10 foods to lose weight with Noom (2024)

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Since losing more than 120 pounds with Noom, I’ve been asked over and over, “What foods do you eat to lose all that weight?” Well, you might be surprised at some of my answers. Here are 10 foods that I eat regularly that have helped me lose weight and keep it off.

1. Mixed berriesare foods that will help you lose weight with Noom

Since the very beginning our weight loss journey in 2019, mixed berries have been a staple in our diet. Our fridge is always stocked with blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries. We like to buy them in bulk at Sam’s Club or Costco. I find it easiest to wash and dry all the berries right away and have them ready to go in the fridge.

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (6)

During the cooler months, we eat them on old fashioned oatmeal (with a teaspoon of zero-calorie Swerve brown sugar). During the warmer months, we’ve enjoyed them for breakfast with Oikos Greek yogurt (80 cal) and a tablespoon of Grape Nuts (25 cal) for a little crunch.

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (7)

Mixed berries are a good mid-morning or mid-day snack and are fantastic on summer salads. I also like using mixed berries as a sweet topping on desserts like vanilla ice cream, frozen yogurt and angel food cake. We also enjoy frozen berries in a protein-rich smoothie.

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (8)

2. Red grapes are an easy food to lose weight

Not only are red grapes a fantastic snack or side, they are very low in calories (about 62 a cup). We eat grapes almost every day with breakfast or lunch. And we take them with us on road trips in place of the Pringles or Dots Pretzels we used to bring along. They fit easily into a red Solo cup that we put in the cup holders of our car and they satisfy our cravings for munchable snacks while we drive down the road.

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (9)

Grapes are low in calories, but they also fill us up. The small amount of peanuts below (there are 8 if you put the halves back together) have the same calories as the 22 grapes. It’s easy to see that the grapes will fill you up more and keep me feeling full longer.

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (10)

Finally, grapes are also a great “comparison” food for me. Once I was visiting my grandma in the nursing home and went to grab a Hershey Nugget chocolate from her candy jar. I really wanted a sweet snack and decided I was going to have one and log the calories in my Noom food tracker. I was shocked to find out that each tiny Nugget was 50 calories! So I stopped myself and compared that to red grapes. I asked myself, “Would you rather have ONE Hershey Nugget or 25 grapes?” That day, the answer was easy and I opted for the grapes.


10 foods to lose weight with Noom (11)

3. A variety of salads

A variety of salads are foods to lose weight with Noom and feel more satisfied. Because it can get really monotonous to have the same salad every night, we try our best to mix things up a bit. Here are a few of our favorite variations:

Southwest Salad – Chopped romaine, corn, black beans, green onions, avocado, bell peppers and light sour cream and salsa dressing. It is a perfect salad to serve with Key Lime Grilled Chicken and brown rice.

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (12)

Protein and fruit salad ideas

Chicken or ShrimpandFruit Salad – Spring greens or romaine lettuce topped with grilled chicken or shrimp and fresh fruit such as sliced strawberries, blueberries, mango slices, or mandarin oranges. We like these salads with a little feta cheese and we’ve been known to throw a few walnuts on it occasionally. If we’re having one of these salads as our dinner entree, we also may add a low-cal English Muffin topped with grated Parmesan cheese and our favorite Greek seasoning. Just put the open-faced muffins (with the toppings) in a 400-degree oven for 5-10 minutes until the cheese is melted and the muffin is crisp.

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (13)

Basic Dinner Salad – A dinner salad is a perfect, low-calorie accompaniment to any meal. We like iceberg, spring greens or romaine lettuce mixes topped with sliced cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, radishes, onions, and banana peppers. Sometimes we also add a little grated Parmesan cheese or feta (cheddar takes up too many calories). Over time, I’ve needed less and less salad dressing and typically use Olive Garden Light, which has just 15 calories per tablespoon.

A caution (and tip) about croutons

If I have extra calories, I also add a few croutons but I cut them in half to make it seem like I’m having more. Be sure to weigh out the croutons as their calories add up quickly. The ones we get from Sam’s Club are about 70 calories in 5-6 pieces (well, 10-12 pieces after I cut them).

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (14)

4. Brown rice – a versatile food to lose weight

At the beginning of my weight loss journey, I didn’t eat a ton of carbs. Every time I looked up the calories and colors of my favorite carbs (white bread, white rice, flour tortillas), I decided they just weren’t worth using up my “yellow” or “red” calories. Then, we found brown rice. While it has the same amount of calories (102 in half a cup) as white rice, it is a “green” food on our Noom weight loss app because it has more fiber and leaves us feeling full longer. Starting to see how this Noom app works?

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (15)

Now, we eat brown rice at least once a week. Brown rice is great with stir-fried vegetables, Indian food, grilled fish, and fajitas. I’ve also come up with lots of variations like adding cilantro and the zest and juice of a lime when we have it with Mexican dishes. I also stir-fry brown rice with just a little Extra Virgin Olive Oil and lots of diced vegetables to make a pilaf.

5. Broth-based soups are foods to lose weight with Noom

Broth-based soups were another staple during the fall and winter months and are foods to lose weight with Noom. Why? Because they fill us up without a ton of calories. We had a hard time finding low-calorie broth based soup recipes, so I spent more than a year creating my own. CLICK HERE for my “12 Low-Calorie and Delicious Soup Recipes” eBook.

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (16)

Most of my homemade soups can also be stored in the freezer in plastic containers, so I typically make a big batch each time. And if you don’t have time to make homemade soup, Progresso makes some delicious lower-calorie (and lower sodium) soups, as well.

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (17)

Also, look for broth-based soups when you’re ordering from a restaurant menu. We love all of the soups at Olive Garden and the minestrone soup (which is delicious) has only 110 calories per serving. We often have two bowls of soup accompanied by a salad with our favorite Olive Garden Light salad dressing. (Ask for it on the side and save even more calories). And, if we have enough calories in our daily budget, we also ask for one breadstick each (not a basket with 6) for another 140 calories.

6. Fish and shrimp

Once I figured out that fish and shrimp have waaaaaaay fewer calories than most meats, I was hooked. I mean, I love seafood. The fact that saving calories on my protein means I can have more wine and dessert made this one a no brainer. Steve, however, doesn’t eat anything that lives in an ocean, river, or lake. As a result, we typically have the same side dishes for dinner but each have our own protein. For example, if he’s grilling a pork chop, I’ll just throw on a piece of salmon or grouper for me. It makes dinner prep easy and we each get to eat what we enjoy most.

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (18)

A 5 oz serving of grilled cod is just 116 calories, whereas a 5 oz ribeye steak is 417 calories. Since we live mostly in landlocked Nebraska, fresh fish isn’t easy to get. Instead, I buy most of my seafood at Sam’s Club. I especially like a large piece of skin-on salmon and the cod. When I get it home, I cut it into smaller pieces and seal them in a bag with my Foodsaver. This makes them easy to store in the freezer for several weeks.

If you don’t already have a food saver, we recommend THIS ONE. The cod is fantastic on the grill (just wrap it in aluminum foil with a little lemon juice and seasonings) or lightly breaded and baked in the oven.

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (19)

I’ve also found shrimp to be a great substitute for beef or chicken in Indian and Mexican dishes. I’ve fallen in love with shrimp vindaloo and Carmarones a la Diabla. I also use it often at home in fajitas.

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (20)

7. Potatoes

Like brown rice, potatoes are also a “green” food on Noom because they do fill you up without too many calories. The extra calories in potatoes typically come from adding things like sour cream, butter, cheddar cheese, and bacon. We’ve figured out ways to enjoy potatoes without all the oil and extra toppings we’d grown accustomed to over the years. Now, we grill potatoes, put them in the air fryer, or else we bake them and limit the toppings we add. We even wrote an entire blog post about Eight Delicious and Healthy Ways to Eat Potatoes!

