– discover all subdomains for a domain (2024) – discover all subdomains for a domain (
385 points by adam_gyroscope 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 124comments – discover all subdomains for a domain (1)

gnyman 8 months ago | next [–]

You cannot hide anything on the internet anymore, the full IPv4 range is scanned regularly by multiple entities. If you open a port on a public IP it will get found.

If it's a obscure non-standard port it might take longer, but if it's on any of the standard ports it will get probed very quickly and included tools like

The reason why I'm repeating this, is that not everyone knows this. People still (albeit less) put up elastic and mongodb instances with no authentication on public IP's.

The second thing which isn't well known is the Certificate Transparency logs. This is the reason why you can't (without a wildcard cert) hide any HTTPS service. When you ask Let's Encrypt (or any CA actually) to generate veryobscure.domain.tld they will send that to the Certificate Transparency logs. You can find every certificate which was minted for a domain on a tool like

There are many tools like, comes to mind. The most impressive one I've seen, which found more much more than expected, is Detectify (which is a paid service, no affiliation), they seem to combine the passive data collection (like with active brute to find even more subdomains.

But you can probably get 95% there by using CT and a brute-force tool like – discover all subdomains for a domain (2)

fuzzy2 8 months ago | parent | next [–]

The Certificate Transparency Log is very important. I recently spun up a service with HTTPS certs by Let's Encrypt. By coincidence I was watching the logs. Within just 80 seconds of the certificate being issued I could see the first automated "attacks".

If you get a certificate, be ready for the consequences. – discover all subdomains for a domain (3)

mixdup 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Were these automated "attacks" hitting you by hostname or IP? Because there's a chance you would've been getting them regardless just from people scanning the entire IPv4 space – discover all subdomains for a domain (4)

fuzzy2 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

They would not have been reverse proxied to the Docker container without the hostname. – discover all subdomains for a domain (5)

tikkabhuna 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

This is really interesting. For my Homelab I've been playing around with using Lets Encrypt rather than spinning up my own CA. "What's the worst that could happen?"

Guess I'll be looking to spin up my own CA now! – discover all subdomains for a domain (6)

dspillett 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Getting a wildcard certificate from LE might be a better option, depending on how easy the extra bit of if plumbing is with your lab setup.

You need to use DNS based domain identification, and once you have a cert distribute it to all your services. The former can be automated using various common tools (look at, self-hosted unless you are only securing toys you don't really care about, if you self host DNS or your registrar doesn't have useful API access) or you can leave that as an every ~ten weeks manual job, the latter involves scripts to update you various services when a new certificate is available (either pushing from where you receive the certificate or picking up from elsewhere). I have a little VM that holds the couple of wildcard certificates (renewing them via DNS01 and acmedns on a separate machine so this one is impossible to see from the outside world), it pushes the new key and certificate out to other hosts (simple SSH to copy over then restart nginx/Apache/other).

Of course you may decide that the shin if your own CA is easier than setting all this up, as you can sign long lived certificates for yourself. I prefer this because I don't need to switch to something else if I decide to give friends/others access to something.

Your top level (sub)domain for the wildcard is still in the transparency logs of course, but nothing under it is. – discover all subdomains for a domain (7)

rbut 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

If you're homelab'ing then you should be using private IPs to host your services anyway. Don't put them on a public IP unless you absolutely have to (eg port 25 for mail).

Use your internal DNS server (eg your routers) for DNS entries for each service. Or if you wish you can put them in public DNS also. Eg. A

You can then access your services over an always-on VPN like wireguard when you're away from home.

Then it doesn't matter if anyone knows what subdomains you have, they can't access them anyway. – discover all subdomains for a domain (8)

haliskerbas 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Why not something like free tier? – discover all subdomains for a domain (9)

nik282000 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

If your exposed services use authentication and you use strong passwords you are no worse off than any small business but you have the advantage of being a lesser target. – discover all subdomains for a domain (10)

chipsa 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Tailscale actually does all of the above for you: does the DNS, can register a LE cert, and provides the always-on VPN to allow access when you're away from home. – discover all subdomains for a domain (11)

thfuran 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

>Don't put them on a public IP unless you absolutely have to

Not a fan of ipv6? – discover all subdomains for a domain (12)

KronisLV 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

> Guess I'll be looking to spin up my own CA now!

