone. “Now, I must go inform my daughter of what has happened. She will...not be taking this all this well.” He sighed while shaking his head.

“Do you wish for her to return?” Suzune decided to ask.

“Like I have told you with Homura, she is to remain in Tokyo.” The principal responded. “If we wish to claw back from this, even lord over the rest of the shinobi world, we must gain the power of the mental shutdowns. By any means necessary.” He then stated.

“There hasn't been all that much from Homura’s reports, though.” Suzune however informed.

“Then we will go after the next best thing.” The principal decided. “Now, please watch over the students while I take my call. Do not disturb me. Miyabi can be...quite volatile.” He then requested before taking the call as he starts to leave the kunoichi alone.

“Yes, sir.” Suzune stated with a nod.

As soon as the man left, Rin glared at his back.

She had fought against these types of lies years ago, nearly died to ensure the truth would always reign even if it hurt.

And yet...she had been lying to almost everyone around her since those days.

f*ck. That.

“Time to change that.” Rin thought as she started strutting her way onto the stage.

She couldn’t say it outright. Even if it all went well, she was risking everything she had been planning to do and could be throwing it away at the very last moment.

And yet she forged on, because that was what a true shinobi would do. To fight for one’s ideals, no matter what she sacrificed.

"Ah, she's here." Yet another teacher stated, shifting their attention to where she was looking at.

“Have you been listening all this time?” A female teacher asked her in assumption.

“Yes.” Suzune replied with a nod. “What’s our plan today?” She then asked her fellow teachers.

“Well...we were planning to teach some theory today since anything practical is-” One of two sole male teachers began to reply.

“Good enough, let me do so.” Suzune interrupted and requisitioned, cutting him off.

“Huh? Oh, um, sure.” The male teacher simply got out. From that, he gestured the lead teacher towards the stage.

With that, Suzune began making her way onto the stage, listening to the students while formulating what she would say.

“Does she have a plan for what's next?”

“It’s better than nothing.”

“I'll miss you, my Fluffy Wuffikins the Third Jr. SPECIAL EDITION. You shall be avenged!”

“I'll kill ‘em. If I can't, I'll torture them. If I can't, I'll make them eat my pu-”

"Students, be silent!" Suzune soon ordered. “Now, in regards to what the principal has just told you...” She started.



“DEATH! DEATH! DEATH! DEATH! DEATH!” The students soon began chanting in unison, raising the kunai, shurikens and katanas into the air.

“Silence!” Suzune demanded once more, stopping their nonsense. “Before I was rudely interrupted, allow me to teach you about perception. Our school may be in shambles, that does not mean you cannot learn.” She then started saying before sighing. “To put it bluntly for all of you, you were all caught off guard.” She soon stated as she adjusted her glasses before she saw someone raise their hand. “Yes, Ibuki?” She called out.

“Those were bombs, sensei. How can you not be caught off guard by that? That's not normal.” Ibuki soon asked as other girls in the crowd nodded in agreement to that.

“That may be true...for any lesser shinobi.” Suzune responded and stated. “We must be ever vigilant for any scenario. And that includes being bombed.” She then declared.

“But how can we do that, Suzune-sensei?” Chitose meanwhile asked.

“Only if we can be extra aware of our surroundings.” Suzune responded. “As well as using all of our senses to detect bombs as well as any other traps. Do any of you understand that?” She then stated.

“Yes ma’am!”

“Good. Now no need to worry as your fellow teachers and I will train you to do such things once we have the time.” Suzune soon reassured. “After the school is rebuilt, of course.” She then added as the students winced.


“Oh come on...”

“I left construction to kill people, man!”

“And when I find the one who did what they did with the self-destruct system, there will be hell to pay-” Suzune began to declare in frustration before coughing into her fist. “Excuse me, I meant to say that those responsible will be punished to the best of our ability.” She soon corrected herself.


“What did she just say...?”

Suzune forced down the smile that threatened to break out. Perfect. “Calm down, that was merely a slip of the tongue. Rest assured that the former Elites will be dealt with accordingly. Like all of you, they are just tools, and by our Hebijo code, tools without worth must be thrown away. Remember that.” She soon instructed, noticing some of the students muttering to that last comment.



“The Hebijo code...we must...follow it.”


“In any case, thank you for your time and congratulations to our new Elites, Imu, Sōji, Chitose, Ibuki, Ashiya and Bashō.” Suzune soon announced. “Please do Hebijo proud.” She then ordered.

“Wait what!?” Bashō got out in shock.

“Hm!?” Chitose hummed out with widened eyes.

“Eh!?” Ashiya got out in surprise.

“But...didn't we fail...?” Ibuki mumbled with a frown.

“HAHA! YES!” Sōji however cheered in excitement with a fist pump.

“...” Imu however remained silent as shadows covered her eyes.

“Six Elites now?”

“That's breaking tradition...”

“Wait, weren’t the S & M twins supposed to be Elite candidates?”

“I mean they were transfers...”

“Now, there are quite a few of you questioning such a change as it goes against tradition.” Suzune began before narrowing her eyes. “Tradition is nothing more than a term used by a generation that will not live to see 2020 to uphold their beliefs instead of adapting to the times. Even now, according to our intelligence, our enemies and allies are playing with such a concept, such as having a dozen shinobi as part of their Elite class if it is true. So we must change as well, especially now.” She then got out in a disdainful manner.


“A school with twelve Elites?”

“Guess that means we will have to step up our game...”

Meanwhile, the twins narrowed eyes as they listened to the announcement. When Crimson Squad went to escape, the twins had been in the assembly hall since it was in the middle of the school, away from any of the firebombs and for...privacy.

Of course, when the explosions started, they left quickly to help manage the destruction and save as many as they could. When everything died down and when everything started getting weird with the lights, all the sudden flowers sprouting and the sudden reenergizing, they were getting others to help search for anyone trapped under debris or in buildings. It was them that decided that the assembly area was where everyone would congregate. They were up all night as a result and had only gotten a few hours of sleep.

This stupid assembly was what they woke up to.

“What the hell is sensei doing...?” Ryōbi mumbled in a suspicious she held the purplette's bear plushie in her hands, which she found amongst the wreckage. How it managed to survive the Elites Room going up in a fiery explosion was a riddle for the ages.

S & M twins...?” Ryōna meanwhile muttered to herself, feeling a bit offended by that. They were at most in a top and bottom relationship now...when she wasn't thinking about the future with the boy she liked along with the others that also liked him...

...She was willing to share.

“Ugh, it's like she wants to stir up trouble.” Ryōbi quietly grumbled.

Ryōna on the other hand gasped as an idea came to mind. “E-Erm, did you hear that Ryōbi-chan?” She soon asked.

“Yes I heard it. I didn't go deaf, ya dumb bitch.” Ryōbi grumbled.

“Mmrn~” Ryōna moaned for a moment before snapping out of it. Now was not the time. Save it for sister time! “O-Of course, but did you hear what she said? That they'll catch the ones responsible?” She responded and asked.

“Yeah...” Ryōbi got out before mentally smirking as she hugged the bear plushie. “...When did Ryōna become the smart one?” She thought to herself in a slightly impressed manner. “You know, it sounds like they haven't caught the real culprit yet...” She then got out, speaking a little louder.

That in turn however got the attention from some other students who were listening in.

The blonde sister meanwhile mentally smirked. Ah, the wonders of twin synchronicity. “But didn't the renegades do it?” Ryōna pointed out.

“Maybe they're hiding something from us.” Ryōbi soon suggested. “We Evil Shinobis do keep secrets from one another after all.” She then added.

“That is a possibility...” Ryōna admitted in agreement.

“Shh...don't speak so loudly though. We could get in trouble for sowing such treasonous words into our classmates.” Ryōbi (poorly) hushed and responded.

“Yes, my dear sister, I agree. Now, shall we eat these flowers and see if they poison me~?” Ryōna happily suggested...though mentally wincing at having to say that.

However, at that moment, Ryōbi...actually picked one of the flowers and looked at it. “...ah, f*ck it, there's nothing else to eat but crackers and tofu.” She admitted before taking a bite. “...Mmmm~!” She sighed out in a delighted manner, feeling as though her soul was being healed.

“Tasty?” Ryōna assumed in a curious manner as she grabbed one herself, relieved to seeing how happy her sister seemed to be now.

“Hai~” The brunette twin happily replied, feeling an urge of happiness coursing through her body as her hair curled a bit, leading to her then releasing her pigtails...


As beautiful, voluptuous, silky much longer hair was soon seen.

“Aaaaah~” Ryōbi happily sighed out without a care.

...And were those butterflies fluttering over her head now?

Ryōna meanwhile blinked at the sight of this in curious confusion as she looked at the flowers herself. “These are definitely different than the pink beansprouts in Tokyo...” She mumbled out in awe while slowly putting the one she picked up into a nearby flower pot.

“Aaaaah~ These flowers are the most beautiful thing in the world~” Ryōbi happily replied before twirling around and skipping away from everyone, humming all the while.

“W-Wait up Ryōbi-chan!” Ryōna called out as she chased after her blissed-out sister.

“Hmm, hmm, hmm~” Ryōbi hummed out. “Butt lasts forever, forever and ever, Ryōna-chan~!” She soon happily sang without a care in the world. “Lalala~ Big boobs, big busts~ Lalala~” She continued out, unaware of the bumps on her chest slightly expanding.

“Moh!” Ryōna exclaimed, now panicking a bit. It was like she used to be without the masoch*stic remarks!

The students around them that witnessed this meanwhile...were confused as hell to this development.

“What the f*ck?”

“Did...Did she just get high?”

“Getting high doesn't cause hair growth.”

“Wait don't-”



“Her hair grew!?”

“What the hell...?”

“Jeez, it’s so hot...can I streak~?”

However, despite that event just happening...the purpose of the deed was already done. Everyone soon began to hear whispers and murmurs, discussions about their teacher’s words and even some coming to quick conclusions.

“Did they...really betray the school?”

“Sounds more like the staff is framing them.”


“Grrr...I'm not a f*ckin’ tool...”

“I wonder if Murasaki-sama is chained up~”

“...I think I get why she wanted to leave now...”

Looks like Hebijo wasn’t going to be rebuilt any time soon.

Meanwhile, the purple haired teacher smiled as she retreated to a secluded area of the ruins, satisfied with a job well done of spreading the seeds of doubt among the students...which soon dropped as she realized how exhausted she was.

“...God I need a drink.” Rin groaned as she casually pulled out her flask, no longer giving a sh*t if someone saw her.

She sacrificed Nanako-chan's birthday for this.

Oh well. Not like she was staying here much longer.

At that moment though, the sandy blonde turned around. “Imu, where are you going?” Sōji soon asked, noticing her leaving.

“To see my sister.” Imu responded as she vanished among the crowd of students.

(10/5, Lunchtime)

(Shujin Academy, Rooftop)

School felt relatively normal for the students as the day went on.

Not for the tan skinned head of discipline though. She hadn’t been normal since she arrived this morning. Quite a few students kept their distance (some even guessing that it was her time of the month) but her friend's were the most concerned, especially when she called for a Phantom Thieves meeting once they were let out of class.

That didn't mean after school. That meant during their lunch break.

That is why Homura was currently on the rooftop, walking around aimlessly while she was waiting for the others to arrive after contacting them.

Asuka was there with her, staring worryingly at her sister while she stood off to the side.

Haru was also there, but that was because she was already in the middle of taking care of her vegetables.

“Take a f*cking faster piss, you tiny-bladdered idiots!” Homura growled, stopping to glare at the growing and innocent vegetable patch.

“Homu-chan, please don’t say such a thing, especially to the plants. They did nothing to hurt you.” Haru scolded with a frown. “You cannot control bodily needs.” She then informed.

Homura sighed. “Sorry, sorry...” She apologized. God, this entire thing was reverting her back to her bitch days.

“What’s got you so troubled that you needed all of us here in the middle of a school day?” Haru then had to ask.

“Yeah. You even managed to convince Yumi-chan and Yusuke-kun to come over.” Asuka added as she pulled out her phone to show the (barely comprehensible) text messages Homura had left in the group chat.

“I could be serious trouble. I just don’t want to repeat myself.” Homura answered.

“Is it a shinobi-related incident?” Haru assumed.

“It is.” Homura responded with a nod.


“...Aaaaand I forgot to eat lunch.” Homura sheepishly got out while she rubbed her stomach.

“You didn’t even eat breakfast, Homu-neechan.” Asuka pointed out. “I've been so worried about you all day. You didn’t even let me listen to your call with your sensei.” She then got out.

“Sorry, just...I’ll explain it soon, okay?” Homura apologized and vaguely reassured.

“Well, how about you have some carrots from my garden here?” Haru suggested as she went over and harvested a few, making sure to wipe off all the dirt on it using the nearby faucet to wash them off.

“...Thank you, senpai.” Homura accepted the carrot before taking a bite. “Whoa! That’s a kick!” She got out in surprise.

“Can I have one?” Asuka soon requested.

“There’s plenty here for every one of us when they come.” Haru then offered.

At that moment though, the door to the rooftop opened as the familiar faces of the thieves came into view. “He-” Ryuji began to greet with the rest of the Shujin Thieves in tow, however...

“FINALLY!” Homura exclaimed all of a sudden, scaring everyone (except Haru).

“Jeez, what the eff-” Ryuji screamed before...


Yumi and a very irritated and hastily dressed Miyabi appeared on the spot near them, piggybacking Yusuke and Futaba on their backs respectively.

“We have arrived.” Yusuke announced as he got off his senior, along with the hacker who piggybacked on the white-haired woman instead.

“You better make this a quick meeting, Homura-san.” Yumi requested. If anyone knew she had left Kosei, she would be in serious trouble. She might even lose her position and job, but she was willing to risk both for her friend.

“...I really need to figure out how that vanishing thing of yours works.” Ann muttered.

“Speed, Ann-chan.” Homura mumbled.

“Ugh, that’s not enough of an answer, Homura-chan.” Ann however groaned.

“You’ll get to do it with more training from me or Miyabi here, but that is not what we’re here for!” Homura responded before suddenly snapping, scaring the Thieves again (Haru was still unphased).

“Whoa, what’s got your panties in your buttcrack?” Ryuji questioned in confusion.

Homura and some of the others couldn’t help but facepalm. “Goddammit, Ryuji...” She grumbled.

“Where the heck did you get that, dude?” Akira had to ask.

Haru on the other hand stifled a laugh, on the other hand. “Hehe, buttcrack.” She then muttered softly to herself. “S-Sorry, sorry.” She soon composed herself.

“This doesn’t feel like we should be laughing right now...” Asuka however got out, wincing at her sister’s growing frustration.

“I know, I know.” Haru stated. “Sorry.” She then apologized.

“So, what do you need us to know? Is this something we need to take care of in Mementos or is it a full Palace?” Makoto spoke up, deciding to get everyone focused on the important matter.

“If it’s either case, you could've saved this meeting for another time.” Akira pointed out with a frown.

“You're right. I should’ve done it this f*cking morning!” Homura realized as she clenched her hand to a fist.

“...Is it that bad?” Haru guessed.

“For f*ck’s sake, can we stop with the f*cking preamble and get on with it!?” Miyabi called out.

“Hey, quiet down! We can’t let you guys be seen.” Morgana reminded.

Miyabi only gritted her teeth as she growled in annoyance.

“Judging from your colorful language, I assume it’s much worse than we thought.” Yusuke noted. “Miyabi-san, can you tell us what’s going on?” He then asked right away.

“Just...damn.” Miyabi sniffled before stomping in frustration.

That in turn got the attention of the others. “Miyabi-chan?” Asuka got out in concern. “What happened?” She then asked.

In response, the white haired woman (barely) calmed down. “I got a call from my father this morning. Our school,'s gone.” Miyabi hesitantly and sadly revealed.

This in turn got the attention of the others, Akira’s most of all. “Eh?” Ann got out.

“Uh...whaddya mean, gone?” Ryuji had to ask.

“Gone as in...?” Yumi started.

“Someone set it on fire and blew it all the hell!” Miyabi snapped. “He said it was two separate incidents but I do not f*cking believe that.” She soon added.

The others in response meanwhile gave uneasy expressions to that reveal. “I know you're upset Miyabi but...Hebijo wasn't exactly the best school.” Morgana responded and confessed.

“Yeah, but it was my school. My legacy. It was supposed to be mine, and I would lead it to glory and bring change to it, but now that's all gone because some f*cking jackasses thought it would be a good idea to try and kill everyone in it!” Miybai ranted before slamming her fist against the fence. And that’s when she noticed how...uncomfortable the tan skinned girl looked. “...You motherf*cker.” She suddenly insulted.

Homura instantly began walking back away from the simmering white haired woman thundering towards her. “Miyabi, don’t-” She started.


“Big Sis!” Futaba called out as they watched her pin the tan skinned girl to the fence, causing it to bend and ache. There was now an actual danger of the fence failing and causing both of them to fall off once the inevitable happened.

“Hey, don’t!” Haru yelped as the others tried to pry the enraged woman off the tan skinned girl, but to no avail. Not even the Vice Leader and the light gray haired girl could do the job right now.

“Y-You’re gonna bust us and the fence!” Ryuji got out in a panic.

“Let Homura go!” Yumi demanded, immediately concerned for her fellow Elegance Master.

“You knew about them going through with this yesterday, didn't you?” Miyabi accused. “You...You...” She struggled out.

“I...This was what this meeting was about...” Homura began in an uneasy manner. “Please...let me explain...” She soon requested.

“...You have ten minutes.” Miyabi relented as she let the tan skinned girl go, allowing her to catch her breath.

“Can we please try and not kill each other for ten minutes!?” Makoto groaned.

“Homura, you okay?” Ryuji soon asked.

“I’m fine. A little choking isn’t gonna hurt a Hebijo like me.” Homura responded.

“So...what exactly happened at Hebijo?” Akira soon asked with narrowed eyes.

“It teammates. Mirai, Yomi, and Hikage. And one other...Murasaki, the infamous truant of Hebijo.” Homura revealed

“H-Hikage...?” Ann whispered to herself, blinking in surprise.

“sh*t.” Akira swore under his breath.

“Wait, what!?” Futaba got out in shock. “Oh sh*t, she actually did it...” She thought to herself in a panic.

MURASAKI WAS INVOLVED!?” Miyabi roared in disbelief. “OH GOD SHE ACTUALLY WENT THROUGH WITH IT!?” She mentally exclaimed.

“Miyabi, quiet!” Morgana reminded.

“My friends at Hebijo attempted to leave and were just declared as traitors.” Homura sighed out the reveal, surprising everyone who didn't know. “They did set off bombs, but from what sensei told me, they were only firebombs in the surrounding area. The actual explosives...someone else set them off.” She then informed.

“W-What...?” Most of them almost lost their voices in shock.

“Huh?” Miyabi got out in confusion. “Suzune-sensei told you that?” She then assumed.

“How did she know?” Ann asked.

“I mean...the evidence would be in a million pieces...” Futaba soon added with a frown. “And I don’t think they’ll take the word of traitors.” She then pointed out.

“...She...never mentioned how, now that I think about it.” Homura recalled after thinking about it. “But that doesn’t matter. What does, is that Hebijo is a crater and everyone I knew but Haruka are in the dungeons right now. And I get the feeling we might be accused as accomplices soon enough.” She then explained.

“That sounds bad.” Ryuji stated.

“Bad? Bad does not begin to describe how screwed we might be!” Homura groaned while crouching down and covering her eyes.

“Is that why you wanted us all here in-person?” Yumi assumed in concern for her fellow Elegance Master.

“Yeah. I just...I need you guys here with me right now.” Homura sighed out in a saddened manner.

“Hold on, someone planted explosives at the same time your friends were?” Ryuji meanwhile asked.

“No, they were already there. The school has a self-destruct system.” Miyabi sighed out and revealed.

That in turn got the others' attention as they looked at the white haired woman in disbelief.

“Why the hell does it have that!?” Ryuji soon asked. “This sounds like Okumura's Palace all over again.” He then added.

“Seriously, that sort of thing is a cliche supervillain move.” Futaba admitted.

“Because Hebijo is full of paranoid jackasses who have way too much time on their hands!” Homura ranted while banging her head against the fence.

“It...does make sense.” Yusuke admitted. “Hiding secrets is important, even if it means destroying it.” He then stated.

“Yusuke, hush.” Yumi ordered in a chiding manner.

“So your friends are being framed for the self-destruct part.” Morgana meanwhile confirmed.

“Yeah. They...They didn't want anyone hurt but...” Homura mumbled in a depressed manner.

“That doesn’t exactly absolve them of much, though. They’re still traitors to them.” Makoto stated.

“I know, but...” Homura began before sighing. “They’re still my friends. I'd give my life for them, and...Just hearing about this, it makes my heart hurt so much that I didn't do anything.” She soon stated and confessed.

“Well, did they tell you about their plan?” Ryuji asked.

“No.” Homura shook her head at that.

“Then it sounds like to me they didn't need ya.” Ryuji assumed, earning a glare from both Shujin Academy heads. “You know, at least at first.” She then added.,

“It is obvious they didn’t say anything due to Homura-san’s initial mission for Hebijo to…obtain the power of the mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns...” Yumi deducted, getting a nod of confirmation from the tan skinned girl.

The orangette then looked at the white haired woman. “Uh, Big Sis.” Futaba soon started in a nervous manner. “Are you gonna...kill them...?” She hesitantly asked.

“...I don’t know...” Miyabi responded in an uneasy manner. “I just...this is way too much...I feel like I just lost everything in a blaze of fire...” She soon confessed.

“And explosions.” Haru chimed in.

“Yeah, explosions too.” Miyabi got out through gritted teeth.

“So to summarize, Lady Homura’s team tried to leave Hebijo, but their plan was ruined by someone else.” Morgana simplified, getting a nod of confirmation from the tan skinned girl.

“Okay, who would be cold and cruel enough to sacrifice so many lives just to screw over a few people?” Asuka soon asked.

“Isn’t that every sh*tty adult here in the country?” Ryuji assumed while scratching the back of his head.

“I...doubt every single one of them would stoop that low, Ryuji.” Yumi pointed out as the rest of the Thieves began to seriously think.

“Hmm...I dunno, all the people I can think of are past targets, and they’re not options.” Miyabi answered with a frown.

“And I highly doubt most of our targets know the existence of shinobi.” Akira assumed.

“Yeah, if they did, they probably just sent” Homura began to say, only to trail off.

Both Akira and Homura eventually froze, their eyes widening as a name instantly came to their heads.

“...Dōgen?” Akira soon suggested in a dead serious tone.

“...” Homura and Miyabi immediately went silent to that...before going red in the faces, growling, huffing, and gritting their teeth. “MOTHERf*ckER!” They both swore at the same time.

“H-Huh?” Ryuji got out, voicing all the others’ confusion.

“Dōgen?” Asuka and Yumi repeated in confusion.

“The asshole behind the school's finances as well as sending an assassin after me!” Homura growled out with a fiery aura. “A very sucky assassin, but an assassin nonetheless!” She then added as they others sweatdropped to that.

“I should probably check-in on her...” Akira suddenly thought.

He sent that assassin after you!?” Asuka and Yumi exclaimed at the same time. “Why!?” They then asked in anger.

“Cause he's an asshole.” Homura grumbled.

“Are you sure it's not anyone else?” Makoto questioned with a frown.

“It's the only person I know who hates me!” Homura insisted.

“And he is petty enough for that. Father told me he laughed during Hikage’s puppy test.” Miyabi recalled. “Or filmed it. Or both.” She then awkwardly added.

“What a dick...” Ryuji got out in anger.

“Language.” Yumi sighed.

“Come on Yumi-senpai, I wanna kill him!” Homura growled.

“As much as I wanted to, this will have serious consequences if we just barge in and kill him right away.” Yumi however reminded, “We need to find a different way to put him down for good, but considering our options right now, we only need to wait for the time being.” She then stated and explained.

“Dammit!” Ryuji swore out in frustration. “Ugh, can’t you just tell your dad about this Dōgen asshole, Miyabi?” He then adked.

“Are you an idiot, Ryuji?” Miyabi however sighed, confusing the dyed blond. “If Dōgen finds out that we’re onto him, he’ll kill the whole damn school using the damn Yoke Technique.” She then reminded.

“Then just kill him when he’s alone in his room or something!” Ryuji countered. “You’re all shinobis, for crying out loud!” He then added.

“Do you even know who Dōgen is, you dumb blond!?” Miyabi yelled back.

“Alright, enough, you two.” Yumi however sternly ordered with hands on her hips.

Ryuji and Miyabi glared at each other for a moment...before sighing together in relent.

“If it is this Dōgen guy though, could it be for a power grab?” Morgana soon assumed.

“!” Miyabi’s eyes immediately widened. “Bastard...” She growled out.

“How would destroying the school be a power grab?” Ann questioned. “There isn't much power in ruling over rubble.” She then reminded.

“Getting the school to be rebuilt in his own image, more reasons to enforce the Yoke Technique on the other students,” Miyabi began listing off as she rubbed the spot on the back of her neck where the technique was. “Mass manipulation to make them all think his way of running a school is the best way...” She then concluded.

“Does your father know about this, Miyabi?” Homura had to ask her, knowing her father’s position in their academy. “Or even considered it?” She then added.

The white haired woman in response shook her head. “I don't know. It's not like I know exactly what's going on over there.” Miyabi replied and pointed out. “God, this is all such a mess.” She then grumbled while rubbing the back of her head in frustration.

“Your father may be the principal, but it sounds like this Dōgen guy really is in control of your entire school.” Futaba pointed out.

“Unfortunately.” Miyabi groaned in reluctant agreement.

“An authority figure abusing their power for sh*ts and giggles.” Ann sighed as she rubbed her forehead.

“I’m honestly getting tired of these kinds of people.” Akira had to admit, running a hand through his hair. “Even going to Mementos and changing their hearts feels tiring to me now.” He then confessed.

“So what are we going to do?” Asuka soon asked.

We?” Miyabi had to react, looking at her friend and student.

“Yeah. If your friends are innocent, we want to do anything we can to help.” Asuka replied and stated.

“Sis...everyone...” Homura got out, slightly pleased before noticing the expression on the white-haired woman’s face. “Miyabi?” She then asked as she looked at her, who was clearly pissed.

“...Your friends are f*cking idiots, but...I'm going to trust you on this and help.” Miyabi spoke in an even manner. “...I wanna punch them in the face, and I can't do that if they're not in front of me.” She then added, cracking her knuckles.

“Saki-chan too?” Futaba however asked.

“Well, for you, I'll just make her drink way too much aojiru.” Miyabi replied in a comforting manner.

“...Thanks.” Homura breathed out. “But...I don’t know what we can do.” She soon admitted.

“We could break in to break them out.” Futaba casually suggested.

“But does that really solve anything?” Makoto questioned. “They'd just be hunted down, and so will we if they manage to track us down. That's too risky, even for us.” She then reminded and stated.

“Has that stopped us before?” Akira however got out.

“No...because this has never happened to us before.” Yusuke replied.

“Do phantom thieves stage jailbreaks too, Morgana?” Ann asked.

“Hey, as long as it's done stylishly.” Morgana replied with a shrug.

“But...what if they're already dead though?” Ryuji pointed out in an uneasy manner.

Homura shook her head in response. “Suzune-sensei confirmed they aren’t.” She revealed. “It would be a waste of their power and skill, she said.” She then recited.

“But how long will that last?” Haru soon asked.

“I don’t know.” Homura replied with a shake of her head.


Homura soon took her phone out and groaned in anger. “Aaaand Suzune-sensei just informed me the principal is pinning everything on my friends...” She soon revealed. “Great. f*ckin’ peachy. They're traitors and letting the real assholes get away with it!” She then complained before grabbing onto her sister.

“Ah! Homu-neechan, what are you-” Asuka got out and began to ask before...

MMMMMMMPPPPPHHHYYYYYYYYYY!” Homura screamed into her sister's chest for several seconds before she pulled away. “Sorry, Sis, but I needed to scream into something that wasn't dirt or the air.” She soon apologized and confessed.

“I think you stopped my heart for a second.” Asuka groaned out with a dizzy look in her eyes, causing the others to sweatdrop...or in the orangette’s case, give a thumbs up (which soon got pushed down).

“We have to break them out.” Yumi soon concluded. “I am sure Hanzō Academy shall allow them to seek asylum.” She then reassured.

“Not Gessen?” Homura got out with a raised eyebrow, thinking back to all the times her fellow Elegance Master mentioned wanting her to join the Death Cram School.

“I doubt they would want to be held under a much stricter system than an Evil Shinobi school.” Yumi responded as she shook her head.

“Hold on, hold on. We can't just dive into a real heist like this, especially against a shinobi school.” Morgana responded. “Not many of us are ready to face shinobi in this reality. Plus, we have problems here in Tokyo that we have to take care of, like Haru's father and the Conspiracy.” He then stated and reminded.

“So what? We just...stay and wait?” Homura got out, not believing what she was hearing. “That's bullsh*t! I need to do something! It's okay if you guys don't come, I can do this by myself.” She then growled.

“And let yourself run the risk of being captured yourself?” Morgana countered in a serious manner. “Or worse, letting them discover the power of Persona from you? We can’t let Hebijo gain access to that!” He then stated and reminded.

“Mona, stop worrying!” Homura interrupted. “I can do this. I just need...need...” She then started saying before trailing off.

“Homura...” Yumi got out in concern.