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (21)

One of our favorite ways to have potatoes is sliced and grilled. I just slice the Russet potatoes on a mandolin, steam them in the microwave for a few minutes, and then toss them in a bowl with a small amount of EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) and our favorite seasonings. Then, we lay them flat on a grill pan and cook on medium heat on our outdoor grill for about five minutes on each side. They are a perfect side dish with burgers, pork chops, or barbecued chicken. This recipe can also be done in an air fryer if you have the kind where you can spread the potatoes out across a sheet pan.

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (22)

More ways we enjoy baked potatoes on Noom

We also like baking potatoes in the oven or air fryer. First, I poke some holes in the potatoes with a fork. Then, I use my hands to coat the potatoes with a small about of EVOO and sprinkle with kosher salt and pepper. I bake them right on the oven rack at 400 degrees for 40-60 minutes. The length of time depends on how big the potatoes are. Also, I like to put a cookie sheet or a large piece of aluminum foil on the next rack down (not the one you the potatoes are on) to catch any drips of oil.

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (23)

For toppings, I typically skip the 100 calorie-a-tbsp butter and top my baked potato with a tablespoon of Daisy Light Sour Cream (50 cal). I also add a half teaspoon of Hormel Real Bacon Bits (13 cal). A 5 oz. baked potato prepared this way has fewer than 200 calories.

8. Bell peppersare foods that will help you lose weight with Noom

Before Noom, bell peppers were usually among the produce items that looked good at the grocery store but ended up rotting in our vegetable drawer. Now, we consume 10-12 bell peppers every week. We eat them on salads and sandwiches and keep a container of sliced ones in the fridge all the times. We also use bell peppers for fajitas, taco bowls, stir fry, and stuffed peppers.

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (24)

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (25)

When we occasionally have bell peppers in the fridge that are about to go bad, I dice them and put them in the freezer for later use. We add those to scrambled eggs, soups, and sauces. Bell peppers are also great as an appetizer with hummus and on a relish tray for game day during college football. A whole bell pepper is only about 23 calories and they add tons of flavor (and bulk) to our meals. They’re even a good source of vitamin C! Now, we can’t imagine going a day without them.

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9. Wine: a surprising food to lose weight

Yes, wine is included in my list of foods to lose weight with Noom. A good glass of dry red wine is one of my favorite things in life. Honestly, if you told me I had to give up wine to lose weight, I’d probably still be 120 pounds heavier. With Noom, though, I’ve learned how to regularly incorporate wine into my diet and still lose weight. I don’t have it every day, but usually every week.

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10 foods to lose weight with Noom (28)

Occasionally, I will plan to have a glass or two of wine so I find a way to fit it into my calorie budget. Maybe it means I have a lower-calorie snack that day (like grapes) or I skip dessert later that night. Often, I will incorporate more movement into my day to add extra calories to my daily calorie budget.

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (29)

Some people track the miles they walk, the steps they take, or number of reps they do a certain exercise. I measure in wine. I need to walk about 1.2 miles to burn the calories in one glass of red wine. If I go two and a half miles, then I say that I walked off two glasses of wine. Totally worth each step.

10. Ice cream

Like wine, ice cream has always been one of my favorite foods. Cookies and cream, mint chip, mocha almond fudge – I love them all. So, I also plan ahead to get ice cream into my diet at least five days a week when we’re home. The difference now is that I don’t eat a large portion of ice cream with lots of toppings like hot fudge, nuts, or Oreos. Instead, I have a smaller, measured amount of ice cream or frozen yogurt and limit or skip the high-calorie toppings.

10 foods to lose weight with Noom (30)

For instance, instead of adding 1 oz of peanuts (161 calories), I top vanilla ice cream with 1/2 cup of fresh strawberries (27 calories). Not only do the strawberries have 131 fewer calories, they also taste great and are more filling. We’ve also enjoyed frozen yogurt places when we’re traveling (just watch the toppings) and keep a stock of Yasso frozen yogurt bars (chocolate fudege is my favorite) in the freezer. We get them at the grocery store and they are just 100-130 calories.

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Ice cream helps me not feel deprived

By having ice cream regularly, I don’t feel like I’m on a diet or deprived of one of my favorite foods. Noom taught me that it’s OK to enjoy food, even if it is higher in calories and fat. Having a few “orange” foods each day satisfies my cravings and helps me be less likely to binge and overindulge.

I hope this helps you out on your weight loss or healthy living journey. What are your favorite foods that have helped you lose weight? Let us know in the comments section below.

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  1. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (39)

    Sarahon July 31, 2023 at 1:31 pm

    Do you have a recipe for the egg muffins pictured with the grapes? They look amazing.


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (40)

      Annon August 1, 2023 at 8:05 am

      No recipe. We typically just scramble an egg or two with whatever fresh veggies with have in the fridge and put it on top of a toasted English muffin. I usually start by dicing the veggies and then cook them in a non-stick pan. Then I turn the heat to low and add the stirred eggs and a little pepper (I don’t use extra salt, but you may). At the end, I may add a small amount of shredded cheese to hold it all together. That’s it! Let us know if you make this dish. We sure do enjoy it.


  2. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (41)

    Tammieon July 23, 2023 at 7:01 pm

    Thank you for sharing your story, recipes and tips. Both of you look fabulous! I hope I have the same success. I just started the free trial but will do the program.


  3. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (42)

    Anneon April 27, 2023 at 7:54 am

    This is great! I just started noom and have already lost 5 lbs!

    I LOVE the tip about cutting the croutons in half!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (43)

      Steveon April 30, 2023 at 4:27 pm

      Congratulations on your great start! You can do this and we wish you all the best as you continue your journey. Look for little tricks like these that add up to big gains!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (44)

      Hartwellon September 21, 2023 at 10:35 am

      I do the same with chocolate when I need a fix 😋


  4. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (45)

    Melodyon March 30, 2023 at 9:43 am

    such good tips and reminders for anyone! and from such positive and joyful people-you deserve all your success!!!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (46)

      Steveon March 31, 2023 at 11:31 am

      Thank you so much, Melody! 🙂


  5. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (47)

    Irene Dockinson August 23, 2022 at 7:30 pm

    Absolutely agree with everything in this post! I have lost 135 on Noom and eat all of these as well. It’s been an amazing journey! 70 more to go 😉


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (48)

      Annon August 25, 2022 at 11:19 am

      135 pounds! WOW, that is such an impressive accomplishment. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up the good work!


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (49)

        Connie Evanson September 19, 2022 at 9:32 am

        I’m considering doing noom. I’m confused at how you log if day you make a dish with multiple ingredients. Example…If I roast a pan of veggies how do I separate each veggie to log and come up with once serving that has so many ingredients in it.


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (50)

          Steveon September 19, 2022 at 11:18 am

          We have used an on-line recipe calculator to give us calories in something (like soup) but we’ve also logged a close estimate of each item we’ve eaten. For instance, if we grill veggies and use a whole bell pepper and we each have half of the veggies, we each log 1/2 pepper. In Noom now, it looks like there’s a way to log a series of ingredients as one dish which would make it easier to log the next time around.


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (51)

          Ann Rogerson September 30, 2022 at 5:50 pm

          It is easier than you think! When you go to log you can just type “grilled mixed vegetables” in your search box and voila..there are two options. They consider a serving as 1/2 cup but you can also change the amount you are eating because when you choose a food item the next screen is the amount. Grilled vegetables show as 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 or 1 cup but then you can choose other units too. Many, many options but there is a huge list of foods in the file.