I was looking for a lazy/easy way to do this manually and settled on KeyStore Explorer, which is a GUI tool that lets you work with various keystores and do everything from making your own CA, to signing and exporting certificates in various formats: (to me it feels easier than working with OpenSSL directly, provided I trust the tool)

In addition, I also setup mTLS or even basicauth at the web server (reverse proxy) level for some of my sites, which seems to help that little bit more, given that some automated attacks might choose to ignore TLS errors, but won't be able to provide my client certs or the username/password. In addition, I also run fail2ban and mod_security, though that's more opinionated. – discover all subdomains for a domain (13)

oooyay 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

I use a wildcard certificate for my home infrastructure. For all the talk of hiding, though, it's wise not to count on hiding behind a wild card. Properly configure your firewalls and network policy. For the services you do have exposed, implement rate limiting and privileged access. I stuck most of my LE services behind Tailscale, so they get their certificates but aren't routable outside my Tailscale network. – discover all subdomains for a domain (14)

maccard 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

We have all our services deployed on an internal network in AWS. We took care to use private hosted zones, gate access behind a VPN with SAML auth.

Turns out we're leaking our service usage by using ACM for our certificates. – discover all subdomains for a domain (15)

makestuff 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Doing something similar on AWS right now, what do you mean by leaking service usage? What is ACM exposing? I assume the “fix” for this would be to host your own CA through ACM? – discover all subdomains for a domain (16)

maccard 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

If I register a TLS cert for, its publicly logged.

From this thread it seems the fix is to register a wildcard * and use that cert. – discover all subdomains for a domain (17)

tamimio 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Pretty much yeah, I don’t know why would any sysadmin thinks a subdomian is a hidden thing. – discover all subdomains for a domain (18)

ahoka 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Didn’t you read the original comment? It’s just a matter of time until someone starts to poke your IPs. Your own CA will be harder to get right. – discover all subdomains for a domain (19)

teekert 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Can Tailscale magic DNS + tunnel obscure things? Or only when you keep a service within the tailnet? (Still a + for selfhosters) – discover all subdomains for a domain (20)

implements 8 months ago | parent | prev | next [–]

Recently, I opened 80 and 443 so I could use LetsEncrypt’s acme-client to get a certificate (and then test it). Tightening up security a bit, I configured an http relay to filter people accessing 80 by ip address rather than domain name - some scanners are still trying domain and sub-domain names I was using weeks ago - which goes to show how organised hackers are about attacking targets. – discover all subdomains for a domain (21)

BoberMod 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

You can use DNS-01 challenge [1] to get certificate. You just need to add temporary TXT record to your DNS. It also supports wildcart certificates.

Most popular DNS providers (like Cloudflare) has API, so it can be easily automated.

I'm using it in my local network: I have publicly available domain for it ( and I don't wont to expose my local services to the world to issue certificate trusted by root CA on all my devices. So, this method allows me to issue valid Let's encrypt wildcard cert (* for all my internal services without opening any ports to the world.

[1]: – discover all subdomains for a domain (22)

intothemild 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Once you expose something long enough to get scanned. It's going to continue to get scanned pretty much forever.

I self host a couple web services, but none are open, you need strong authentication to get in.

It's not ideal, ideally I'd close the https web traffic and use some form of VPN to get in. But sadly that's just not feasible in my use case. So strong auth it is. – discover all subdomains for a domain (23)

fragmede 8 months ago | parent | prev | next [–]

not to underestimate the power of shodan, and oh god don't spin up a default mongo with no auth, but port knocking would seen to counteract this to enough of a degree, not to mention having a service only accessible via Tor. – discover all subdomains for a domain (24)

gnyman 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Yes, you can hide with a little bit of effort. Port knocking or Tor will stop almost any thing (but don't rely on it as the sole protection, just as another layer).

I like to prefix anything "I don't want scraped" with a random prefix, like and nobody will find it (as long as you don't link to it anywhere). But I still have auth enabled, but at least I don't have to worry about any automated attacks exploiting it before I have time to patch.

Something as simple as moving SSH on a non standard port reduces the amount of noise from most automated scanners 99% (made up number, but a lot). – discover all subdomains for a domain (25)

Vorh 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Have you had any problems with browsers leaking the prefixed sites, as seen here? – discover all subdomains for a domain (26)

sgjohnson 8 months ago | parent | prev | next [–]

You don't even need "multiple entities". Absolutely anyone can do that. Scanning a single port on the entire IPv4 internet takes about 40 minutes. – discover all subdomains for a domain (27)

codethief 8 months ago | parent | prev | next [–]

> You cannot hide anything on the internet anymore, the full IPv4 range is scanned regularly by multiple entities. If you open a port on a public IP it will get found.

Sure but you might still host multiple virtual hosts (e.g. subdomains) on the same web server. Unless an attacker knows their exact hostnames, they won't be able to access them. – discover all subdomains for a domain (28)

gustavus 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

There are several easy ways to the skirt that.