“...dammit.” Homura finished in a tiny voice as she slumped.

“I must agree with Morgana. It would be best if Homura remains here until an opportunity presents itself. Being associated with them would likely put her under much more scrutiny now, and we cannot afford to perform such a risky operation.” Yusuke soon stated.

“Both of you are right. Staging a breakout would just put our loved ones in danger.” Akira admitted, clearly not likely the words he just said. “Dammit, can't the world give us a break for one week at least?” He mumbled under his breath.

“...Can we do a Mementos run the day after tomorrow?” Homura soon requested.

Akira raised an eyebrow at the sudden request. “We have some requests in our backlog, but I was hoping we could do that later once Mishima was done with his current leads. Why this all of a sudden?” He responded and then asked.

“Because if I’m staying here, I need a few skulls to break to blow off steam.” Homura responded. “Plus, my friends in the committee are in need of help.” She then revealed.

“...Again?” Akira responded, getting a nod from the tan skinned girl.

“Why save it for the day after tomorrow when we can do it now?” Miyabi however asked. “I need to vent too, Homura!” She then declared.

“Why is violence your first option!?” Morgana freaked out in annoyance.

“It's better than starting street fights.” Yusuke stated.

“Because killing Shadows is so much better for your mental health.” Ann deadpanned.

“...I mean, it kinda is for us.” Akira confessed. “And we get money out of it too. It’s work and play.” He then added.

“It certainly helps me!” Haru cheerfully admitted, imagining the blood spatters across the ground and her face as well.

“That is not helping.” Makoto groaned. No matter how...liberating it was, it may warp their view of healthy outlets.

Then again, they had a warped view of quite a few things at this point since shinobis came into their lives...

“Excuse me, but did someone leave a letter?” Haru suddenly questioned, getting everyone’s attention.

The group turned to where Haru was standing and looking, and as she mentioned, there was a white letter on the table.

“Who uses letters these days?” Homura had to comment as she saw the light gray haired girl walking over and grabbing the letter before taking a closer look at it. “Anyway, who is it for? Please don’t tell me it's a love letter...” She then exasperatedly asked and added.

“It' the Phantom Thieves.” Yumi hesitantly answered.

Everyone’s insides immediately froze. “!?” The eyes of the others soon widened to that.

“Uhh...what?” Ann started, trying to comprehend what was going on right now.

Instantly, Miyabi opened the door to the roof and looked around, only to let out a frustrated growl. “There's no one here.” She cursed as she slammed the door shut. “Son of a-” She soon started to swear.

“Don't kick yourself too much. Must be long gone by now.” Futaba assumed.

“We have a leak!” Morgana called out before everyone turned to the dyed blond, though the newest member of the group seemed confused by this action.

“...Why're starin’ at me fo- I didn't say sh*t to anyone! I'm bein’ careful with PT crap, alright!?” Ryuji claimed.

“Well, given how much we yell at each other, it was bound to happen...” Makoto groaned.

“Alright, what's this type of blackmail?” Akira sighed as the light gray haired girl opened the letter and gave it a quick read.

“It's...It’s nothing of the sort.” Yumi soon informed in a shock tone.

“Come again?” Ann got out.

Yumi cleared her throat before she looked at the letter. “You have allies that will help you, you just don't know them yet. All I ask is that you all remain calm while we work to resolve your issues. Sincerely, a Seeker of Truth.” She soon read aloud for everyone there to hear.

This in turn caused the Thieves to be extremely confused. “Who the hell is that!?” Homura and Ryuji exclaimed at the same time.

Meanwhile, on the rooftop of a nearby building just above the Phantom Thieves, Daidōji watched and listened to the Phantom Thieves as they discussed her little letter she had given them.

“Oh great, someone knows who we f*cking are too now!” Miyabi declared in annoyance. That’s just great!She sarcastically grumbled, resisting the urge to scream.

“Meow!” The cat got out in a scolding manner, looking extra annoyed now.

But they said they were an ally...” Yumi responded.

That doesn’t fix the fact that we’re burned!” Homura called out. “Goddammit, Ryuji!” She then yelled at the dyed blond.

“Wh-Why’re blamin’ me!? I just said it’s prolly not me. I haven’t been running my mouth about Phantom sh*t since you threatened to cut my balls off back then!” Ryuji complained.

“And replace them with your eyes and vice versa.” Futaba helpfully added.

“Futaba, please shut the hell uuuup...” Ryuji groaned loudly in irritation, starting to fear for his own sexual state.

“Hey! Don’t you talk to her like that!” Miyabi instinctively ordered in a motherly manner as she pulled in said orangette close to her...


And placed the girl’s head in between her bust.

“...You like your pillows, Futaba?” Ryuji had to ask with half-lidded eyes.

Futaba simply smirked in response.

“Grrrgghhh!” Ryuji grunted himself in anger.

“Both of you, knock it off! Futaba, stop being a massive, obvious pervert! And Ryuji? I just need someone to blame and you’re the easiest target! I’m so sorry!” Homura meanwhile ordered as she then cried out before settling into stress-filled sobs.

“T-There there...” Asuka assured the two.

“Let’s just discuss this later, guys.” Miyabi stated as she let go of the orangette from her breasts. “So uh...should we trust this, uh, Seeker of Truth? God, what a dumb name...” She then meanwhile asked before grumbling out the second part.

“I don’t think we have a choice...” Akira groaned as he took off his glasses to slide his hand down his face.

Daidōji sighed as she shook her head. Things were not going to get easier for anyone.

...Just like her time with her team in Inaba back then.

Trouble always seemed to occur around this time...


All of a sudden, her phone buzzed in her pocket, prompting her to take it out and see what was sent to her.

It was a picture of a teenage girl with brown hair tied onto two long pigtails who wore a pink jacket with a blue one piece dress that went down to her knees, and beside her was a tall, young adult man with gray hair who wore a nice casual suit and a yellow shirt with a phrase in English...but due to how it was covered by his jacket, it looked like it said KING SIS CON.

Dammit, Teddie.

“Can't wait to see you again, Auntie Dōji! Share this with Auntie Rin and Rise-chan too!” Was the message that came with the picture.

“Ah, Nanako-chan looks so cute in that new jacket!” The mightiest student of Hanzō and current Shujin Academy PE teacher cooed.

(Hebijo Academy Remains, Dungeons)

Hikage didn't know how much time had passed.

After the roof collapsed, she and the rest of Crimson Squad were captured. The only thing she could remember after being force-fed a drug and blacking out. She did wake up eventually, but opening her eyes, all she could see was darkness. She wasn’t blindfolded, so it was likely a bag over her head. She tried to speak, to scream, but she couldn't.

Wait, was this...did someone put a ball gag in her mouth?

Biting down on it, she grimaced. Rubber...with a very distinct metal core.


“They don't even have anything else to gag me with?” Hikage thought before focusing on her other senses, mentally trying to picture the room she was in.

She felt...cold. Naked. Sitting down on concrete. Arms cuffed together but her feet were cuffed apart, allowing her to walk if she needed to.

Wait, her foot just touched something.

“Mmmm, Mkirah-kph~” A female voice muffled out.

That was definitely Murasaki. And it was likely her friends were here too. If there was any consolation, at least they were together.

Suddenly, she heard a creaky metal door open and several footsteps entering, causing her to freeze.

Was this it? Was this going to be her final breath?

“Take the bags off.” A voice ordered.

At that moment, Hikage was blinded by the light before her eyes adjusted, coming face-to-face with a Hebijo student who really didn't seem to like her all that much given the fact she looked like she wanted to tear off her boobs.

“How does it feel to be so low, traitor?” They soon remarked.

Hikage desperately wanted to bite back, but the stupid gag was preventing anything more than a glare.

“Still such defiance.” The girl got out in amusem*nt. “I hope you hold onto that. It'll make breaking your spirit all the more satisfying.” She then stated before looking over to check as the other loyal students removed the bags off the rest.

Hikage took that chance to look over to see if they were okay. While they were all naked and unconscious, they didn't seem too hurt. Maybe because of the collapse of the roof when they were last awake was the cause of the small bruises and soot on them.

“All of you. Wake up.” The guard soon ordered.

“Mmph?” Groggily, it was Mirai who struggled to open her eyes first.

Hikage noticed that they even took her eyepatch.

“I said, WAKE UP!” The guard soon ordered, bringing her leg back before...


“ACK!” Mirai choked, nearly throwing up from being kicked in the stomach, snapping the others awake when they heard her cry of pain.

The rest of Crimson Squad stared in horror and glared at the guard with murderous intent.

Murasaki instantly used her Root, summoning a white clawed hand to defend her friend, but at that moment, a powerful shock went through her body...which also shocked the other girls as well. By the time it stopped, she and her friends were exhausted and smoking.

“Ah ah ah...” The one of the guards tutted with a teasing, cruel smile. “We can’t let traitors take the easy way out, now can we? Try to use any of your abilities, and all of you get fried.” She then remarked and threatened.

“Bastard.” The Crimson Squad girls all thought.

“You should count yourselves lucky. One of the first suggestions to stop you all was to gas the room.” Another girl pointed out. “...With an aphrodisiac.” She added in a concerning chipper tone.

The Crimson Squad just gave the guard an odd look before looking at each other.

Okay, they might prefer death over that method.

“Now, get up. We aren’t cruel enough to keep you all in here.” The lead guard soon commanded as she hauled the greenette to her feet. “You at least need a toilet.” She then added.

Yomi's eyes widened a little at that.

Soon, they were forced onto their feet and shoved out of the room. And that’s when they realized where they were.

The dungeon. It was practically the only place left fully intact in Hebijo.

Even though they were all naked, Hikage couldn’t help but be a little thankful that they weren't being paraded through the school. They'd probably be pelted with mud and burnt debris...or worse. That would've added insult to an already career-ending injury.

Still, Hikage tried to keep herself calm and think. Already, she was analyzing anything she could see and hear for a possible route to break them out but...nothing was coming to her at the moment.

She didn't want to even think it was hopeless but-

“Sir!” The guard suddenly responded.

Okay, actually, it was hopeless now.

Soon, a rush of fear went through all of them when they saw the principal in his formal black suit, surrounded by more than a few teachers, all female.

At one word, they would all be killed on the spot.

“We're dead.” Crimson Squad thought, beginning to sweat.

The principal stopped in front of them, looking down upon their forms and frowned.


“...Any reason why they’re all naked right now?” The principal asked, seeing the girls’ nudity and not minding it at all...though veered slightly away from the youngest of the group.

“Suzune-sensei’s orders, sir.” The guard replied. “We had to check for any hidden weapons or tools.” She then added.

The principal sighed, thinking it was definitely her style. “I see.” He stated with a nod. “...And what's in their mouths?” He soon questioned.

“Gags. From Haruka’s BDSM collection she left behind.” The guard sheepishly admitted.

The Crimson Squad sweatdropped. The gags were personalized for each member...Except for Murasaki, she had Homura’s gag.

...They were really glad Akira tamed Haruka now.

“...Take them out.” The principal sighed in annoyance this time. “Now." He then ordered.

Perked up from the sudden order, the female guard got nervous for a bit. “Oh, uh, yes sir.” She then replied before reluctantly taking off the gags from the girls one by one.

“Seriously, did we not have the budget to get muzzles?” The principal grumbled as their ball gags were taken off.

And almost instantly, Hikage spit at him, hitting the lapel of his suit.

The man simply let out a sigh as he swiftly pulled out a handkerchief and began wiping it, unphased by the action. “You four are lucky to still be breathing. It was confirmed that you only set the bombs in the forest, so Hebijo's total destruction is not on you.” The principal stated and revealed.

“...” The four however narrowed their eyes in response as they remained silent.

“However, that does not mean your actions of showing signs of betrayal to my school are any less severe. If you think you would get a lighter punishment, you are sorely mistaken.” The principal continued. “You've all almost hurt many of our students and faculty here, and wasted our time training you all. As of last night, you are an enemy. I hope you understand that there will be consequences for your actions.” He soon stated.

“Go to hell.” Murasaki growled out with narrowed eyes.

The principal only looked amused, almost impressed by the former shut-in's words. “Been there. You are nothing in comparison.” He soon informed in a nonchalant manner. “Don’t expect any friends to come for you. You have tried to control your fate and ended up here. Use this time to think about your actions. Am I clear?” He then warned and instructed in a sniding manner.

“...” Hikage simply glared in response, earning a sigh from the raven haired principal.


“ACK!” Hikage choked as the principal’s fist dug into her stomach. Her teammates nearly attacked, but the guards quickly put a stop to that by whacking them with the ball gags.

“Seriously, do you not have weapons!?” Mirai complained.

“I’ll ask again. Am. I. Clear?” The principal however repeated through gritted teeth and narrowed eyes, ignoring the youngest of the group.

“C-Crystal.” Hikage forced out.

With that, the principal pulled his fist back, allowing her to fall to her knees and cough. “Take them to their cell. And don’t kill them or leave them to die.” He coldly got out before walking away.

“Yes, sir.” The guard dutifully responded with a salute. “MOVE IT!” She then ordered while shoving the purplette forward, causing the rest of Crimson Squad to stumble over themselves.

“Hey! We're going! Don't push‐” Mirai called out.


“AH!” Mirai yelped as she elbowed in the back of the neck. “Why me!?” She then complained even more.

“Shut up and move, traitors. Or should I give you a real reason for an eyepatch?” The guard harshly ordered and threatened.

Crimson Squad could only nod as they were escorted away, not wanting to make their situation any worse than it already was.

Soon enough, they arrived to their life for the of their lives.

“Welcome to your new home for the rest of your short lives.” The guard informed as the girls looked through the metal bars to study the cell.

It was...just an empty room with wooden walls and flooring with a squatting toilet in the darkest corner as well as the thinnest roll of toilet paper they’ve ever seen.

“Get in.” The guard ordered.

The Crimson Squad girls wordlessly stepped inside...except for Hikage. She had help.

“AH!” Hikage yelped as she was tossed into the cell...but not before accidentally slamming the door on her foot as they tried to close the cell. “OW! DAMMIT!” She growled as she clutched onto her foot.

“Next time, you’ll lose it.” Her escort spat out before properly shutting the door and locking it up.


Murasaki instantly tried to break out of the cuffs, only to realize it would only tire her out as they didn’t even budge, so she stopped soon after.

“You can’t keep us here forever! We’re still the best damn shinobi in the miserable excuse of an educational institution for psychos!” Mirai growled. However, the guard ignored her and that only served to piss her off more. “ better not touch my stuff, ya hear me!” She then grumbled.

“Mirai, save your energy.” Yomi advised in a quiet manner. “There’s nothing we can do now.” She then mumbled, saddened.

“Poochie...” Hikage murmured in worry.

Crimson Squad soon all let out a sad sigh in unison.

“This is it. Rock bottom.” Mirai mumbled out.

“This is lower than rock bottom.” Yomi corrected. “This...this is doom.” She then added.

"I'm soooo sorry!" Murasaki meanwhile suddenly cried out in shame while hugging her fellow Crimson Squad members. "I went and got us all caught cause I went out of control again!" She then added.

“It wasn’t your fault.” Mirai got out.

“Yeah. Blame me instead.” Hikage sighed out. “I was the one who stabbed your goddamn sister on a whim.” She then added.

"But she egged you on and triggered you by threatening another puppy!" Murasaki reminded in anger.

“It’s no excuse!” Hikage however snapped as she looked down, away from her teammates’ eyes. “I should’ve just walked away instead letting...letting my emotions take over. It was foolish of me. Plus, as far as we know, she could’ve just been spouting nothing but empty threats. Don’t try to make me feel better. I ruined our only chance, and now all we’ll be doing is waiting for our execution.” She bitterly spat out before looking down at her feet, unable to look at the others.

“Hikage-san...” Yomi breathed out in concern.

“Is this what having emotions really means?” Hikage soon mumbled out.

“...Some of it can be bad, but it can also be good...” Yomi responded as the others nodded in agreement. “You just...have to learn, you know?” She then informed.

“Too late for that now...” Hikage mumbled out the reminder.

“Look at Murasaki, she’s even more passionate than usual now.” Mirai pointed out.

“Erm...I flipped out, nearly killed you all, and got us all captured too...” Murasaki mumbled in sadness as tears ran down her eyes. “I’m so sorry.” She once more apologized.

Hikage however sighed and rubbed the purplette’s head. “Stop apologizing. It’ll be no help here.” She then added.

“I guess.” Murasaki murmured, tears still forming from her eyes.

"Still, to think you would go through such a drastic transformation, Murasaki-chan." Yomi suddenly got out.

That however got the purplette's attention as she gained an expression of confusion. “Huh? What do you mean?” Murasaki however asked as she tilted her head.

The three others however blinked to that. “You...don’t remember?” Mirai soon questioned.

The purplette soon shook her head as she then noticed something else. “W-Wait, why is a streak of my hair blonde!?” Murasaki got out in confusion.

“And she just noticed it...” Mirai muttered with a sweatdrop.

“I’m sorry, I was kinda focused on the fact we’re in a f*ckING PRISON!” Murasaki snapped with a twitching eye.

That in turn caused the others to sweatdrop. “Definitely more passionate now.” Yomi noted.

“Moh...what happened...” Murasaki moaned as she clutched her head.

“I’m guessing you only remember...” Yomi started.

“Hikage stabbing Onee-chan.” Murasaki finished. “Everything after was...a blur to a degree...” She doon revealed before dropping her head in sadness. “I beat everyone up with the Root of Calamity power, didn't I?” She shamefully and guiltily assumed.

“You nearly killed Hikage by crushing her into mush and nearly blew us off the rooftop and into the fire.” Yomi confirmed, causing the purplette to pale.

“Yomi-oneechan!” Mirai exclaimed.

“B-But you fixed it right after!” Yomi panickingly revealed.

That in turn got the purplette's attention. “...I...did?” Murasaki got out in confusion and curiosity.

“Y-Yes! Everything dark became light and there were flowers and, oh, you healed us all right up!” Yomi soon revealed and recalled. “And fainted. And then Suzune came and the roof collapsed.” She then added.

Murasaki's eyes soon widened to that reveal. “...I did that?” She questioned.

“Yep! Like an angel coming to bring peace to a battlefield.” Mirai confirmed with a nod.

“Actually, you did basically become one.” Hikage informed.

"I...I became an angel?" Murasaki repeated in confusion, trying to process this new information. “Really?” She then asked.

“Gold blonde hair, energy wings, healing powers. It was crazy! You literally had light shining down on you from the sky!” Mirai exclaimed, recalling what happened.

“...” Murasaki meanwhile was wide-eyed as she looked at her hands in awe.

“You still had the giant claws though...” Yomi added. “You seem more like a holy demon than an angel. At least to me.” She then assumed and admitted.

“I think...that fits better...” Murasaki had to admit. “No matter who I am now, I was a denizen of darkness. But now I’ve embraced the light. There’s no changing who I was, but I can choose who I can be now." She soon stated.

“Well put, Murasaki-chan.” Yomi praised in approval.

“Uh, holy demon is an oxymoron though.” Mirai awkwardly pointed out, causing the others to sweatdrop since she was right. “We'll have to workshop on the name.” She then added.

“We have plenty of time for it.” Hikage reminded.

“Looks like we’re stuck here for the time being...” Yomi muttered as she sat in a more comfortable position. “Or for life.” She then thought in a depressed manner.

“You think they’ll feed us while we’re here?” Mirai had to ask.

“Doubt it. To them, we’re traitors. They barely showed mercy for us before, what makes you think they’ll show it now?” Murasaki replied and asked with a sigh.

“The staff won’t.” A new voice spoke up as they heard footsteps coming towards them. “But I’m not-” Imu soon got out as she stepped into their view, looking no worse for wear.

“Onee-chan!” Murasaki gasped out.

“Murasaki, get back.” Hikage immediately ordered with narrowed eyes.

To that, the purplette instinctively did as ordered, also narrowing her eyes.

Imu stared at the naked prisoners with a pondering look for a moment. “Hey, you. Can you leave us for a moment?” She then requested the guard posted on their cell after a while.

“What? Imu-senpai, I was assigned by one of our teachers to watch over these two.” The female guard informed. “I cannot simply leave my post just so you can have some privacy. They did betray the school, and there could be others who wish to join their foolish cause.” She then reminded.

“Well, one of these traitors is my sister. Can I not at least have some time with her alone?” Imu counter reminded and requested.

“Nope.” The guard responded. “Those cuffs on them? I can't take them off. Only one person can do so.” She then informed.

“Hmm...Really. That's a shame.” Imu got out, sounding disappointed. “Well, how about I give you a reason?” She soon offered.

“What do you...?” The guard got out in confusion as the sandy blonde leaned in close.

Imu whispered something to the guard’s ear, the Crimson Squad soon watching as her expression went from passive to...sheer perverted excitement with a small nosebleed.

“...You can do that for me?” The guard asked with a blush on her face while also having a nosebleed.

“Yes, now go.” Imu replied as she jerked her towards the door. “This never happened, and you can come back once you see me leave the door.” She then ordered.

“Y-Yes ma'am.” The guard stammered as she practically vanished from her post.

With that, Imu faced the nude yet still defiant prisoners once more.

“...What did you tell her to do?” Mirai questioned in a skeptical tone.

“I told her if she got my fox spirits back, I'd give her a limited edition Miyabi NSFW dakimakura.” Imu casually revealed before putting on a serious face. “...By the way, you owe me a new staff.” She then told her little sister.

“That’s your own fault for not backing down.” Murasaki countered with narrowed eyes. “Who started the fight again?” She then asked.

“Sōji.” Imu responded. “She's kind of dumb like that.” She then added.

“Are you here just to get a new weapon from us?” Hikage questioned in annoyance. “Because I'm pretty sure that Hebijo drained our accounts. We don't have anything left to give you, not even our clothes.” She then added.

“While I do want a replacement for Ruyi Bang, that is not what I am here for.” Imu confessed and revealed.

“Then what is it?” Hikage asked in annoyance.

Imu let out a breath...before going to her knees and placing her forehead on the floor.

“!” The Crimson Squad girls' eyes immediately widened to that.

“I’m sorry. For everything.” Imu soon apologized. “I just...I keep screwing up, thinking I’m helping you but...all I do is make things worse. I only wanted you to be safe and happy.” She then confessed in shame.

“What a great job you did of that, bitch.” Mirai countered in disdain.

“That’s...because we didn’t listen.” Yomi however pointed out.

“Yeah...” Murasaki conceded. “I...I just thought we could do anything if we just trusted each other and did our best, was never going to happen, was it? We...we were never going to truly escape. We were just going to lose everything sooner or later.” She soon stated in a saddem tone.

“Murasaki...” Imu whispered.

“I-I’m sorry.” Murasaki apologized, bowing down the same as her sister.

“Murasaki, I never wanted an apology, I...I just wanted to make sure you were ready.” Imu however stated as she shook her head. “The real world’s a scary place and no matter how safe you think you are, it could all be stolen away from you in a moment.” She then explained.

“I know that now...” Murasaki murmured while looking at the bars of her cell sadly.

“And that lesson will stay in your heart.” Imu continued. “But...sometimes you just have to follow that very same heart and hope for the best. Life...isn’t worth living without risk.” She soon stated.

“Onee-chan?” Murasaki got out in confusion.

Imu soon gave a determined and dead serious expression. “I'm going to help you leave this place even if it’s the last thing I do.” She declared in a no nonsense manner. “I’ll be staying in Hebijo though. For...personal reasons.” She then added in a vague manner.

“Because you're horny as hell for Miyabi and want to get into her pants.” Murasaki bluntly stated more than accused as the other Crimson Squad girls snorted at the bluntness.

“T-That's...” Imu stammered before soon glaring at the greenette. “Okay, what kind of sh*t did you teach my sister about!?” She then irritatingly asked.

“Onee-chan, I've known about that for years.” Murasaki however bluntly informed. “And I know you're the founder of the original I Heart Miyabi militia when they mentioned I ragdolled their leader. The same one that evolved to love me too.” She then added as her older sister went pale faced.

The other Crimson Squad girls meanwhile looked on at the sight in disbelief. “...You're a Miyabi worshiper?” Hikage bluntly asked.

“...Or a simp.” Mirai suddenly added.

“H-Hey!” Imu exclaimed in an offended manner. “A-And what’s a simp?” She then asked.

“Someone who’s obsessed with another person.” Mirai replied. “Heard that from the internet.” She then added.

“Wha-?! The hell?!” Imu sputtered before exclaiming as crossed her eyes at her.

Hikage looked at the first-year as well but with an interested look. “Huh. Anyways, if you start simping over your sister like what Mirai said in a similar manner to her fangirls, should we start singing Sweet Home Alabama?” She then jokingly asked as she faced the usually staff-wielding girl.

You-! Grrrgh!” Imu began and struggled out, wanting nothing more than to yell at the greenette. “You really never grew out of being a bully, huh.” She soon accused in a grumble.

“Onee-chan, you didn't answer her.” Murasaki responded while taking a step back with a creeped out expression now on her face.

“Why the hell would you- YOU SICK PERVERT!” Imu called out, red with anger. “Why would that enter your head in the first place!? Is it not obvious that I would not have such disgusting feelings for my own sister! What do you take me for, those two, weird twin newbies!?” She then declared and asked.

“Well, maybe not to their level of...incest, but you still can't say your crush is normal.” Murasaki responded.

“You sound like that Ibuki girl.” Imu groaned while covering her face. “But my feelings are genuine and at perfectly manageable levels.” She then claimed.

“How much did you spend on fan made Miyabi merchandise again?” Murasaki however tried to recall.

Imu's eye twitched. Two could play at that game. “Oh? And what about the shirtless, sweaty pictures of Akira Kurusu?” She soon countered.

Murasaki froze. “W-What the hell are you talking about?” She questioned in denial.

The other three were frozen as well, but had to keep their usual expressions for obvious reasons.

“Oh, you know, the ones that were on your desktop. And your USB hard drive. And your phone. And printed and hidden underneath your pillow. And that 5,000 yen custom metal poster.” Imu casually listed off.

“Hey, hey, that's an invasion of privacy, you four eyed bitch!” Mirai called out.

“She went after my love for my Miyabi, I go after her love.” Imu countered with a confident smirk.

“Where did you get this info?” Yomi had to ask.

“Have you guys forgotten that I went to Tokyo?” Imu reminded.

“...Did you kidnap and interrogate Ak- th-this Kurusu person?” Mirai had to ask...while hoping that the glasses-wearing girl does not know who the boy was all about.

“No. I’m not that crazy.” Imu waved off. “That's probably something Haruka would do.” She then got out with a shrug.

The veteran Crimson Squad meanwhile gained awkward expressions in response. “...Um, actually, that already happened...” Yomi sheepishly admitted.

“You WHAT!?” Murasaki growled, her eye twitching. “You never mentioned that before!” She then exclaimed.

“It was before we got to know each other and became friends with him.” Hikage explained, chuckling nervously. “It was mostly to get Homura’s attention...” She then weakly added.

“Because that's better...” Murasaki sarcastically grumbled.

“Not our best moment.” Yomi confessed. “We all apologized afterwards.” She then revealed.

Murasaki groaned before remembering where she was and who was watching all this, all with an amused smile. “I...I really don't have that big of a crush on Akira Kurusu...” She weakly tried (and was failing) to deny, looking like the cell had raised a few degrees.

“Murasaki, in the remains of your room, they found love letters under the floorboards.” Imu revealed. “All 69 of them.” She then added.

Murasaki began to sweat. “T-They are...aren't what you think?” She then got out while shaking her head.

“Are you sure, Ms. Kurusu?” Imu recited, causing her little sister to choke on her spit. “What about your twins, Hikari and Hikaru Kurusu? Maybe I should call your fellow sister-wives, Haruka and Ryōna? You naughty minx.” She then added with a smirk.

“AHH! NOOO!” Murasaki cried out as she covered her ears.

Imu smirked smugly at that, knowing that she burned her love letters after writing them out of embarrassment so they couldn't use that against her.

“Low blow...” Mirai grumbled.

“To be fair, we would’ve done the same...” Yomi pointed out.

“YOMI-ONEECHAN!” Murasaki and Mirai exclaimed at the same time.

“...Dammit.” Hikage groaned. She would’ve used those love letters as blackmail or to cut the sh*t and just hand it to Miyabi. Hey, if they’re too busy doing it, maybe Crimson Squad could’ve actually escaped.

“Hahahaha! You're just as bad as me!” Imu victoriously laughed out and declared, feeling as though she finally managed a fair win...until reality set in. “...Oh God, you're just as bad as me. And I’m your elder sister seeing my younger sister like this...Is this my fault?” She soon muttered, gaining a hollow look in her eyes.

Murasaki blinked and paled even more. “...NOOOO!” She cried out once more in a panic. She wasn’t a pervert like she was!

“There there...” Yomi got out in a comforting tone, rubbing the purplette's head, who in turn went and hugged her.

“I guess it runs in your blood.” Mirai muttered, causing the blood sisters to cry out in despair.

“Wait, when did Ryōna get added?” Hikage had to ask. Haruka, she fully expected given her...everything, but Ryōna was clearly new.

“...I've been having a lot of weird thoughts lately, okay...?” Murasaki confessed in a tiny voice. “Moh...please tell me if any of this is for real or not.” She then mumbled.

“Hey, if you're gonna summon a Keyblade, use it to get us out first.” Mirai remarked, shaking the chains that bound them together.