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (52)

          Anonymouson October 29, 2022 at 9:13 pm

          There is an option in the app for you to add a recipe. So you would go into log dinner for instance, choose “my dishes”in the middle at the top of the screen, and then enter the weight in grams of each ingredient, so for instance you would log the weight of your onions, then your peppers, then your asparagus, etc. It will ask you the number of servings, so maybe say 4 for a whole full cookie sheet. Then when you log that choice as your meal, it will automatically break down the calories for each one of your ingredients and put them into the appropriate color category, as well. I hope that helps.


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (53)

          Debon January 28, 2023 at 7:49 am

          For me, admitting that my data is close is good enough. I don’t have to be EXACTLY perfect if I am being honest with myself. Getting hung up on being perfect used to cause me not to track. Not this time! On the Noom for three weeks, down 6.7pbs.


          • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (54)

            Steveon January 30, 2023 at 7:23 pm

            Good for you! And you’re right…you don’t have to be perfect to the calorie, but it’s important to be in the neighborhood…but I suspect you get that!

            You can do this…and congrats on your success! Keep with it, and you’ll reach all your goals. 🙂


          • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (55)

            Elaine Lowranceon February 24, 2023 at 12:27 pm

            I am the same way. There is no reason to be anal in everything you log. Close is good enough for me.


            • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (56)

              Steveon February 24, 2023 at 2:39 pm

              Agreed. If you’re off by 50-100 calories by the end of the day it’s okay. You’re in the neighborhood. Just be sure you’re not consistently 100 calories LOW in your logging. You might be a little high, too, and that’s okay. If so, it all averages out in the end.


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (58)

          K A Donaldon March 29, 2023 at 12:14 am

          The list of foods that you click on to log is quite vast. You might find the meal already in the list, they even have brands, or you can use the scan code method (I haven’t as we mostly eat from scratch) or choose one that looks the most like your meal and click that or put in the ingredients that matter, missing out really low calories things like herbs, seasoning etc – tip keep a scale handy – or use a recipe that has everything counted already and has the meal break down and the calories. Or if you eat it a lot, and it’s not there, (very seldom) work out all the ingredients and weight/calories etc using labels and add to the list. Then next time you go to log it it’s there for you as well as others. I think I’ve only ever done this twice ? And if all else fails give a good guesstimate. It is really very easy. And it becomes second nature.


  6. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (60)

    Carolon August 23, 2022 at 7:04 am

    Thanks for the inspiration. I really enjoyed reading this article. I’ve only been on Noom for a couple of months. My food choices were starting to get a little boring. After reading your article, I’m inspired to be a little more creative with my seasonings and combinations. I’ve already started making my next grocery list and bell peppers are at the top. I just need to take a little more time to plan, create and just mix it up a bit. Thanks again. You two look fantastic and have given me the energy to push through my current plateau and move on.


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (61)

      Steveon August 25, 2022 at 1:27 pm

      Thank you so much for your kind words! We really appreciate them. And know that you CAN do this! Enjoy experimenting with food a little…it can be quite tasty. We’ve found that we have actually added more foods to our diet since starting Noom than we have taken away.


  7. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (62)

    Tamala Poljakon July 22, 2022 at 5:16 pm

    Thank you so much for this great information !


  8. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (67)

    Joon June 26, 2022 at 2:42 pm

    Hi Ann and Steve,
    I love that you are so committed to Nooming and continue to respond to comments. Now that you have been at this for nearly 3 years, what is the best piece of advice you can give someone just starting out regarding how to stay motivated? I tried Noom once before and got disgusted but not only want to try again, but need to for medical reasons. I truly appreciate your input. Thank you 🙂


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (68)

      Annon June 26, 2022 at 5:04 pm

      Thanks for asking, Jo. I’m not big on motivation, myself, but it has helped both of us to write down our “why.” Take a little time to think through the honest reasons that you want to lose weight or improve your health. Be specific and review your “why” often. For me, I wanted to be able to be able to travel without feeling squished in an airplane seat. I wanted to have the energy and ability to go on a “strenuous” shore excursion when we cruised. And, I wanted to be able to shop in most retail stores for new clothes, instead of only being able to find my size in a few. I also have several health issues and I wanted to do my part to improve my health in the areas where I had some control. We both continue to have lots of “whys” and we refer to them often. This helps us remember why we’re eating more fruits and vegetables, moving our bodies more, and making time for self-care. Hope this helps you. If you’re comfortable sharing, what is your “why?”


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (69)

        Joon June 28, 2022 at 7:53 am

        First and foremost, I need to feel good – mind, body and soul. Much of my responsibility currently lies in taking care of others in a variety of ways. Like flying with children, oxygen mask on you first – same principal applies regardless of life situation but that concept slipped away during the past two+ years. I want to have energy, I want to fit back into my clothes, I want to exercise and sweat and feel good and know that I am doing good for me. Health concerns are real too, and I want to do my part to improve my health where I am able. I just need to stay on course and appreciate your blog, recipes and kind support.


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (70)

          Steveon June 30, 2022 at 9:14 am

          Hi Jo-

          We totally understand where you’re coming from, and are glad that our blog has provided you some inspiration! Keep taking care of yourself–you deserve it!


  9. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (71)

    Stuon June 24, 2022 at 3:14 am

    Those meals look so delicious. I am currently looking for new recipes to try, but as your article seems to be more of a good general guideline, is there a way to also get the exact recipes for those dishes in the pictures?


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (72)

      Annon June 26, 2022 at 5:06 pm

      I make things up as I go and don’t really have exact recipes for most of these things. But as I write recipes down, we are sharing them. We’ve also thought about creating an ebook with some of our favorites. Is that something you would be interested in? Thanks for reaching out.


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (73)

        Barbara Reissenon July 18, 2022 at 4:37 pm

        I would love an e-book with recipes. I’m just starting out and can use all the help I can get.


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (74)

          Annon July 22, 2022 at 7:37 am

          We are working on it! Stay tuned.


          • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (75)

            Jodi Petersimeon March 4, 2023 at 6:13 am

            Me too! I would love the recipes! Your story is inspirational!


            • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (76)

              Steveon March 8, 2023 at 8:14 am

              Thank you so much, Jodi! We appreciate your kind words! 🙂


  10. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (77)

    Loveyon June 23, 2022 at 12:40 pm

    I’m so happy I found your article. I started Noom a couple of weeks ago and with my busy life, health issues and a bunch of kids, it has been hard for me to figure out how to make changes that work for all of us. Your easy dinner ideas have given me hope and motivation that I can do it with little effort!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (78)

      Annon June 26, 2022 at 5:07 pm

      YAY! We’re so happy you found our site and that it was helpful. Are there other topics that would be of interest to you? Just let us know.


  11. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (79)

    Kristenon June 1, 2022 at 4:48 am

    Thank you for this article! I have been on Noom for a few months and lost my motivation. This article has given me some really good meal ideas! Can you tell me some of the spices you use? Your meals look delicious! Thanks! Kristen


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (80)

      Steveon June 3, 2022 at 10:25 am

      We love oregano, and spicy things like red pepper. We also use tons of fresh herbs like basil, thyme, and rosemary. Additionally, we’ve purchased some spice blends on our travels that we enjoy using. We have some other posts about Noom on our blog including some recipes, please feel free to click around and let us know if you have any other questions. 🙂


  12. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (81)

    Erinon April 22, 2022 at 10:56 am

    I’m glad I’ve found your page! I’ll be sure to check in often.
    I’ve been nooming for a few weeks with no success so far. I find it such a challenge to keep myself motivated. I have at least 75lbs I’d like to lose…and hope I can catch on to this soon. Reading your page helps me remember that it works and it’s possible!!
    Thank you.