First you can simply try bruteforcing subdomains, secondly if you are using https you can simply pull the cert and look at the aliases listed there. 2 ways off the top of my head. – discover all subdomains for a domain (29)

codethief 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Of course, but my point was that none of them involve IP scanning. – discover all subdomains for a domain (30)

tamimio 8 months ago | parent | prev | next [–]

> This is the reason why you can't (without a wildcard cert)

Guess being security conscious pays off, as testing those on some domains I have, they only managed to show what I want to show, since wildcard will just mask them.

That being said, I don’t think anyone should consider a subdomain as a hidden thing, it’s an address after all and should not be considered hidden, assume it’s accessible or put it behind a FW or VPN and have a proper authentication, security by obscurity never works. – discover all subdomains for a domain (31)

matheusmoreira 8 months ago | parent | prev | next [–]

> the full IPv4 range is scanned regularly by multiple entities

Single packet authorization. Server just drops any and all packets unless you send a cryptographically signed packet to it first. To all these observers, it's like the server is not even there. – discover all subdomains for a domain (32)

danielvaughn 8 months ago | parent | prev | next [–]

At my company we got bit by this several months ago. Luckily the database was either empty or only had testing data, but like you said the port was exposed and someone found it. – discover all subdomains for a domain (33)

pid-1 8 months ago | parent | prev | next [–]

> full IPv4 range is scanned regularly by multiple entities.

Yet another good reason to use IPv6 – discover all subdomains for a domain (34)

gnyman 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

IPv6 won't get found by brute-force but there are a few projects which tries to gather IPv6 addresses using various means and scans them as they are found.

Shodan did (maybe still does) provided NTP servers to some ntp-pools and scanned anyone who sent incoming requests.

So as with everything, layer the defences, don't rely on you IPv6 address being secret as the only defence. – discover all subdomains for a domain (35)

banana_giraffe 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

Cute, it managed to find 121486 subdomains for [1], and somehow I suspect that's a tiny fraction of what's in use. – discover all subdomains for a domain (36)

Brananarchy 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

As others have said, certificate transparency seems to be doing some heavy lifting here. It reports subdomains for me that have never had a public CNAME or A record, but have had let's encrypt certs issued for internal use.

It's also missing some that have not had certs issued, but that are in public DNS – discover all subdomains for a domain (37)

TekMol 8 months ago | parent | next [–]

That's why HTTPS is still a pain in the butt. 30 years after it was invented.

I don't want internally used subdomains to be public. Because of certificate transparency, the only way to achieve that is via wildcard certs.

Let's encrypt only supports cumbersome validation methods for those. Like changing DNS records every time you need to renew the cert.

Pretty annoying. – discover all subdomains for a domain (38)

proto_lambda 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

If the subdomains aren't supposed to be public, the public also doesn't need to trust the TLS certs. Sign them with your own CA and trust it on the devices that should be able to access the domains. – discover all subdomains for a domain (39)

paranoidrobot 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Adding CAs to trust stores on devices and in apps is a major pain.

If you have unmanaged devices this becomes even more painful.

"Oh, hi, welcome to the company, please install this Root CA onto your machine to access <internal service>"

Because you can't scope CAs to specific domains, this causes everyone with any idea about security to start being concerned. – discover all subdomains for a domain (40)

layer8 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Where I work, having internal services be accessed by employees’ own, unmanaged devices would be a no-go anyway. It would be considered a huge security loophole. – discover all subdomains for a domain (41)

tgsovlerkhgsel 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

You can scope CAs with name constraints. However, I believe many implementations ignore constraints on root CAs. Not sure if there is some practical way with cross-signing around that (giving users the choice between trusting your CA and creating their own and cross-signing your CA with that). – discover all subdomains for a domain (42)

jpace121 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

I looked before I started using Let’s Encrypt for some internal stuff and there really isn’t a way to use name constraints in a practical way with modern web browsers at this point. If you’re not using a browser, things get a lot easier, but for browsers you sort of got to suck up that you can’t really avoid the “big” internet. – discover all subdomains for a domain (43)

msm_ 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

There is a way, I've recently generated my own CA with domain name constraint, trusted it, and used it cross sign my company's self signed CA. It works like a charm. – discover all subdomains for a domain (44)

bostik 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

As sibling poster already wrote, technically you can scope a CA to a set of subdomains only. Or try. The spec entry is "nameConstraints" but for a number of reasons it may not be well supported.