“R-Right.” Murasaki mumbled as she looked at her birth sister. “Onee-chan...promise you won't leave us here.” She soon requested.

“I abandoned you once. Never again.” Imu replied. “Trust me.” She then added.

Hikage scoffed in annoyance. “We’re not trusting you that easily, Imu.” She then responded with narrowed eyes.

“And I accept that.” Imu instantly got out. “But I’m still an ally regardless. Besides, you aren’t getting out of here by yourselves anymore.” She soon added.

“...Fine. We’ll consider it.” Hikage relented. “But that doesn’t mean we’re friends.” She then added.

“Hey, I made you stab Poochie because you were a bully, then you stabbed me after I threatened more puppies. I guess we’re even then.” Imu responded with a shrug.

Hikage let out a sigh. “Yeah. I guess so.” She had to admit in agreement.

With that, the tension in the air eased. For once in many months, Imu and Crimson Squad were on mutual grounds with one another.

“Okay, after...all that, what would you like to know?” Imu then started.

“Is Haruka-san or Homura-chan in any danger? Or the twins?” Yomi soon asked.

“No. They’re denying any sort of involvement.” Imu informed. “I don’t know how much they believe though. It’s not every day the Elites of the school betray it for, in the principal's words, superficial reasons.” She then added.

“Superficial-” Hikage began in disbelief before stopping herself and shaking her head. “Ugh, whatever. When are you going to break us out?” She then all but demanded.

“I’m not.” Imu however shook her head.

“What!?” Mirai got out in disbelief. “Didn’t you say you’re trying to atone?” She then reminded.

“I am, but breaking you out isn’t the way.” Imu answered in a serious manner. “I want you all to be safe, no strings attached. That means not getting you labeled as renegades.” She then explained.

“So how are you helping us?” Murasaki questioned.

“I don’t have to, yet.” Imu responded. “You’re too useful to be killed, and with Murasaki controlling her Root, you’ll likely either be brainwashed into servitude, or forced to act under Hebijo’s wishes. I mean, you all still have the Yoke technique on you. If they wanted you all dead, well...we wouldn’t be having this talk in the first place.” She then stated and explained.

Murasaki put a hand on the back of her neck. “Isn’t there anything you can do?” She soon asked.

“I might be able to convince the higher ups that I’ll be your handler when you get a mission.” Imu responded. “I can just say your wills broke through the brainwashing and you escaped.” She then added.

“That’s not a great story to give to them.” Yomi pointed out.

“We’ll work on it later.” Imu assured before reaching into her bra and pulled out an item. “Here.” She soon got out.

“My phone?” Murasaki gasped, clutching onto the device. It had no signal and no internet, but it was something.

“Use it however you like, but you better hide it or give it to me before I leave. I’ll make sure to charge it too when I can.” Imu then said.

“And how can we hide it exactly? There’s nothing here but a squatting toilet.” Murasaki soon questioned.

“...” The others soon blinked before looking towards the purplette and her generous curves...and especially her most prominent asset on her body.


“...P-Please don’t make me...” Murasaki nervously muttered, covering her boobs and butt.

“We’ll hide it in your hair. There is a lot of it.” Hikage soon clarified.

That seemed to calm her nerves a little. “I haven’t had a haircut in two years...” Murasaki muttered in realization before wincing. She just realized that shampoo wasn’t going to be a luxury allowed while in here.

“When we get out, we are so gonna enjoy a hot bath at a bathhouse.” Mirai got out, the other Crimson Squad girls nodding in agreement.

“Hey, by the way, do you still...?” Hikage began, looking at the sandy blonde.

“Huh?” Imu looked confused before remembering. “Oh, no. Look.” She soon got out as she lifted her top up, revealing completely unblemished skin, causing gasps to fill the cell.

“It’s like there’s nothing there...” Yomi gaped in awe. “Not even a scar...” She breathed out.

Imu soon looked at her sister once more, though focused more on the golden blonde streak of her hair. “Your power...that was something Hebijo can’t even comprehend. Somehow I’m grateful for that happening.” She soon stated.

“I...I saved you...” Murasaki whispered, still unable to comprehend her power.

Imu in turn nodded. “The changed, changed it. You not only healed me, but everyone at Hebijo with that power. Even those that we thought were dead.” She soon revealed with a hint of pride in her voice.

That in turn got the Crimson Squad's attention once more. “...Everyone survived?” Murasaki breathed out with widened eyes.

“Everyone survived.” Imu confirmed with a nod. “Who knew the Root could be used for more than war?” She soon breathed out.

“It...It always could. It's just that no one in our family considered the possibility.” Murasaki got out.

“You think you can do it again?” Yomi questioned.

“Mmm...I'm not sure.” Murasaki frowned. “I don't even know if I can ever do something like that again.” She then admitted while shaking her head.

“You can still heal people though?” Imu then pressed with interest.

“I...I think so, but...maybe not when they're dying like Onee-chan was.” Murasaki responded before awkwardly adding.

“Of course something so useful is a one time thing...” Mirai groaned as she palmed her forehead.

“Probably for the best.” Hikage sighed. “I'd...I need my fear of death, of myself and others, if I'm going to make up for getting us in this mess.” She then added.

“It's not your fault, it's mine!” Murasaki and Imu got out at the same time. “Wait what? No, it was my fault you ended up like this! No, shut up! Stop copying me! No, you be quiet! No you be quiet! NO YOU BE QUIET!” They soon continued.

“Stop!” Mirai interrupted with a shout. “It's everyone's fault and that's that!” She concluded.

“No, I'm taking responsibility because I'm not gonna run away from consequence anymore!” The two sisters declared before realizing what they just said. “Dammit!” They then swore out.

“Just say your name.” Hikage deadpanned.

“Yahagi?” Imu and Murasaki responded in confusion.

“Goddammit.” Yomi faceplamed. “Well, that confirms you're still sisters, even if Murasaki-chan is a holy demon now.” She then added.

“...Holy Demon is an oxymoron, Yomi.” Imu bluntly stated.

“Ah, the copying stopped.” Hikage muttered.

“Well, she’s not totally an angel.” Yomi argued with a huff. “If she was, she’d have eyes all over her body and wings. She wouldn’t even look human!” She then stated.

“...” The other girls in turn soon looked at the beansprout loving blonde in confusion.

“The f*ck, Yomi-oneechan?” Mirai bluntly asked.

“I-It’s accurate!” Yomi tried to defend.

“In some cultures probably.” Hikage countered.

“It’s in the freaking Bible!” Yomi declared.

“How do you know that!?” Imu meanwhile asked.

“INTERNET!” Yomi screamed before the rest of the Crimson Squad began to bicker amongst themselves.

“...Goldilocks...” Murasaki suddenly got out.

“Eh?” The Crimson Squad girls and the sandy blonde got out.

“That form's name...Goldilocks.” Murasaki proudly answered with a smirk as her hair bled to golden blonde once more while her eyes gained the golden flame like rings around her irises. “I will give everything I can to help those I care about.” She soon declared with a smile, her sounding more...divine. Pristine.


Before soon getting shocked as the same flowers sprouted within the room.

“GYAAAAHH!” The rest of the Crimson Squad screamed in pain as they all got shocked as well.

“Ah! I’m so sorry!” Murasaki apologized as she quickly reverted. “I forgot about these stupid things!” She then complained as she tried to reach the collar around her neck.

“You probably shouldn’t do that again, Murasaki.” Imu warned with a wince. “I think the voltage rises with every shock too.” She then recalled.

“Why is so much of the budget spent on this crap!?” Mirai sobbed as Yomi went to comfort her.

“It's not like I meant to go Goldilocks form, it was...instinctive.” Murasaki awkwardly replied and explained. “But I guess I can't learn more about my new Root of Harmony then.” She then added in disappointment.

“That’s unfortunate. Transformations like that are rare. I've only seen that from Miyabi years ago, and there's still so much we don't know about it.” Imu responded and stated in fascination. “It really is heavenly looking...” She then muttered. “Wait...the Root of Harmony?” She soon asked in confusion.

Murasaki nodded happily to that. “A more fitting name, right?” She replied and asked.

“Hey, it's your power. Call it what you will.” Imu got out with a shrug. “Powers like the Root aren't inherently evil or good. It's how the person uses it that determines it. And're a good person.” She soon stated and confessed.

“Yeah, Murasaki-oneechan's a white mage now.” Mirai soon declared.

“A white mage who can throw hands.” Murasaki pointed out.

“White mage plus monk then.” Mirai corrected.

“Alright, the guard should be coming back any moment now. Just...don’t do anything stupid. For the sake of us and yourself.” Yomi warned. “That’s all we’re asking.” She then added.

“I’ll try.” Imu responded with a nod. “I should be saying the same thing to you as well.” She then advised.

“I don't think we even have the physical ability to act dumb.” Yomi bluntly stated as the other Crimson Squad members nodded in agreement.

“Well, you'll have plenty of opportunities to do so when the time is right., I guess.” Imu soon advised with a shrug.

Hikage instinctively began holding her breath before Yomi jabbed her elbow into her stomach, forcing her to take in air.

“We'll try.” Mirai soon replied.

“Well then, if you'll excuse me, I need to attend to my Elite duties.” Imu then told her as she was about to leave.

“...The principal made you an Elite?” The Crimson Squad girls all asked as one.

“Declared just this morning.” Imu informed. “He will not be happy if he knew his new Elites are already going against him. It'll probably cause irreparable damage to the title.” She then stated.

“But Sōji’s probably enjoying it like crazy though...” Murasaki remarked with an eye roll.

“You think?” Mirai remarked.

“I think being an Elite is meaningless now...” Hikage muttered.

“Suzune-sensei mentioned that there’s a school that possibly has twelve Elites and used that as the reason to have more.” Imu revealed.

“Do I look like I care anymore about this sh*t?” Hikage deadpanned.

“You should be. If this school with twelve Elites comes charging at our school, we’re done for.” Imu however warned.

Any school could do that in its current state.” Murasaki corrected.

“Yes, that too.” Imu confirmed with a nod. “Which is why we should use this time to recover ourselves from this tragedy, and think ahead before our enemies know what our current situation is.” She then explained.

“Why are you talking as if we all care about what happens to Hebijo at this point?” Hikage sighed out, though still knew the dangers of the situation.

“Because you don't want anyone to die, no matter what.” Imu pointed out.

“...She's right about that...” Yomi confessed with reluctant agreement.

“Another thing that I’m worried about is Miyabi in regards to the principal himself.” Imu soon stated. “I think you all know what I’m referring to, right?” She then assumed as she adjusted her glasses.

“Family.” Mirai sighed.

“Exactly.” Imu responded. “If she learns that her father made up a story to frame you all, it may break her again. We're all she has left after all...especially me.” She then stated.

“And betraying her trust would...” Yomi added.

“...Yeah.” Imu sadly sighed. She didn't want to say the assumption part out loud.

“Well, you’re obviously going to need help yourself.” Hikage soon got out. “If only to stop you from” She then added.

“What about the New Wave? I think they wanted to believe us...except the narcissist.” Mirai suggested

“They're probably gonna need a lot of persuasion and convincing from me if I need them to go against the principal in secret.” Imu muttered, frowning in thought. “...Sōji more than the others.” She then added with a sweatdrop.

“I really wish we don't need her...” Murasaki groaned.

“If everything goes well, we might not.” The sandy blonde responded with a sigh. “But teamwork is important here and if Hebijo wants to come back from this, it needs unity, respect and-” Imu began to spout off, however...


“Wait, isn't she still an Elite?”

“Does no one care about tradition anymore!?”


“Heeeeey, Sissy-chan~ Have you heeeeard of the Hanahaki disease where you grrrrow flowwwwers in your throat when you're in loooooooove~? You should catch it so we eat these flowers foreeeeeeeeeeever~”

“Dammit Ryōbi-chan! Don't call me Sissy! Knock it off and stop showing off your butt! I think you should go to the infirma- Whoa, hey! Get back here, Ryōbi-chan! Moh!”

The Crimson Squad and Imu could only blink at the various noises going on outside. “...The soundproofing is sh*t.” They all couldn’t help but think.

“...I better get back.” Imu decided. “Hey, at least there's one upside to being here. You don't have to deal with idiots.”


“...I'll do it.”

“Okay, massive idiots.” Imu sighed and corrected herself as she walked off, leaving Crimson Squad alone.

“...Well, that went...well.” Yomi got out after several seconds of silence.

“Yeah. All we have to do is wait.” Mirai muttered as she laid on the floor. “...At least we got a better look at Murasaki-oneechan's new form now.” She then shrugged.

“Goldilocks.” Murasaki reminded, smiling from getting a better feeling from that power...and it felt good.

“ what?” Hikage sighed out, trying to relax even a little.

The room immediately went silent as the four looked at one another.

“...So, Hikaru and Hikari Kurusu-” Mirai suddenly began with a grin.

“Don’t you dare bring that up again!” Murasaki cried out in embarrassment while the rest of Crimson Squad giggled.

Maybe prison wouldn’t be so bad after a- oh, who were they kidding. This place sucked and that wasn't going to change.

(10/5, After School)

(Shujin Academy, Classroom)


“That's it for classes today. Remember, if you can't aim in the restroom, sit down.” The teacher advised before leaving the classroom.

“Another day, another bunch of messages to look over tonight...” Akira yawned as he stretched his limbs. He was glad the rest of the day passed by without much incident after the meeting, because he wasn't sure he could handle anything else.

“Ugh...even with training, I feel like gym still kicks my ass...” Ann complained as she slumped on her desk. “My ankles and fingers are still creaking...” She then groaned.

“Daidōji-senpai gives it her all at everything...” Asuka sheepishly and weakly giggled. “Be glad she hadn’t asked anyone to fight her.” She then got out in a tiny voice.

“In how many Shadow Kamoshidas?” Ann questioned.

“In scientific notation?” Asuka got out.

“Yeah, let’s just leave it at that.” Akira concluded.

“Hey, Homura, you aren’t talking.” Morgana noted.

“Huh?” Homura got out in a dim manner. She hadn’t been paying attention at all. “S-Sorry. Just don’t feel like talking right now. I need to attend to my duties now and then gotta get prepared for the big day tomorrow.” She mumbled as she stood up from her desk.

“Homura-chan...” Ann got out in concern.

“Homura, are you sure you want to do committee stuff?” Akira had to ask. “I think it would be best if you headed home early today. We can have one of us cover for you.” He then suggested.

“Yeah, I’ll do it!” Asuka offered.

The tan skinned girl sighed. “Just because my friends from my old school are in danger and that we’re relying on some unknown entity to solve our problems-” Homura began.

“I suddenly feel hypocritical.” Ann suddenly admitted.

“-That doesn’t mean I can skip out on my duties.” Homura soon retorted. “Trouble doesn’t stop even if I want to go to the nearest hole and scream into it.” She then added.

“Homura, seriously, you shouldn’t force yourself. Your committee can deal with trouble without you for at least one day.” Akira responded in concern.

“Guys, let me be honest: Right now, that is not true.” Homura confessed, causing the others to wince. “Besides, it’s a nice distraction. You’re one to talk, Leader.” She then added.

“I guess if I don’t do it, you aren’t either...” Akira sighed as he shook his head. After all, he was going to leave soon to spend time with one of his many confidants. “Just...take care of yourself. Don’t feel obligated to do anything you aren’t feeling up to.” He then advised her as he casually patted her shoulder.

“Thanks for caring, but the school needs me more than I need to take a break. I’ll see you back home, Sis.” Homura replied before adjusting her uniform and clearing her throat. “Now, get home safe everyone.” She then advised in a more orderly manner before heading out of the classroom.

“Homu-neechan...” Asuka mumbled before letting out a sigh.

“A mask to face life’s great hardships...” Akira murmured under his breath.

“I hate this.” Ann groaned. “It feels like I’m back to being powerless again.” She then admitted.

"I almost feel the same, Lady Ann." Morgana agreed as he popped out from the Leader's bag.

“There’s still plenty we can do. I know Futaba is trying her best to figure out something...that doesn’t involve sending the military to what’s left of Hebijo.” Akira then pointed out. “And if we can’t help the girls over there, we should at least make sure the girls here are going to come out fine after today.” He then declared.

“...Yeah. Yeah, you’re right, Leader!” Asuka responded, a determined look on her face. “I’ll go see Miyabi-chan. Oh, maybe Yusuke-kun, Yumi-chan, and Ryuji-kun could help too!” She then decided.

“I’ll get Makoto, Futaba, and Haru to help with Homura-chan then.” Ann soon got out.

“And that leaves me with Haruka.” Akira thought. “Alright team, our snakes need some TLC, so let’s GTATLTNTHAFBTBMSTHSDCAKUA.” He then declared.

The other Thieves in the room just stared at the Leader, befuddled. "" Ann only got out.

“Give Them All The Love They Need To Heal And Feel Better Tomorrow But Make Sure That Hebijo Shinobi Don’t Come And Kill Us All.” Akira informed as he then coughed. “Duh.” He got out.

“...Akira, I’m more impressed that you could do that on the fly." Morgana had to comment.

"My brain is always expanding by the second." Akira sarcastically stated. “And shrinking just as fast.” He then added.

"Uh-huh...and...are we supposed to laugh at that?" Asuka questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"I was expecting a chortle.” Akira sheepishly admitted.

“Okay, knock it off.” Morgana stated from his bag.

“Yeah, let’s just do this.” Ann sighed while rolling her eyes.

With that, the Phantom Thieves had a new mission they would (probably) not fail: To cheer up their Hebijo friends.

(Shujin Academy, Practice Building 2F)

Daigo was walking down the hallway, but seemed to be agitated about something. He soon looked around every corner to see whoever's watching him. Luckily, everything seemed to be normal and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Daigo-san?" A familiar voice called out, getting the boy's attention as he watched the tan skinned girl approaching. "Good afternoon." Homura soon greeted a polite manner.

"Oh, good afternoon to you too, Homura." Daigo greeted her. "Sorry about that, I didn't see you there." He then apologized.

"It is not a problem." Homura reassured with a pleasant smile. "How is your day going?" She soon asked in a curious manner.

"It's...going good. Nothing out of the ordinary here." Daigo replied while shifting his eyes. "So what about you? How's your day going?" He soon asked.

"Everything is going well for me." Homura replied. "I'm...still getting used to my current popularity and praise among the other students about me and Makoto-senpai." She then sheepishly admitted.

"You think you got it bad, the rest of us are getting the same treatment." Daigo joked with a smile. "You wouldn't believe how many times the girls were asking me and the guys out on dates or giving us love letters. Same with the girls for all from the guys. Granted, it's not as bad as you two, but it's still really telling how much you changed the school for the better." He then revealed and stated.

Homura in turn giggled at that revelation. "True, it honestly just shows how incompetent the principal is." She replied. "Even though the title as Queen feels Iike it is a bit much." She then confessed.

"Maybe, but it does suit you and Niijima. Especially after everything that happened with Kamoshida months ago." Daigo responded. "Thank god that he's now rotting in jail for everything he's done. Definitely a weight off of my shoulders." He then added in relief.

"Still, it somewhat feels like we're only replacing Kamoshida with us being the Queens instead of him being the King." Homura soon responded and explained.

"I guess that's true. It does defeat the purpose of us trying to set an example for everyone." Daigo admitted in agreement with a sign. "I'm hoping that this doesn't get out of hand and it'll be a repeat with him, only a lot worse." He then added.

“Like I would ever allow it.” Homura however stated while placing her hands on her hips.

”I can definitely believe you, Homura. I know you’re not like him.” Daigo nodded.

“And I appreciate the encouragement Daigo-san.” Homura replied with a heart melting smile, causing some of the nearby students (minus her committee member) to blush.

Daigo noticed the students all reacting to her smile and couldn’t help but chuckle. “You’re welcome, Homura-san. Glad I can be a pillar to help you with whatever’s on your mind.” He replied and stated.

“That being wanting to make sure this school is better than what Kobayakawa has done to it.” Homura reminded.

"Yeah, that's true. He'd done absolutely nothing to keep this school's reputation up and just made it a hellhole." Daigo replied in agreement.

"And everyone's getting more active thanks to Ikki-sensei." Homura also reminded before sweatdropping. "Especially since Ikki-sensei came in." She stated once more.

"Yeah, no kidding. Though it's not really what most people think." Daigo nodded while pinching his temples. "I'm pretty sure it's because of how she looks and acts whenever she's teaching P.E." He then added.

"And among other reasons." Homura reminded with a sweatdrop. "Even so, things are on the up and up." She concluded in approval.

"Yeah, sure does. It's almost night and day when we first started out." Daigo nodded in agreement. "I still find it hard to believe how everything has changed in the last couple of months, but here we are." He looks around the hallways and sees the students much happier than before.

"Well, there's still a lot to do." Homura replied as the two continued walking the halls.

"Hey, Homura." Daigo suddenly called out.

“Hm?” Homura hummed out. “Is something the matter?” She soon asked in a curious manner.

"You could say that." Daigo responded as he rubbed the back of his head uneasily. "Remember when I said what Kamoshida did was more painful than you thought?" He soon asked.

“Hai.” Homura responded with a nod, blinking to the sudden change in atmosphere.

"Well, I never really told you the real truth about what I said before." Daigo soon explained. "I wasn't sure if you'd believe me or I was just too afraid of telling you." He then confessed.

Homura in turn blinked some more as she heard this. “Go on.” She soon requested.

"I had a friend who was one of the many victims of Kamoshida when he was still a teacher." Daigo soon revealed. "When Kamoshida was finally arrested for his crimes and sent to jail, I had hoped he'd be back to normal..." He then added before trailing off.

"But...that didn't happen?" Homura guessed with a wince of uneasiness.

Daigo stopped walking as he leaned against the wall, letting out a heavy sigh. "No, it didn't...Actually, I'd say it had gotten worse since his arrest and now he's not the friend I knew..." He replied and revealed.

"I see..." Homura responded in a saddened tone.

"I tried to help him forget about what happened with Kamoshida and move on, but that only agitated him more." Daigo explained to her. "I don't even know what Kamoshida did to him, but when I looked into his eyes, they felt...distorted. They were bloodshot, his pupils were dilated and he couldn't even see straight. He looked almost like a chameleon with how his eyes were shifting around in every direction." He then described his friend's condition.

Homura's eyes immediately widened for a moment when he mentioned the word distorted, but kept her cool all the same. She really had to thank her teacher in Elegance for teaching her how to keep a cool head. "It sounds as though he is unwell." She soon stated.

"That's an understatement of the century...It had gotten even worse than before..." Daigo continues to explain. "I had him checked out at the hospital, but they couldn't find anything wrong with him. They just said they'd give him some medication and have him rest. I swear, I just wished they'd do their jobs." He grumbled as he clenched his fists.

Ok. Now that was all she needed. Clearly her committee member’s friend had a distorted heart, so now she had to help him. "So, what is his name?" Homura soon asked in a curious manner.

"It's Hamada Josuke. That's his name." Daigo revealed.

“Hamada Josuke...” Homura muttered to herself with a nod while making the mental note.

"I just don't know what to do for him...I did everything I could to help him move on, but it just makes it worse." Daigo lamented as he turned to face the wall and placed his hands on it. "Whatever happened to him with Kamoshida, it just broke him...I wasn't there to help him and now he's about to go over the deep end. If this continues, he's going to kill someone!" He punched the wall and made a crack that bruised his fist.

Wincing at the sight, Homura felt as though learning about her friend's troubles made her feel closer to him as a friend.



Ultra Growth: Increases stats gained from a Level Up by +2.

Eventually, Daigo pulled his hand back and shook it out from the pain. "Sorry you had to see that. I want to help my friend, but I'm at my wits end. I'm worried he's going to hurt someone and himself, but I can't do anything about it." He soon apologized and lamented on losing his friend.

"It is alright Daigo-san." Homura responded. "You have every right to vent your frustrations thanks to what Kamoshida did." She then reassured.

"I guess, but I was afraid to say anything about it. If I did, then he would be taken to a mental hospital and that would be even worse for him." Daigo responded and explained. "I didn't want that to happen to him. He's a person, not a lab rat to be experimented on." He then added.

“No, he is not.” Homura responded in agreement. “I’m sure he will get better from his troubles.” She then added while placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You really think so? Will he get better from this?" Daigo asked as he turned to face the head of the Disciplinary Committee.

“I know he will.” Homura responded with confidence with a nod and a warm and gentle smile.

Daigo closed his eyes for a brief moment before opening them again with a smile of his own. "Thanks, Homura. I really needed it. Hearing it from you gives me hope that he'll get better soon." He replied and confessed in a grateful manner.

“It is not a problem.” Homura replied as she looked at the time. “Oh, it is starting to get late. We better head home for the day.” She soon suggested.

"Oh sh*t, you're right. I didn't realize how late it was getting." Daigo realized as he looked at his phone. "I already promised Rena I'd meet up with her as soon as school ends." He then added.

“Rena?” Homura repeated with a raised eyebrow before gaining a teasing smile. “Oooh, you have a girlfriend? Good for you!” She soon guessed and praised.

"No, nonononono! It's not really like that! I mean, we're just friends!" Daigo stuttered as he blushed.

“Hmmmmm~” Homura however teasingly hummed out with a cat-like smile on her face.

"I-I mean, I am meeting with her but it's not just her! I'm also meeting up with some other people I've met during the summer break!" Daigo tried to explain to her.

The teasing grin however never left Homura's face as she looked at her committee member.

"You really don't believe me, do you?" Daigo meekly guessed.

Homura simply giggled to that as she winked at the boy before turning away to leave. “Have fun~” She teasingly requested as she began walking away.

Daigo was just at a loss for words as he watched her leave. But seeing as she already knows, he took her advice and headed out to meet up with Rena.

Meanwhile, Homura continued walking back to the committee room to continue her work for the day while swinging her hips back and forth in an elegant manner, getting the attention of other students.

Some drooled over her, some had nosebleeds and others fainted at the sight of her swaying her hips in a manner that made her all the more desirable.

On the other hand, some of the girls looked at the tan skinned girl in admiration and awe towards her beauty.

The boys, on the other hand, were lusting over her and were even fighting over whoever gets to date her. Some were more simping for her while others were generally wanting to date her and love her like a girlfriend.

This in turn caused the tan skinned girl to look at the brawling boys in disapproval. “Now now, there is no need for violence on school grounds. There was already enough when Kamoshida was a teacher at this school. Please do not try and give this school more of a bad reputation than it already has.” She soon lectured and requested in a mature tone.

"Yes, ma'am. We're sorry." The boys all apologized and bowed to her.

To that, Homura smiled in approval as she continued to leave as she then took out her phone and made a note of her committee member’s friend. “Hamada Josuke, your heart shall be changed.” She thought in a determined manner before pocketing it.

Daigo was already in front of the school and walked through the gate before stopping to look back at the school. "Please, someone help my friend. I don't care who it is, just save him from himself." He pleaded to himself before continuing on his way.

“For Daigo-san’s sake.” Homura mentally concluded as she arrived back at the committee board room.

(Shibuya, Central Street)

“Look, buddy, I’m not gonna be joining a strip club.” Katsuragi stated with crossed arms under her breasts. “Find someone else to perv, okay?” She then added.

She was currently having a conversation with what seemed to be a somehow shady male recruiter while she was walking around the Shibuya Central Street, trying to find a known burger chain that had a lot of issues based on what she had heard from the news and from other people’s gossip.

Right now, she had a little roadblock in the form of a random guy wishing to recruit her in the middle of a busy city street.

“What? No, no, I’m not trying to do that on anyone here.” The male recruiter tried to reassure her. “I just simply wanted to ask you if you wish to join our club. The salary is good, believe me. Our boss is dying of new recruits, so from the moment I saw you, you immediately met the boss’s criteria.” He then tried to explain.

Katsuragi sighed at the slight persistence of the man. “Dude, not interested.” She bluntly responded.

The recruiter’s face went strained for a bit...only to sigh in defeat afterwards. “Fine, whatever.” He eventually relented. “Thank you for your cooperation, at least. Sorry for the trouble.” He then added before leaving the girl with a slight frown on his face.

Katsuragi simply watched as the man left without a hurry. “...Huh, he’s unusually cooperative for a strip club recruiter.” She soon noted. “Probably trying to make themselves not look bad so no one gets their name put up on the Phan-Site.” She then assumed while shrugging her shoulders.

The blonde then went on ahead to find the place she was supposed to be looking for, crossing and passing over some of the people walking by while looking at the stores and buildings just to find the right place.

“Did your breasts get bigger, Emi-chan?”

“I don’t know...I think so?”

“What happened?”

“I think someone groped me...but I don’t really remember...”

“...You don’t think it was...”

“The Ghost Groper?”

“Ghost Groper? You mean that new rumor that recently popped up online?”

“Yeah. It started recently, but apparently, there are now incidents occurring where the breasts of young girls started to grow bigger after they had sudden passing out moments where the victims say it felt like they were being groped.”

“That’s exactly what I think happened!”

“Another name I heard for it was the Marvelous Squeezer...”

Katsuragi somehow heard the gossip from one of the groups of girls in the area as she walked by...before snickering. “Wow, already got a rumor now.” She thought to herself.

“Did you report it to the police?”






“No, I didn’t report it.”

“What? W-Why?”

“Do you wanna get bigger tit*, Koko-chan?”


“Come on, we can both have big tit* at a young age. You did say you wanna have a boyfriend, right?”

“...I gotta think about it...”

“Still, I wonder if mine can get even bigger...”