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (82)

      Steveon April 27, 2022 at 2:30 pm

      Hi Erin! We’re glad you found our page. As we Noom, we often have to remind ourselves of the importance of carefully measuring everything we eat and logging diligently. The program is a good one. We just advise people to forget everything they think they know about weight loss and to follow the program as written. It really did work for us, and we hope you find success, as well. Please let us know if you have questions.


  13. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (83)

    Donnaon April 3, 2022 at 12:06 pm

    I work very long hours at work, eat late, have little time for anything and need to lose over 100 lbs. Can this program work for me too?


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (84)

      Annon April 5, 2022 at 9:42 am

      It can absolutely work for you! If you commit to reading the lessons, tracking your food, and making healthy food choices that fill you up, you will lose weight! Wishing you all the best.


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (85)

        Randion April 28, 2022 at 4:05 am

        Hi! How long have you been doing Noom? I just started this week and I’m loving the Incan eat this or I can eat all of this! Looking up the food and seeing what color it falls in has helped me a lot already. There are things I had no idea would fall into the red group so it’s for sure eye opening!


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (86)

          Steveon April 29, 2022 at 11:10 am

          We started Nooming in the spring of 2019–so just over three years, now. If you stick with the program, you really do get a sense of red vs. yellow vs. green foods and you’ll find your diet changes to emphasize the green foods. We eat tons of food…but it’s mostly green. As a result, we feel full without too many extra calories. We’ve combined to lose more than 200 pounds. Steve lost 70 and has kept it off for more than 2.5 years. Ann has lost more than 130 and is still slowly losing. The biggest lesson is that Noom isn’t a “diet” that you’ll stop. It is a sustainable lifestyle. Once you hit your goal weight, you increase your calorie intake, sure, but you still remember the lessons you’ve learned and the new habits you’ve made and use those to maintain your new weight.

          Good luck to you! You can do this. Our blog has a bunch of information on Noom and how we achieved success. We also post some about our healthy living journey on our social channels @postcardjar. Please let us know if you have questions!


  14. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (87)

    Annaon February 13, 2022 at 3:54 pm

    I’m day one on Noom and feeling a little overwhelmed with finding healthy foods that are tasty and filling…especially with kiddos and a family. Seeing all of these ideas gave me some hope that I will get there, too. I wrote down several of them for the shopping list. I’m 175 and my goal weight is 130. I never comment on blogs…ever… but I just wanted to say thanks. 🙂


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (88)

      Steveon February 16, 2022 at 7:45 pm

      Glad you found some helpful thoughts, Anna! We have quite a few articles about our Noom journey on our blog and hope you find more useful information here. You can meet your goals! You got this!! Please feel free to reach out with any questions and we’ll give whatever help we can.


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (89)

      Shelbyon March 22, 2022 at 11:59 am

      I’m on day two and feeling the same! I’m 169 and goal is 138! I feel like we’re on the same path! Good luck!


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (90)

        Steveon March 22, 2022 at 1:21 pm

        Thanks for sharing, Shelly! Best of luck to you on your Noom journey…know this: you CAN do it!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (91)

      Anonymouson April 11, 2022 at 7:55 pm

      Very helpful!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (92)

      Floraon February 22, 2023 at 12:32 pm

      Anna, how you doing? I am starting today I wonder if it works for you.


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (93)

        Steveon February 22, 2023 at 1:19 pm

        We aren’t sure how Anna is doing, but we have successfully kept the weight off for the past couple of years.


  15. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (94)

    Tirzahon January 27, 2022 at 10:07 am

    What a great read! I would love to get more recipes from you, do you send out weekly recipes or anything like that? I have been doing Noom for a few months and have tried some of the recipes on the app, but to be honest I haven’t always enjoyed them. Your ideas look delicious!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (95)

      Annon January 27, 2022 at 10:54 am

      Thank you so much. We have a few recipes on our blog and are working on an e-recipe book. Stay tuned!


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (96)

        Tirzahon January 28, 2022 at 12:07 pm

        Wonderful! Excited to read that


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (97)

          Annon January 29, 2022 at 6:51 am

          We’re so glad you found our website. Let us know if this post was helpful. We’d love to hear from you.


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (98)

        SFon April 13, 2022 at 8:49 pm

        Just wanted to say that when it comes to blog posts about food, especially ones about healthy foods/diets, they can be an utter chore to get through. But not this post – you were ultra clear on what you were recommending, and got straight to the point on why you were recommending it!

        This post should be the gold standard on how to share personal experiences in a way that’s helpful to others – thank you for taking the time to craft and update it. =)


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (99)

          Steveon April 21, 2022 at 12:56 pm

          Well thank you so much for your kind words, SF! We’re glad the post was helpful to you and that you could get some useful tips. We agree, we hate posts that are filled with ads and that blather on endlessly to get you to keep scrolling to find the information you want. It can be frustrating, which is why we don’t do that sort of thing. 🙂


  16. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (100)

    Terraon January 23, 2022 at 5:21 pm

    Hello, I am thinking of trying noom! This may sound silly but I am terribly addicted to lattes, any idea what kind of allowance for these there may be with noom? I probably drink 5 a week..and most of the time they are iced Vietnamese that contain sweetened condensed milk.:(


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (101)

      Annon January 24, 2022 at 7:43 am

      Hello, Terra, and thank you for reaching out to us. Before I started my healthy living journey, I had a very sweet coffee every day. I loaded my black coffee with some type of sugary syrup (hazelnut is my fav) along with rich sweetened creamers. When I started Nooom, and looked up the calories in my favorite drink, I was having a 200+ calorie coffee every day. I started by just measuring my sugary add ons and counting them in my daily calorie budget (because I like them that much). Eventually, I decided that I’d rather have the 200 calories in real food. I could have a banana and 50 grapes, or the creamer in my coffee for 200 calories. So, I looked for lower calorie alternatives and over time, weaned myself off the others. Today, I enjoy a daily coffee with sugar-free hazelnut syrup (0 calories) and some half and half or milk. I am mindful about my drink and sip it slowly, tasting the coffee and feeling the warmth. Sounds crazy I know, but Noom taught me so many new mind games/skills that helped so much! If you’d like to try Noom, I’ll attach a discount code below for you.


      I wish you all the best on our healthy living journey. Please keep in touch and let us know how it goes.


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (102)

        Natalieon April 5, 2022 at 10:54 pm

        I am also doing Noom and love my coffees. I bought peppermint extract and vanilla extract and just put a drop or two of one of them into my
        Coffee for taste! And a little oat milk if I budget well that day!


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (103)

          Steveon April 7, 2022 at 2:57 pm

          Great idea, Natalie! Thanks for sharing!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (104)

      Anonymouson January 24, 2022 at 2:44 pm

      Unsweetened almond milk is a green food. I use the Califa one.


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (105)

      Erinon April 22, 2022 at 10:54 am

      I like to add cinnamon to my coffee (with almond milk or some other unsweetened substitute)…The cinnamon adds a nice flavour kick!


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (106)

        Steveon April 27, 2022 at 2:31 pm

        Thanks for the great suggestion, Erin!


  17. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (107)

    Vickieon October 21, 2021 at 2:50 pm

    I found this post when looking for healthy snacks for Noom. I’m on day 63 and have only lost 15 lbs. I keep under my daily calorie budget and don’t eat many red foods at all. Grabbing something to go when I don’t have time to prepare anything is now solved by grapes. Thanks for your valuable insight and encouragement!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (108)

      Annon October 25, 2021 at 1:31 pm

      We are so glad you found our post encouraging! We wish you all the best on your healthy living journey.