Some of those reasons are absolutely hilarious. I needed to set up an internal CA back in 2015, and wanted to limit the blast radius in case the private key was leaked. (Usually a "when", not "if" scenario.) I learned about the nameConstraints field and tried to use it. OpenSSL would ignore the key in a CSR input file. Okay, fine, the spec has an OID for the field so I reached for the nearest ASN.1 library to construct a modified CSR with the field in place.

OpenSSL broke trying to parse the file. Go's implementation blew up with a magnificent trace. I gave up and the internal CA was generated with a global validity scope.

I later learned that apparently Microsoft's PKI libraries had support for scope limits, but the feature was not used in real life. Likely because if such a thing came into contact with anything else in the wild, the underlying libraries would just implode.

If you had a self-signed client cert with a nameConstraints in the supplied CA chain, you could probably still crash a non-trivial fraction of web servers. – discover all subdomains for a domain (45)

tikkabhuna 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

> OpenSSL would ignore the key in a CSR input file.

OpenSSL by default ignores many (/all?) extensions for security. You can still manually add the nameConstraints when signing the CA cert. – discover all subdomains for a domain (46)

numpad0 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Will HSTS on a random cert work? Click to accept once, pinned thereafter, or do browsers ignore that for untrusted certs? – discover all subdomains for a domain (47)

Thorrez 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

That's not HSTS, that's TOFU.

HSTS is about remembering to do an http:// -> https:// redirect. It's not about remembering a cert.

The downside of TOFU in browsers, is that it trains users to always click through cert warnings. Train them to do it once, and they'll click through it again when there's a real attack. The warning is the same on the first time visiting the site and on a later time visiting it if the cert has changed.

The TOFU UX in SSH is better, because it displays a different warning for when SSHing to a site for the first time vs SSHing to a site again and the cert has changed. – discover all subdomains for a domain (48)

dspillett 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Many of our clients send automated updates for our systems for data managed in other services via SFTP. It surprises me that few seem to bother verifying the host fingerprints, just blindly accepting them on first connection, given how paranoid they are (quite rightly, the data contains staff and customer information) otherwise. – discover all subdomains for a domain (49)

eastbound 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Every single company does it. The 3 of them: Asking employees to install a CA, using it for “.internal” resources, then ask employees to use a web proxy and MITM their connections. And optionally, leak the CA’s pk to get pawned. It’s the standard operating procedure of any well-run business. – discover all subdomains for a domain (50)

Figs 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Non-public usage doesn't necessarily mean that only devices under your direct control need access. Slack needs access to some of my organization's systems, for example, to support the way we collaborate on our projects -- but the general public doesn't and would likely just be confused if they stumbled into one of our infrastructure subdomains instead of visiting our public website. – discover all subdomains for a domain (51)

withinboredom 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Yeah. In that case, it's just easier to get a really cheap wild-card cert signed by a low-cost reseller for <50 bucks. They only reason to care about big-name certs is compatibility with all the devices out there, but if you don't need compatibility, then get the cheapest thing you can. – discover all subdomains for a domain (52)

justsomehnguy 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

> and trust it on the devices that should be able to access the domains

Sometimes it's not an option. I spent too many hours trying to figure out why some Android apps didn't want to talk with a service I self-hosted. They just ignored my Root CA cert installed on the phone. – discover all subdomains for a domain (53)

speedgoose 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

I think you are supposed to automate the renewal with the DNS record method. – discover all subdomains for a domain (54)

tjoff 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Which most registrars don't support. – discover all subdomains for a domain (55)

Ayesh 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Nobody should be using DNS service provided by their registrars. They tend to be insecure, slow, and like you said, missing a lot of features. – discover all subdomains for a domain (56)

tjoff 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

We are getting back to the pain in the butt though... – discover all subdomains for a domain (57)

Hamuko 8 months ago | parent | prev | next [–]

I have a single wildcard certificate for my internal domain name and ~10 CNAMEs for various service subdomains in the network (,, etc). This tool found zero subdomains for my internal domain. – discover all subdomains for a domain (58)

rft 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

I have a similar setup (* DNS auth with LE -> etc.) for my personal, but externally reachable domain, and I get the same results. I went the wildcard route just due to a bit of paranoia, nice to see that it actually worked out in this case.

As this (I expect) heavily uses cert transparency in the background, I want to point out another use case for that service. You can search the CT logs with wildcards to find your domain "neighbors" on other TLDs: This usually gives you somewhat more active websites compared to just checking whether you can register the domain and somewhat weeds out squatted domains. I found that for our company one TLD contained a NSFW games store that way. – discover all subdomains for a domain (59)

SushiHippie 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

You should check again after some time, the first time I looked up my domain there were no results, few minutes later it found some of my subdomains. – discover all subdomains for a domain (60)

Hamuko 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Still nothing. – discover all subdomains for a domain (61)

Symbiote 8 months ago | parent | prev | next [–]

At work we have a wildcard certificate for most services we host on our own infrastructure. Most public websites have been detected, and some internal ones which have probably been referenced in public GitHub issues and so on.