“Eshishishi~ So many girls to go after! And that Emi-chan girl’s spreading the word further now.” Katsuragi thought to herself with a sparkle in her eyes. “After I eat, gonna get back to it again!” She mentally decided, her fingers wiggling in anticipation as she soon arrived. “Ah, great.” She stated in relief before approaching the front door. “They’re still open.” She then added before entering the currently infamous burger place.

(Big Bang Burger)

The blonde entered the place...and immediately, the atmosphere was a bit heavy judging from the lack of people inside the establishment. One employee from the dining area was simply mopping the floor alone while the other employees behind the counter were not that enthusiastic in running the place once more.

“Yeesh, this place is dead. Just like yesterday.” Katsuragi quietly remarked to herself as she looked around the restaurant.

There were only a few customers occupying some of the tables while the employees there looked bored and dead exhausted.

“Hey, there.” The blonde greeted the employee from the counter as she approached. “Um, I would like to take the Big Bang Burger Challenge, please.” She then requested before taking out her Second Mate badge from one of her pockets as well as 500 Yen.

“Big Bang Burger Challenge, right.” The female clerk stated with a nod, as if she decided to focus on the customer this time after a long while of boredom. “That’ll be 500 yen...okay, thank you. Please take a seat yourself. A waiter will come to your table shortly to guide you through our challenge.” She replied.

As instructed, the blonde went to one of the tables near the window. After a short while, a different female clerk approached her table as expected, and clearly her expression was like as if she wanted to finish this stupid thing as soon as possible.

“Thank you for coming back for the Big Bang Burger Challenge...” The employee droned out with a sigh. “As you have moved up to the rank of Second Mate, this is your next foe...” She then informed her as another employee brought over the massive burger.


Katsuragi soon blinked at the sight of the food. “Damn.” She got out in awe and disbelief.

“This is the Gravity Burger, a burger so large that it almost has its own gravitational field...” The employee droned out the reveal. “Once again, this will be no easy feat to overcome...” She then sighed. “But should you conquer this challenge, you will be rewarded with an extravagant prize.” She eventually revealed. “You have thirty minutes to complete it.” She soon stated.

Katsuragi in response nodded to that as she prepared herself by rubbing her hands in anticipation.

“Ready, go!” The employee concluded with the declaration.

And with that, Katsuragi picked up the burger and went at it with gusto at a steady pace.


Meat after meat, topping after topping, bun after bun, the blonde chowed her way through the burger like an eager dog. Usually she was a ramen lover, but a good meaty meal like this was just as satisfying too.

At that moment, the female clerk left the blonde’s table and simply had to wait for the blonde to finish the challenge before she could return.

“Mmm~” Katsuragi moaned as she continued eating. “Their meat tastes pretty good, but it’s just like those regular burger patties.” She meanwhile thought to herself.


Unbeknownst to her though, she was getting quite a bit of attention from those that were in the fast food joint, despite there being only a few people.

“Good luck, sweetheart.”

“Look at her go...”

“Boing boing boing?”

“Holy crap...”

After a while of eating and drinking at a careful pace, the blonde managed to eat the entire thing.

“Whew!” Katsuragi sighed out in relief as she felt the meal in her stomach. “Now that was a challenge.” She then admitted. “Company heads may be assholes, but at least the food is decent.” She soon quietly added in satisfaction.

The store clerk, looking a bit bored, arrived at her table once more. “Congratulations, you managed to complete the Gravity Burger. For that, you will receive a fabulous reward: the 1st Mate Badge.” She then informed her, almost dejectedly as she handed the badge over to the girl.

“Thanks.” Katsuragi replied as she pocketed it.

“Enjoy your new rank as First Mate. mission still remains.” The clerk stated and informed afterwards. “...Looking forward to your next attempt at our challenge...” She concluded with a sigh before walking off.

“Jeez, that chick’s not having it today.” Katsuragi commented to herself as she looked at the female clerk leaving. “...Eh, I’ll give her a little fun time later. Eshishishi~” She then decided in her head with a mental smirk and snicker.

After that, she then stood up from her table, ready to continue the rest of her day.


The blonde somehow heard that faint bouncing sound, prompting her to glance down at her own large breasts.

“Hm, do they feel more jiggly?” Katsuragi muttered in a curious manner before shrugging her shoulders. “Nah, couldn’t be.” She then added in denial as she continued walking ahead towards the exit doors, opening them to leave.

“Jeez, look at that girl...”

“Did the Ghost Groper get her too?”

“Had to be the Marvelous Squeezer.”

The blonde meanwhile shrugged her shoulders to that, not letting the comments get to herself.

“Hm, the Ghost Groper...and Marvelous Squeezer? ” Katsuragi muttered to herself. “Eh, I’ll take it since they both sound awesome.” She then added in her head with a mental smirk on her face as she continued on her way back after exiting the burger joint.

Meanwhile, the two female clerks from the store counter simply kept her eyes on the blonde as she left the store. “Hey, see that blonde girl’s tit*?” She then asked her colleague.

“ the heck did she get those, Shoko?” The other girl, now named Rui, replied with a nod before asking.

“Probably from a wishing well or something.” Shoko guessed with shrugged shoulders. “Or maybe genetics.” She then guessed the second time.

“Could be implants, too.” Rui assumed as well. “But she doesn’t seem to look like a rich kid.” She then however stated.

“tit*, tit*, tit*...” Shoko sighed in exasperation. “The whole world is now revolving around tit*...” She then grumbled in obvious envy.

One of the male clerks then walked over behind the counter along with the two girls. “Hey, what was that about tit*?” He soon asked.

“...” The two female clerks looked at their male colleague in silence for a moment.

“...Just some blonde girl having epic honkers that just completed the Gravity Burger challenge.” Shoko casually replied immediately. “Figured you’d be interested in it and all, big boobs and stuff.” She then added.

“Hm? Big boobs?” The male employee repeated with a raised eyebrow. “What about them?” He soon asked.

“You see ours, Osamu-kun?” Rui responded. “We’re flat as pancakes.” She then added in disappointment.

“Well I’m pretty sure the Ghost Groper or the Marvelous Squeezer will get to you one day if you two are that desperate.” Osamu reassured the two. “But in the end, big or flat, tit* are tit*, so...I don’t give a damn. You two are hot in my eyes.” He then added and admitted as he tinkered with the register.

“...” Rui and Shoko looked at him in silence for a while.

“...Wanna go to the back alley together?” Rui asked his male colleague out of slight boredom. “The three of us, the usual?” She then added.

“Later. After our shift.” Osamu replied before going back to the kitchen to continue his work...or slacking off.

He was still curious how the people, including his colleagues, became weirdly horny all of a sudden, but that was just him. Especially when they’re colleagues with benefits.

(Motomachi Chukagai, Chinatown)

Three people, one woman and two teenagers, were simply standing in front of a magazine store in Chinatown, trying to blend in with the crowd while doing what they were supposed to be doing, and that is find the necessary information they needed for their personal mission of theirs.

It had been quite a while since their last attempt of gaining information that happened two days ago, which was trying to eavesdrop in a nearby bathhouse when the men on the men’s side began talking about how the Phantom Thieves benefited or deprived them for certain reasons.

“Fubuki-sama, that time at the bathhouse in we really have to bathe on the women’s side while trying to eavesdrop on the men’s side?” Senkō had to ask her as she leaned it, remembering that time two days ago as a slight blush graced her face.

“The men on the other side began gossiping about the Phantom Thieves aloud, and we need to know as much information as we can about them.” Fubuki simply answered with a nonchalant tone as always.

Senkō and Gekkō simply looked at her as if waiting for further explanation for that.

“Another is that it would be much more efficient if we enter and use the establishment as regular civilians instead of hiding nearby outside the bathhouse since the area is too open and we might get caught.” Their master added in a somehow matter-of-fact tone. “Remember, this city is now a hotspot for shinobi activity, so there’s always the risk of being watched by unknown folk out there.” Fubuki soon reminded in a serious tone.

“I see.” Senkō stated with a nod. “As expected of Fubuki-sama creating a good plan.” She then praised with a smile, with her half-sister doing the same.

Fubuki in turn hummed in acknowledgement. “...I really hope you two were not thinking of taking a peek at the men’s baths back there.” She then calmly stated aloud...almost as if it was in a cold manner.

The two half-sisters stopped their praising thoughts about their master before blushing. “O-Of course not.” Senkō immediately responded with crossed eyes.

“W-Why would you think that, Fubuki-sama?” Gekkō meanwhile asked...with an obvious faint blush on her face.

“Just a hunch since you two are still young women like every other young girl out there. Including Yumi.” Fubuki responded and explained. “Adding to the fact that people here in Tokyo have been a lot more...perverted and inappropriate lately. Both men and women.” She then stated.

The twins’ eyes slightly widened at that. “...So you’ve noticed it as well, Fubuki-sama.” Senkō then started with a sigh.

“I still wonder what happened to everyone here in Tokyo?” Gekkō had to ask herself. “It can’t all be due to the Phantom Thieves, right?” She then assumed.

“That sounds far-fetched, Gekkō, judging from their achievements in society.” Senkō responded. “Even Kurokage-sama would approve of what they have done here in Tokyo.” She then added. “The perversity is most likely due to other shinobis being in Tokyo and gaining attention due to their...bodies.” She soon deduced, glancing down at their own figures.

This prompted Gekkō to glance down on her own figure. “...You’re probably right, Senkō-chan.” She admitted in agreement.

“Back to important matters...what have we found so far?” Fubuki then finally asked the two.

“We’ve been doing our best, Fubuki-sama, but there’s next to nothing we could find about it.” Gekkō responded and revealed. “All we know was that something must’ve happened.” She then added.

“...Obviously.” Fubuki sighed as she shook her head.

“Are you feeling better, Fubuki-sama?” Senkō soon asked.

Fubuki in response sighed. “If you insist on asking this question every time we take a break, then...yes, I am feeling much stronger than before. That bath also helped, of course.” She responded and informed. “I am still affected by the event however. not feel at my peak.” She reluctantly confessed.

“Maybe you should relax and let us do all the work.” Gekkō soon suggested.

“I cannot.” Fubuki responded. “If we are to end all this tragedy, I must be active.” She then stated.

“The Phantom Thieves really are attracting shinobi from all over...” Senkō muttered. “Maybe we should go after them instead of looking into what happened to all the Yōma?” She suggested.

“As much as I do want their abilities in hand, this is more important.” Fubuki replied as she shook her head. “Whoever caused this may be able to do it again and destroy whatever little there is left of us.” She then stated.

“But we aren’t getting anywhere and we might not have the time, not while our targets are in the city.” Gekkō pointed out. “Besides, weren’t you the one to suggest it before?” She then recalled.

“It would be significantly easier to find the Phantom Thieves and convince them to join our cause.” Her half-sister added.

“Yes. Carrying on Kurokage-sama’s will is more important than ever now that he has passed.” Gekkō agreed with a nod.

Fubuki frowned, but quickly hid it. “...I’m not sure. The Phantom Thieves could very easily do the same to us like they’ve done to their previous victims. Let’s not forget their mass changes of heart and their methods still unknown to us.” She then admitted.

“ is around this time that they do this...” Senkō mumbled.

“Look, we do not have all the time in the world. We either need the Phantom Thieves or the answers to the disappearance of all the Yōma.” Gekkō soon reminded. “What do we do, Fubuki-sama?” She then asked.

Fubuki frowned as she closed her eyes to think. The Phantom Thieves or the answers she seeks. These paths in front of her could either lead her to salvation or doom, and she wasn’t sure which was which.

If only the Phantom Thieves were the cause of the disappearances, it would make deciding much easier.

“...Maybe it would be better if we talk about this later.” Senkō suggested. “Once you’ve met up with your cousin.” She then added.

“Y-Yumi?” Fubuki coughed at the sudden mention. “She is likely far too busy with her...idol work.” She assumed, pushing down whatever small smile she was feeling came to the surface. She was...sort of glad that her sister was making moves to leave the life of a shinobi.

That means one less to kill.

“I am sure fame hasn’t gone to her head just yet.” Gekkō stated. “I’m sure if you find her, she would be more than happy to spend time with you.” She then added.

“It’s still a surprise she became an idol to begin with.” Senkō meanwhile confessed. “...And she is a good singer and dancer too.” She then admitted.

“Of course she is.” Fubuki stated. “She would throw herself into anything she sets her mind to.” She then added. “Though...she probably doesn’t remember me. It has been years after all.” She soon confessed.

“When was the last time you and Yumi interacted, Fubuki-sama?” Gekkō soon questioned.

“...Ever since we were separated.” Fubuki answered.

“That had to be years ago then. High time you do that.” Gekkō stated.

“May I remind you that Yumi is currently part of the enemy, even with...that.” Fubuki reminded as she jerked her thumb over to a nearby Yuki Yumi poster.

“Why would Chinatown have that advertised here? It's not even in Chinese.” Senkō wondered out loud.

“Well, it should be your job to not be enemies.” Gekkō stated. “...Unless...” She then started before trailing off.

Fubuki waited for her pawn to continue, but was met with silence. “...Unless what?” She got out.

“Nothing.” Gekkō lamely responded, which did not amuse the bandaged woman.

“Gekkō, are you implying that I am afraid?” Fubuki soon accused.

“I...I abstain from answering, Fubuki-sama.” Gekkō nervously mumbled as she shuffled back.

“Gekkō...” Fubuki got out in a threatening manner.

“Ah, Senkō-chan!” Gekkō cried out as she hid behind her.

“Fubuki-sama!” Senkō squeaked as the half-Yōma marched up to the half-sisters.

“DOKAN!” One of them cheered.

Wait...none of them said that.

It was at that moment they realized they weren’t as alone as they thought as they saw a trio of girls round the corner nearby.

“Why are you yelling that out loud!? There are people around!” Kafuru called out in annoyance.

“I'm just so excited for all the fireworks! I brought all my money and everything!” Hanabi exclaimed as she walked with a joyous stride.

“Hanabi, we are not getting illegal Chinese fireworks while we are here!” Renka scolded her.

“But Renkaaaaaa...!” The fireworks-loving girl droned in a pleading manner.

“What is so hard to understand about the word illegal?” Kafuru deadpanned. “Japanese fireworks are just fine, even better than fine. Buy them.” She then added and stated.

“But I heard they’re super cool though!” Hanabi insisted with sparkles in the shape of exploding fireworks appearing in her eyes.

“We aren’t here for fireworks, Hanabi!” Renka reminded. “We are here to meet Kagura-sama and the others.” She then added.

“!” Fubuki’s eyes immediately widened after hearing that name.

“Fubuki-sama?” One of her pawns, she didn’t care which one, got out in concern.

“Hide, now.” Fubuki ordered with a low yet intimidating tone before walking towards a nearby hiding spot.

“Eh? Y-Yes, Fubuki-sama!” The half-sisters dutifully replied as they followed after the half-Yōma.

Poking her head out, Fubuki saw the group pass by them without even glancing in their direction. “We need to follow them.” She then ordered.

“At your command, Fubuki-sama.” Senkō responded as they soon began tailing the sisters to their destination.

Eventually, the sisters arrived at a gift shop, running over in the last few feet when they saw an old woman and a younger girl with pale green hair. There was also another girl nearby. She was wearing a white and black school uniform, none of them recognized from the many schools in Tokyo. It seemed new, like it was just bought from a store earlier.

Actually, now that Fubuki looked closely, the price tag was still on it...

“Sayuri-sama, Naraku-chan!” Hanabi exclaimed as she ran up to them. “Eh? Where’s Kagura-sama? Did she need to go potty?” She then asked.

“Hm? You don’t recognize her?” Sayuri got out, smiling a little in amusem*nt.

“Who?” Kafuru questioned as she narrowed her eyes.

“Me.” The girl in the uniform spoke up. “...I went to the toilet earlier.” She then admitted.

That in turn caused the siblings to go wide eyed in disbelief.

It took the sisters a second to connect the dots. “Wait, you're Kagura-sama!?” Renka got out in shock.

“We...almost didn't recognise you.” Kafuru whispered.

“Wow, you’re so...big now!” Hanabi exclaimed in awe.

Kagura stoically nodded to that. She had worked hard to find red orbs with the elderly woman. It was still a little foreign to her to not need to kill a Yōma to obtain one but beggars can’t be chooser right now. She needed the power and the mental faculties to solve this mystery...and maybe even her final form should it come down to that.

“Indeed.” Kagura responded with a nod.

“Can Kagura-sama fight now?” Kafuru soon asked.

“I’m afraid she still requires me for protection.” Naraku informed while shaking her head.

“Hai. I do not have access to any of my techniques yet.” Kagura confirmed with another nod.

“So you’ll need more red orbs.” Renka nodded to that. “How many would you need?” She then asked.

“A lot.” Kagura vaguely answered.

“Well, that shouldn’t be a problem. There’s tons of red orbs hidden around Tokyo.” Kafuru stated.

“She’s already getting stronger?” Fubuki thought with a frown. “And there are red orbs here in Tokyo too? Why?” She then added and wondered in her head.

“Why are they everywhere...?” Senkō questioned in concern.

It was at that moment that the eldest of the Mikagura sisters noticed how dour their friend was. “Kagura-sama, you seem...sad.” Renka noticed in concern.

“...Naraku can’t give me piggyback rides anymore...” Kagura mumbled with the hint of a pout, causing the others (save for the elderly woman and explosives lover) to facefault.

“K-Kagura-sama!” Naraku stammered out with an embarrassed blush.

Hanabi gasped. “Why can’t you, Naraku-chan!?” The middle sister exclaimed. “You can do that any time you can. Watch! DOKAN!” She then declared before swiftly grabbing the Yōma slayer.

“WAH!” Kagura yelped as she instinctively wrapped her arms around the fireworks-lover...and ended up clutching onto her breasts.

“Wow, I never thought Kagura-sama would gain a sense of shame.” Kafuru remarked as she watched the young Yōma slayer blush.

“A-Ahn!” Hanabi meanwhile exclaimed. “K-Kagura-sama, your’s so strong!” She got out.

Fubuki sweatdropped. The almighty, all powerful, immortal slayer of Yōma...was a blushing mess as she was carried and trying to grip onto a pair of breasts.

“This is not how I imagined seeing the great slayer for the first time.” Fubuki couldn't help but admit.

“Fubuki-sama, you are eyeing them as if they are threats. Shall we pull them into a Kekkai and eliminate them?” Senkō soon suggested.

Fubuki in response shook her head. “...No, too dangerous. Revealing ourselves would only make things worse.” She responded and explained.

“Are you sure, Fubuki-sama?” Gekkō responded. “We could just go in for a sneak attack if you wish.” She then suggested.

“This is not the time.” Fubuki finalized. “Not with Kagura herself...” She then stated in a dead serious tone.

Immediately, the eyes of the twins widened in shock. “You don’t mean-” Senkō started, only to get a nod of confirmation from the extremely pale girl.

“Then why are we staying around then?” Gekkō then asked.

“Know thy enemy.” Fubuki whispered as she then returned her gaze towards the group of women, prompting the half-sisters to follow suit.

“It’s been a while since we came here to Tokyo.” Sayuri confessed. “Starting to think I should get a cup of coffee from that cafe we went to before.” She then admitted.

“The one with the young boy with messy hair?” Naraku assumed.

“Yes.” Sayuri confirmed.

“He was...the first one we know was stained with Yōma blood, right?” Hanabi frowned as she tried to remember. “Or was it that cat we saw wandering around?” She then tried to recall.

“You want to extract info from him?” Kafuru assumed.

“I do, but he is surprisingly difficult to get a hold of.” Sayuri responded while shaking her head. “He does not have that consistent of a schedule. Back in my day, our days would be much more structured with how we spend our time.” She then grumbled.

“So the guy keeps himself busy.” Renka simplified. “I wonder why?” She then asked.

“Ooh! I know!” Hanabi responded as she raised her hand.

“Hanabi, he is not a Phantom Thief. Or that Biggles™ mascot. You've already brought those up before.” Kafuru groaned as she dragged her palm down her face.

“But it seems like it's super true...” Hanabi mumbled with a pout, a little upset that her sister didn't want to hear it.

“Keep your theories to yourself.” Kafuru sighed.

“Any progress so far on the other targets, Naraku?” Sayuri soon questioned.

“I'm afraid I am just as successful as the rest of you were.” Naraku responded. “I have nothing other than the fact they are civilians. How they managed to be so saturated is still unknown.” She then added.

“Plus, we keep managing to lose them.” Renka grumbled.

“It’s like they go into an alternate dimension!” Hanabi complained.

“...It’s called a Kekkai, idiot.” Kafuru pointed out.

“A different alternate dimension!” Hanabi corrected herself. “...Do you think they have illegal fireworks there?” She then wondered, causing her sisters to face palm.

“How am I the most mature one here?” Kafuru grumbled as she shook her head in shame.

As the Mikagura Sisters continued talking amongst themselves with Sayuri, Kagura, and Naraku, Fubuki and the half-sisters decided to stop eavesdropping to discuss their next move.

“This is...unexpected.” Senkō stated, seeing this interaction.

“Kagura’s not at full power yet, so she is in a state where she is learning about the world.” Fubuki explained.

“We should really take her out right now.” Gekkō soon suggested.

“There is no point when the others will take us out in turn.” Fubuki soon stated. “And she cannot truly die. She will always come back.” She then added.

“Seriously?” Senkō got out in disbelief.

“Well, there has to be something we can do. If they're here, they might have allies that can overwhelm us. If we stop them before they can act, we can do whatever we want without worry. This could be our only- Wait, where did she go?” Gekkō rambled before suddenly gasping out with widened eyes.

“Excuse me,” A familiar voice got out, causing the trio’s eyes to widen since it came from behind them. “What are you three talking about?’ Kagura soon questioned in a curious tone.

“Eh?” Gekkō got out in surprise.

Fubuki saw that the half-sisters were stunned, so she quickly took control of the situation. “Do you feel the need to interrupt conversations?” She countered.

“K-Kagura-sama!” Naraku called out in slight worry as she dashed towards her master. “Why did you dash off?” She then asked.

“Found these three spying on us.” Kagura simply responded as she pointed at the trio in mention.

Senkō and Gekkō gulped.

“Che...” Fubuki quietly got out.

“Eh?” Hanabi got out with widened eyes. “What for? Do they have-” She began asking.

“No.” Kafuru interrupted.

“Now, now.” Sayuri spoke up as she stood between the two groups. “I’m sure we can work this out first. Kagura, can you explain how you found them?” She soon requested.

Kagura said nothing at first, only stepping towards Fubuki with an unreadable expression on her face. The bandaged woman narrowed her eyes as she leaned forward, daring the teen to do anything.

“...Heeeeh, I see,” Kagura started in a fascinated tone. “You have the blood of a Yōma within you.” She concluded.

Immediately, the air chilled for both groups.

Fubuki didn’t show any emotion on her face, but inside she was tense. “...I do not believe I know what you are talking about.” She claimed.

“...That is the most obvious dodge I’ve ever seen, lol.” Kafuru got out. “Are you one of those dumb Yōma?” She then bluntly asked.

“Goddammit. Don’t goad her, Kafuru.” Renka scolded.

“We have no idea what you’re saying!” Gekkō tried to explain. “Please leave us alone.” She then requested.

“That’s right! Fubuki-sama is just as human as us!” Senkō agreed and claimed.

“Oh, so you’re claiming that she’s human.” Sayuri soon noted. “Does that mean that you know more than what you say?” She then assumed.

Senkō and Gekkō froze from the inside.

They just screwed up big time!

Fubuki simply closed her eyes while hiding her irritation towards the two.

“E-Even if we do know what this Yōma thing is, how would you know?” Senkō tried to recover from their blunder.

“Well, no normal human would have deathly pale skin nor eyes as dark as yours.” Sayuri however pointed out. “Not to mention your wholly bandaged face tells quite the story, don’t you think?” She then added and noted.

“...” Fubuki’s eye twitched at that.

“And Kagura-sama here exists to kill Yōma. And she can sense their blood. Even sense them.” Kafuru continued with narrowed eyes. “So, would you like to die peacefully or die screaming?” She then offered.

“Fubuki-sama...” Senkō started in a panic, her half-sister getting in a tense posture as well.

Fubuki simply stared at the group, still no response.

“Fubuki-sama!” Gekkō insisted in a whisper.

“Whoa there, you two.” Renka told the half-sisters in a calm yet dangerous tone. “Do anything funny and we’ll have a Kekkai in this spot here soon enough.” She then informed in a threatening manner.

“...” Fubuki’s group went silent.

The tension heightened, not knowing what was going to happen to both groups.

The elderly woman then stepped forward. “Alright ladies, as much as we want to engage each other in a Kekkai, I think it would be a missed opportunity if we don’t hear out some proper and justified reasoning from our lovely-looking three here since we’re already at an impasse here, don’t you girls think?” Sayuri stated as she then glanced at the three. “So, who are you three?” She questioned while gripping her cane.

“...” The three girls were still silent, gripping that statement.

“Have to remind you...any act of hostility and it shall be returned the same way.” Sayuri added as well. “I hope you are wise enough here.” She then told them.

“...You can’t let us leave?” Senkō assumed.

“Unfortunately, no.” Sayuri calmly replied. “Kagura here already has your sights on you and is very curious on how your leader here, I assume, is connected with the Yōma according to her speculation.” She then revealed.

“You could say that. But we don’t owe you anything.” Gekkō responded.

“I’m afraid you don’t have a choice even if there was.” Sayuri stated. “Try anything funny, and I’ll be kicking your keisters into the next prefecture.” She then warned.

“Just you, old lady?” Senkō tried to clarify, narrowing her eyes

“Don’t let looks deceive you, sweetheart.” Sayuri casually advised her after puffing a smoke. “If it were me, you’d all be dead on the spot.” She suddenly stated in a dark tone.

“Then why haven’t you?” Gekkō decided to ask with narrowed eyes as well, her body beginning to tense.

“Because I believe we could help each other.” Sayuri replied with a casual smile.

“Sayuri-sama!?” The three Mikagura sisters spat out in shock as they looked at her.

“Calm down, my dears. I know what I’m doing.” Sayuri soon assured with a wave of her hand. “Now take off that hood. I want to see your face before we discuss this deal.” She then told her.

Meanwhile, the half-sisters still had their guards up. “Fubuki-sama, this is a trap.” Gekkō stated.

“We need to strike first.” Senkō then got out.

Fubuki sighed...before taking off her hood, showing her bandaged face and fluffy long black hair. “What do you want?” She then asked with a slightly irritated tone.

“Good.” Sayuri responded with a nod. “Now, the only reason a Yōma would be here would be the same reasons as us.” She then began.

The half-Yōma waited for a moment, only to realize that she had to speak now. “...The disappearance of all the mindless Yōma and the weakening of the intelligent ones.” Fubuki stated.

Sayuri smiled. “And I assume you’re also running into the same trouble as us. If we combine forces, I am sure we can solve this mystery.” She continued.

“You’re making a deal with us?” Senkō got out with a raised eyebrow. “You’re willing to trust us?” She then added.

“I don’t trust Yōma.” Sayuri venomously spat out. “But, in this unique situation, I think we can all benefit from this. However, after we do so, we will be enemies.” She then explained.

“So...we work together until we inevitably backstab each other.” Gekkō assumed aloud.

“Such a shinobi move.” Fubuki thought.

Renka didn’t exactly look too thrilled either. “Sayuri-sama, are you really sure this is a good idea?” She whispered as she looked over to the Yōma slayer, who was staring at the suspected Yōma rather intensely.

“When you are as old as me, you will learn when to be a sword or a shield.” Sayuri informed as she faced the human-Yōma hybrid. “And when to hide a knife behind your back.” She mentally added as she stared directly into the pale skinned girl's eyes.

She could still hear them. See them in her dark eyes.

It took all of her will not to go into her Shinobi Tenshin and kill her before anyone could blink. She was disgusted she was forced to do this, but her husband hadn’t exactly been forthcoming with any info, if he had any to divulge to begin with.

“...We want more of an incentive.” Gekkō suddenly said.

“Eh?” The Mikagura sisters got out.

“You don’t get to negotiate!” Kafuru called out. “We’re both seeking answers, and that’s all we’re getting from each other.” She then added.

“Ooh, I can give them some of my special fireworks!” Hanabi soon declared.

“Goddammit, Hanabi, don’t give them that!” Renka called out. “If anything, we should give them a three day head start before we go and kill them. I’d go for that.” She then suggested.

“Ooh! That’s better!” the fireworks-lover exclaimed.

“Both of you, no!” The youngest of the sisters called out. “What did we say about your solutions to problems, Renka...” Kafuru groaned as she palmed her face.

“Don’t make me regret my temporary truce with you.” Fubuki warned, clearly hearing that part with the head start.

“I already have many regrets, myself. I will ensure that you will not...until the day we shall end your threat.” Sayuri declared in a serious manner. “Kagura-sama, your thoughts?” She then asked.

“Hm?” The bob cut ravenette hummed out with a head tilt.

“Kagura-sama, are you willing to work with a Yōma?” Naraku soon questioned.

The acclaimed Yōma slayer blinked to the question before nodding. “Well, it would give us more of a reason to find why all the dumb Yōma suddenly died out.” Kagura responded. “ will give me the chance to see the world more, Naraku.” She then added.

“...As you wish, Kagura-sama.” Naraku relented. Well, if anything, they could always obtain more red orbs.