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (109)

        Tina Bennetton December 8, 2021 at 7:52 am

        All great info and ideas …i am 3 weeks in on Noom and absolutely love it…i also have 100 to loose so i am taking your tips very seriously….how many calories did you eat a day?? Seems you lost alot very quickly…i am 65 yrs old and i am keeping it at 1600….for now we will see how it goes….slow and steady …this is my plan for life!


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (110)

          Steveon December 13, 2021 at 9:54 pm

          Steve started at 1600, and Ann started at 1300-1400 calories. We both lost about 70 pounds before we really began to focus on adding movement to our day. That increased our calorie budgets some, but as we lost, Noom adjusted Ann’s budget down a little. Today, I (Steve) have been maintaining my weight and have been eating about 2,500 per day with my activity. Ann is still working on losing a little so is eating about 1,200-1,400.

          Good luck! You can do this!


  18. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (111)

    Karenon July 29, 2021 at 10:37 am

    Just found this on a search for Noom snacks, some great ideas, thanks! I was feeling really hungry, started reading the post, and realised I had red grapes in the fridge already – now not hungry any more 🙂


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (112)

      Annon July 30, 2021 at 3:33 pm

      Red grapes are a MUST for us. If get too low we issue a “red alert!” Wishing you all the best on your Noom journey. Would love to hear your ideas for healthy snacks, as well.


  19. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (113)

    Paula Davison July 25, 2021 at 9:53 am



    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (114)

      Steveon July 25, 2021 at 11:27 am

      Hi Paula,

      I think your question was about the dishes with the bottles of wine. The first picture is a chicken parmesan made using the air fryer. The second is a piece of grilled salmon with a baked potato (light sour cream) and a dinner salad.

      Hope this helps!


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (115)

        Heatheron March 9, 2022 at 1:12 pm

        Hi Steve! Great blog!! Thanks for sharing. Do you find an air fryer useful? Debating on one for this noom journey.
        Be well!


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (116)

          Steveon March 9, 2022 at 4:38 pm

          Thanks! We do find the air fryer useful. In fact, we use ours virtually every day, often at more than one meal. We have the Ninja Foodie Digital Air Fryer and it has more functions than just air frying…so it has become a very important appliance in our kitchen.


  20. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (117)

    Mimi Fon July 2, 2021 at 2:24 pm

    Great idea suggestions. Thank you. Question, what’s on the english Muffin in the picture you posted with the red grapes and sautéed mushrooms? Looks really good, but you have no description details


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (118)

      Annon July 4, 2021 at 10:05 am

      Thanks for asking. We love to have scrambled eggs with lots of fresh veggies on an English muffin for breakfast. We just dice whatever veggies we have (asparagus, peppers, onions, etc.) and cook them in a non-stick skillet. Then we add an egg or two and scramble. Just top your English muffin with the mixture and enjoy.


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (119)

      Bettyon July 25, 2021 at 8:59 am

      You guys look great! I’ve been on noom 4 weeks now I’m down 20 lbs. Thank you for sharing your tips and ideas I’ve been trying to figure out snack ideas for going away on vacation.


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (120)

        Steveon July 25, 2021 at 11:23 am

        Thank you so much, and congratulations on your own progress with Noom! We’re glad you found our information helpful–and wish you all the best on vacation–after all, travel is our love! In any event, keep going…you’re doing great and you can do this! 🙂


  21. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (121)

    judeon July 1, 2021 at 6:56 am

    thank you so much, ann and steve. what a comprehensive report on noom foods.
    i woke up this morning and knew i had to find exactly this kind of information.
    you guys have been so wildly successful. thanks for the inspiration. the biggest take away for me is fitting in the red foods. i tend to do fine without my treats on any diet and then crash and burn. thanks to you, i now know how to fit in my yassos, and co*cktails by the firepit. yes, more exercise=more treats. be well and thanks again, jude


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (122)

      Annon July 4, 2021 at 10:08 am

      We are so happy you enjoyed this blog post and found it helpful! We often plan for our red foods each day first and work back our calorie budget from that. For instance, if we are having friends over for a co*cktail, we just log our co*cktail at the start of the day. Maybe that means we don’t have cheese on our sandwich at lunch, or we switch out a typical red at breakfast for a green one. It has helped us to plan for our red foods and truly enjoy them without guilt. We wish you all the best on your healthy living journey. Please stay in touch and let us know how it goes.


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (123)

        judeon October 31, 2021 at 4:55 pm

        thanks for your response back in july, ann. yes, i do that, too, now. log in the important stuff first and then work backwards. i’ve hit my original goal and have kept on going. four months since i first wrote and now i can add how powerful portion control has been to my weight loss journey. no more overeating. no more stuffing myself and feeling sick. i have never loved vegetables so much and appreciated the taste of unadorned whole foods as much as i do now.
        would love to hear anything you might be able to share about your maintenance life. thanks so much, jude.


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (124)

          Steveon November 17, 2021 at 9:01 am

          We were absolutely shocked at how much more we enjoy fruits and vegetables now than before. And you’re right about the taste of whole foods, as well. Honestly, we never knew how sweet an apple could be but now we enjoy a Honeycrisp every day with lunch.

          I’ve been maintaining my weight (this is Steve) for two years, now. For maintenance, I found it helpful to log for awhile and slowly add more foods to my diet. I set the speed to “turtle” and used the upper end of that range for my calorie goal. It was odd eating more at first, and my weight did continue to drift down a bit. The good news is that you can enjoy a bit more food and a few more treats. For instance, with Thanksgiving coming up, you can enjoy a fuller plate (and maybe a piece of pie) and that’s okay.

          As I’ve maintained, I have kept exercising. I like to eat and the exercise gives me more calories to eat each day. I’ve stopped logging my meals, as well, but am still very conscious of what I’m eating and the amount–I use all the mindful eating tricks I learned with Noom. That said, I also weigh every. single. day and if I notice my weight drifting up, I am more careful for a few days and it drifts back down. (It’s so much easier to lose 3 pounds than 30.) Being more careful can include weighing/measuring every portion (this resets my “eye” for portion control) and logging my food.

          Finally, I’m also somewhat active in my Noom group and am a member of a FB Noom page, as well. This allows me to interact with people who are still on their journey, offer advice, and see that others are still working toward their goals–which helps motivate me to maintain mine.

          This is a great question, Jude, and I think there might be a blog post in here somewhere.


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (125)

        andyoinaon January 11, 2022 at 6:26 pm

        yes, that is good you lost some weight im fat i wont to lost weigth


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (126)

          Steveon January 15, 2022 at 6:30 pm

          One thing we’ve learned: it is possible to lose weight if you want to. All you have to do is start. And while it isn’t the easiest thing in the world, it isn’t as hard as you think it will be, either. You can do it! 🙂


  22. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (127)

    Rona Reedon May 26, 2021 at 9:00 am

    Just want to add my Thanks. I have been on Noom for a month and have been struggling. Your recipes and hints are very helpful. I consider your posts a win!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (128)

      Steveon May 27, 2021 at 8:04 am

      Thank you so much! We’re glad we could help. Remember, it’s one day at a time, and you can do it! 🙂


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (129)

        Joyce Wagneron June 10, 2021 at 9:35 am

        Wow, I’m so happy to have found this article! I’m just on day 2 of Noom, and you have shown me that it absolutely can be done!!! Congratulations on all of your success, and thank you for sharing your insights.