They've done simple reverse DNS lookups on our public IP range and indexed all those hostnames.

Certificate transparency logs have found names used for externally hosted websites.

There are some pretty old hostnames which haven't been used for 5 years or more, and were probably found with reverse DNS at the time. – discover all subdomains for a domain (62)

TheHappyOddish 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

Hardly "all subdomains". Unless it's doing an AXFR of my zone file (unlikely), this isn't possible.

It's a scraper/guesser, using cert transparency, common names, etc. Cute toy, but false claims. – discover all subdomains for a domain (63)

panki27 8 months ago | parent | next [–]

You are correct, I've tested it with my own domains. It does not know the ones running with a wildcard certificate for example. – discover all subdomains for a domain (64)

wlonkly 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

It knows many of the wildcard-served customer subdomains of one of my former employers. (They're probably just scraped from search or something, but a wildcard is not sufficient to prevent discovery.) – discover all subdomains for a domain (65)

hankchinaski 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

I would be keen to know what techniques are used. Usually subdomain discovery is done with dns axfr transfer request which leaks the entire dns zone (but this only works on ancient and unpatched nameservers) or with dictionary attacks. There are some other techniques you can check if you look at the source code of amass (open source Golang reconnaissance/security tool), or CT logs. Dns dumpster is one of the tools I used alongside pentest tools (commercial) and amass (oss) – discover all subdomains for a domain (66)

cobertos 8 months ago | parent | next [–]

I mean, doesn't it say right on the front page?

* Apache Nutch - So they're crawling either some part of the root itself or some other websites to find subdomains. Honestly might help to query CommonCrawl too.

* Calidog's Certstream - As you said, you can look at the CT logs

* OpenAI Embeddings - So I guess it also uses LLM to try to generate ones to test too.

* Proprietary Tools - your guess is as good as mine

Probably a common list of subdomains to test against too.

Seems like multiple techniques to try to squeeze out as much info as possible. – discover all subdomains for a domain (67)

Zuiii 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

I'd also add insecure DNSSEC implementations that allow you to "walk" the entire record chain for the domain. – discover all subdomains for a domain (68)

kevincox 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Calling this "insecure" is a bit harsh. This is required for offline signing which provides better security but worse privacy. – discover all subdomains for a domain (69)

Zuiii 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Sorry, you're right. I mistakenly thought this issue was solved by a later standard. – discover all subdomains for a domain (70)

imrejonk 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Could that later standard be NSEC3? It’s like the easily walkable NSEC, but with hashed names and special flags for opting out of delegation security features. The 3 appears to stand for the number of people that fully understand how it works… – discover all subdomains for a domain (71)

piffey 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Proprietary tools means passive DNS. – discover all subdomains for a domain (72)

smarx007 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

How can one avoid their browsing ending up in the passive DNS logs? For example, is using,, or (CF, Google, and Quad9, respectively) good or bad in this regard?

For example, where does Spamhaus get their passive DNS data? They write [1] that it comes from "trusted third parties, including hosting companies, enterprises, and ISPs." But that's rather vague. Are CF, Google, and Quad9 some of those "hosting companies, enterprises, and ISPs"?

[1]: – discover all subdomains for a domain (73)

justsomehnguy 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

> For example, is using,, or (CF, Google, and Quad9, respectively) good or bad in this regard?

Just run Unbound locally or if you really don't want your ISP to snoop on your DNS traffic - on some VPS in a datacenter. – discover all subdomains for a domain (74)

smarx007 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

I am totally fine with my ISP seeing my DNS traffic (it is bound by GDPR & more; I trust it more than CF or Google). I want to ensure the DNS traffic info does not leave my ISP (other than to other DNS resolvers recursively).

And as per Spamhaus, the DNS traffic in a datacenter may still end up in the Spamhaus passive DNS DB. – discover all subdomains for a domain (75)

teddyh 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Better hope that none of the parties involved have a data-sharing agreement like this: <> – discover all subdomains for a domain (76)

hoppla 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] – discover all subdomains for a domain (77)

derefr 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

Interesting. Our domain has some subdomains with a numeric suffix; and the API response here has entries in that pattern for not only the particular subdomains that exist or ever existed, but also for subdomains of the same pattern that go beyond any suffix number we've ever actually used.