“Eh? But...we’re just going to do the same thing as we were already doing, just...with a Yōma.” Renka soon pointed out. “If anything, you should probably go to school.”

“...School?” Kagura repeated with a tilt of her head once more, sounding a little interested.

“Everyone, focus.” Sayuri scolded as she turned to the half Yōma and her allies. “So, what do you say? Are you willing to work with us?” She soon asked once again.

“Fubuki-sama?” The half-sisters meanwhile got out at the same time.

“...I...I shall agree.” Fubuki decided, albeit cautiously.

Fubuki had to admit, she was desperate. With so many unknowns, and the possibility of another exodus to finish the job, she had to admit she needed help...even if the help came from the slayer of Yōma. It wasn’t like she was strong enough to fight...yet.

Besides, if she said no, she doubted they were leaving until one group was dead.

“...I can’t believe this is happening...” Kafuru got out in disbelief, wondering how they ended up in this situation.

“Yeah...I thought Sayuri-sama would never even think of doing something like this...” Renka mumbled.

“DOKAN! Let’s all be the bestest of best friends, Yōma-chan!” Hanabi cheered.

“Goddammit.” Renka groaned.

“I am not merely a Yōma.” Fubuki meanwhile started. “My father was a shinobi and my mother was the strongest Yōma ever to exist. Do not think you can simply take me down should you wish to.” She then revealed and warned.

“...I see. Well, I hope it doesn’t come to that.” Sayuri got out.

“I agree.” Fubuki nodded as she hesitantly held out her hand.

Sayuri...did not take it, but just nodded.

Although they had come to some sort of mutual ground, both groups were ready to fight at a moment’s notice. This reluctant alliance wasn’t going to last long, but they all hoped it would go on for long enough for them to find out what happened.

“So...Your dad banged a Yōma?” Kafuru bluntly asked with a hint of disgust.

Fubuki sputtered out of their mouth in disbelief at the bluntness...

“Banged?” Kagura meanwhile innocently repeated with a head tilt. Maybe school would be a good idea for her at this point to modernize herself with the world now.

“K-Kagura-sama, do not let this filth affect you!” Naraku however panickingly exclaimed with a nuclear red blush.

And the tense atmosphere was immediately broken...and the group as a whole knew it was going to be a long day before anything got done.

(Shujin Academy, Disciplinary Committee Board Room)

Meanwhile, the tan skinned girl had returned to her office at school as she was looking over the reports from her committee members.

“H-Here’s the latest report, H-Homura-senpai.” Hitomi informed as she offered her paper.

“Thank you Hitomi, feel free to leave it on the table and head home for the afternoon.” Homura responded and instructed with a nod.

“H-Hai. Have a good day.” Hitomi got out as she did as such.

“Of course.” Homura replied with a nod as she began looking over the decent stack of reports before taking a breath as she was now the only one left in the room.

“Another day, another time of keeping the school safe. Time sure went by pretty fast, all things considered.” Homura soon thought to herself. “To think that ever since what happened with Kamoshida during my enrollment would become like this. And with a group of students who all felt the same way and have joined this committee to keep the school safe. We really have come a long way since then and I'm glad that we've held out for this long.” She then added in her head as read through each of the reports.

And even now, it was as though she and her committee ran the school, especially with what happened to the principal.

“But ever since what happened to Kobayakawa, it was a huge shock to all of us.” Homura mentally continued on. “Hearing that he died just like that, it was just out of nowhere. But even after all of that, it's still up to us to keep the school running.” She added as she then stopped for a moment and looked out the window.

It really was as though this was their school, so they had to make sure everything stayed in order.

“But we're not going to let that stop us. This is our school and we're going to run it our way.” Homura mentally admitted as she smirked to herself. “Even though the principal is gone, we're still going to make sure everything stays in order. That is a promise.” She concluded with a nod before returning to the reports.

However, at that moment, the door opened.

“Ngh...reporting...for duty...” Naomi struggled out.

Confused by the strained response, the tan skinned girl looked up from her reports and gasped. “Naomi!? What the hell happened to you!?” Homura exclaimed as she saw her disciplinary member limp into the room, sporting a black eye and bruises on her neck. Did someone try to strangle her!?

“I...I...” Naomi managed to get out...before collapsing to the floor, unconscious.


“sh*t!” Homura swore out as she rushed over her disciplinary committee member, quickly feeling for a pulse. “She's unconscious.” She then stated. “Hospital, need to call the hospital!” She frantically got out as she pulled out her phone.

As she did, the rest of the committee members came running after hearing what had happened to Naomi and went over to check on her, only to find her on the floor and the Disciplinary Head about to call the hospital.

"Homura-san! What's going on?! What happened to Naomi-san?!" Ryoga asked as he kneels down.

"No idea! Dealing with the situation now!" Homura responded in a panicked manner. "Yes hello, I have a student at Shujin Academy who needs immediate medical attention! I will be bringing her to the hospital ASAP!" She soon spoke over the phone as the call went through before hanging up after being given the approval to do so.

"Let us help in watching her until the ambulance arrives! We're not going to let our friend die on us!" Keiichiro as he kneels beside her.

Homura however picked up and placed the injured girl on her back. “No time! I’ll bring her to the hospital! I’m the fastest one here after all.” She responded. “Ryoga, watch over things here!” She then ordered before dashing off with ease.

"Roger that!" Ryoga saluted and nodded as he took charge with the group.


Homura soon arrived at the hospital with ease and after a quick confirmation, her committee member was admitted and now resting in bed with a breath mask over her mouth and nose. “How did this happen to her?” She muttered.

As Homura watched over her friend, she hears the door open as two people, a man and a woman, enter the room and rushed over to Naomi's bedside.

Homura recognized them as her friend's parents as she had met them during her trip to Kamurucho. “Ah, Mister and Miss Shingo.” She called out.

"Shinkukage-san." Both parents responded.

“The doctor said she would be fine, but would just need to rest for a while for her injuries.” Homura soon informed.

"That's good to hear. When we heard about what happened to her, we rushed here as fast as we could." Mr. Shingo sighed in relief. "At least we know she's not in any serious pain." He then added.

"But who could've done this to her? I know there are thugs roaming around Kamurocho, but this isn't like them." Mrs. Shingo meanwhile asked and stated in concern.

“That is something I would like to know as well...” Homura admitted.

Eventually, the doctor enters the room and walks over to the Shingos. "Excuse me, are you two of the patient's parents?" He soon asked them

“Hai. How is our daughter?” Mr. Shingo soon asked.

"As I told her friend, her injuries aren't serious so she's not in any real trouble." The doctor answered and explained. "However, from what we've gathered, your daughter's injuries weren't from any of the usual gang attacks in Kamurocho. These are more precise, almost like military training." He then informed.

That in turn got Homura’s attention. “Military training?” She repeated.

"But that can't be right. Why would anyone from the JSDF injury our daughter?" Mr. Shingo asked. "No one from our squad would be stupid enough to attack her without going through us. They would be court marshaled on the spot." He then stated in a more serious tone.

The doctor however shook his head in response. “I’m not sure, but for now, Naomi needs to rest.” He then informed.

“Of course.” Homura responded in agreement to this as she looked at her committee member as she slept.

"I see. Thank you for your help, doctor." Mr. Shingo said as both parents bowed to the doctor.

Homura meanwhile watched as the doctor then left as she went over to her friend’s bedside. “At least she can recover from this.” She got out in relief.

“Agreed. She’s not gonna like something like this to bring her down that easily. She’s a tough girl.” Mr. Shinjo responded.

”She gets that from you, hon. Believe me, I’ve seen your just as stubborn as her.” Mrs. Shingo joked with her husband.

“That and being raised in Kamurocho is a factor as well.” Homura giggled at her reminder.

“Yes, that too. It’s the way of life in Kamurocho.“ Mr. Shingo chuckled in agreement.

“Indeed it is.” Ms. Shingo giggled in agreement as well.

Homura meanwhile watched the interaction as she then looked at her committee member. “I still wonder who did attack her though...” She thought to herself.

“In any case, we better go and fill out the paperwork.” Ms. Shingo soon reminded.

“Of course.” Mr. Shingo replied in agreement.

“I’ll stay here and watch over Naomi for a bit before heading home for the day.” Homura decided.

"Thank you, Shinkukage-san. We're really glad that our daughter has a friend like you." Mr. Shingo nodded as he and his wife bowed to her.

Nodding back, Homura watched as her friend’s parents left the room, leaving the two alone until...

“Ngh...” A familiar voice groaned.

"Hmm?" Homura turned around to see her friend starting to wake up. "Naomi?!" She rushed over to her bed to see how she was doing.

“Ugh, hey Homura.” Naomi groaned out as she rubbed her head. “Damn, those punks got me good...” She then grumbled in annoyance.

"Take it easy, Naomi. Your wounds are still healing, so try not to move too much." Homura ordered as she sat beside her bed.

“Right.” Naomi sighed out as she relaxed herself.

“So, mind telling me exactly what happened?” Homura soon asked.

"I was on my way to school as usual. I was expecting a mostly uneventful day." Naomi soon began to explain. "As I waited for the train, I had a feeling that someone was following me. I looked around to see who it was, but I couldn't find them. Shrugging it off, I boarded the train and headed for school." She then continued.

“And I assume you were then jumped?’ Homura guessed as she narrowed her eyes.

"Yeah. When I got off the train, this big guy came up behind me and grabbed my shoulder." Naomi replied with a nod. "He dragged me into an alleyway where his buddies were waiting and one of them punched me in the gut." She then continued.

“But why would they want to beat you up? You’re only a high schooler.” Homura questioned and pointed out.

"That's exactly what I told them, but one of them slapped my face to shut me up." Naomi replied in agreement. "They said that they were ordered by someone to take me out for knowing too much. I asked them who was trying to get me out of the way, all they said wouldn't you like to know before trying to punch me in the stomach again. But I kicked the big guy in the balls and used him to jump out of the way as he took the punch to the face and that was when I started fighting them." She soon explained.

The tan skinned girl in turn winced as she already had the feeling how the fighting ended. “Wouldn’t you like to know, huh...” Homura repeated. “ you know?” She soon asked.

"I...think I might have an idea, but I'm not entirely sure if I'm right or not." Naomi answered as she looked up at the ceiling. "There's only one person who would try something like this to make sure I'm kept silent." She then declared in a serious tone.

That immediately got the tan skinned girl’s attention. “Who? Who would want to silence you and for what exactly?” Homura soon asked.

The committee member in response sighed as she relaxed herself. “Masamune...Gohara...” Naomi replied.

“Masamune Gohara?” Homura repeated with a raised eyebrow.

The committee member in response nodded. "Yeah. He's a general of the army, but he's been secretly violating NATO practices for a while now." Naomi replied and revealed.

“And that’s why he’s gunning for you?” Homura soon questioned. “How in the world did you even find information like that?” She then added to the question. “...Is he a Bleach Japan supporter?” She suddenly guessed.

"Yeah, he is...And one of their more dangerous supporters..." Naomi responded with a nod as she turned to face her.

“Che, peaceful protesters my ass...” Homura muttered to herself.

"Yeah, no kidding. I actually saw him during one of their rallies the other day and took a picture of him with my phone." Naomi replied in agreement and explained. "I guess he noticed me taking a picture of him and had his goons get me out of the way." She then assumed.

“Jeez,” Homura said in a sympathetic tone. “Do you think he’ll be after you again?” She then asked.

"No doubt that he will. From what I've heard, he's done this to other people who crossed his path and none of them survived..." Naomi responded with a nod. "I was able to escape that time because I fought back, but now I'm a sitting duck. If they do manage to find me, then I'm as good as dead..." She added as she then leaned her head back in her pillow.

“Damn...” Homura muttered in a concerned manner. "Bastards...I’m gonna take down every last one of them!” She mentally declared, vengeance burning in her eyes. “And they’ll even attack you in a hospital?” She then asked.

"I wouldn't put it past them. Those Bleach Japan lunatics have been known to attack anyone who dares disagree with their ideology for literally no other reason than just because they say so." Naomi sighed as she answered her.

“Well, at least your parents are here for you.” Homura soon pointed out. “...You don’t think Majima would do something...right?” She then asked.

"As much as I don't want him to see me as I am, I might have to call in the big guns." Naomi explained as she turned to face her.

“Understandable, but I guess it can be somewhat of a good thing knowing someone like him.” Homura awkwardly pointed out.

"Yeah, it kinda is, as much as I don't want to admit it." Naomi agreed in an equally awkward tone.

“So you’ll be in good hands at least.” Homura then stated.

“I guess that’s one way of putting it.” Naomi admitted with a giggle.

Homura meanwhile giggled as well as she felt her bond with her committee member improving as a result.



Acala Defender: Lessens the amount of damage when taking an attack for an ally.

Homura then noticed the time. “Ah, I better get going.” She soon informed as she stood up.

“Gotta make sure everything’s in order back at school?” Naomi guessed with a smirk.

“Of course.” Homura replied with a nod. “Rest up, ok Naomi?” She then requested.

“Roger that, Homura. I’ll rest up until I’m all better.” Naomi nodded “Let the others know that I’m alright and I’ll be back in school in no time.”

Nodding to this, Homura made her way to the door before smirking. “Sure thing.” She replied with a thumbs-up.

Naomi nodded back and returned the gesture. "See you soon, Homura." She responded.

And with that and one last nod, Homura left the room, closing the door behind as she then balled her hand into a fist as she looked at her phone. “Target, get.” She muttered to herself as she began to leave.

Meanwhile, Naomi laid back down in her pillow and looked up at the ceiling. She reached out towards the window and clutched her fist before going back to sleep.

As Homura walked the halls, she couldn’t help but look around. “Naomi will be fine, there’s no way someone would be dumb enough to try and attack her in a hospital.” She thought to herself.

As she reaches the exit, a figure comes walking into the hospital and just passes her.

At that moment, Homura felt a shiver down her spine as she glanced around in a cautious manner. “Hm?” She quietly hummed out.

The doctors and nurses all noticed him and stopped what they were doing and all bowed at him as he walked towards Naomi's room.

That immediately got Homura’s attention as she looked back at the man, who appeared to be in his late thirties and early forties with his black hair slicked back while wearing a black double-breasted suit with peaked lapels over a white shirt. “The staff is bowing to him?” She thought in a serious tone.

Before entering Naomi's room, the man glanced over to the tan skinned girl at the corner of his eye as he opened the door. He nodded at her before entering the room and closed the door behind him.

“Huh?” Homura got out in confusion with a raised eyebrow.

Once the man was inside the room, the staff all resumed their work and continued on like nothing happened.

Homura meanwhile took in an instinctive deep breath. “What...was that?” She muttered as she recalled the man. “It felt as though he had an intense aura around him...” She then thought in a serious tone.

She then exited the hospital and headed back to school, but she couldn't get the man out of her mind. Who was he? What was he doing at the hospital? And why was he heading for Naomi's room? These questions were swirling around in her head as she tried to make some sense of what's going on.

However at that moment...

“You there, are you one of Naomi’s friends?” A deep male voice soon questioned.

That in turn got Homura’s attention as she turned around to see the man himself. “Him again?” She thought in a serious tone.

The man then walked towards her as he towers over her and looks down. "Are you deaf? I'm asking if you're one of Naomi's friends?" He asked her again.

Homura meanwhile felt the intense aura again as she looked at the man. “I am.” She responded in a tone that showed she wouldn’t back down.

The man looked at her more intently as if he was studying her. "I see." He nodded at her.

“ are?” Homura soon questioned.

The man said nothing for a moment before looking at the girl in a more serious tone. "I am the Tojo Clan's Sixth Chairmen, Daigo Dojima." He soon introduced himself.


“Tojo Clan?” Homura repeated in confusion with a raised eyebrow.

"I see that you're familiar with it?" Daigo questioned.

“They’re...the one of the biggest yakuza families in Japan.” Homura hesitantly responded.

"Yes. You are indeed correct. And I'm the head of said family." Daigo told her as he places his hands behind his back.

“Well that explains why he’s so menacing.” Homura thought in a serious tone. “And...what is someone like you visiting a high schooler?” She then questioned.

"I happen to be a friend of her parents. We've known each other since high school." Daigo answered.

“So you heard Naomi was attacked by someone.” Homura assumed.

"Yes, I have. One of my men noticed them ganging up on her when she caught Gohara with those Bleach Japan people." Daigo informed with a nod as he clutched his fists. "When I heard that she was in the hospital, I arrived as soon as I could to see how she was doing. Thankfully, she wasn’t fatally injured and will be back on her feet in no time." He then added.

“I see.” Homura responded with a nod. “I just hope she’s going to be under some protection just in case someone tries and attacks her again.” She then admitted while looking back at the hospital.

"Not to worry, my men will be keeping an eye on her as she recovers." Daigo reassured her "They're the most highly trained yakuza in my clan. They'll keep her safe and let me know if anything goes wrong." He placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Good to hear.” Homura responded. “And here I thought most yakuza were like Junya Kaneshiro.” She then confessed.

"That weakling? He wouldn't last five minutes before we sent him to hell." Daigo scoffed at this. "He may act like a crime lord, but he knows nothing about what it means to run a criminal empire. He's just a money grubbing fly with no sense of honor." He then stated.

“Noted.” Homura replied with a nod.

"Good." Daigo responded as he nodded as well.

“In any case, I better get going.” Homura soon informed as she then gave a respectable bow.

“Yes, of course. I apologize for holding you up.” Daigo responded with a nod.

Nodding back in response, Homura started to leave.

“Girl, one last thing.” Daigo suddenly called out.

This in turn got the tan skinned girl’s attention as she looked back to the yakuza chairmen. “Hm?” Homura hummed out as she raised an eyebrow.

"You may want to brush up on your stealth. It was quite easy to spot you amongst the crowd." Daigo advised with a small smile. "You may never know if one of us is right beside you. That's how you conceal yourself amongst the people." He then added.

“!?” Homura’s eyes soon widened as she tensed up. “What are you-!?” She began as she readied herself.

The yakuza head just chuckled at her as he walked over to her. "No need to worry, your secret is safe with me. I will take it to my grave, so you have nothing to worry about." He soon reassured as he placed his hand on her head and ruffled her hair.

Homura soon blinked to that, somewhat surprised by the action. “You...aren’t like most gangsters.” She awkwardly confessed.

"No, I am not. True that most tend to strike fear into everyday people, but I'm more of a businessman." Daigo stated while adjusting his tie. "In fact, if it wasn't for the yakuza, then Japan wouldn't be the city that it is today." He then informed.

Homura once more blinked at hearing this. “Really now.” She responded in a skeptical tone. “I thought the shinobis were involved as well...” She meanwhile thought to herself.

"Yes. Of course, I never said the yakuza were the sole reason for the Japan we know today." Daigo nodded. "Let's just say that we've dabbled in some activities that were too inconspicuous for shoguns, samurai and emperors to handle." He then revealed in a vague tone.

"I see..." Homura responded as she processed this new information.

"Well, I best be off now. If I don't return to my clan, there could be some infighting between the members and it would become a gang war." Daigo stated. "I mostly came by to check up on my surrogate niece, so I'm glad she's alright. I thank you for helping her when she was in danger." He informed as he then turned and bowed to her.

Homura in response bowed back as she watched the man leave. “What an odd man.” She thought to herself as she took out her phone and prepared the Nav. “Should I?” She then thought in a curious manner.

The Disciplinary Head soon shook her head. “Hm, he may be a yakuza, but something about him seems different then most-” Homura started muttering to herself, however...

[No Candidate Found]

“...Or I could instinctively put his name down without realizing it.” Homura eventually concluded as she sweatdropped while looking at her phone screen.

“But if it didn't find any distorted desires from him, then he couldn't be all bad. He may look intimidating on the outside, but inside he seems to be a nice guy.” Homura thought to herself. “He did care enough to come over to the hospital to check on Naomi and she does trust him, so he might not be a bad guy. He also did say he and her parents knew each other since high school, so she sees him as an uncle of sorts. Maybe there's more to these yakuza than meets the eye.” She then added in her head

Still, she had her target, and now she and the Phantom Thieves were going to take him down and make sure he didn’t hurt anyone else ever again.

So she headed back to Shujin to see how her committee members are doing without her and let them know that Naomi is going to be alright.

(Harajuku, Haruka's Apartment)

When Akira arrived at Haruka's apartment building, Morgana had long since ditched him to do his usual recon routine. He was fine with it, considering that he knew Morgana would tease him all to hell for what he was thinking about doing to cheer up the doctor-in-training. He had gone to the clinic first but Takemi hadn't even received a call and she wasn't returning her messages. It was all too concerning for the Leader.

"Oh man..." Akira breathed out as he stared at the blonde doctor's apartment door. “She is probably gonna be a wreck in there. Gotta choose what I say carefully.” He muttered to himself before knocking on the door.


Actually, he hadn't finished knocking when the door opened. “Ah, Akira-sama. Welcome.” Tsumuji politely greeted as she then bowed.

Akira soon blinked, recognizing the girl and saw the attire she was wearing. “...Tsumuji-san, did Haruka set you up for this?” He soon assumed, seeing the girl wearing a black maid apron with white frills on it, akin to a french maida literal maid attire.

“No no, Akira-sama, this is my own choice at this point.” Tsumuji responded, referring to her said maid attire.

“At this point.” Akira repeated in a somewhat unamused tone.

“Hey, it's my choice I'm staying here. It's also my choice to talk to you without stabbing you in the leg.” Tsumuji soon pointed out.

Akira shrugged, agreeing that she had a point. “Well, if that's what floats your boat. What’s next, a micro-bikini?” He soon guessed.

Tsumuji fidgeted for a bit.

“...She made you wear one at some point, didn't she?” Akira then guessed with half-lidded eyes.

“...” Tsumuji slowly averted her eyes away, not wanting to respond.

Akira sighed in slight exasperation. “Nope, you're actually wearing it right now under your maid outfit.” He muttered while rubbing the back of his head.

“H-Haruka-sama treats me really well, Akira-sama.” Tsumuji reassured with a blush, a hint of admiration in her voice towards the blonde. “I’ve even been learning French as well.” She then revealed in a proud manner. “...How did you know I was wearing a micro-bikini underneath?” She soon asked.

“Wild guess.” Akira only got out. “Haruka really trained her well...” He thought to himself. “As for Haruka treating you well, if you say so.” He sighed before gaining a serious expression. “Anyway, where is she? She wasn’t at the clinic.” He soon asked.

In response, the maid frowned. “Her bedroom.” Tsumuji revealed with a saddened tone. “Said she needed some alone time.” She then informed, gesturing him into the apartment.

Akira in response nodded to that as he entered, closing the door behind him.

“Do you want me to make you something to drink, Akira-sama?” Tsumuji offered.

“Hmm...” Akira hummed in thought as he approached the kitchen. “Maybe some coffee would do.” He then replied.

“Right away.” Tsumuji stated with a small nod and a polite and well-mannered bow. “Please sit there in the living room and wait.” She then instructed.

In a matter of timing though, the door of Haruka’s room opened and revealed the center of their conversation, who was still in her sexy pink transparent lingerie pajamas. The duo noticed this and started realizing the blonde’s presence.

“Tsumuji-chan, can you go to the store and buy me some more test tu- eh?” Haruka started to request, only to stop when she saw who was in their apartment. “D-Darling?” She stammered out.

Akira made a wave. “Hey, Haruka. Sorry for intrud-” He then began.


In an instant, he was hugged by the blonde as he then heard her whimpering. “D-Darling...” Haruka quietly mumbled out.

Akira in response returned the hug as he rubbed the back of her head. “I'm here, Haruka-chan...I'm here...” He muttered in reassurance. “Homura told me what happened...” He then revealed.

“It...all failed...” Haruka mumbled, her voice on the verge of crying. “All the plans...our futures...” She then got out.

“It’s not over yet.” Akira reassured while continuing to rub the back of her head.

“Yes it is!” Haruka countered in a frantic manner. “Hebijo willpower never let them go again! If they do, they'll kill them in a heartbeat! There's...there's nothing I can do! I can’t go against them! They'll just...” She soon began rambling in fear.

“Haruka, look at me and breathe.” Akira responded and instructed, getting the blonde’s attention. “It'll be alright. You're one of the smartest and strongest girls I know. Don't let it get to you.” He then reassured.

“Darling...” Haruka breathed out as the boy caressed her cheek.

“Take all the time you need.” Akira whispered in a comforting tone before wrapping his arms around her.

Haruka said nothing else, silently enjoying the boy’s warmth for as long as she could. She wanted to stay with him longer but she knew lifetime wasn’t exactly an appropriate amount of time.

“Feeling better now?” Akira soon asked as he loosened his grip, but the older girl didn’t make any moves to separate just yet.

“Not really.” Haruka murmured.

“Haruka, your friends will be fine.” Akira soon assured. Haruka could tell that he believed that they would come out of it fine but her own mind...

“I...I don’t know if I can say that with confidence anymore.” The blonde however confessed. “God, I’m a mess.” She then groaned out then confessed.

“Emotionally, yes.” Akira admitted. “Physically? You’re as beautiful as the day you...knocked me out and kidnapped me to get to Homura.” He then added, wincing as he realized what came out.

“D-Darling...” Haruka whimpered, blushing in awe from the words.

“It still worked!?” Akira and his Personas exclaimed.

“...Thank you for coming.” Haruka muttered in a grateful tone.

“Any time.” Akira assured with a nod.

“...But...I’m not feeling much better now that you’re here.” Haruka confessed with a sigh. “T-There’s so much going on, I...” She then started,

“Hey, don’t think about what happened. Don’t let it get to you.” Akira interrupted, shushing her. “Your friends won’t be helped if you spend your days like this.” He then pointed out.

“I-I’m sorry, but...I can’t help it.” Haruka groaned as she snuggled closer to the boy.

Akira frowned. This was going to take a lot more work than he was expecting.

This time, he needed to help her.

“You know what?” Akira began, catching the blonde’s attention. “I'll be yours for the day...whatever you want.” He then offered.

Haruka's eyes widened to that, but she soon regained her saddened expression. “Darling, you don’t have to...” She mumbled out. “Tragedy is...a common thing amongst shinobi...We have our methods of dealing with it.” She then stated.

“Like forcing it down?” Akira suddenly assumed. “Ignoring it? Hiding all of that under a mask of confidence and jokes?” He then added to the assumption.

“...Eh?” Haruka got out in confusion.

“I know what you’re going through.” Akira soon confessed, surprising the blonde. “Haruka, you are my friend and I hate seeing my friends like this. We can do anything to make you feel better, that’s a promise.” He then assured.

“...Anything?” Haruka mumbled out.

“Yes.” Akira nodded. “...But not anything that involves my naked body and especially my boy parts...or girl parts if it comes to that.” He then added right away just in case since he knew the blonde all too well.

Haruka immediately blinked to that, honestly unsure what she wanted at the moment since she was still frazzled over what happened to fellow Crimson Squad members and-


Immediately, the sound of the blonde’s stomach filled the air, who in response blushed in embarrassment.

“Dammit, Haruka-sama...” Tsumuji grumbled with a pout. “You didn't even eat the buns you specifically requested this morning.” She noted.

“You haven't eaten all day?” Akira got out in concern.

“A normal civilian can last days or weeks without food. Shinobi, even longer after enough training.” Haruka stated, almost as if she was reciting it. “...but it would be nice to have something to chew on...” She soon confessed with a blush.

“I'll heat up your breakfast.” Tsumuji soon offered.

“Tsumuji-chan, no. You take a rest. You're done for the day. Make yourself something nice or enjoy a hot bath.” Haruka responded and instructed. “I'd like to eat with Darling.” She then added.

“Alright then. What are we getting?” Akira asked.

“Big Bang Burger.” Haruka answered without thinking.

That caused the Leader to start coughing from gasping in too much air. “...Big Bang Burger?” Akira repeated, blinking to that.

“Is that so surprising?” Haruka got out with a raised eyebrow. “You were expecting something a little more...intimate, am I correct?” She then assumed in a slightly teasing manner.

“I mean, with all the times we’ve hung out, you’ve always...pushed the boundaries.” Akira pointed out. “Friends don’t suck nipples after all...” He then reminded with a sweatdrop.

“I-It was a spur of the moment at that time...” Haruka mumbled as she blushed. She had gone way farther than she should’ve that day. It was a wonder he was even still talking to her. “I just haven’t eaten anything today and it seems like a good idea.” She then added.

“Well, let's go somewhere else. A classy place.” Akira suggested. “There's this hotpot restaurant that has these cute bears that turn into soup I've always wanted to go to.” He then recalled and revealed.

“As much as that sounds appetizing, there is actually a reason I wish to go to Big Bang Burger.” Haruka responded and revealed.

“Which is...?” Akira pressed, already getting the feeling he knew where this was going.

“I had recently heard some unusual rumors regarding their burgers and shinobis.” Haruka replied.

“I knew it...” Akira thought to himself with a sweatdrop. “Where did you get this rumor?” He then asked.

“It was Hikage-chan who mentioned it to me.” Haruka revealed. “She told me she felt as though her bust got bigger as a result, even though Poochie-chan likes it as a way to be close to her.” She then recalled.

“Wait...I think I remember Mirai telling me she tried it too during your first stay here...Or am I misremembering...?” Akira muttered, trying to recall it.

“It doesn't matter. I just need to see and confirm it for myself.” Haruka responded.

“Why is everyone I know risking heart attacks over a badge and a bunch of f*cking burgers...?” Akira thought with a groan, palming his forehead.