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (130)

          Steveon June 29, 2021 at 1:00 pm

          Thanks so much, Joyce. It can be done, indeed! Hope it’s going well for you. You can do it! 🙂


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (131)

          Annieon July 18, 2021 at 7:57 pm

          I, too, am on day 2 and really appreciated this post. Gave me some great ideas on this new journey. Thank you so much and looking forward to reading more of your posts.


          • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (132)

            Steveon July 21, 2021 at 4:21 pm

            Glad to hear that the post has been helpful to you! Good luck…you can do it! Let us know if you have questions.


            • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (133)

              Marilynnon December 1, 2021 at 11:44 am

              I am on day 3, so glad to read the blog, I like that you log your reds first….I like my wine also, I love vegetables. I tried Noom before got discouraged after losing only 7 pounds in 16 weeks, I realized I was eating so many red foods, barely any yellow, and I got quit, I welcomed Noom back into my routine and have committed to less reds, more greens and yellows. I am down 3.4 pounds in 3 days, lots of water, and I am moving, walking, and golfing.


              • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (134)

                Steveon December 13, 2021 at 9:56 pm

                Good for you, Marilynn! It is a process and it is a new lifestyle. Focus on eating green foods and filling up with those as much as possible, then use your reds sparingly. Best of luck–you can do it!


  23. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (135)

    Tracyon May 17, 2021 at 1:18 am

    What an inspiring, informative item. I’m on day 41 and was just looking for more inspiration and I’ve found it here. Thank you so much. Well done to you both and keep staying safe. Love from the 🇬🇧


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (136)

      Annon May 17, 2021 at 9:47 am

      We’re so glad you found our post inspiring! Great job on staying focused for 41 days. We know it’s not always easy but we do think you’ll get into a routine and continue to find inspiration. Thanks for being on this journey with us.


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (137)

        Nealey Russoon April 2, 2022 at 10:47 am

        Hi, sorry if this question has been asked before. Either your photos make it look like alot of food , or the portions look big compared to nutrisystem. I wanted to ask what your portion size is? Like the one with the stuffed red pepper? And what it’s stuffed with? I’m keeping my protein portions at 3oz. A 3oz burger is pretty small and probably wouldn’t fill half that pepper. Just curious because I am going to have to transition from nutrisystem food to making my own and I’m looking for recipes.


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (138)

          Steveon April 2, 2022 at 4:11 pm

          No bother at all, Nealey. The portions we eat are pretty big, but you’ll note that most of the large portions contain lots of foods with low calorie density. On Noom, we learned to choose mostly foods that are large in size but small in calories. When you eat a cup of something, your stomach only knows it has a cup of something in it. It could be a cup of broccoli (31 calories) or a cup of peanuts (828 calories). We pay attention to the number of calories we eat every day, and fill up on things like broccoli, salad, or bell peppers while still enjoying smaller portions of meats and even ice cream and wine. Here’s another blog post we wrote that might provide more guidance–we’ve written several and hope that they help some. Please feel free to ask more questions. Congratulations on your success with Nutrisystem, and we wish you all the best as you transition to a plan to maintain your weight loss! 🙂 https://postcardjar.com/tips-for-success-with-noom-weight-loss/


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (139)

          Steveon April 2, 2022 at 4:55 pm

          Nealey- Sorry, I forgot to add that it was a whole bell pepper. It’s stuffed with brown rice, tomato sauce, lean ground beef, and some spices.


  24. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (140)

    Annaon May 16, 2021 at 11:34 am

    Hi! I have just come across your post. First and foremost, a huge congratulations to you both!! You are a great inspiration to lose weight. I enjoyed reading your posts. I am on day 12 with Noom and I really have to say that I have not lost anything. I am struggling with keeping my red foods down to the right numbers. I am eating twice as much…my big downfall. I have not started exercising yet either. I keep telling myself that I will get there, and that tomorrow is a new day!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (141)

      Annon May 16, 2021 at 12:01 pm

      Thank you so much! We really appreciate your feedback. Stick with the plan and be sure to accurately record everything you eat. I had a difficult time staying within my “red” budget at first, as well. Try to fill up on as many green foods as you can and plan your red foods ahead of time. For instance, yesterday we had a graduation party and I knew I’d want a cupcake (red). So at lunchtime, I skipped the slice of cheese (also a red) on my sandwich and added more green veggies instead. I didn’t exercise at all for the first 9 months on my weight loss journey. For me, it was easiest to focus on one thing at a time. After I got my food/nutrition down, then I added walking. Hope this helps you on your journey. Please keep in touch and let us know how it’s going.


  25. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (142)

    Carleneon May 8, 2021 at 2:39 am

    Hi , this is my 3rd day on Noom and I just read your posts, thank you so much for your ideas, I will be using a few of them myself… and a huge congrats on your success to you both, Well done


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (143)

      Steveon May 8, 2021 at 7:46 am

      Thank you so much for your kind words, Carlene. We’re glad our posts are helpful to you. Success with your goals is definitely attainable. You can do this!


  26. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (144)

    Josieon April 30, 2021 at 6:20 am

    Thank you for sharing! I just started Noom and these are some great tips for eating in moderation 🙂 when you use evoo for the potatoes, do you measure how much you use? I’m trying to figure out how to put that into the app for my meals.


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (145)

      Steveon April 30, 2021 at 8:07 am

      We’re glad the post helped you! We use about 1/2 tbsp. of EVOO for the potatoes (and we do measure) and then we toss it around. Alternatively, we’ll hit them with some olive oil spray.


  27. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (146)

    Anonymouson April 26, 2021 at 8:06 am

    You are both an inspiration. I signed up to noon yesterday and I was already getting those familiar feelings of guilt and worry about eating. Having read your article I’m so encouraged and am relieved that I will be able to have some goodies without guilt.
    I’m in the uk and have tried all sorts of diets and the 5.2, which I did lose weight on but couldn’t sustain it.
    Thank you for being the voice of realism. Best wishes for your healthy eating journey.
    Love to you both


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (147)

      Annon April 26, 2021 at 8:17 am

      Thank you so much for your kind words. Like you, we’ve struggled to lose weight and keep it off. We FINALLY feel like we’ve found the right resources to making real lifestyle changes. We are wishing you all the best on your journey and hope you’ll keep in touch and let us know how it’s going. YOU CAN DO IT!


  28. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (148)

    Georginaon March 24, 2021 at 2:44 am

    Hi! I’m in the UK and have only been using Noom for 10 days, but have already lost 5lbs. The lockdown weight WILL be gone! I really enjoyed reading your journey. Congratulations on your success!

    I am just getting to grips with adapting meals that we make for the family (we have 3 growing children who eat a LOT of pasta), so will definitely look at some of your suggestions.


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (149)

      Steveon March 24, 2021 at 2:10 pm

      So glad you found our post helpful! Thanks for reading…Noom has certainly worked for us.

      You are off to a great start! Keep up the good work—you can do it!!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (150)

      Anonymouson April 27, 2021 at 9:26 am

      I have been on Noom for 3 weeks and have lost only 2 pounds. I am exercising daily and eating under my alloted 1,200 calories.
      Trying hars to not feel like giving up


  29. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (151)

    Anonymouson March 23, 2021 at 6:41 pm

    Thank you for taking the time to share your tips and recipes. I could care less how you spell 🙂 I like the easy notes you made about wine as well – so thank you and be well and in good health!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (152)

      Steveon March 24, 2021 at 2:13 pm

      Awww…thank you so much for your kind words. We’re glad the post was helpful to you!