You'd think they'd at least be filtering their response by checking which subdomains actually have an A/AAAA/CNAME record on them... – discover all subdomains for a domain (78)

cm2187 8 months ago | parent | next [–]

In fact my suspicion is that they would also cheat by looking into the dns cache of the current machine. – discover all subdomains for a domain (79)

ornornor 8 months ago | parent | prev | next [–]

Maybe that’s the Open AI part of their secret sauce hallucinating subdomains? – discover all subdomains for a domain (80)

blueflow 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

I entered my own domains and i got so many garbage entries. It feels like an AI reading letsencrypt logs and then adding made up sh*t to it. – discover all subdomains for a domain (81)

internet2000 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

For my personal domain: it got the ones I have on the SSL cert alternative subject names, made up three, returned one I deleted more than a year ago, and didn't find two. Very curious. – discover all subdomains for a domain (82)

DaiPlusPlus 8 months ago | parent | next [–]

Those SAN and CN names will appear in publicly visible certificate transparency lists ( ): so if you ever get a TLS certificate for a super-seeekret internal sub-sub-sub-domain-name from a major CA then it won't be secret for long. The only way to keep a publicly-resolvable DNS subdomain confidential is to either get a wildcard cert for the parent domain or find a dodgy (yet somehow widely-trusted) CA that doesn't particiate in CT - or use a self-signed cert.

This database returned one of my "private" sub-sub-domains (which just points to my NAS) for which I did get a cert from LetsEncrypt, but it doesn't have any of my other sub-sub domains listed (despite resolving to the same A IPv4 address as the listed subdomain) because those subdomains have only ever been secured by a wildcard cert. – discover all subdomains for a domain (83)

donatj 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

Interesting. It only found less that a quarter of the subdomains of the site I work on, and everything it did find is public facing. I wonder if that’s maybe something to do with how we set up certificates for public vs internal subdomains? It even missed “staging.” which should be nearly identical in configuration to www – discover all subdomains for a domain (84)

SushiHippie 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

Note, if you looked up a domain and it had no results, you should check back again after some minutes. I looked my domain up and had zero results, which was weird as it should at least find some in the ct logs, but a few minutes later it showed some subdomains. – discover all subdomains for a domain (85)

LinuxBender 8 months ago | parent | next [–]

It took about 5 minutes for me. It found my apex domain and a sub-domain that must have belonged to the previous renter of my domain name. [1] So I was curious and it turns out the previous renters pages were in Wayback. [2] That page renders as mostly little boxes for me. Funny, I had never bothered to check that. I should check if any of my other domains have snapshots from before I rented them.

[1] -

[2] - – discover all subdomains for a domain (86)

SushiHippie 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Web archive can also somewhat act as a subdomain finder (not really in this case, only the www subdomain, but still interesting):*/* – discover all subdomains for a domain (87)

RockRobotRock 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

This is certificate transparency doing most of the work, right? – discover all subdomains for a domain (88)

zootboy 8 months ago | parent | next [–]

I would assume so. I tested on one of my private domains that generally isn't linked to anywhere, and it just returned the few domains that I generate Let's Encrypt certs for, plus my nameservers.

Interestingly, I did not receive any DNS queries on my authoritative nameservers during the query, so they don't seem to be doing any active DNS probes. – discover all subdomains for a domain (89)

out-of-ideas 8 months ago | parent | prev | next [–]

it may utilize a few techniques as there are subdomains I am aware of that've never been published other than in the zone config on my registrar that are returned from api query – discover all subdomains for a domain (90)

pbhjpbhj 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

I use Siteground and it has a staging server that AFAIK hasn't been used for at least 6 years ...

Nothing at the host has any details of that, doesn't have it in their site URLs, it's not in DNS records, not in .well-known, it was a transient test years ago ... really curious, must be historic data from somewhere? – discover all subdomains for a domain (91)

RockRobotRock 8 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]

I use Cloudflare for DNS and the only ones it found had LE certs. It's not doing a simple brute-force on common names, I don't think. Otherwise it probably would have found a lot more. Curious about how it works. – discover all subdomains for a domain (92)

Arubis 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

If this were able to determine which wildcard subdomains were active for a given domain, you could use it to figure out a lot of B2B companies’ client/customer list. – discover all subdomains for a domain (93)

Xorakios 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

Just for giggles, does anyone else remember when "subdomains" were called "machine names" because physical devices were limited to one service?


... weren't theoretical or merely mnemonic.

Felt like an old coot when using "machine name" to a 40 year old IT professional and she was perplexed! – discover all subdomains for a domain (94)

semi 8 months ago | parent | next [–]

I'm a somewhat old coot and do remember those days, but I think the term still makes sense but only in a lan environment.

machines still have hostnames, and home routers will often trust your dhcp clients machine name.