“You don’t look happy.” Haruka noted. “Ah, you’re not the biggest fan of Okumura Foods currently because of the scandal.” She then assumed.

“I don't wanna see Biggles™ the Space Bear ever again.” Akira deadpanned. “So, what, you’re just gonna go and order some food and study it?” He then assumed.

“No, I’m going to take the Big Bang Burger Challenge and see what happens.” Haruka revealed.

That immediately caused warning sirens to go off in his head. “...You were planning to use yourself as a test subject?” Akira gawked in concern and disbelief.

“All for the sake of discovering the truth.” Haruka responded in a serious tone. “I’ve tested quite a few of my potions on myself already, when other subjects were not available both here and back at Hebijo. It’s not that big of a deal. I’m a scientist and a shinobi. I put my mind and body on the line on a daily basis.” She then stated.

“ shouldn’t just use yourself like that...” Akira responded in concern.

“I assure you, I always make sure they will not kill me on consumption.” Haruka however responded. “Besides, if I don’t have confidence in my concoctions, then I am a failure as a chemist. It is how I have a stronger resistance to poisons now.” She then added in reassurance and revealed.

“You’re really willing to do this.” The Leader sighed as he shook his head, sounding almost disappointed.

“I am.” Haruka confirmed in a no nonsense tone with no sign of backing down.

“...Alright then, I'll assist you.” Akira decided.

“!” Haruka's eyes immediately widened. “D-Darling, you don't need to. I'm fine doing this to myself.” She stammered out.

“Hey, I’ve beaten the challenge before. I can give you tips and save you a couple hundred yen.” Akira informed. “Now where's the potion?” He then asked.

“...You’ll do it as Akira-chan too?” Haruka gasped out in a surprised manner. “A-Are you sure?” She then added.

“Well, Akira-chan is pretty close to your body and weight.” Akira pointed out. “And I just said I'll help you out however I can.” He then reminded.

“You’re doing way too much for me.” Haruka however sighed. “We could always do something else. I can delay the testing on myself.” She then added.

“But that’s just delaying the inevitable, might as well get it out of the way.” Akira however noted. “Tsumuji?” He soon called out.

This in turn got the attention of the maid shinobi. “Hm? What is it, Haruka-sama, Akira-sama?”

“Can you get my restricted potion case in my bedroom?” Haruka requested. “Darling is going to drink something special for him.” She then vaguely explained.

“Oh, that case?” Tsumuji stated as she realized. “Of course my lady.” She then nodded before going on ahead towards her master’s bedroom, leaving the two to go back to the dining room.

“Haruka, does Tsumuji know about my...female thing?” Akira soon whispered.

In response, Haruka nodded. “Hai, I had informed her about the potion after the first few days of her rehabilitation training.” She revealed and explained.

“Okay...but why?” Akira then asked.

“She sort of assumed as much.” Haruka admitted with a blush. “She said, and I quote, you would make a maid like me into a subservient femboy if you could.” She then recited.

Akira coughed at how blunt that response was. “W-Well, you’ve grown out of that sort of thinking, Haruka. You wouldn’t do that, right?” The leader then got out in an appreciative tone. However, a few seconds passed and the doctor-in-training hadn’t responded. “...Haruka?” He then spoke in a much more freaked out manner.

“I-If they were...consenting...” Haruka mumbled under her breath.

“...You know, I think the real growth here is that you ask first instead of just going for it.” Akira remarked before pausing. “...When it doesn’t relate to me.” He then added.

It was at that moment that the maid came back, potion in hand.

“I got it for you.” Tsumuji informed as she offered the vial of purple liquid to the only male in the room. “Here you gom Akira-sama.” She then added.

“Thank you.” Akira replied as he played with the vial between his fingers (that always seemed to make the blonde shudder).

“I still sometimes can’t believe you actually made a potion that can change your sex, Haruka-sama.” Tsumuji confessed.

“Originally it was by accident that it was supposed to be an energy booster.” Haruka however reminded.

“Hai...And I haven’t seen how it works yet.” Tsumuji recalled. “If you don’t mind me, can I see this...transformation?” She soon asked.

That in response confused the other two. “Uh...s-sure? I guess?” Akira awkwardly replied with a shrug. He hadn’t transformed in front of anyone but the blonde, but it wasn’t like he minded. He didn’t exactly mind a lot of stuff these days.

“O-Oh. Thank you.” Tsumuji got out, very obviously surprised that the boy agreed. “...Wait, is it gonna go up in here?” She then suddenly asked in concern.

“...What?” Akira and Haruka let out in confusion.

“Wait, no I’m thinking of something else.” Tsumuji corrected herself as she shook her head. “, gross?” She then clarified.

“No, not at all.” Haruka answered. “It’s actually quite satisfying to look at.” She then admitted with a smile.

“Staring at my unconscious body as I transform into a woman.” Akira bluntly noted in a deadpan tone.

“Oh don’t start.” Haruka groaned.

“Why do you wanna see it, anyways?” Akira had to ask, hands on his hips.

“Well, ever since I found out about it, I've wanted to see how it goes.” Tsumuji answered with a shrug.

Haruka narrowed her eyes, not quite believing her maid until something came to her. “Ooooh~ I see~ You just want to see Akira-kun and Akira-chan naked, you minx.” She soon got out in a delighted tone.

“What?” Tsumuji and Akira responded in disbelief.

“Imagine, Tsumuji-chan~ Girl on girl action.” Haruka spoke to her in a tease. “You can join if you want, hehe~” She then added in the same tone.

The maid stared her master for a few seconds, looked at the boy for a few more, and then turned around without another word.

“...f*cking freaky ass sex sh*t...Just do it already, you puss*es...” Tsumuji mumbled under her breath as she walked away. She had to practice her French...

“Wait, I thought you wanted to see it.” Akira pointed out.

“Over my dead body, ya freaks!” Tsumuji called out right before they heard the door slam...and subtly open, just a little.

“For a maid, she has a real potty mouth...” Akira jokingly noted.

“Blind obedience and total politeness isn’t her, but I love her all the same.” Haruka replied and confessed in amusem*nt. “Well, if you’re really sure about going to Big Bang...bottom’s up.” She then added.

“Cheers.” Akira replied as he drank the potion.


(Shibuya, Underground Mall)

Makoto had arrived at the Underground Mall as soon as she finished her council duties, waiting right near the sporting goods store as she and Homura promised to meet up before, but after the meeting, she wasn’t even sure if her best friend would show up at all.

Makoto looked around for her friend as she checked her phone. Homura was several minutes late for their shopping hangout and that made her worry...because there was a 50% chance that the tan skinned girl had gotten caught up in some deadly fight. Maybe...75% now that Hebijo had her friends captured.

“Dammit, why do I have to be friends with shinobi...” Makoto whispered in a worried manner. It began to really hit her how much heartache she might suffer if she didn’t see Homura walking up to her right n-

“Hey, Makoto-senpai.” Homura greeted as she walked up to her right now.

“Ah! Homura!” Makoto yelped, fumbling with her phone before managing to pocket it. Another reason for regretting her choice of friends: they were trained to walk silently. “I-I was expecting you to be here earlier than me.” She soon admitted.

“Sorry.” Homura sighed.

Makoto frowned. “No excuse?” She got out in concern.

“Nope, just dragged my feet over here after committee stuff.” Homura admitted with a shrug. She was telling the truth, nothing really happened on her way to the Underground Mall.

“Homura, no one would really blame you if you took the day off.” Makoto stated.

Homura frowned at that. “Sis said you’d cover for me if I did.” She soon remarked.

“I would, no questions asked.” Makoto replied without hesitation. “You need to take care of yourself first before you take care of others, you know. You taught me that.” She then reminded.

“...That makes me a hypocrite, huh?” Homura let out a hollow chuckle.

Makoto grimaced at that. “...Are you okay?” She soon asked.

“Well, the anger and depression has passed, now it’s just...kind of numb.” Homura replied with a sigh. “This should’ve been a good day, not...Why did those idiots have to do this now of all times?” She then started before soon asking.

“You can’t control everything.” Makoto reminded with a frown. “You shouldn’t force yourself so much.” She then stated.

“Yeah, like that’ll be a thing once we graduate.” Homura grumbled as she rolled her eyes. “We’re forced to do a lot of things we don’t like Makoto, no matter how tired, or angry, or outright immoral it is!” She suddenly snapped.

“...” The two stared at each other, both surprised by what just happened.

“...Sorry...” Homura murmured quietly while stepping away from her friend.

“...Alright, ignore what I just said. You definitely need to be here.” Makoto decided and declared as she shook her head.

“Makoto-senpai, retail therapy isn’t exactly a replacement for real therapy.” Homura however reminded. “I think it would make it worse. I would feel so much like...I’m betraying my teammates by living it up, buying swimsuits and hanging out with friends while they’re rotting somewhere in rubble, eating slop...if they’re being fed at all.” She soon confessed and stated.

“Homura...” Makoto got out in an even more concerned tone.

“I just...I’m not feeling up to it now. Sorry...” Homura hesitantly responded and apologized. “I guess you’re right, I’m...I’m not gonna force myself to be here. I’ll try and get Ann to fill in for me. She’ll do a better job anyways.” She then added.

Makoto sighed after giving the tan-skinned girl's words some thought. "You're probably right. I mean, you should be worried about what happened to your friends. You've known them for much longer than us after all.” She admitted and stated.

“I agree, but just...I don’t wanna weigh you down with my burdens.” Homura replied.

“I'm pretty sure I've heard that before, likely even said that.” Makoto pointed out. “You know what the usual response is to that?” She then asked.

“...That I'm not alone anymore. I have friends, and they can share that weight instead of taking it all on by themselves.” Homura responded and recalled. “That's good advice but...I don’t know, maybe I'm just not feeling so social right now.” She then added.

Makoto sighed before she went and hugged her best friend...and one of her secret crushes.


Pressing their busts up to one another. “I'm here for you have been for me.” Makoto soon stated in gratefulness and reassurance. “We'll get through this...” She then added.

“...Thank you, Makoto.” Homura whispered as she rubbed her face into her best friend's shoulder.

“Want me to leave you alone for a bit, though?” Makoto soon offered.

“Yeah.” Homura nodded as they separated.

“Okay, I'll be back.” Makoto assured as she began to walk off.

However, just as Makoto was about to leave, she was stopped. “Are you gonna get a drink?” Homura asked in a curious manner.

“You want something?” Makoto assumed.

“Mmm...just some boba tea and I'll head back home after seeing you in a couple of swimsuits.” Homura hummed out and soon responded.

“Okay.” Makoto nodded as she walked away around the corner...where Ann, Futaba and Haru were hiding, wearing disguises.

“How's Homura-chan?” Ann asked as she adjusted her star-shaped sunglasses.

“Well, she wants to be alone. She's here out of obligation to me.” Makoto answered.

“Do you want us to help out?” Haru offered, making sure her fake mustache stayed on her upper lip.

“No, I have this.” Makoto claimed. “I hate seeing Homura like this and feel...useless. I have to do this by myself. As her best friend.” She then added.

“Wait, I thought I was her best friend.” Ann muttered with a frown.

“No you are not.” Futaba deadpanned.

“Well, maybe the best solution really is leaving her alone.” Haru suggested. “I know when my mother passed away, I needed some time by myself to process it.” She soon explained, with Futaba nodding to that.

“But I don't want to do that.” Makoto shook her head.

“Mako-chan, you do not know Homura as well as she does.” Haru got out. “She might know what is best for herself, so you should learn when to step in and when to step back. One of my childhood friends told me that.” She then explained.

“Still...I don’t think I should be just letting her stew in her sadness alone.” Makoto confessed.

“Well, Makoto, just use your best judgment.” Ann suggested. “I don't think you'll do anything to worsen her mood after all.”

“Unless a couple of nosy friends are scheming behind my back.” A familiar voice bluntly got out.

“Well, it's less scheming and more like plotting.” Futaba corrected...before blinking. “Wait...SWEET HONKERS!” She got out before yelling in shock from the sudden appearance.

The four girls whirred their heads in shock towards the tan-skinned girl who was standing there staring at them with crossed arms under her breasts.

“H-Hi, Homu-chan!” Haru awkwardly greeted.

“Ah!” Makoto yelped as she jumped back. “Homura!?” She squeaked out.

“Honkers? Really?” Ann meanwhile deadpanned while the orangette shyly chuckled.

“Where's the boba, Makoto?” Homura questioned as she leaned in close to the civilian girls. “Where. Is. The boba?” She slowly asked.

“It’s...already on your chest there?” Futaba nervously replied, almost as a joke.

Ann simply smacked her forehead to that. “Homura-chan, we aren’t doing anything bad! We promise!” She then quickly assured the tan-skinned girl.

“Y-Yes. We were worried.” Haru got out. “Ann told us about how you were feeling when classes ended and we all wanted to make you feel better.” She then explained.

Futaba meanwhile just remained silent, not wanting to mention she just wanted to see some sexy (and skimpy) bikinis.

“So what's with the disguises?” Homura asked as she eyed her friend's outfits. The ash blonde looked like a Japanese person's image of an American tourist, the orangette was wearing an oversized trench coat and fedora, while the auburnette was dressed like a salaryman with a comically large mustache.

“Well, we thought you'd get angry if you saw us.” Ann awkwardly admitted. “You know, like...right now.” She then added in a weak manner.

“Homu-chan, please understand that we only want to help you.” Haru soon stated in concern. “If you want to be left alone today, we'll gladly leave.” She then added.

“We’ll understand if you're mad.” Futaba whimpered.

“You were all concerned for me, weren’t you?” Homura immediately assumed, crossing her arms over her chest...before smiling softly. “Thanks.” She soon got out in a grateful manner as she then went and hugged her friends.

“O-Oh. It's not a problem.” Haru responded, looking quite delighted.

“Mmrph!” Futaba’s muffled voice got out while being suffocated by the tan skinned girl's massive honkers.

“Hey, you're smiling!” Ann meanwhile noted. “You haven't done that all day!” She then added.

“Huh? I smiled plenty today with my committee.” Homura got out in confusion.

“Not a politician's smile. A real one.” Makoto however stated. “Are you feeling better now?” She then asked.

“Yeah. A little.” Homura breathed out. “...My Crimson Squad friends aren't getting out anytime soon, I can't change that right now, but...that doesn't mean I shouldn't be happy with the friends I have here.” She then got out

“Well, they would most likely not be pleased to know you're going to- MMPH!” Makoto began, only to get her best friend's breasts shoved in her face like Futaba earlier (who looked like she was in heaven...or about to be sent there).

“Yes, I am going to go swimming tomorrow in a big fancy hotel pool after a big meeting between multiple schools.” Homura sighed out and reminded. “But that just means I’ll have to bring them there to make up for it.” She then added.

“'re willing to go swimsuit shopping now?” Makoto soon asked.

“We'll join you.” Ann offered.

“Yeah! It'll be fun!” Futaba cheered.

“ those clothes?” Homura asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, don't worry, these are tearaway costumes I bought and we're wearing something different underneath.” Haru reassured as the ash blonde and orangette nodded in agreement. “Just like how a shinobi would do.”


In an instant, Ann, Futaba and Haru were in their casual outing clothes...although they did look a little red below the neck, probably from how warm their costumes were.

“...You just have those lying around?” Makoto questioned.

“Erm, it was an accidental buy...” Haru admitted with a blush before tearing the fake mustache off her lip. “Ow.” She then winced.

“Told ya super glue was a bad idea.” Futaba deadpanned.

“In any case, Makoto needs a new swimsuit.” Ann simplified, deciding to change the subject.

“Yes, after the summit itself, all the representatives of each school are allowed to use the hotel pool to relax and destress themselves.” Makoto replied and explained.

“That feels like politicians going to a resort.” Ann couldn't help but noted.

“Hey, at least it’s not some corrupt adults present.” Futaba pointed out. “Let the kids have some fun while they're still kids, you know. You are sacrificing your free time to be responsible adults for people who should be acting like ones.” She then stated.

“I don’t think you get how Student Councils work.” Makoto remarked with a sweatdrop.

“Well I wouldn't know. I never attended high school.” Futaba proudly claimed.

“Yet.” Homura and Makoto however corrected at the same time in authoritative tones.

Futaba sighed as she rolled her eyes. “I know.” She then got out.

“In any case, if we're going together, we better match swimsuit-wise.” Homura soon decided.

“H-Huh?” Makoto responded in surprise.

“What? I'm just saying we're coming together to the thing.” Homura replied. “It’s already bad enough that the principal prevented us from even knowing about the summit, so we gotta make a good first impression.” She then reminded and explained.

“In swimsuits?” Haru got out in confusion.

“We have to show our bond.” Homura replied as she took the Student Council President’s hand. “Let us go, senpai, and find the best-looking bikinis that the Shibuya Underground Mall has to offer.” She then decided.

“O-Okay.” Makoto stammered with a blush. Oh God, maybe this wasn't such a good idea...

“Mako-chan! Your nose is bleeding!” Haru got out in concern.

“Aw, are you thinking about Aki-” Futaba began to tease, however...

“H-Haru, Futaba, I'm fine! Just...ran into a pole earlier!” Makoto tried to convince the heiress before dragging the tan skinned girl quickly ahead of the others. “L-Let's go swimsuit shopping, Homura.” She then decided.

And with that, the girls headed off together to swim amongst the swimsuits once more.

(Shibuya, Central Street)

Around the same time, Akira-chan and Haruka arrived in Shibuya. Akira had switched out his school uniform to one of the outfits Haruka had for his girl form in her apartment.

"Good thing I caught that guy's hand back on the train before he touched my ass." Akira sighed out. She had almost pulled out her knife on him.

"Have you-?" Haruka began to ask in concern.

"Well, we are in Tokyo, and everyone's secretly horny here, for some reason. Not just guys." Akira had to comment in a sarcastic tone. “A lot of my female friends have suffered such inappropriate behavior this year from each side of the gender slash sex spectrum.” She then added.

“Some people don't have respect for personal space.” Haruka stated with a sigh.

“You're one to talk, nipple sucker.” Akira had to point out with a snort, causing the blonde to blush intensely. “Besides, I think I've been the cause of many of those incidents.” She then added.

“Wait...what?” Haruka had to react

“Yeah. The damn train is so packed and people move so much that I end up-” Akira sighed out. “I probably shouldn’t tell you all this. Victim-groper confidentiality.” She then added.

“You’re quite the player, Akira-chan.” Haruka teasingly noted.

“I am not.” Akira denied. “It just happens. Sometimes girls touch me too in my normal form.” She then revealed.

“...Eh?” Haruka got out in confusion.

“Yeah, like I've had hands on my ass, my face, someone kneed me in the crotch. Oh, there was one time the train shook a lot and one of my friends’ hands managed to grab my-” Akira began to say.

“Okay, okay, I get it.” Haruka interrupted. “...Girls in this country are just as horny as guys, huh? Aside from me, of course.” She then whispered.

Akira gave the older girl a flat look.

“...I guess I should've known that already.” Haruka got out with a smile, blushing from embarrassment.

“For someone so damn smart, you're not that self-aware, are you?” Akira remarked.

“I guess I still have a lot to learn.” Haruka soon admitted. “Will you help me with that later? I promise to repay you in any way I can.” She then requested and offered.

“I’ll do my best, Haruka.” Akira replied to her in reassurance. “I mean, there’s still a lot of interesting train incidents for me to encounter while I’m still here. I suppose you can ask me for info about it that way.” She then added.

“Hmm...speaking of train incidents...would it be interesting to happen if there’s an all female-packed train car and some random decent guy entered that car and-” Haruka responded as she then started rambling.

“Haruka, I've seen that scenario plenty of times.” Akira informed without needing to hear the rest.

“Oh great. At least you’re aware of that.” Haruka stated with a smile and a chuckle.

“It's a decent hentai plot, but I prefer my stories to have emotional stakes and actual characters instead of talking dolls.” Akira simply stated.

“I get it.” Haruka stated with a nod. “You want the balance between the eroticism, emotion, and engagement in a story. I can respect that. You don’t wanna have too much of one thing, of course.” She soon added.

“Exactly.” Akira responded with a nod. “...When did this conversation get to this point?” She then suddenly realized.

Haruka shrugged in response. “Your mind, Akira. Your secretly perverted and horny mind.” She playfully replied.

“Ugh, I've been hanging out with the wrong people too much...” Akira soon groaned. “Let's just stop this conversation before it gets too weird and get to BBB as soon as possible.” She soon decided.

“Hehehe, hai.” Haruka giggled before agreeing.

"It's been far too long since I've been like this..." Akira-chan mumbled into the blonde's ear as the two passed the bookstore.

The blonde in response nodded. “And here we are...” Haruka got out as she looked at the fast food establishment before turning to her compatriot. “ this is the Big Bang Burger restaurant food chain that started all of this...” She then muttered.

“Mm-hmm.” Akira hummed in agreement.

“Alright...time to see and test if those rumors are true...on the spot.” Haruka responded.

"Be careful." Akira cautioned as the two entered the restaurant in question.

(Big Bang Burger)

As expected, the restaurant was extremely empty due to the recent events, so it was just the blonde and the ravenette in the fast food joint along with the employees.

"What will it be...?" The extremely bored clerk asked from behind the counter.

“Hi, both of us would like to take on the Big Bang Burger Challenge.” Haruka requested.

"Coming right up...sit yourselves down and we’ll prepare the challenges for you both." The clerk lazily replied and instructed with a groan.

The two meanwhile sweatdropped to this response as the two went and sat themselves down to wait for the burgers to arrive. “Such a lack of enthusiasm.” Haruka whispered.

"Well, morale is at rock bottom due to the rumors." Akira pointed out.

“I guess.” Haruka responded, feeling somewhat sympathetic. "...They didn't even bother glancing at our big breasts one bit." She then noted.

“Morale must be really down...” Akira assumed in concern She would have to talk to her fluffy haired friend about that later.

“The poor employees...” Haruka sighed out before looking back at the ravenette. “Akira-chan, you really don't have to do this with me...” She whispered in concern.

“Hey, if you're gonna do this, you might as well learn from a master.” Akira stated as she cracked her knuckles. “You must have the Guts to dive into the meat, the Proficiency to swiftly sip your drink, the Knowledge to know when to chew and when to swallow, the Charm to do it all gracefully as gracefulness is the most efficient, and finally the Kindness to respect the many dead animals and hardworking needed to create the burger in the first place and thus ensure that none of it goes to waste. That is what entails besting the monster that is the Big Bang Challenge!” She dramatically informed, standing up in her seat in a triumphant pose. “...God, I never wanna come here again after this.” She then finished with a groan as she sat back down and clutched onto her head.

Haruka meanwhile took all this information in, fascinated by every aspect and detail of it as she then watched the ravenette adjust her glasses.


And become smitten by it as a result. “If he eats like that, I wonder how his mouth would feel on my lips and my body~” Haruka thought to herself, a hint of drool leaking out of the side of her mouth.

No, she was not thinking about just the lips on her face.


At that moment though, two massive burgers get placed in front of the duo.

"Here. The Cosmic Tower Burger. One each. I don't get paid enough to care about proper challenge rules." The waitress replied as she trudged back behind the counter.

Akira meanwhile blinked at this. “...It’s supposed to be the Comet Burger, a much smaller burger than this, first...” She quietly muttered to the blonde.

“Maybe it’s her own way of rebelling against Okumura.” Haruka guessed. More meat meant more money out of his profit margins.

“Maybe.” Akira responded as she shrugged her shoulders. “That or out of spite.” She then added as the two looked at the burgers. “But did it have to punish the innocent customer...?” She couldn’t help but think.

“This is quite massive.” Haruka soon had to admit, soon beginning to regret her decision.

“Also usually under a time limit, but I doubt it’s going to be enforced.” The ravenette recalled. “But I should warn you it gets worse the colder it gets.” She soon remembered.

To that, Haruka nodded. “Well...I guess we should get started.” She soon decided. “Time to see if the rumors are true...” She meanwhile thought to herself.

“Yeah.” Akira responded as the two readied themselves. “I hope this is worth it in the end...” She thought to herself.

“Well, no time like the present...” Haruka mumbled with an uneasy expression as she picked up the massive burger and bit into it.

“Let the challenge...begin!” The two thought at the same time as they went at it.


"Ugh...This is absurd...How did Homura-chan and Hikage willingly do this...?" The blonde thought as she continued masticating on the massive burger.

“Ngh...It's...harder than last it because of my current body...?” The ravenette meanwhile thought to herself, still tackling the burger with just as much vigor as in the Metaverse.


“Jeez, this burger’s just as big as my tit*...” Akira soon thought in a strained manner.

"I have screwed future me, Darling, future Tsumuji-chan and future Takemi-sensei and not in the fun way..." Haruka mentally groaned as her stomach started protesting.

“But even so...I will finish this!” The two however then thought.


After what seemed like an eternity (but in actuality it was only five minutes)...

The duo fully finished the burgers, emptying their trays...

“We have a winner. Yaaaaay...” The worker unenthusiastically declared as one of her co-workers blew a party favor. “Here’s your badges. Now get out.” She then grumbled while lazily tossing the badges at the girls before leaving.

“As soon as my stomach stops hating me...” Akira mumbled, feeling much more exhausted and miserable than before.

"Ngh...That may have been for science, but it really wasn't worth it..." Haruka mumbled as she leaned back.

“At least...we got through it...ugh...” Akira groaned as she held her stomach.

"Hai..." Haruka replied in a daze before her gut started protesting.


“...” Akira’s eyes widened as she and the blonde glanced down at one another’s bust. “My’s true...” She muttered.

“Ara~ So it is...” Haruka got out in agreement. “Unfortunately, that means all my brassieres no longer fit as well.” The blonde noted. “A shame. Some of them were quite nice. I’ll have to contact the shinobi tailors about this...” She then added with a somewhat sour expression on her face.

“Shinobi tailors?” Akira repeated in a whisper.

“Neutral Shinobis that specialize in tailoring clothes for both sides so we don’t have to buy new clothes.” Haruka whispered back the explanation. “It's been quite the profitable industry and very impressive with how fast they work.” She then added.

Akira couldn’t help but remember all the times she had seen the shinobi get naked (including her civilian teammates), either from battle damage or accidents, or heading to Big Bang Burger to eat.

Yeah...super profitable...

...And maybe a bit raunchy.

“Ugh...we should head back home now...” Akira soon suggested as she struggled to get out of her seat, deciding not to think of something arousing at the moment.

“After I exorcise whatever demon is trying to escape my stomach...” The doctor-in-training replied with a nod.

And with that, the two headed out...after going to the bathroom.

(Shibuya, Rooftops)

Miyabi let out a sigh as she watched the sun set, sitting over the edge of the apartment complex’s rooftop ledge. She requested to end her shift early after the meeting and headed to the rooftop instead of her apartment. She had been here ever since, only eating convenience store bentos and drinking the lightest beer she could find.

She was glad her boss noticed she was depressed and gave her a little extra money in the hope it would make her feel a little better. It didn’t, maybe future Miyabi would appreciate it, but today she simply wanted to be-


Goddammit, she couldn’t even her stupid thought. She hated having caring friends right now.

“Hey, Miyabi-sensei.” Asuka greeted, approaching her teacher.

The white haired woman only groaned. “Asuka, I’m not up for training today. Maybe another time?” She waved off, not even looking at her student as she took a sip of her beer.

“Hey, didn’t you promise me you’d get me to the point where I can beat Homu-neechan?” Asuka however pointed out with a pout.

“Well, that was before her friends went and got the school blown up.” Miyabi grumbled.

“But it wasn't their fault.” Asuka reminded.

“But it f*cking feels like it.” Miyabi growled before catching herself. With a sigh, she swung her legs back onto solid ground and approached the brunette. “...Dammit, Asuka, I think you should leave. Now.” She groaned and demanded.

“No.” Asuka however firmly responded.

The white haired woman’s eye twitched to that response. She had to train her student to be even more stubborn. “Asuka, let me be clear.” Miyabi bluntly started. “I’m not in the mood right now. Training is the last thing on my mind.” She then added.

“What is then?” Asuka then asked.

The white haired woman’s eye twitched again in response. “Kicking your cute nosy, clingy, stubborn ass into a broken paste.” Miyabi responded.

The Vice Leader leaned in close. “...I’d like to see you try, hunk.” Asuka countered with a smirk.

Miyabi’s eye twitched once more.

Asuka only grinned at the reaction.

“SHINOBI KEKKAI!” The two soon declared at the same time, soon vanishing in an instant.

(Asuka and Miyabi's Dual Shinobi Kekkai)

The two shinobi jumped away from each other as soon as they saw their masks appear.

“You asked for it, Asuka!” Miyabi growled as she clenched her fists. “I’m not holding back so don’t come crying to me if you die!” She then declared.

“If you think that’ll be easy, then you obviously aren’t paying attention.” Asuka countered.

“HAAAA-” They soon began to scream out their battle cries...until they suddenly stopped. “Wait...where are we?” The two soon asked at the same time as they soon noticed the scenery.

They were on top of a giant stone pillar, with the center marked with a “忍”. Above them was a thundering green and purple storm, swirling around the place like the eye of a tornado. Embedded in the stone pillar were various weapons from across history, although all of them looked too old and rusty to be used, and lush trees.

“...This is new.” Miyabi gawked out in awe and disbelief.

“Whoa...Homu-neechan told me this happened when she and Yumi-chan did it” Asuka revealed, amazed at the sight.


