What is CAPTCHA? - Google Workspace Admin Help (2024)

CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a type of security measure known as challenge-response authentication. CAPTCHA helps protect you from spam and password decryption by asking you to complete a simple test that proves you are human and not a computer trying to break into a password protected account.

A CAPTCHA test is made up of two simple parts: a randomly generated sequence of letters and/or numbers that appear as a distorted image, and a text box. To pass a the test and prove your human identity, simply type the characters you see in the image into the text box.

Why does Google use CAPTCHA?

Google is committed to keeping your information safe and secure. CAPTCHA offers protection from remote digital entry by making sure only a human being with the right password can access your account. CAPTCHA works because computers can create a distorted image and process a response, but they can't read or solve the problem the way a human must to pass the test.

Many web services, including Google, use CAPTCHA to help prevent unauthorized account entry. You may also see CAPTCHA on other sites that provide access to sensitive information, such as bank or credit card accounts.

When does Google use CAPTCHA?

Google uses CAPTCHA to strengthen the security around the most sensitive account access points. You may see a CAPTCHA when you:

  • Sign up for a new Google service (Gmail, Blogger, YouTube)
  • Sign up for any edition of a Google Workspace Account
  • Change a password on an existing account
  • Setup Google services for a third party device or application (such as iPhone , Outlook, ActiveSync, etc.)

I am having difficulty viewing a CAPTCHA image. What can I do?

If you can’t see a CAPTCHA image or are having trouble reading the text, refresh your browser for a new image.

Although CAPTCHAs normally rely on images, audio versions are available for the visually impaired. To access an audio version, click the link that appears near the text box as the International Symbol of Access image (the wheel-chair icon). The alternate text for this image is, “Listen and then type the numbers you hear.” CAPTCHA is not supported for the deaf-blind community.

How do I resolve the "Unusual traffic from your computer network" error message?

For details, go to Resolve Google Search’s "Unusual traffic from your computer network" message.

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What is CAPTCHA? - Google Workspace Admin Help (1)

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What is CAPTCHA? - Google Workspace Admin Help (2024)


What is CAPTCHA? - Google Workspace Admin Help? ›

CAPTCHA offers protection from remote digital entry by making sure only a human being with the right password can access your account. CAPTCHA works because computers can create a distorted image and process a response, but they can't read or solve the problem the way a human must to pass the test.

Why does Google keep asking me to solve CAPTCHA? ›

If you're constantly prompted to fill in text or image captchas during searches, clearing your browsing history may help. Google relies on cookies to detect bots and automated software, so clearing your browsing history and cookies could resolve the issue.

How to answer CAPTCHA correctly? ›

Recognize patterns in the images presented, such as common shapes or colors. Some CAPTCHAs rely on specific visual elements that can guide your selections. Zoom in on the image to reveal finer details that might be crucial for accurate identification. This helps in distinguishing between similar-looking elements.

How do I fix a Google CAPTCHA error? ›

10 Solutions to the reCAPTCHA Not Working Issue
  1. Keep Your Chrome or Firefox Browser Up-to-Date. Suppose many users are encountering issues with reCAPTCHA not functioning correctly. ...
  2. Enable JavaScript. ...
  3. Disable Extensions. ...
  4. Create a New Browser Profile. ...
  5. Reset the Browser. ...
  6. Check for Malware. ...
  7. Change DNS to Google DNS.

How do I deal with Google CAPTCHA? ›

Below you'll find a few ways you can try to beat the CAPTCHA.
  1. Try Using Another Server. ...
  2. Clear Your Browsing History or App Cache. ...
  3. Remove Unnecessary Browser Extensions. ...
  4. Get a Dedicated IP Address. ...
  5. Use a Different Web Browser.
Oct 6, 2023

What does it mean if Google detects unusual traffic? ›

If your network is using a shared public IP address, such as a public proxy server, Google may have triggered the message based on traffic from other people's devices. Additionally, this error could be triggered if multiple people on your network were searching at once.

Is there a way to skip CAPTCHA? ›

Browser automation tools, such as Selenium and Puppeteer, are helpful in avoiding CAPTCHAs because they simulate human-like interactions with a website.

How do I automatically solve CAPTCHA? ›

2Captcha Solver plugin allows you to automatically solve CAPTCHAs found on any webpage. An official 2Captcha solver browser extension finds a CAPTCHAs on page and bypass automatically.

What is an example of a CAPTCHA? ›

Examples include Google's reCAPTCHA, which features distorted letters and numbers, and Cloudflare's CAPTCHA, which includes simple arithmetic problems. This type of CAPTCHA displays an image that contains a specific object or shape, and the user must identify the object or shape in the image.

How do I reset my Google CAPTCHA? ›

If there is still a problem, try clearing Captcha: visit https://accounts.google.com/DisplayUnlockCaptcha and sign in with the Gmail username and password. If necessary (it's usually not), enter the letters in the distorted picture then press Continue.

Why does Google CAPTCHA never work? ›

If you're seeing this reCAPTCHA challenge, your browser environment doesn't support the reCAPTCHA checkbox widget. There are a few steps you can take to improve your experience: Make sure your browser is fully updated (see minimum browser requirements) Check that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.

What triggers reCAPTCHA? ›

What triggers reCAPTCHA? ReCAPTCHA v3 uses a concept called “actions” to identify real traffic from bot traffic. It's a tag that lets you define key steps in your user journey, so the reCAPTCHA technology can learn what regular users do when compared to bot traffic.

Why am I suddenly getting CAPTCHA on every site? ›

That means it's a browser issue, that is your browser is not sending enough important data to tell the system it's a legit user. Instead the system think it's a bot or spam to try to stop you with captcha.

Why is my CAPTCHA always wrong? ›

If your CAPTCHA isn't being accepted, the problem might not be with your reading or your typing — the code might simply have expired. If you open a page and don't submit your entry form right away, your CAPTCHA might be invalid.

What triggers Google CAPTCHA? ›

Learn more. Google explains that a CAPTCHA can be triggered by automated processes sometimes caused by worms, proxy search traffic going through infected computers or DSL routers, or from some SEO ranking tools.

Why does Google keep asking me to verify I'm not a robot? ›

Google has explained it by saying that CAPTCHA can be triggered by an automated process sometimes caused by spambots, infected computers, email worms, or SEO tools. You simply need to verify it by entering the characters or clicking the correct image, and you are done.

How do I stop Google from asking if I am a robot? ›

Clear your cache and cookies. Disable browser extensions one by one and see if this helps resolve the issue. Try resetting your modem or router. If you are using a VPN, try uninstalling VPN browser plugin or program.

Why does Google give me so many CAPTCHAs? ›

Reasons why you might get multiple CAPTCHAs:

Your computer could be infected and be attacking other computers and websites without your knowledge. This is rare but possible. Make sure your antivirus is up to date and your computer is malware-free.

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