So I can still look up steamdeck.lan and find the IP of my steam deck and in that context calling it a machine name is perfectly apt and I think would still be well understood. – discover all subdomains for a domain (95)

p4bl0 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

It gave me empty results for some of my domains that have multiple subdomains that have TLS certificate associated with them so that must appear in the certificate transparency log.

I guess it should be "discover some subdomains for some domains". – discover all subdomains for a domain (96)

Semaphor 8 months ago | parent | next [–]

Empty for all my and my work’s domains. Then I tested random .com domains and got results. Seems pretty useless. – discover all subdomains for a domain (97)

pabs3 8 months ago | prev | next [–] – discover all subdomains for a domain (98)

sea-gold 8 months ago | parent | next [–]

Thanks. This is a really helpful list which includes many of the sites/tools listed here. – discover all subdomains for a domain (99)

ohuf 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

The subdomain explorer may be fun, but their Exploit Observer is really useful: – discover all subdomains for a domain (100)

g147 8 months ago | parent | next [–]

thanks! – discover all subdomains for a domain (101)

keepamovin 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

This is fantastic!!!

What kind of security considerations are there to having multi-tenant user applications on subdomains and then having them exposed like this?

I'm building a SaaS right now, and I guess one thing is that a given username can then be discovered as a valid login for the system...but obviously that's only part of the login credential.

Maintaining a list of mappings to opaque subdomains seems to reduce targeting, and conceal login partial credentials, but doesn't seem to offer much besides.

Analysis? – discover all subdomains for a domain (102)

thorum 8 months ago | parent | next [–]

It doesn’t seem to detect subdomains set up with Kubernetes ingresses, based on results for one of my domains, so that might be a place to start research. – discover all subdomains for a domain (103)

davidkuennen 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

It also doesn't find any subdomains for my domain.

In my case I use Google Cloud DNS. Maybe they have some sort of protection in place (I wouldn't be surprised). – discover all subdomains for a domain (104)

cm2187 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

One thing I noticed looking at my logs is that there is almost no unsolicited traffic (i.e. failed authentication attempts, exploits of various worldpress bugs, etc) through ipv6. I think it's a function of 1) those coming from networks (compromised home devices, etc) that don't support v6, 2) the v6 address space being too large to scan (the size of an encryption key), so good security by obscurity. This would nullify 2). – discover all subdomains for a domain (105)

weird-eye-issue 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

I got back an empty list for my domain on Cloudflare with several subdomains (non wildcard)

edit: I retried on my computer (was on my phone earlier) and now it returns all of our subdomains, even picking up our test R2 bucket. In guessing I was rate limited because I accidentally loaded the example file a few times – discover all subdomains for a domain (106)

hbcondo714 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

Seems similar yet still useful to Wolfram Alpha; just enter a domain and click on the "Subdomains" button: – discover all subdomains for a domain (107)

franky47 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

Sublist3r [1] does a similar job, as long as you have the authorisation to use it on a particular domain, as it uses more aggressive discovery techniques.

[1] – discover all subdomains for a domain (108)

asmor 8 months ago | prev | next [–] does this, but it explains all the methods and lets you choose to only do a passive scan. – discover all subdomains for a domain (109)

johntiger1 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

Took a while, but was impressed it detected all of ours: – discover all subdomains for a domain (110)

DistractionRect 8 months ago | parent | next [–]

Certificate transparency does a lot of the heavy lifting: – discover all subdomains for a domain (111)

Semaphor 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Only that actually works. I get hundreds of entries for my domain there, including entries before Lets Encrypt was a thing, while the subdomain checker returns an empty array. – discover all subdomains for a domain (112)

perryizgr8 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

It detects only some of mine. To be precise, it does not detect subdomains being served by a service behind a CloudFlare tunnel. – discover all subdomains for a domain (113)

xg15 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

I think as soon as cert transparency was introduced, it was pretty clear we would eventually get something like this. – discover all subdomains for a domain (114)

judge2020 8 months ago | prev | next [–] – discover all subdomains for a domain (115)

TechBro8615 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

I get a rate limit error when I click the text input (I'm on a VPN). – discover all subdomains for a domain (116)

867-5309 8 months ago | parent | next [–]

use an obscure country like North Macedonia – discover all subdomains for a domain (117)

mmarquezs 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

Nice, last time I used Wolframalpha for this. – discover all subdomains for a domain (118)

webprofusion 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

This is a CT log search right? – discover all subdomains for a domain (119)

zX41ZdbW 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

How can I download the entire dataset from this service? – discover all subdomains for a domain (120)

maul666 8 months ago | prev | next [–] – discover all subdomains for a domain (121)

