List of Best Oats for Weight Loss in India - 2024 | Livofy (2024)

Less processed oats like steel-cut or traditional rolled oats are best oats for weight loss. Oats are beneficial to lose weight as they are rich in soluble fiber, vitamins, minerals, and a number of essential nutrients. The various types of oats available are whole oat groats, quick oats, steel-cut oats, oat bran, rolled oats, and Scottish oats groats which offer several benefits. Some of the benefits include high fiber content, which promotes feelings of fullness and reduces overeating, sustained energy release to maintain stable blood sugar levels and prevent cravings, and low glycemic index for better appetite control. Additionally, oats help regulate bowel movements, support immune function indirectly through providing essential nutrients, and aid in weight reduction due to their soluble fiber content and low calorie count. Choosing oats with minimal ingredients, low sugar content, no artificial flavors or additives, and 100% natural ingredients ensures the best options for weight loss. One can enjoy oats at breakfast, before or after exercise, or even as part of dinner to support a balanced diet and controlled portion sizes, ultimately contributing to a healthier lifestyle. Continue reading to learn more on best oats for weight loss.

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Types of Oats for Weight Loss?

Celebrated for their versatility and nutritional strength, oats offer a diverse selection to those on a weight loss journey. From the robust and earthy allure of steel-cut oats to the time-saving convenience of quick-cooking oats, each type bears a distinct personality that caters to various palates and lifestyles and can be considered the best oats for weight loss. Learn more about Oats nutrition.

  1. Whole Oat Groats
  2. Quick Oats
  3. Steel-Cut Oats
  4. Oat Bran
  5. Rolled Oats
  6. Scottish Oats Groats

1. Whole Oat Groats

  • Fiber Rich: Whole wheat oats are good for weight loss as they are rich in dietary fiber, a particularly soluble fiber called beta-glucan. This fiber helps slow digestion, keeps you full for longer, and reduces the likelihood of overeating or snacking between meals.
  • Sustained Energy: Oats provide a steady release of energy, helping to maintain stable blood sugar levels. This prevents the spikes and crashes in blood sugar that can lead to cravings for high-calorie, sugary snacks.
  • Low Glycemic Index: Whole wheat oats have a low glycemic index (GI), which means they don’t cause rapid spikes in blood sugar. Foods with a lower GI are associated with better appetite control and weight management.

2. Quick Oats

Quick oats, also known as instant oats, can be a convenient and beneficial choice for weight loss for several reasons:

  • Time-saving: Quick oats are called “quick” for a reason. They cook in just a few minutes, making them a practical choice for individuals with busy schedules. When time is limited, sticking to a healthy eating plan is easier if you can prepare meals quickly.
  • Customisable: Quick oats can be easily customised with healthy additions like fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, and yogurt, making a satisfying, filling, and nutrient-dense meal more accessible; therefore, they are good for weight loss.
  • Versatility: Quick oats can be used in various recipes, from oatmeal to smoothies, muffins, and energy bars. Their versatility allows you to enjoy them in different forms, which can help prevent food boredom during a weight loss journey.

3. Steel-Cut Oats

Steel-cut oats are one of the best oats for weight loss due to their specific characteristics and benefits:

  • Slow Digestion: Steel-cut oats take longer to digest than more processed oat varieties, leading to a slower, more sustained release of energy, which helps to maintain your blood sugar levels and reduce cravings for high-calorie, sugary snacks.
  • Nutrient Density: Steel-cut oats are a good source of essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They offer iron, magnesium, and B vitamins, which are crucial for overall health.
  • Protein Content: Steel-cut oats contain more protein than other oat varieties. Protein is essential for preserving muscle mass during weight loss and enhancing the feeling of fullness.

4. Oat Bran

Oat bran is a fantastic weight-loss choice due to its unique nutritional properties and health benefits:

  • High Soluble Fiber Content: Oat bran is exceptionally rich in soluble fibre, particularly beta-glucans. Soluble fibre forms a gel-like substance in the digestive tract, which slows down the absorption of nutrients and helps you feel full for an extended period. This satiety effect can reduce overall calorie intake, aiding in weight loss, and thus is believed to be one of the best oasts for weight loss.
  • Appetite Control: Oat bran’s ability to promote a feeling of fullness can help control appetite and reduce the urge to snack between meals. This can be a critical factor in achieving and maintaining a calorie deficit for weight loss.
  • Blood Sugar Regulation: The soluble fibre in oat bran can help stabilise blood sugar levels, preventing spikes and crashes that often lead to cravings for high-calorie, sugary foods. Stable blood sugar levels contribute to better appetite management.