  30. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (153)

    Jennon March 9, 2021 at 10:08 pm

    You should run this through spell check *and* have someone look it over for errors that spell check doesn’t catch. There are a lot of typos. “Angle food cake” was pretty funny though 😂


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (154)

      Annon March 10, 2021 at 7:22 am

      Thanks for your feedback, Jenn. We do both of those things on each blog post and, of course, are regretful when errors are not noticed prior to publishing. Please know that we’re doing our best during a worldwide pandemic to get through the day *and* provide FREE, uplifting content that might help someone on their journey. We hope you have a good day and that you don’t waste too much time and energy judging others and laughing hysterically at their honest mistakes. Life is too short.


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (155)

        Tracyon April 15, 2021 at 3:09 pm

        I agree. Just ignorant. Congrats on your success


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (156)

          Annon June 29, 2021 at 1:19 pm

          Thanks for your encouragement, Tracy! It means a lot to us.


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (157)

        Anne Howeon April 25, 2021 at 9:52 pm

        Well said! Congratulations to you both. I just came across your blog today 4/25/21!
        Immediately drawn to your down to earth attitude and wealth of information.
        I too started noom 2/14/21 lost 20 lbs then gained 4 back. It’s a struggle but I continue to work on it.
        It would be fantastic to continue to read your posts/blog!
        Again congratulations on both of your weight loss!!


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (158)

          Annon April 26, 2021 at 8:18 am

          We’re so glad you found PostcardJar.com and enjoyed reading our posts. Weight loss can be a struggle at times, but keep pushing forward and don’t forget to give yourself some grace. YOU CAN DO IT!


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (159)

        Sharaon June 29, 2021 at 10:33 am

        Wow, what a gracious reply to negativity! It is so easy for people to be judgemental in this “behind the scenes” social media. THANK YOU so much for giving of yourselves to total strangers! I just signed up (wish I saw your blog before I did, sorry) and find your posts to be inspirational, informative, and encouraging. THANK YOU again!! PS You are in some awesome company, Jane Austen, George Washington, Agatha Christie, Ernest Hemmingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and many more were all poor spellers… as well as Winston Churchill and his reply was “well, you know what I meant” LOL, made me feel better! LOL


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (160)

          Steveon June 29, 2021 at 12:56 pm

          Thank you so much for your kind words! And good luck with your Nooming! 🙂


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (161)

          Annon June 29, 2021 at 1:20 pm

          Thanks for your encouragement and understanding. We wish you all the best on your healthy living journey. Let us know if we can do anything to help.


  31. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (162)

    Kristy Fowleron September 29, 2020 at 10:53 am

    Good morning! I have been using Noom for a few weeks and have stalled for the last two weeks as far as losing weight but still love the daily modules and learning to rethink my relationship with food. I have gotten myself into a mental frustration with the stall but reading this blog and a few others you have posted have brought me out of my mental slump and renewed my drive to push for more. I can’t wait to try some of the recipes and other tips you gave that should make a difference for me. Thanks again for sharing such a big part of your lives on this journey!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (163)

      Annon October 5, 2020 at 12:23 pm

      We are so glad you liked our posts about Noom and our weight loss journey. There are definitely times of stalls and plateaus. We’ve tried to remember that this is a lifelong journey and not get too caught up and distracted in “today.” Stay with it and maybe try changing things up a bit. I’ve been a bit stuck myself lately, so I switched up my breakfast routine today just to try something different. We wish you all the best on your healthy lifestyle journey. Please keep in touch.


  32. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (164)

    Beckyon July 21, 2020 at 1:23 am

    I’ve been on NOOM since June 25 and I’m down 9.2 pounds. I’m so close to 10 it should be any day now. At 7 lost I noticed that my belly and double chin were shrinking and I knew that I had found the right thing for me. It was the right combination of how they break everything down, I guess that made it all click for me. Thanks for sharing your tips. I keep frozen blueberries in the freezer and I’ll put a cup of them in a bowl and eat them one at a time. At takes longer to eat them that way and they sure are tasty. I also found some Outshine frozen bars in grape flavor ( they also had strawberry and pineapple) only 60 calories per bar. Very refreshing if you can’t freeze the real thing. Thanks again for your tips, I hope to start using some of them soon.


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (165)

      Steveon July 21, 2020 at 6:59 am

      Congrats on your great start; we’re glad that you found something that works for you! And the frozen blueberry idea is a good one! We wish you all the best on your journey…remember that YOU can do it! 🙂


  33. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (166)

    Sue Lindboon July 20, 2020 at 12:31 pm

    Love love love these food ideas! Always looking for something new to freshen up our meals. Congratulations 100 times for your 100 pound loss! You look awesome and I bet you are over the moon proud of your accomplishment! You and Steve are amazing as well as your stories!


  34. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (167)

    Kayon July 20, 2020 at 10:17 am

    Loved this! Got some great new recipe ideas! You are so inspiring, Ann (and Steve)! I am on a push for 15 pounds (again). It’s all about diet and I know that. But reading this and following your journey is good for me too!
    You are not replaceable!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (168)

      Annon July 20, 2020 at 10:37 am

      Thanks, Kay! We really appreciate all the love the support you continue to shower on us. YOU are also not replaceable. 🙂


  35. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (169)

    Stephanieon July 19, 2020 at 7:16 pm

    Thanks for your post! Very encouraging!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (170)

      Annon July 19, 2020 at 8:22 pm

      You are welcome. So glad you enjoyed it.


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (171)

      Michelle Widgeron July 20, 2020 at 10:38 am

      Ann and Steve, You both are looking amazing. You did prior as well. I’m so happy for you both and a bit jealous. I have been trying on WW – but thinking about switching to Noom. Just curious if you have heard any differences between the two. The food and pictures all look great! I’m so glad you are staying well and healthy even though traveling has been a challenge. I enjoy your blog and Facebook posts so much! Take care,


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (172)

        Annon July 20, 2020 at 2:21 pm

        Thanks, Michelle! Like you, I’ve tried other programs, as well. I’ve done WW three times and Steve did Jenny Craig before we found Noom. For me, I really needed to change my mindset and develop skills to change some lifelong behaviors related to food. Noom really helped me do that. We also wanted a program that we could do anywhere without having to check/weigh in at a certain place since we travel. With Noom, we weigh our selves every day (although that’s not required) at home and we take our scale with us when we travel. I like to cook, so being about to use/eat real food that I can buy at most groceries stores has also been nice. We don’t do any bars, shakes, or supplements which I think gives me a greater feeling of satisfaction.

        We have a couple other blog posts with more details about our experiences and how we’re making sustainable changes to our diet and lifestyle. Just enter “Noom” in the search bar at the top of our blog. Hope this helps. Let us know if you have any other questions. We wish you all the best on your journey.


  36. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (173)

    Candace Hon July 19, 2020 at 2:47 pm

    Congratulations on your health journey! I have been doing Noom for about a year and am down 45 pounds (almost made it to 50 but COVID snacks… more dark chocolate needed😉). I too love Yasso bars, bell peppers, red grapes (I eat 30-60 frozen grapes a day), and the occasional glass of wine! My other go-to snacks have been Blue Diamond Nut Thins and air-popped popcorn. Tracking my food (love the Green-Yellow-Red way) and my steps (10,000+ a day since April) is so easy with Noom! Here’s to better health and not being deprived!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (174)

      Annon July 19, 2020 at 8:23 pm

      Great job on your weight loss! We’ll have to look for the Nut Thins.


  37. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (175)

    Marcia Ellison July 19, 2020 at 12:18 pm

    Thank you for sharing your story! Im enlightened to see your pics and knowledge of your tips and food favs! I believe this will help me reach my goal!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (176)

      Annon July 19, 2020 at 1:38 pm

      We’re so glad you found it helpful. I honestly feel like if I can do it, anyone can. Wishing you all the best on your weight loss journey.