Ocha 8 months ago | prev | next [–]

Missed some for me – discover all subdomains for a domain (122)

Ocha 8 months ago | parent | next [–]

Maybe because I use wild card certs with let’s encrypt – discover all subdomains for a domain (123)

ThePowerOfFuet 8 months ago | root | parent | next [–]

Instead of replying to yourself, try editing your first comment! – discover all subdomains for a domain (124)

tobinfekkes 8 months ago | prev [–]

This is crazy, I was just looking for this exact thing a couple days ago. Thank you for sharing. Brilliant work. – discover all subdomains for a domain (2024)


Is there a way to find all subdomains? ›

The Deep scan uses multiple techniques to find subdomains fast and effectively:
  1. DNS records (NS, MX, TXT, AXFR)
  2. Enumeration using built-in wordlists, plus the option to use your own.
  3. External APIs search.
  4. Public search engine queries (Google search, Bing)
  5. Word mutation techniques.
  6. Searching in SSL certificates.

How many sub subdomains can a domain have? ›

Each domain name can have up to 500 subdomains. You can also add multiple levels of subdomains, such as A subdomain can be up to 255 characters long, but if you have multiple levels in your subdomain, each level can only be 63 characters long.

How do I find subdomains of a domain using nslookup? ›

Find Subdomains of a Domain with NsLookup:

Replace “” with the domain name you are interested in. This command will return a list of the authoritative name servers for the domain, which can often include the subdomains.

What is the DNS limit for subdomains? ›

DNS subdomain limits

The maximum depth of subdomains is determined by the number of characters supported by the web servers, i.e. 253 characters, including the root point. Each label (or subdomain block) can contain between 2 and 63 characters, with a limit of 127 DNS subdomains.

What is the best tool to find subdomains? ›

Here are ten highly effective options.
  • Google Dorking. Google Dorking is a passive subdomain enumeration technique using Google's advanced search operators, like "site:" to find information about a target, including subdomains. ...
  • Sublist3r. ...
  • Amass. ...
  • Recon-ng. ...
  • SubDomainizer. ...
  • Pentest Tools Subdomain Finder. ...
  • ...
  • Shodan.
May 13, 2024

What is a subdomain finder? ›

Subdomain Finder scans the DNS records and supplementary databases to analyze the domain's hierarchy. Our subdomain scanner checks: DNS records (NS, MX, TXT, AXFR) DNS enumeration. SSL certificates.

What are subdomains DNS examples? ›

In the Domain Name System (DNS) hierarchy, a subdomain is a domain that is a part of another (main) domain. For example, if a domain offered an online store as part of their website , it might use the subdomain .

What is DNS subdomain enumeration? ›

Subdomain enumeration is an important step in the reconnaissance phase of a penetration test or a security assessment. It involves identifying all the subdomains associated with a domain, which can reveal potential attack vectors. As the digital landscape evolves, so do the techniques for subdomain enumeration.

How to list all DNS records in nslookup? ›

Using nslookup online is very simple. Enter a domain name in the search bar above and hit 'enter'. This will take you to an overview of DNS records for the domain name you specified.

Do subdomains affect main domain? ›

Since subdomains are treated as separate entities by search engines, they may dilute the overall authority of your main site if not managed properly. However, when used strategically, subdomains can be a valuable tool for organizing and presenting different types of content.

Are subdomains free with domain? ›

You don't have to pay for subdomains if you already have a domain name. However, you may have to pay extra for a hosting plan that includes subdomains.

Can you have too many subdomains? ›

A domain can have up to 500 subdomains. You can create multiple levels of subdomains such as,, etc. Each subdomain can be up to 255 characters long, but for multi level subdomains, each level can only be 63 characters long.

How to search subdomains in Google? ›

Google Dorking

Google Dorks are one of the best ways to find extenstive information about a target. Google's search operators make it easy to narrow down the search to find more subdomains. We can use the "site" operator in the search bar to find all the subdomains that Google has indexed for a domain.

How do I find dangling subdomains? ›

To identify DNS entries within your organization that might be dangling, use Microsoft's GitHub-hosted PowerShell tools "Get-DanglingDnsRecords". This tool helps Azure customers list all domains with a CNAME associated to an existing Azure resource that was created on their subscriptions or tenants.

What is a subfinder? ›

subfinder is a subdomain enumeration tool written in the Go programming language. Subfinder is used for discovering passive subdomains of websites by using digital sources like Censys, Chaos, Recon. dev, Shodan, Spyse, Virustotal, and many other passive online sources.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

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Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.