5. Rolled Oats

Rolled oats is good for weight loss and beneficial for several reasons:

  • Steady Energy: Rolled oats provide a slow, sustained release of energy due to their complex carbohydrates. This helps to stabilise blood sugar levels, reducing cravings for high-calorie, sugary snacks. Hence, it is considered one of the best oats for weight loss.
  • Convenience: Rolled oats are easy to prepare and can be cooked in minutes. This convenience simplifies sticking to a healthy eating plan, even when you have a busy schedule.
  • Versatility: Rolled oats can be used in many recipes, from classic oatmeal to overnight oats, smoothies, muffins, and energy bars. Their adaptability can help prevent dietary monotony during a weight loss journey.

6. Scottish Oats Groats

Scottish oats, also known as oat groats or steel-cut oats, are one of the best oats for weight loss due to their unique characteristics and nutritional benefits:

  • High Fiber Content: Scottish oats are minimally processed and contain a higher fibre content than other oat varieties. The abundant fibre, primarily soluble fibre, keeps you feeling full for longer, reducing the chances of overeating and snacking between meals.
  • Whole Grain Benefit: Scottish oats are a whole grain, and diets rich in whole grains have various health benefits, including better weight management.

Best Oats for Weight Loss in India

Oats are suitable for a weight loss journey, especially in India, where people increasingly seek a healthy and graceful physique. It can be used in traditional Indian dishes like upma or modern smoothie bowls, seamlessly blending into the tapestry of a weight-conscious Indian lifestyle. They represent a poised, health-conscious elegance that can subtly transform your journey into a healthier, more refined version of yourself. You can also read about Millets for weight loss, which has the same nutritional properties as oats and is also helpful in weight loss. Some of the best oats for weight loss in India include:

  1. True Elements Rolled Oats
  2. Saffola Oats
  3. Fast & Up Instant Masala Oats
  4. Kellogg’s Oats
  5. Alpino High Protein Peanut Butter Oats
  6. True Elements Steel Cut Oats
  7. Quaker Oats
  8. Nutriorg Gluten-Free Rolled Oats
  9. Bagrry’s White Oats
  10. Raw Essentials Rolled Oats
  11. Disano Oats
  12. Essence Nutrition Rolled Oats

Let us look into each of these best oats for weight loss individually.

1. True Elements Rolled Oats

True Elements Rolled Oats is good for weight loss as they offer sustained energy, preventing energy spikes and crashes that often lead to unhealthy snacking. With a low GI, these oats help control blood sugar levels, which is crucial for appetite management. Read to learn more about True Elements Rolled Oats.

On average, you can pay around Rs. 200 to Rs. 350 for a 1 kg pack of True Elements Rolled Oats.

2. Saffola Oats

Saffola Oats is good for weight loss. They are packed with essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, ensuring you get the necessary nutrition during your weight loss journey. These are some of the best oats for weight loss as they are rich in dietary fiber, which promotes a feeling of fullness, reducing the likelihood of overeating and snacking.

On average, you can expect to pay around:

  • 500-gram pack: Approximately Rs 60 to Rs 90.
  • 1 kg pack: Approximately Rs 120 to Rs 180.

3. Fast & Up Instant Masala Oats

Fast & Up Instant Masala is a low-calorie seasoning that can enhance the flavour of your meals without adding excessive calories, making it easier to maintain a calorie deficit for weight loss. The spices used in this seasoning can add depth and taste to your dishes, making it one of the best oats for weight loss and making meals more enjoyable and satisfying. Read to learn how to make oats.

On average, you can pay around Rs. 200 to Rs. 350 for a 1 kg pack of Fast & Up Instant Masala Oats. Buy fast and instant masala oats from Livofy.