  38. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (177)

    Dianaon July 19, 2020 at 11:53 am

    Do they call you on the phone? I tried one time that sounds similar but didn’t like the phone calls.


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (178)

      Annon July 19, 2020 at 1:39 pm

      We joined in March of 2019 and so far, we’ve never gotten a call from Noom. We just downloaded the app and open it at our leisure. Hope this helps.


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (179)

        Karenon April 25, 2022 at 7:59 pm

        I have been a Noomer for 1 year and 3 months. My goal was 9 pounds and I lost 14. I have kept it off. My cholesterol went from 247 to 220. My Dr. said I could go off my statin if I stick to Noom. So for me, this is my new life. And I love it.
        I eat a chobani low sugar yogurt wit a cup of blueberries and a banana most days for breakfast. Homemade broth soups for a lot of lunches, and whole-wheat pasta and fish or chicken for dinner. And I exercise 4 days a week, most of the time….
        My goal is to eat as many green foods as I can!


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (180)

          Steveon April 27, 2022 at 2:27 pm

          We love this! Congratulations! And you’re right…Noom isn’t a “diet” it’s a lifestyle we plan to carry the rest of our lives. Like yours, our doctors are also happy with changes we’ve made. Keep it up!


  39. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (181)

    Natashaon July 19, 2020 at 11:48 am

    Can I share this article with my friends and family on my main facebook page?


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (182)

      Annon July 19, 2020 at 1:41 pm

      Please do (just don’t copy and paste the content of the article). To share, just go to the bottom of the blog post on our website and hit the “Facebook” icon at the bottom. Let us know if you have any issues with it and thanks for sharing.


  40. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (183)

    Maryon July 19, 2020 at 11:31 am

    You two are rock stars! I’m so very pleased for you both.


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (184)

      Annon July 19, 2020 at 1:41 pm

      Thank you so very much!


  41. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (185)

    Graciaon July 19, 2020 at 11:29 am

    I’m just starting Noom (thanks to you) so this list is helpful! Thanks


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (186)

      Annon July 19, 2020 at 1:42 pm

      It took us awhile to figure out the best foods for us, so we were happy to share it with others. Wishing you all the best.


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (187)

        Mary Jane Daltonon December 13, 2020 at 7:18 pm

        Thank you so much for the meal ideas! I have been using Noom for one month and I love it!


        • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (188)

          Steveon December 13, 2020 at 7:31 pm

          We are so glad you’re enjoying Noom, and also that the meal ideas were useful for you. Thanks for joining us on our journey,

          Stay Well!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (189)

      LeAnn Frobomon July 20, 2020 at 2:30 am

      Congratulations on your amazing weight loss!! You are an inspiration.

      I have lost 40 pounds on Noom. I love your tips. Just added mixed berries and red grapes to my grocery list! I also treat myself to ice cream—flavored ice cream sandwiches are a portion-controlled treat.


      • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (190)

        Annon July 20, 2020 at 8:02 am

        Congratulations on your weight loss! That’s fantastic. Grapes and berries will really help, as they are so low in calories but fill you up. Let us know how it goes for you and all our best on your healthy living journey.


  42. 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (191)

    Harriotton July 19, 2020 at 11:20 am

    Excellent post! I have been in Noom about 6 months. Have lost 25 pounds and would like another 10 off. I do pretty well with greens but wi incorporate some of your ideas. Thank you!


    • 10 foods to lose weight with Noom (192)

      Annon July 19, 2020 at 1:43 pm

      Thanks so much for the feedback. Let us know if you incorporate some of these foods and how that works for you. Wishing you all the best.


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10 foods to lose weight with Noom (2024)


10 foods to lose weight with Noom? ›

With that in mind, here are some of the foods that fall under each category on Noom: Green foods: Blueberries, apples, carrots, peppers, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, sweet potatoes, beets, berries, bananas, oats, whole-grain bread, quinoa, non-fat dairy products, egg whites, watermelon, lettuce, pickles.

What foods help you lose weight with Noom? ›

With that in mind, here are some of the foods that fall under each category on Noom: Green foods: Blueberries, apples, carrots, peppers, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, sweet potatoes, beets, berries, bananas, oats, whole-grain bread, quinoa, non-fat dairy products, egg whites, watermelon, lettuce, pickles.

What not to eat on Noom? ›

Avoid processed gluten-free foods, like cookies and sweet cereals, to speed up your weight loss. Instead, stick to naturally gluten-free fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean proteins and whole grains.

How long does it take to lose 10 pounds on Noom? ›

Losing 10 pounds every single month is not necessarily going to be healthy or sustainable, but if you need to drop weight fast for just one occasion, it is possible. With Noom, you could do it in about five weeks — and that's without starving yourself or ending up instantly gaining it all back.

Can you eat bananas on Noom? ›

Within the Noom Weight program, bananas are considered a green food. We recommend that you get most of your calories from yellow foods (45%) and then green (30%) and red (25%).

What are the disadvantages of Noom diet? ›

While Noom may be a good fit for some people, there are a few downsides. Most notably, Noom doesn't offer in-person interactions with coaches or other Noom members. The cost, concerns around low calorie goals, and potential pitfalls of food tracking are among other downsides of the program.

Can you eat pizza on Noom? ›

Noom isn't overly restrictive, so this diet won't be telling you to subsist on salad and never eat pizza again. Instead, Noom will suggest which percentage of your daily caloric intake should come from each of the red, yellow, and green categories we mentioned earlier.

Can you eat popcorn on Noom? ›

The yellow category also contains a few somewhat random items like greek yogurt, avocado, and whole-grain tortillas. Other yellow foods are popcorn, low-sodium canned soups, and instant potatoes!

What is the controversy with Noom? ›

Some Noom users say the app's daily weigh-ins and calorie-tracking system are 'toxic' and triggered disordered eating. The weight-loss app Noom built its brand on acknowledging that "diets don't work." Former users say they were drawn to Noom's message, but the app triggered disordered eating.

What are the complaints about Noom? ›

In addition to the auto-renewal and billing complaints, Noom faced criticism from experts and consumers for its weight loss program. While branding itself as different from other diets, the app has previously set very low calorie goals that dietitians say put users at risk of side effects.

What is the secret to Noom? ›

There's no secret method to Noom: how much weight someone can lose is really down to the individual. The Noom app doesn't shop for you or cook for you – so if you don't stick to the calorie limit, you won't lose weight. Plus, a lot of nutritional information is lacking on the app as it's mainly just about calories.

Why am I not losing weight with Noom? ›

Just like most weight loss programs, Noom relies on calorie counting, which often fails to sustain results long-term. When calories are restricted, the body's metabolism slows down as a natural response to conserve energy.

Can I lose 40 pounds on Noom? ›

'I Lost 40 Pounds On The Noom Diet And Have Maintained All My Healthy Habits 8 Months Later' "It taught me how to eat again." My name is Mary Leuthauser (@mamamar_getsfit), and I'm 30 years old and live in upstate New York as a mortgage account rep. I lost 40 pounds after discovering the Noom program.

Does everyone get 1200 calories on Noom? ›

Minimum Calorie Range

To keep your body functioning at its best, Noom won't let those who identify as female adjust their goal below 1,200-1,320 calories per day, those who identify as male below 1,400-1,540 calories per day, and those who don't choose to select a binary gender below 1,200-1,320 calories per day.

What does Noom tell you to eat? ›

Noom's nutrition philosophy

Noom divides food into one of three categories: red, green or yellow. No foods are off limits, but it's suggested that you limit the number of red foods you eat, while you're encouraged to eat more yellow and green foods.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.