“ACK!” Asuka grunted out, rubbing her stomach when it was struck by a fist.

“Enough gawking! Shut up and fight, you kind piece of supportive sh*t!” Miyabi soon growled out.

“The fact you’re complimenting me in your insults proves that you know you need me.” Asuka pointed out.

“J-Just shut up and fight!” Miyabi however demanded while a hint of a blush on her face appeared.

“Shinobi Tenshin!” The two soon declared at the same time, their identical outfits forming on their bodies as they readied their blades.

“Really? You want a katana fight?” Miyabi remarked.

“Why? Scared that the student will become the master?” Asuka questioned in a taunting manner, mirroring her sensei’s stance perfectly.

“Oh please.” Miyabi scoffed as she rolled her eyes. “You’re a thousand light years too early from being called anything close to a master.” She then added.

“That’s distance, not time.” Asuka couldn’t help but think before her teacher moved first, swinging her blade.

Asuka barely managed to deflect it, not used to facing such speed with the katana, and the force behind it made it feel like her bones had cracked, causing her to drop her weapon. Without any remorse, Miyabi elbowed her student in the face before performing a quick slice up her torso, cutting her clothes and causing it to open a little.

“You need more practice!” Miyabi taunted as she flicked her blade to shake off any blood that was on it.

Asuka gritted her teeth to fight through the pain before going back into her stance. “I can do this...I can do this...” She whispered to herself, knowing her teacher was not holding back on her. As much as she wanted to think she could stop holding back either, she knew that even at her best, she won’t win this unless by pure luck.

Still, she had to try! Asuka, once she steeled her resolve, moved once again, attacking swiftly and constantly to keep her teacher on the defensive.

“...Well, guess it's time to reveal that then...” The Vice Leader soon mentally decided.

Miyabi was easily keeping up with her though. She almost seemed bored...and inattentive to her opponent’s plan as she prepared to block another strike.


“!?” Miyabi’’s eyes however suddenly widened as her student’s blade felt...heavier as she recoiled. “What the!?” She thought to herself in confusion as her blade shuddered and rang, forcing her to back away. This had never happened before! “The blade’s’s more intense and heavier!? How!? She hasn’t even made it into a club yet!?” She then added in her head in disbelief.

Then she spotted it. The was encrusted with earth, but still retained its sharp edge.

“When did she-!?” Miyabi thought to herself right before taking a headbutt.

“Stop gawking and fight!” Asuka demanded as she swung her heavier sword, her teacher only being able to defend in response.


However each and every strike reverberated throughout her entire body. Her head, her arms, her legs, her chest...everything was shaking. “AGH!” Miyabi suddenly winced, her arms aching as she noticed them shaking as she struggled to continue holding her katana.

“I have been practicing, you know. Just without you.” Asuka pointed out. “I don’t need you all the time, Miyabi-sensei.” She then added.

“This you wanted to surprise me with this, huh?” Miyabi remarked and assumed, unaware of the impressed smirk on her own face.

“No, I wanted to surprise you with this!” Asuka declared as she swung as hard as she could in the middle of her sentence.


Asuka’s eyes widened as the weight of her encrusted katana made her overcommit to her swing and threw her slightly off-balance as she missed, and that was all Miyabi needed.

“Parry this, you filthy samaritan!” Miyabi declared as she let go of her katana and wrapped her arms around her opponent’s waist.

“WHA!?” Asuka yelped as she was held in the air before...


“AH!” The Vice Leader then let out after she was roughly thrown onto the dirt.

“Too easy.” Miyabi sighed as she dusted herself off, wincing still from the pain from her entire body. “Damn, that caught me off guard...” She muttered to herself.

“A-Agh...” Asuka groaned in pain as she struggled to get to her feet. “Did...did she just use a wrestling move on me?” She thought in disbelief.

“You think you can match me with a katana!? Don’t make me laugh!” Miyabi insulted her, brandishing her blade once more, holding back the urge to continue wincing from that last bout.

“You taught me!” Asuka retorted aloud.

“Not well enough, you pathetic yet amazing genius!” Miyabi countered, which only served to make the brunette groan. “I’m taking you down. End of story.” She then stated.

Asuka frowned. She wasn’t getting through to her like this as she sheathed her katana. “Kaito Change!” She soon declared, enveloping herself in the emerald green flames.

“Tch, of course.” Miyabi scoffed as the flames died down, revealing the Vice Leader of the Phantom Thieves. “Just because you’re better than me at using your Persona, doesn’t mean you’ll win.” She then remarked.

“I’m not trying to-” Yin tried to explain before stopping herself. “If that’s what you believe, then don’t let me stop you.” She then added as she readied her twin blades.

“Thanks for finally understanding that, my cute little moron.” Miyabi got out.

“Well, then, I’m not gonna hold back now. I am thou! CHIYOME!” Yin called out and declared, ripping off her mask to summon her newly evolved Persona.

“Thou art I!” Chiyome responded as the earth beneath their feet began to rumble.

Immediately, the white haired woman paused as she went wide-eyed. “...When the hell did Kaeru evolve!?” Miyabi exclaimed, pointing at Chiyome in disbelief.

“You’ll have to beat me first before you-” Yin goaded her opponent, however...

“It was Akira, wasn’t it?” Miybai deadpanned.

“...No?” Yin weakly responded.

“Asuka, your ability to lie brings such shame.” Miyabi bluntly declared. “To me and the title of shinobi.” She then added with a hint of disappointment.

“...I’m sort of okay with that. I haven’t been a model shinobi ever since I awakened.” Yin confessed as she went into a low stance.

“Well, thief, show me what you can do.” Miyabi soon challenged.

“Magnadyne!” Yin declared as the ground beneath them soon began to crack and shudder until a giant rock spike shot out underneath the white haired woman.

“Grr!” Miyabi grunted in annoyance as she dove out of the way, gripping her katana even tighter.

This prompted Asuka to rush in with her own two wakizashi, gripping the same way on her own hands, hoping she could get her in close-quarters and get her right now.

Miyabi immediately noticed this...and blades clash and sparks fly across the stainless steel weapons.


“AGH! Again!?” Miyabi winced, shaking off the reverberating feeling in her arms again as she looked at the Vice Leader’s twin wakizashi, which now were also encrusted with rock in a similar manner as her katana.

“Hey, if it worked.” Yin responded with a shrug, despite the dead serious tone. “I’m not holding back this time, just like you won’t.” She then stated.

“Then stop talking.” Miyabi seethed as she charged in again.

Yin sighed as she engaged with her teacher, quickly getting used to the new weight to strike just as fast as she did normally, although this time Miyabi had learned to dodge instead of block the swings.

“Take this!” Miyabi roared as she rushed in once more, spotting a slight lax in her student’s assault.

“Chiyome! Tetrakarn!” Yin called out as a shield appeared in front of her.

“!?” Miyabi’s eyes widened to that, soon feeling her attack striking back at her and sending her flying. “GAH!” She got out in pain.

“Sukukaja!” Yin soon commanded as a green glow covered her for a moment as she swiftly rushed in. “Now Magnadyne!” She then commanded.

“AH!” Miyabi exclaimed as she was struck by a pillar of earth before being attacked again. Yin was striking even faster now and her blades still felt just as heavy. Miyabi could barely endure such relentless strikes.

Swift speed and intense power as one. A dangerous combination that irritated Miyabi just as much as it impressed her.

Still, she would show the younger girl that even that won’t stop her.

“I’m not giving up!” Miyabi thought, her goldens beginning to glow as she managed to break out of the combo and began swinging her sword with wild abandon, overwhelming Yin for a moment.

“Can’t...stop...HERE!” The Vice Leader mentally exclaimed as she threw down a smoke bomb.

“Asuka!” Miyabi roared as she looked around, even upwards. “Where are you!?” She got out in an antsy manner.


“Below!” Yin answered as she suddenly burst out of the ground underneath Miyabi’s feet, sending herself and her opponent into the air.

Miyabi and Yin soon clashed their blades together, staring directly into each other’s eyes. One of rage and one of determination.

“Nice trick, but it’s over!” Miyabi soon declared.

“Nope! Shatter!” Yin suddenly responded as her Persona appeared behind her.

All Miyabi could do was widen her eyes as she realized what was going to happen, instinctively going on the defensive once more.


“Agh!” Miyabi cried out as she blasted back to the ground, having gotten herself a face full of shards of rock while a crater was formed where landed. “Dammit!” She then cursed while slamming her fist on the ground. Of course, she should’ve known that her student had one more trick up her sleeve, causing the earth on her weapons to explode right in her face.

Meanwhile, the Vice Leader had rolled away to not get hit with her own attack. “Had enough yet!?” Yin called out as she and Chiyome readied to attack once again.

“I won’t let you win, Asuka!” Miyabi declared with a glare as she kept fighting, but it was obvious she was running out of steam.

“Why are you trying to win!?” Yin however countered. “Miracle Punch!” She soon commanded as she ripped off her mask.


Miyabi choked as she took a boxing glove to the throat, stunned, as Yin quickly followed up by throwing her over her shoulder.

“I don’t...need to tell you!” Miyabi grunted out.

“You’re shutting yourself off! Haven’t you learned over the past few months we’ve been together!?” Yin called out as she dodged each and every swing of Miyabi’s sword. “I won’t stop...we won’t stop...until the mission is complete, even if you have to ram that door down!” She then declared.

“Asuka!” Miyabi growled in frustration before they both began swinging their blades.


Yin grunted as their blades locked with each other. “Miyabi-chan!”

“God, you’re so caring and annoying!” Miyabi growled in frustration. “Why can’t you leave me alone!?” She then called out.

“You are never alone!” Yin soon recited, causing the white haired woman’s eyes to widen. “You wrote that on Futaba-chan’s wall before we stole her heart!” She then reminded.

“You found that?” Miyabi got out in disbelief.

“We cleaned her room together!” Asuka reminded. “So, did you write that because you believed in it then or was it a lie?” She then questioned as she pushed back.

“...Lies...” Miyabi let out in a low, almost animalistic tone.

This in turn stunned Yin for a second. “Eh?” She got out in confusion.

“Don’t you f*cking dare suggest I lied to her!” Miyabi spat out with renewed vigor as she backed off and swung for the brunette’s head.

“Whoa whoa!” Yin yelped, feeling the sharp air at her neck. She grimaced as she held where she was nearly sliced, but kept going with her verbal assault for understanding. “Then what is it!? Tell me the truth!” She then demanded.

“You want the f*cking truth? MY FATHER! HE f*ckING LIED TO ME!” Miyabi snapped as she began to push the Vice Leader back, her one black wing appearing on her back as her hair grew darker. “CAN HE NOT TRUST ME TO KNOW THE TRUTH!? DOES HE THINK OF ME AS UNWORTHY TO KNOW THE TRUE GOINGS-ON AT MY FUTURE!?” She then cried as a wave of dark energy forced her student away.

“AH!” Yin yelped as she brought up a pillar of earth to defend herself, only for the pillar to be sliced through as the white haired woman shot towards her with murderous intent.

“HEBIJO IS MY DESTINY! I WOULD DIE FOR IT! AND YET MY OWN FREAKING FLESH AND BLOOD THINKS I NEED MORE MOTIVATION!” Miyabi continued, swinging her katana like a woman possessed, forcing the brunette to guard. “IS HE HIDING MORE FROM ME!? IS EVERYTHING I KNOW JUST A FABRICATION!? DID HE EVEN LOVE MY MAMA!? IS THIS WHY HE ACTS THE WAY HE DOES TOWARDS SUZUNE-SENSEI!? UGH!” She then asked in a panic before groaning in disgust.

“Miyabi-chan...!” Yin struggled out as she began to lose against the unstoppable force of her teacher’s rage. “Don’t...!” She then started.

“RAAAAAH!” Miyabi furiously roared.

“She might actually kill me!” Yin mentally realized before seeing the woman’s changing form. “Or she’ll kill herself!” She then added as she remembered what had happened at Futaba’s Palace.

“ASUKA!” Miyabi screamed as she swung her katana, only for Chiyome to block it for her.

“Wait, hold on!” Yin called out as she felt even her Persona struggle to keep the woman back. “We’re going too far! Stop!” She then pleaded.

“STOPPING IS WHAT GOT ME IN THIS SITUATION!” Miyabi roared as the Vice Leader went down to her knees.

Yin was beginning to panic. She just wanted her friend to burn off her energy, but this was too much. At this rate, either of them could be laying down dead if she didn’t think of something!

However, she was coming up blank except for...

“Pulling a Joker.” Yin mentally concluded.

There was no other choice.

Yin closed her eyes...and let her friend overpower her, breaking through her Persona like glass.

Seeing her opportunity, Miyabi did not hesitate. She swung at her student with everything she had. No technique, no reason, burning all her energy into simply destroying the one in front of her.

And the Vice Leader let her, wincing from the pain and the complete destruction of her clothing until she was in nothing but her mask, but she did her best to stand firm until there was nothing left.


With one final swing, she managed to knock Asuka’s mask off, at the same also sending Asuka into the air before she landed roughly on her bare back.

“Hah...hah...” Miyabi panted, barely clutching onto her katana as she stumbled over to the already defeated girl before climbing on top.


Asuka reverted back to her normal attire, unable to gather the energy to resist as her teacher pressed her blade against her throat.

“Does...Does he even love me anymore!?” Miyabi screamed in her opponent’s face. However, from her tone, she sounded more...tired than angry. “I-I...Did he even love me to begin with...? Was I...just...another tool...?” She then mumbled in a much lower, sadder tone as her hair turned back to white and her wing disappeared.


Suddenly, the Vice Leader embraced the white haired woman in a hug. “There there...” Asuka muttered in a comforting tone.

“Asuka, let go of me! I don't...I don’t...” Miyabi responded, beginning to struggle at first...but slowly stopping as she then began whimpering as the Kekkai began to fade around them.

(Shibuya, Rooftops)

And with that, they were back in reality.

“Miyabi-chan.” Asuka quietly got out.

“...Why am I so useless and weak...” Miyabi mumbled in a child-like yet depressed manner, struggling not to cry, but soon failing.

“No, you’re not.” Asuka responded as she rubbed the back of her friend’s head.

“Don't just say that.” Miyabi sighed out. “Even after all this time, with a Persona and training and everything...I don’t think I would have had the strength to stop Hebijo’s destruction.” She then added in frustration.

“You couldn't have done anything about it in the first place. You're here, not there.” Asuka pointed out while shaking her head. “Besides, strength alone won't get you anywhere. You will never be strong enough to do anything and everything.” She then informed.

“So what? Are you going to say I should rely on my friends like all those kids shows say?” Miyabi grumbled. “Friends aren't always going to be there for you. Some things you can only do alone.” She then added.

“Is that what you really think?” Asuka questioned with narrowed eyes. “Or was that what you were taught?” She then pressed.

“Through bloody lessons out on the field.” Miyabi answered rather easily. “Don't dismiss what I've learned just because you have a different perspective.” She then got out.

“I’m not dismissing it, just saying that everyone teaches people different things. You were basically just taught one way of thinking.” Asuka replied and explained.

“...” Miyabi tried to say something to that, but couldn’t as she thought about it.

“I was the same too, once upon a time, until I met Homu-neechan, Akira-kun, and everyone!” Asuka replied and listed off. “And you too. I'm glad to have met you all.” She then confessed.

“...You’re a good friend, Asuka.” Miyabi confessed as she looked out over the horizon. “Just as warm and bright as the sun.” She then added.

“Hehe, thanks.” The Vice Leader giggled out before gaining a more serious expression. “...So...about your father...” She soon began.

“It’s...just...I don’t think he has ever lied to me before. Not since my Mama died. Yeah, the truth hurts sometimes was better than living a lie. ” Miyabi informed with a wistful look on her face. “It’s been years since that stupid mission that ruined me. I knew a lot had changed but...I didn’t think he’d change either.” She then sighed.

“Well, not everyone changes for the better.” Asuka pointed out.

“No kidding.” Miyabi murmured. “...My father always tries his best for the school, even taking on someone like Dōgen as an investor. Was this...just another way to support the school? Through me?” She soon wondered out loud.

“...Miyabi-chan, I would like to think that your father has and will always love you.” Asuka assumed in an honest manner. “Maybe this was his way of keeping you safe, but that doesn’t make what he did right.” She then added while shaking her head.

“Asuka, if you’re gonna try and convince me to transfer to Hanzō-” Miyabi began with a sigh.

“No, I’m not like Yumi-chan trying to recruit you to my school.” Asuka responded in reassurance. “I’m just saying you should be better than your father. Learn from his mistakes, and don’t repeat the past. You’re gonna be the principal after all.” She soon stated.

“Not so sure about that right now...” Miyabi responded. “I’m gonna be the principal of a crater right now.” She reminded with a grumble.

“Things will get better, they’ll recover and get better than ever.” Asuka soon reassured. “...Th-That being said, I would like it if they were to stop trying know...” She awkwardly began saying before trailing off.

“Being the worst school, second only to Shujin.” Miyabi finished. “...Hebijo will change, I will make sure of that. As just a shinobi school. No longer Evil.” She soon declared

“Nor Good, right?” Asuka assumed.

“Just like us.” Miyabi stated with a smile. “I mean, getting help from the government would be nice but uh...they do some really shady sh*t that would make even my school blush, without shinobi being involved.” She then added with a wince.

“Th-That won’t be the case with Hanzō, right?” Asuka awkwardly asked. “Or my friends?” She then added.

“...” Miyabi however remained silent.

“Miyabi-chan?” Asuka got out in concern.

“...S-Sorry, I zoned out.” Miyabi mumbled, averting her gaze. “Just...imagining you guys helping me change Hebijo for the better.” She then got out.

Asuka’s eyes widened. “You want us to help?” She soon offered.

“Of course. I have no one else except Imu.” Miyabi stated. “Doing it alone...won’t feel right.” She then confessed.

The Vice Leader smiled. “Thank you. No matter what happens Miyabi-chan, you’ll always have people who love you and will support you to the end.” Asuka reassured in a comforting manner as she smiled. “That includes me too.” She then added.

Miyabi returned the smile. “...You didn’t have to say that.” She pointed out.

“Just take the freaking support, you oxy-moron!” Asuka snapped with a pout.

Miyabi in response blinked at that, but then snorted in amusem*nt as she hugged the brunette. “I-I was just gonna say you didn’t have to tell me you were included. I already knew that you’d never abandon me.” She soon stated. “You are my student after all.” She then reminded with a smirk.

Asuka let out a breath to that. “I know, I just had to say it. Feeling better now, Miyabi-chan?” She soon asked.

“A bit.” Miyabi sighed out. “It’s going to take more than this to really make me get over what happened though.” She then added.

“Well, me and everyone else are just gonna have to keep trying then.” Asuka assured.

“...It’s still surprising that you’re helping me feel better.” Miyabi had to admit, looking at her with crossed arms.

“It’s in my nature.” Asuka claimed with a smile.

“It’s in your nature to help people who have tried to kill you before?” Miyabi deadpanned, giving the younger girl a flat tone.

“Well, Homu-neechan put a blade to my neck after she discovered I was a shinobi too.” Asuka sheepishly admitted. “And Yumi-chan tried to freeze us all...and you did try to expose us...” She then continued, slowly sounding more awkward as she went on.

“Wow.” Miyabi let out, blinking. “You should nearly die more often. We need the numbers.” She then joked.

“I get enough of that from the Metaverse...” Asuka sighed.

“Asuka, do I need to make you feel better?” Miyabi had to specifically ask her.

“...” Immediately, the Vice Leader went silent.

“...Oh God, you actually do.” Miyabi sighed out...before giggling in amusem*nt. “That's my student for ya.” She soon reminded.

“You shouldn't be proud that your student needs to cheer up.” Asuka chuckled awkwardly before letting out a sad groan. “Moh...” She quietly whined.

“There there.” Miyabi got out as she rubbed the Vice Leader's back. “Hey, if it makes you feel any better, one of my teachers taught me something to deal with near death experiences.” She responded and informed.

That in turn got the Vice Leader’s attention. “What is it?” Asuka asked.

“If you have one, that means you're not dead yet.” Miyabi soon stated.

“...Oh.” Asuka got out, blinking after hearing that.

“I-I mean like, you know, if you're breathing then, um, you should...Live harder...?” Miyabi awkwardly responded. “God I am not much of a comforter...” She then grumbled with a sigh.

“I dunno. You do a pretty good job regarding Futaba-chan.” Asuka replied and pointed out.

“She's way too comfortable though...” Miyabi sighed out, though confessed with a smile. “I guess it comes with sitting and sleeping most of the day.” She then added.

“You're doing a good job with her, don't doubt yourself on that.” Asuka soon encouraged.

“I won't when she can last one day without acting like a pervy old man...” Miyabi mumbled under her breath as she glanced down at her own slightly bigger bust. “I swear, when I see Katsuragi again, she’ll pay for corrupting my sweet Futaba into perversity...” She then swore and declared.

“Hehe, I won’t stop you there. Katsu-nee doing that is not good.” Asuka replied and admitted. “...Sometimes.” She then added.

“How you dealt with her before coming to Tokyo is beyond me...” Miyabi grumbled.

“Trust me, me and my friends have to deal with her a lot.” Asuka sighed out. “And I have to admit, it got really annoying.” She then added.

“Seeing how she was acting during our time at the beach...yeah, I can’t blame you.” Miyabi responded with a sweatdrop.

“Said she called it her way of bonding or something.” Asuka recalled with a sigh.

“Now that’s a load a of bull.” Miyabi bluntly responded, her student nodding in agreement to that.

“Tell that to her. But still, she means well. Ikaruga-chan said she’s like the elder sister of our group, quite along with Ikaruga-chan herself.” The Vice Leader replied and admitted as she then suddenly looked around. “Wait, where are they, anyway?” Asuka soon mumbled.

“Huh?” Miyabi got out in confusion, though at that moment...

“Yo!” A familiar voice greeted, causing the two to turn to see a familiar dyed blond carrying two soda cases.

“Ah, Ryuji-kun!” Asuka exclaimed as she ran over to the arriving group. “You guys are late.” She then reminded as she pouted.

“Sorry, but Yusuke here didn’t have enough for the freaking train...again.” Ryuji grumbled as the starving came up behind him.

“I apologize. I didn’t think we’d be traveling so much.” Yusuke stated with a slight bow and then admitted.

“Are you serious?” Miyabi had to ask with a sweatdrop just as the light gray haired girl arrived, carrying several bags of food.

“It’s only two-” Yumi began before stopping herself, forcing down her obvious irritation. “No no, not the time. Tonight we shall enjoy each other’s company. Let go of our problems and worries and simply live for now. Everything else comes tomorrow.” She soon decided.

“Yumi-senpai...” Yusuke awkwardly and meekly got out, looking at her senior with slight shame.

“Hey,’re ruinin’ it with your threats.” Ryuji groaned.

Yumi startled on the inside. “I-I am? I apologize...” She then nervously stated and then added with a slight bow.

“And you’re making it worse. J-Just crack open a drink while we set up everything.” Ryuji ordered as he set down the soda cases.

“If you insist.” Yumi stated before opening one of the cases and grabbing a can.

“...You organized all this just to make me feel better?” Miyabi had to state, noticing what was going on with her friends.

“We organized it together.” Yumi corrected with a smile. “Sorry it took so long. We thought sending Asuka ahead would help until we arrived with everything.” She then apologized, bowing to the Vice Leader.

“...Well I got to spar with Asuka as a result, so I’m not upset ‘bout that.” Miyabi signed out with a smirk while her student grinned.

“I think Morgana is correct in that violence is your response to many things. Is that all you think about?” Yumi deadpanned with a sigh.

“Sometimes.” Miybai answered automatically, causing the light gray haired girl to sigh again. “But...tonight, I’m just gonna be thinking about how wonderful you guys are.” She then decided and confessed in a grateful manner.

“Awww~!” Asuka cooed out as she hugged her sensei. “Thank you, Miyabi-chan! You’re wonderful too!” She replied and complimented.


Miyabi noticed the face of the brunette on her breasts as she hugged her. “O-Oi, don’t go and shove your head between my tit* like that!” She then freaked out, but didn’t even struggle to try and get her student off her.

“Such a wonderful moment.” Yumi giggled. She was really tempted to pull out her phone and capture the moment.

“You keep drinking, Ice Queen!” Miyabi however responded before glancing at the dyed blond. “And stop staring, Ryuji!” She then ordered.

“I wasn’t!” Ryuji yelped as he turned away. “I’ve already seen some of the girls naked, and I’m still getting yelled at...” He then thought in his head with a sigh.

“I was.” Yusuke confessed, causing the others to look at him. “The friendly embrace between friends would make a wonderful painting.” He then passionately stated.

“None of that scene right there screams just friends.” Ryuji deadpanned as he cracked open a soda.

“Look at who’s ruining the mood!” Miyabi had to retort to him.

After that, everyone began to laugh as it soon became the same thing Miyabi had been doing all day, eating and drinking while watching the sunset, but like anything it was better with the friends you’ve made. With that, she smiled as she went on to have a good time with said friends.

(Yongen-Jaya, Leblanc Attic)

Akira had a slightly drowsy Haruka supporting her as she walked up the stairs to the attic. Clearly their time at the infamous burger chain was an interesting, yet tired one.

The two were extremely lucky that Sojiro went out to restock. If he ever finds out about female Akira, he might have a lot of explaining to do. that he thought about it...Futaba’s bugs are still present in the room.

“Does she have cameras, too?” Akira had to ask in her head as she looked around the room.

“Sorry I had to make you drag me here.” Haruka had to apologize aloud, snapping out of the ravenette’s thoughts of concern.

“It’s fine. I just didn’t expect the burger to make you so sleepy.” Akira responded.

“During digestion, blood flow is diverted from other parts of the body to the digestive organs to support the breakdown and absorption of food. Large and heavy meals in particular can lead to a temporary decrease in oxygen and energy levels to the rest of the body, causing drowsiness.” Haruka rambled.

“You can recite all that even with half your brain functioning?” Akira groaned.

“Half my brain is worth two of Albert Einstein's...” Haruka bragged a little. “I even contacted the shinobi tailors to adjust the clothes back at my apartment so they’ll fit out new busts. They’ll just believe your female clothes are just mine since we both have the same bust size and I already instructed Tsumuji-chan to go out and restock so she won’t be around as the shinobi tailors do their job.” She then revealed and explained.

In response, the ravenette giggled in amusem*nt. “Always prepared for everything huh?” Akira jokingly assumed.

“I wouldn't be here if I wasn't.” Haruka stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Luckily Boss went shopping to restock his home, so we're alone.” Akira sighed out as she rested on her bed from feeling sluggish, beginning to close her eyes.

“Hold on.” Haruka started. “You can’t spend the night as Akira-chan. You need the antidote.” She soon stated.

“Do it tomorrow.” Akira mumbled.

“ really shouldn’t.” Haruka responded in a more serious tone. “Your guardian will freak out if you aren’t back to your normal self. And we haven’t tested what would happen if you stay like that for more than a few hours, and I don't want to screw anything else up. The clinic is just nearby, let me go whip it up real quick and then we can sleep.” She then reminded and explained.

“...Can we at least go wash up the greasiness in the bathhouse? Just a quick wash, and that's it. We won't be there too long.” Akira requested.

“...Will you be alright?” Haruka questioned.

“I said I would help you out today, and I don't go back on my promises to friends.” Akira reminded.

“...You're too good for me...” Haruka whimpered, signs of tears starting to form in her eyes.

“Haruka, it's just basic human decency.” Akira simply stated.

“Human decency...” Haruka repeated as she hugged the ravenette. “Human decency doesn't make you switch genders and allow me to do experiments on you for my curiosity.” She then pointed out.

“I have a messed up sense of human decency.” Akira admitted. No lies, because given the amount of nudity in his/her life, that was never going to be normal.

“I’ll also need to give you an examination for well...” Haruka began as she glanced at her darling’s bust.


“I said no naked girl bits.” Akira soon reminded with a sigh.

This is for medical reasons.” Haruka however maturely stated in a dead serious, no nonsense tone. “And I’ll need an examination as well.” She then added as she glanced down at herself at her own bust.

“And you wanted to test this by yourself.” Akira recalled.

“Darling, shinobis put themselves on the line for anything to get results. I've told you this before.” Haruka sighed out. “And you're not any better, testing out drugs from a shady back alley doctor.” She then countered.

“Takemi isn't shady anymore...despite still selling me tons of experimental medicine...and letting you practice without a license...and a whole lot of other things, now that I think about it.” Akira however reminded and aimlessly continued.

“You are not helping your case.” Haruka responded.

“You aren’t helping yours either.” Akira remarked.

The two soon began a glaring match at one on another from the argument...before snorting in amusem*nt.

“Ufufu~ I needed that...” Haruka giggled out. “Thank you for this, Akira-chan. I needed this.” She then added in a grateful manner.

Akira simply nodded with a smile. “The cheering up part...or getting a bigger bust part?” She responded in a slightly teasing manner.

“More on the cheering up part, but...I suppose you can say both.” Haruka responded before confessing in amusem*nt.

“Hey, I don’t want your boobs to be too big.” Akira replied. “That’s just overkill. People might think you have a medical problem.” She then added.

“...Bigger than Murasaki-chan’s K-Cup?” Haruka however pointed out.

“There has to be a balance.” Akira soon stated. “There is a line in breast size where it goes from hot to grotesque.”