4. Kellogg’s Oats

Kellogg’s Oats are a wise choice for weight loss as they are easy to prepare and can be used in various recipes, from classic oatmeal to smoothies, muffins, and savoury dishes, offering a wide range of options to keep your meals exciting.

On average, you could expect to pay approximately:

  • 500 grams pack: Around Rs 50 to Rs 80.
  • 1 kg pack: Approximately Rs 90 to Rs 150.

5. Alpino High Protein Peanut Butter Oats

This product is infused with high-quality protein from peanuts and oats. Protein is critical in promoting feelings of fullness and preserving lean muscle mass, which is crucial for weight loss. Alpino’s high-protein peanut butter typically has a lower sugar content than other spreads, reducing your sugar intake.

On average, you might expect to pay around:

  • 250-gram jar: Approximately Rs 250 to Rs 350.
  • 500-gram jar: Approximately Rs 400 to Rs 600. Take a sneak peek at the Alpino High Protein Peanut Butter Oats from Livofy.

6. True Elements Steel Cut Oats

Steel-cut oats are one of the best for weight loss as they are a minimally processed type of oatmeal packed with dietary fibre. This fibre makes you feel fuller for longer periods, thus preventing overeating and unnecessary snacking. Steel-cut oats provide a gradual and sustained release of energy, which helps stabilise blood sugar levels, reducing cravings for high-calorie and sugary snacks.

On average, you might expect to pay approximately:

  • 500 grams pack: Around Rs 150 to Rs 250.
  • 1 kg pack: Approximately Rs 250 to Rs 400. Buy the True Elements Steel Cut Oats from Livofy.

7. Quaker Oats

Quaker has one of the best oats for weight loss as they have a good source of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, offering balanced nutrition during your weight loss journey. You can tailor Quaker Oats to your preferences by adding a variety of toppings like fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, and natural sweeteners, making your meals enjoyable and satisfying.

On average, you might expect to pay approximately:

  • 500 grams pack: Approximately Rs 50 to Rs 80.
  • 1 kg pack: Approximately Rs 100 to Rs 150.

8. Nutriorg Gluten-Free Rolled Oats

Nutriorg Gluten-Free Rolled Oats is good for weight loss as they are specifically designed for those with gluten sensitivities, offering a safe and healthy option for individuals who need to avoid gluten.

On average, you might expect to pay approximately:

  • 500 grams pack: Around Rs 150 to Rs 250.
  • 1 kg pack: Approximately Rs 300 to Rs 450.

9. Bagrry’s White Oats

Bagrry’s White Oats is good for weight loss as they provide a gradual and sustained release of energy due to their complex carbohydrates, helping stabilise blood sugar levels and reduce cravings for high-calorie, sugary snacks. Also, Bagrry’s White Oats are a good source of essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, ensuring you receive balanced nutrition during your weight loss journey.

On average, you might expect to pay approximately:

  • 500 grams pack: Around Rs 50 to Rs 80.
  • 1 kg pack: Approximately Rs 100 to Rs 150.

10. Raw Essentials Rolled Oats

Raw Essentials Rolled Oats are one of the best oats for weight loss as they are a low-calorie food, crucial for managing your daily calorie intake and creating a calorie deficit for weight loss. These oats provide sustained energy due to their complex carbohydrates, helping to stabilise blood sugar levels and reduce cravings for high-calorie, sugary snacks.

On average, you might expect to pay approximately:

  • 500-gram pack: Around Rs 100 to Rs 150.
  • 1 kg pack: Approximately Rs 180 to Rs 300

11. Disano Oats

Disano Oats is good for weight loss as it is rich in dietary fiber, particularly soluble fiber, which promotes feelings of fullness and reduces the likelihood of overeating or snacking between meals. The high fiber content in these oats helps control appetite, making it easier to adhere to your calorie goals and avoid unnecessary snacking.

On average, you might expect to pay approximately:

  • 500 grams pack: Around Rs 60 to Rs 100.
  • 1 kg pack: Approximately Rs 100 to Rs 180.

12. Essence Nutrition Rolled Oats

Essence Nutrition Rolled Oats are a wise weight-loss choice as they have high fiber content. Essence Nutrition Rolled Oats helps control appetite, making it easier to adhere to your calorie goals and avoid unnecessary snacking.