“...You’re not saying that-” Haruka began to ask.

“No, Murasaki’s aren’t grotesque.” Akira confirmed, interrupting the blonde.

“Then what is?” Haruka soon asked with a raised eyebrow

“You'll know.” Akira soon assured in a vague manner before shivering.

“Hmm...” Haruka soon began to hum, looking rather thoughtful.

“Don't test it.” Akira deadpanned.

“I wasn't thinking of it!” Haruka insisted while waving her hands. “Just remembering an incident with Mirai, is all.” She then confessed before mentally replaying said incident, scrubbing through the memory like a video to find the line the ravenette had mentioned. “...Okay, I can see it.” She then got out.

“What did you do?” Akira questioned in an accusatory tone.

“Nothing you should worry about on your cute face.” The blonde replied as she patted the ravenette on the head. "Moh, I wanna get naked so bad right now." Haruka casually spoke out loud as she stretched out her limbs.

"Seriously?" Akira sighed, almost tired yet amused by the blonde’s usual behavior.

"Eh, clothes can be too restricting sometimes." Haruka replied to the ravenette in a shrug. "And yeah, no naked bits, I know." She then added with a nod.

"...If I didn't know you so well, Haruka, I would have been weirded out by it." Akira had to admit. "I heard that you and Tsumuji have been living in the nude at your place at times." She then informed while adjusting her glasses.

“Let me guess. Tsumuji told you that, huh?” Haruka assumed with a finger on her chin.

“Don’t scold her for telling me.” Akira however requested.

“Oh, no, no, don’t worry. I don’t mind. I was hoping I could tell you that myself in a teasing way, but never mind.” Haruka responded. "As for your assumption, though, we did that almost everyday." She then answered.

“Shinobis are always and maybe forever weird.” Akira sighed.

"You should try it sometime, Akira-chan." Haruka suggested. "Being in the nude feels great. Doesn't matter if you're in your female form or not." She then added.

"Uh-huh, right.” Akira responded, obviously not believing it.

“Trust me, it’s worth it.” Haruka reassured. “Just make sure you’re alone or never spotted, or else you’ll get arrested for public indecency.” She then advised.

“Are you teasing me with that?” Akira asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes and no.” Haruka responded as she glanced at her new larger bust. “...Man we’re developed now...” She then breathed out.

“Starting to think about breast reduction surgery?” Akira joked.

“Never.” Haruka responded. “And don’t you even think about it for yourself either.” She then all but ordered in a more stern tone.

“I was just joking, Haruka. Jeez...” Akira mumbled, slightly surprised by the seriousness.

“...Sorry.” Haruka meekly apologized with a blush.

“It’s okay. A lot happened to you today and-” Akira began saying, however...


“!” Akira’s eyes widened as she felt the blonde’s hand on her bust as she then blushed.

The blonde meanwhile smirked at the reaction. “It’s been a while since you’ve done this to me, don’t you think?” Haruka muttered in a soothing tone.

In response, Akira couldn’t help but nod, a shiver running down her spine from the feeling. “It...has...” She mumbled in agreement.

"Now I'm going to do the same to you." Haruka soon whispered. "Just like what I did to you in the changing room back then, hmhm~" She then added in a seducing tone.

" naked bits, remember...?" Akira had to remind her, her voice shaking from her shivering.

“Are we naked though?” Haruka whispered hotly into her ear, pressing closer and closer to her genderbent love. “We're both still in clothes, you said nothing about clothed bits~”

“Ha-Haruka...” Akira struggled out.

“Shhh...let your mistress do the work...” Haruka all but whispered in the same soothing and tempting tone.

“S-sh*t...that feels...good?” Akira unconsciously thought to herself, beginning to close her eyes as she felt the blonde’s hands rub over her clothed body.

Her chest, her face, her back, her all felt so wonderful that if she was to let herself, she'd begin to moan.

Akira could feel herself growing hotter and hotter, breathing heavier and heavier...

Her willpower...her desire to give was...!

...Wasn't right...

(And in a more romantic timeline, a mental shout from his girlfriend snapped him out of it.)

“Haruka!” Akira had to call her out, grabbing onto her shoulders and pushing her away.

“Huh?” The blonde got out, somehow snapping out of it.

“Please don’t do this.” Akira began to plead. “I...I can't let you do this. I can't let myself do this. Not after what happened to your friends. This...This won't help you.” She then confessed.

“Akira-chan?” Haruka whispered.

The ravenette then brought her in for a deeper hug, their big breasts pressing up to one another. “Haruka, I...I really care for you. I really do but this isn’t the time for a moment like that...” Akira confessed and reminded as she soon looked at the blonde straight in the eyes. “Please, stop throwing yourself at me like a slu*t and start acting like one of my dearest friends!” She then ordered.

“...” In response however, Haruka’s expression saddened as her eyes became a bit hazy.

“...Oh sh*t, I...I'm sorry, but that's just...” Akira tried to apologize before giving up.

“...” Haruka however didn’t respond to that, her expression appearing...lifeless over what happened.

“f*ck...” Akira swore as she looked down at the floor.

“...I'm sorry.” Haruka muttered in an emotionless and lifeless tone, fresh tears flowing down from her dull and hazy eyes.

“Don't apologize.” Akira whispered. “I just...We really do need to go on that date. No flirting, no games, no...this. Haruka, do you really want our relationship to be like this until I leave?” She confessed and stated followed by the question.

“...What do you mean?” Haruka had to ask.

“This.” Akira responded, emphasizing their current situation. “All this sexy stuff and nudity. Pressing up against me, trying to tempt me into making a move. It makes me feel good, but...but...if I give in, I would feel so terrible afterwards.” She listed off and soon confessed.

“T-Terrible?” Haruka fearfully repeated.

“Like...that it wasn't my choice to make. You just grinded me down until I had to accept it.” Akira soon enough stated. “You said you don’t care if I was dating anyone, right? What if they did? What if they don't like you doing all this to me!? Have you ever thought about that!?” She then pointed out and asked.

“...” Haruka meanwhile didn't say anything in response.

“Haruka, let me ask you this.” Akira soon started. “Do you want to go out with me?” She eventually questioned.

“...Eh?” Haruka got out in confusion.

“Do you want a relationship or am I just a plaything? A doll?” Akira soon asked. “Look at me and tell me the truth. Is it really love or lust? Think.” She then added and instructed.

Haruka nearly spoke, to reaffirm her feelings, and yet she couldn't. The intense look in Akira's eyes made her hesitate to act on her instinct.

Instead, she frowned and looked back on her memories, knowing that there was more than enough to prove that Akira wasn't a...

The sexy pics, breaking into his room, the flirting, everything she had done to Akira-chan, rarely allowing him to even say no to any of it...

Haruka paled.

No. No no no. That...That was how she showed her affection! It was only...


And it finally hit her...

She...did lust for him. There was no other explanation for it. She allowed herself to be swept away by her feelings, allowing it full control over her actions without much of a fight. Even unconsciously, she had made Akira another doll in her mind.

However, that cognition was long gone. She could remember and feel every moment of compassion and empathy he had for her, helping her when she fell, and giving the boost she needed to get back today.

Haruka finally accepted something she hadn't realized until now: it wasn't always love she had for him...but it was now, and it would forever be.

True love.

Haruka could finally answer Akira's question.

“I...I do. I really, really do want to go out with you.” Haruka managed to get out. “Is it not obvious? Even if you already share your heart with someone else, even if I must share you with others, I really want to!” She soon confessed and declared.

Akira let out a gentle smile. “...Thank you, because...I don’t.”

“...What?” Haruka whispered, feeling her heart begin to crack. “Why would you-” She started.

Akira then caressed the now blushing blonde’s cheek again in a tender manner, stopping her from tearing up. “That's why you're gonna have to convince me.” She soon got out. “Prove to me you're more than this. Let me see if there is a future and this isn't simply a first-time crush. That I'm more than an object to play and abuse.” She eventually stated.

The ravenette then clutched onto the blonde's shoulders and leaned in close.

“Show devoted you are to me.” Akira whispered in a tempting tone.


“...” The two remained silent as their lips started to get closer to one another.



“Huh?” Akira snapped out of it, stepping back as she looked around in confusion.

Haruka, however, ignored the odd sound and continued leaning in, even as the ravenette turned her focus downwards.

“...H-Haruka?” Akira squeaked as a red hot blush appeared on her face. “Um, you're, erm...dripping.” She informed.

Haruka nearly fell over as her lips touched nothing but air. “Eh?” She got out before following the ravenette's gaze. “O-Oh, um, um...I...I...I'll clean it up!” She then squeaked, putting her hands over her nether regions, feeling the...dampness as she paled a little.

“I-It's just a few drops. M-Maybe it was from the ceiling.” Akira tried to play off, hoping to save some of the blonde's dignity. “I can clean it up and then we can go to the bath house before stopping by the clinic for the antidote. It has been a long day for both of us.” She then offered.

Haruka could only nod, not trusting herself to speak any more.

“Alright.” Akira breathed out. “...You can wash me down when we get there.” She then offered.

“...Akira-chan, you don't have to make me feel better anymore.” Haruka responded as she shook her head. “I will admit that this was partially a distraction from thinking about Crimson Squad. I'm ready to face that now and try my best to fight for them here.” She soon confessed.

“Glad to hear that.” Akira got out in relief. “But...I do owe you for calling you a slu*t earlier.” She guiltily added.


Suddenly, the blonde planted a kiss on the ravenette’s lips, whose eyes widened and blushed at the action.

“!?” Akira’s eyes immediately widened to that sudden action in surprised shock.

“...There.” Haruka stated as she separated. “Now we're even~” She

“H-Haruka...” Akira stammered in a surprised manner.

“I only have one chance, don’t I?” Haruka assumed. “I should at least get a kiss from my real first love while I still have the chance...” She then added in a dead serious tone.

“But...but...” Akira struggled out.

“Darling, if you are seeing someone...then I'm sorry for making you cheat on them to make me happy.” Haruka truthfully got out, looking rather remorseful as she then went in front of the ravenetted and went to one knee. “I promise I will do what I can to repay for the hurt I caused them because I couldn't control myself. If they want me to stop, to never see you again...I would accept without hesitation.” She soon declared.

“...I do want you to stay though, even if we do remain friends.” Akira got out.

“I do too, but I cannot be with you if I end up hurting someone else in the process. I...I don’t want to be that person again.” Haruka stated. “It's not like you would accept the idea of a harem after all.” She eventually muttered in disappointment.

“I is kind of a fantasy I've had, but I know how hard It would be to maintain it in real life. I've seen those trashy American reality shows.” Akira admitted.

Haruka quickly noted that the one she loved didn't mention anything about its legality and filed it away in her mind, though still rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“Still... I promise to steal a kiss from the other you at the end of our date no matter what.” Haruka reassured as she rubbed the ravenette’s waist.

“...I'd like to see you try.” Akira responded with a confident smirk.

And with that, the two left the attic to cater to their unique, important matters together. Hopefully they would finish before Sojiro comes back and closes the shop.

“...By the way...are you dating someone?” Haruka suddenly asked. “I don’t think you’ve mentioned anyone else after all.” She pointed out.

“Erm...” Akira got out, hesitant for a proper answer.

“Wait, are you embarrassed?” Haruka got out, a teasing smile on her face. “Aw, that's so cute that you want to hide your crush~” She the cooed.

“...” Akira simply went silent, not knowing how to respond once more.

“Or...maybe you're ashamed of your bachelor status~” Haruka assumed with a grin. “If that's the case, I must cheer for I have stolen your first kiss~!” She then eagerly stated.

“Actually, someone else got my first kiss.” Akira absent-mindedly admitted. He didn't really count the one he did at the castle that nearly got Homura to rip his jaw off. Technically it was on Asuka’s mask, but still...

“Eh!?” Haruka got out in a surprised manner.

“I-It was one out of gratitude before she left Tokyo. There's nothing else between us.” Akira explained with a blush, but the deed was already done as she felt her butt being rubbed.

“I may be wrong then. You are a natural born harem protagonist!” Haruka eventually stated and soon declared with a starry look in her eyes.

“Don't...don't call me that...” Akira shyly murmured, causing the blonde to laugh and hug her affectionately some more.

At least her embarrassment was making Haruka smile more. That smile was cute after all.

Now, if only she could do the same with Crimson Squad after they’re out. Who knows what they might be suffering through while captured by their former school.

(Hebijo Academy Remains, Dungeons)

You know the worst thing about being locked up in a dungeon (other than the restriction of freedom, being treated like dirt, and the crappy food)?

It was how long it felt being in there with nothing to do.

At least prisons would let their prisoners (the lower risk ones) go out and exercise and talk to other people, work or study. Even allow them to entertain themselves (that didn't involve self-pleasure).

But you get nothing like that in the Hebijo dungeons. Nope, you were in one cell for until you die out let go, and right now for Hikage and her friends, the former was much more likely.

Sure, Imu was helping and she was currently trying to rope in the New Wave (except Sōji, f*ck her), but it didn't make the waiting any less boring. They didn't have a guard to yell at anymore, having been reassigned to help with Hebijo's recovery efforts.

Hikage had been staring blankly at the ceiling for a while now, after getting bored of staring at the wall.

Mirai was playing with her hair while using Murasaki's breasts as a pillow, while the purple haired girl herself was petting the young girl’s head.

As for Yomi, she had fallen asleep on the cold hard floor. It didn’t surprise anyone that the poor girl was quite used to it, even admitting before closing her eyes how comfortable it was. “Zzzzz...Srnk!” Yomi snored before snorting, waking up as a result. “Hu-whuh? What time is it?” She mumbled.

Murasaki stopped petting the young ravenette to check her phone. “Um, about 10 PM.” She informed.

“We really shouldn’t waste battery on checking the time. We don't know when Imu will come back to charge the phone.” Yomi pointed out with a frown.

“You asked.” Murasaki grumbled.

“Well, I'm going back to sleep.” Yomi sighed as she turned over.

“You seriously can't sleep our time away until our next attempt, right?” Mirai questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, there's not exactly anything else we can do right now and we can’t just spend it all the time doing nothing.” Hikage sighed out the reminder

“We could just, you know, talk to each other.” Murasaki suggested.

“I'm trying to save vapid conversations for when cabin fever starts to settle in.” Hikage mumbled.

“It has only been, like, not even a full day.” Mirai informed.

“I know, but it pays to be prepared.” Hikage then stated.

“How about we play some games to pass the time?” Yomi spoke up as she realized that she wouldn’t go back to sleep easily.

“Do you know any games?” Murasaki got out.

“I've played plenty when I was younger.” Yomi claimed. “Like Catch the Rat, Charades, and Who Can Pee The-” She began listing out with a hint of nostalgia in her voice, however...


Instantly, Crimson Squad sat up, their hands twitching to summon their weapons out of instinct. “Huh?” They all got out.

“Quiet.” Hikage shushed her teammate as she began to listen closely.


“Eh?” Yomi gasped.

“Is it coming from...?” Murasaki muttered as she tried to follow the noise.

“The ceiling?” Mirai concluded in confusion as the four looked up.



“Eh?” Hikage got out in confusion as they looked at one of the back corners of the prison cell...that was now cracked somehow.

“Arf!” Something...barked out from behind the corner.

It was at that moment, the mysterious noise maker revealed themselves!

“N-No way...” Yomi breathed.

“It can't be!” Mirai and Murasaki gasped in disbelief.

However, Hikage said nothing as tears welled up in her eyes.


A small hole suddenly formed from the corner and a familiar animal came out from it. “Arf arf!” The tiny puppy exclaimed as she jumped into her owner's naked breasts.

“Poochie!” Hikage got out as she hugged the puppy before looking down at her. Her pet looked a little frazzled and dirty (and was that blood on her face...?) but overall, she was completely fine. “I'm so sorry we couldn't make it! But why didn't you go like I told you to!?” She cooed her apology before asking.

Poochie gave her owner a glare. “Grrr...arf arf!” She growled and barked out.

“You didn't want to be alone and wanted to know what happened before you did anything else?” Hikage repeated.

“Arf!” Poochie barked out with a nod.

“Oh, I love you too!” Hikage whimpered, holding the animal close to her.

“This adorable puppy is way too smart to be only a year old...” Yomi remarked in awe with a raised eyebrow.

“Maybe, but she's, like...a year and a half old now.” Mirai guessed.

“Arf!” Poochie happily barked, gleaming at the compliment.

“You really, really didn't have to.” Hikage breathed out in relief. “But, if you're here, that means you want to break us out.” She then assumed.

“Arf!” Poochie nodded.

“Yes!” Yomi replied. “Poochie-chan can fit through the bars much easier than Mirai-chan can!” She then added.

Mirai looked a little proud of that. It seems as though Hebijo only built these cells for stacked shinobi so she could slip through between the bars. It was only the chains connecting them together limiting her ability to go further than a few feet. Turns out there were advantages to having the body of a grade schooler!

“Okay, Poochie, you think you can sniff out the keys to our cell?” Hikage soon asked. If she could do that, they might not need Imu or anyone else to escape. Heck, if they were lucky, they could retrieve their clothes and weapons.

“Arf.” Poochie flatly pointed out.

“What do you mean that you can't and you need to sniff the key yourself?” Hikage responded in confusion. “Can't you sniff the lock to get the scent?” She then asked.

“Arf arf.” Poochie barked out the response while shaking her head.

“You’re right. They might be both paranoid and desperate enough to destroy the key after using it and will only make a new one when it's needed.” Hikage responded and admitted. “But there has to be an original copy. They wouldn't just lock us in and throw away the key...Right?” She then stated.

“Arf?” Poochie deadpanned.

“...Of course.” Hikage sighed as she shook her head.

“This is more confusing than Murasaki and Bebeby talking.” Mirai remarked with a sweatdrop.

“What’s so confusing about Hikage being a dog whisperer?” Murasaki however asked in an innocent tone.

“Dog whisperers don't have full conversations like this, and not this complex.” Mirai stated in a deadpan tone. “If I hear a cat talking, please dump ice water down my shirt.” She then added.

“I'll hold you to that.” Yomi offered.

“Hm, so getting a key won't be enough...” Murasaki hummed out. “But you burrowed in here somehow, you can get us out too.” She then pointed out.

Poochie narrowed her eyes before jumping out of the greenette's grasp and started walking around the wooden floor around the hole she had made, tapping her foot to test it. However, after a few minutes of doing that, she shook her head. “Arooo...” She quietly howled in disappointment.

“It's okay. We can figure something else out.” Hikage comforted her pet, rubbing hand over scarred back. “But with you by our side, our next escape will be a success.” She then reassured as the others nodded in agreement.

“I wouldn't be so sure about that.” A new voice stated, causing the puppy to hide.

The four soon paused as they turned to see the familiar purple haired teacher. “Ah crapbaskets...” They all swore out.

Meanwhile, Poochie quickly stood in front of them and placed a kunai into her mouth, ready to fight.

“...” The purple haired teacher couldn’t help but gawk at the sight. “Like father, like daughter...” She thought to herself. “I expected better from all of you.” Suzune admitted in a stern manner, sounding like a parent disappointed in their child.

“Well, you thought wrong.” Hikage responded as she stood up like a rebellious teen against her overbearing parents. “We’re not going to be slaves anymore.” She then declared, the other Crimson Squad girls nodding in agreement.

“Oh, no. I don’t care about your reason. You were in the right with the bullsh*t you went through as of late.” Suzune responded in a more...easy going tone, which freaked the girls out a little. “I just expected a much better plan.” She then confessed with her hands on her hips.

“Eh?” Hikage got out in confusion.

“I admit, setting off so many firebombs in and around the school was a good idea, but everything else was bound to fail.” Suzune soon stated.

“Eh!?” Yomi and Murasaki got out at the same time.

“Really, I have issues with the overall execution. Even without the whole thing at the rooftop, it wouldn’t be long until you encountered resistance. Still, I commend your long term plans. You would’ve been difficult to locate, but I doubt low wage part-time jobs would be enough to achieve your dreams.” Suzune then informed.

Eh!?” The four soon responded in unison confusion.

Suzune couldn't help but smile at their dumbfounded faces. Being an adult was fun, if only to mess with teenagers. “You know, if you only waited one more week, it would’ve been the perfect opportunity to solve so many problems here, but I guess we can improvise from here.” She then admitted.

“W-What the hell are you talking about!?” Mirai soon exclaimed.

“Y-You knew!?” Yomi realized.

“You have more allies than you think, you know.” The teacher simply pointed out. “After all, I am a Seeker of Truth.” She vaguely added.

“...You revealed the truth of what happened on purpose...” Hikage breathed out in realization.

“Lies can hurt more.” Suzune responded with a frown. “And...I’ve been lying for a very long time.” She then confessed.

“Eh? Yomi got out in confusion, this being the first time any of them heard about this.

“ working with Onee-chan?” Murasaki assumed.

“Not publicly. Not even she knows right now.” Suzune admitted. “You want me to?” She then guessed.

The other girls looked over to Hikage. “...If we’re going to do this...we need all the help we can get.” She relented.

“Plus, she can stop Onee-chan from doing something reckless...again...” Murasaki requested with a sigh as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

“Hold on, we can't just accept that so easily.” Mirai pointed out.

“I expect as much paranoia.” Suzune sighed out. “What will make you trust me?” She soon asked.

“An explanation would be nice.” Yomi responded.

“For what?” Suzune questioned.

“Like why did you get us caught?” Hikage soon asked. “Why didn’t you tell us you were trying to help us? Why didn’t you at least help from the shadows?” She then pressed, sounding more accusatory with each sentence.

“...Look, there's a lot going on you aren’t aware of, and what I am aware of, I don't have the time or the words to explain it properly.” Suzune replied in a vague manner.

“Well, we can't trust you if you don’t give us something.” Hikage however stated. “Even if you did get people talking, we need a little more proof you're willing to help us.” She then added.

“...Fine.” Their teacher finally relented. “I'll give you something.” She then added as she reached her hand in between her large breasts.

“It better not be an attack.” Mirai had to remind her.

“It's not, I assure you.” Suzune got out before pulling out a card and handed it to the girls.

“Hm?” Hikage hummed out in confusion.

“Shadow...Operative?” Murasaki read out.

“What’s that? A Hebjio group?” Hikage questioned and assumed.

“Far from it.” Suzune responded as she shook her head.

Murasaki however then noticed a mark on the card itself on the corner of it. “Wait...” She muttered, getting a closer look at her eyes then widened from recognizing the mark. “T-The Kirijo Group!?” She gawked in disbelief, getting the attention of the others.

Yomi's left eye twitched.

“You have connections to one of the most powerful conglomerates in Japan, with a hand in pretty much everything?” Hikage got out.

“A few.” Suzune shrugged. Mitsuru might give her sh*t about revealing this, but that was a future problem.

“I never heard of Kirijo hiring any shinobi.” Mirai muttered with a frown. “You worked for them?” She then asked.

Working.” Suzune corrected. “Not actively, but that might change soon enough.” She then added.

“...You betrayed the Academy...” Yomi realized with widened eyes.

Suzune smiled. “I've been a traitor since becoming a teacher.” She soon revealed, causing the four to go wide-eyed.

“ this a mission?” Murasaki guessed.

“No. For someone else.” Suzune corrected. “Some...old flames...” She vaguely revealed, looking wistfully off into the distance.

“Old flames?” Murasaki repeated in confusion before gasping as she saw the woman’s expression. “Old crushes!?” She then assumed in excitement with a starry look in her eyes, causing the teacher to blush.

Suzune’s head immediately began steaming as a result. “N-No, not...I misspoken. Just...friends.” She awkwardly corrected.

Murasaki however didn’t believe that one bit. She definitely wanted to learn more about her teacher’s old crushes now.

“Over my dead body.” Suzune suddenly growled, her killing intent overpowering the girls.

“Eh!? I didn't say anything!” Murasaki protested in denial.

“I know that look. And unlike all of you, I don't want to share every aspect of my life with people.” Suzune sighed as she shook her head.

Murasaki soon pouted in disappointment in response. “Booooo...” She got out in a whiny manner as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Trust me now?” Suzune then questioned

The girls soon looked at each other before nodding. “...Crimson Squad accepts you as an ally.” Hikage declared.

“Thank you.” Suzune breathed out. One hurdle down, many more to go. “There's a lot of work to be done and I'm not going to be here for much longer.” She soon got out.

“Huh? Oh, you're going on a mission to Tokyo later.” Mirai remembered. “At Homura’s school, the one with the rapist and dead principal.” She then added.

“You can get Homura to help us too, right?” Hikage soon asked.

“I wouldn't need to ask her.” Suzune waved off. “Ryōna and Ryōbi will also be helping. They're sowing the seeds of distrust as we speak.” She then informed.

“Them too?” Mirai got out.

“Ryōna-chan...” Murasaki breathed out with a smile. A fellow lover of the same boy assisting another.

“Ryōbi too?” Yomi got out in a much more skeptical manner.

“sad*sts can be tsunderes too.” Suzune stated. “You have more allies than you think. You can't do everything alone.” She vaguely added.

“So...we have a chance!” Yomi cheered.

“Don't celebrate yet. There's still many forces that will ruin it.” Suzune however stated and reminded. “Especially Dōgen. He'll be seeing you all at a later date.” She then groaned in annoyance.

“The main investor?” Hikage got out, narrowing her eyes at that.

“And the one behind the Yoke Technique's usage here.” Suzune revealed.

“Wait, he's not gonna-” Mirai squeaked in fear, however...

“No, but I wouldn’t convince him otherwise.” The teacher soon assured. “New power or not, if you're too wild to control, he will cut your lives short.” Suzune then stated.

Murasaki and her friends gulped. “R-Right.” The purplette mumbled with a nod.

“Murasaki's new power did catch me off guard though.” The teacher confessed in an impressed manner as she looked at the purple haired girl with a gentle smile. “You've definitely improved since your shut-in days.” She then added in a proud tone.

“Not enough though.” Murasaki mumbled as she fiddled with the gold blonde streak of her hair. “Though...I’m happy the Root changed.” She then confessed with a smile.

“Unfortunately, with those collars and chains, you won't be able to train.” Suzune reminded before sighing. “Remember, accepting all aspects of yourself, good and bad, is how you grow to be a better person. Power like that is determined by you, not the people around you. You choose what you want the power to be, not them.” She then concluded.

“I know.” Murasaki responded with a nod.

“And you may not be able to train physically, but that doesn’t mean you can’t train mentally.” Suzune soon stated.

“Mental training huh...” Hikage breathed out with a sigh.

“Don't worry. We have your back.” Mirai assured.

“And front. And sides. We are all family now.” Yomi added with a smile.

Murasaki in turn nodded to that before closing her eyes. For a second, she saw herself in her new shinobi tenshin outfit on an endless battlefield, facing faceless enemies in front of her as she charged in...and was soon overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of them.

“N-Ngh...” Murasaki struggled before giving up and opening her eyes. “Ngh, it's tougher than it looks...” She whispered.

“Well, that's one thing you can improve on.” Suzune replied. “You have time. Use it wisely to improve your mental fortitude.” She then stated and instructed.

“There's only so much our imagination can do.” Hikage however pointed out. “We need to move, exercise, or else we're losing our strength.” She then stated.

“...I have an idea, though you’ll probably hate it.” Suzune responded with a sigh. “Activate protocol: 8O0B1E5+M17K.” She then suddenly ordered, greatly confusing Crimson Squad...for all of two seconds.


“AH!” Crimson Squad cried out as they all suddenly dropped to the floor.

“Why...can't I...move...?” Hikage struggled out. The cuffs on her arms and legs were like the weight of buildings. Thankfully the collar around her neck hadn't changed.

“I increased the weights of your cuffs.” Suzune informed. “Extra security measure. Usually used for the rowdier prisoners.” She then explained.

“You...ass!” Mirai growled.

“W-Wait, I get it!” Murasaki however realized. “The Turtle School method of training from Dragon Ball!” She then declared with a fire in her eyes.

“Correct.” Suzune confirmed with a nod. “When those cuffs are off, you'll be just as good of shape as you were before. Maybe even better.” She then explained and stated.

“Wait, we'll have them on until we get out!?” Yomi realized. “That could be ages!” She then cried.

“...Yes~” Murasaki whispered in anticipation.

“Oi! Don’t sound so excited about that Murasaki-oneechan!” Mirai got out. “Don't go Ryōna on us!” She then added, worrying that she would be trapped with a masoch*stic-training freak.

“I-I don’t enjoy pain!” Murasaki got out in an offended manner. “But the gains~♡!” She then added.

“Does that warrant a heart symbol!?” Yomi exclaimed.

“Huh?” Murasaki responded in confusion.

“Well, I best be going for now.” Suzune interrupted. “Reinforce your mental and physical fortitude, because once you’re out of this cell, your fight isn't over.” She soon instructed and warned.

“Y-Yes, sensei!” The girls eagerly responded.

The purple haired girl soon managed to get to feet, feeling...well, kinda terrible, but no pain, no gain. “Thank you, Suzune-sensei...” Murasaki got out as she bowed to the teacher.

“Please,” Suzune began as she turned to leave. “Between us? Call me Rin.” She insisted with a playful smile on her face as she adjusted her glasses.

This however confused the Crimson Squad girls greatly to the sudden request, but they accepted it nonetheless. All they needed to know was that one door had closed...but a whole new one had opened.

Senran Persona: Ninjas of Hearts - Chapter 137 - UknownHero (2024)
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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.