Benefits of Oats for Weight Loss

Oats are often considered one of the top weight loss foods due to their high fiber content and ability to promote satiety and healthy digestion. Here are some benefits for weight loss foods:

  1. Oats keep you feeling full.
  2. Oats help to regulate bowel movement
  3. Oats help to boost immune weight.
  4. Oats help to reduce weight as they have soluble fiber and high water content

1. Oats keep you feeling full

Oats is good for weight loss because of their known ability to keep you full, which is a crucial benefit for weight management and overall health. This feeling of fullness, or satiety, is achieved through several mechanisms:

  • High Fiber Content: Oats are a rich source of dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble. Fiber adds bulk to your diet without calories, making you feel physically complete. This feeling of fullness reduces the urge to consume more food.
  • Soluble Fiber: The soluble fiber in oats, known as beta-glucan, forms a gel-like substance in your stomach and small intestine. This gel slows down the emptying of the stomach, making you feel fuller for longer.
  • Suppressing Ghrelin: Oats may help regulate the hunger hormone ghrelin. The fiber and nutrients in oats can send signals to the brain to reduce ghrelin production, reducing feelings of hunger.

2. Oats help to regulate bowel movement

Oats are known for regulating bowel movements and promoting digestive health. Here’s how they contribute to this:

  • Relieves Constipation: The soluble fiber in oats, such as beta-glucan, forms a gel-like substance when combined with water. This gel softens the stool, making it easier to pass. It also adds moisture to the intestines, relieving constipation by facilitating smoother bowel movements.
  • Prevents Diarrhea: While oats can help with constipation, they can also be beneficial for diarrhoea. The soluble fiber in oats can absorb excess water in the intestines, firming up loose stools and relieving diarrhoea.
  • Promotes Gut Health: Oats are a prebiotic, nourishing, beneficial gut bacteria. A healthy gut microbiome is essential for proper digestion and regular bowel movements. This is why oats are considered as one of the
  • Balances Digestive Transit: The combination of insoluble and soluble fiber in oats contributes to a balanced digestive transit. Insoluble fiber adds bulk and speeds up transit time, while soluble fiber regulates water content in the stool; hence oats are good for weight loss.

3. Oats help to boost immune weight

Oats can indirectly support your immune system by providing essential nutrients and promoting overall health. While they may not directly boost the immune system, a healthy body is better equipped to defend against illnesses. Here’s how oats can play a role in immune support:

  • Nutrient Density: Oats are a good source of essential nutrients such as vitamins (like B vitamins) and minerals (like magnesium and zinc). These nutrients are crucial for the proper functioning of the immune system. For example, zinc is involved in immune cell function, and B vitamins play a role in immune responses.
  • Antioxidants: Oats contain antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory and anti-itching properties. Reducing inflammation in the body can help support the immune system, as chronic inflammation is associated with various health issues.
  • Energy Source: Oats are a complex carbohydrate and a good energy source. Maintaining adequate energy levels through a balanced diet is essential to support the body’s immune response.

4. Oats help to reduce weight as they have soluble fiber and high water content

Oats are good for weight loss due to their soluble fiber and high water content, among other reasons:

  • Soluble Fiber: Oats are rich in soluble fiber, particularly a type of fiber called beta-glucan. When combined with water in the digestive tract, soluble fiber forms a gel-like substance. This gel helps slow down digestion, leading to a feeling of fullness or satiety. As a result, you are less likely to feel hungry and are more inclined to eat fewer calories, aiding in weight loss.
  • Appetite Control: The gel formed by soluble fiber in oats slows digestion and promotes a feeling of fullness. This feeling of fullness helps control appetite and reduces the urge to snack or overeat.
  • Stabilizing Blood Sugar: Oats have a low glycemic index, which means they have a minimal impact on blood sugar levels. Stable blood sugar levels can reduce cravings for high-calorie, sugary foods, often associated with weight gain.
  • Low in Calories: Oats are a low-calorie food, making them an ideal choice for those aiming to control their calorie intake and create a calorie deficit essential for weight loss.

How to choose the right Oats for Weight Loss?

Choosing the best oats for weight loss involves considering several factors to ensure you get the most nutritious and satiating option.

1. Check the list of Ingredients

Checking the list of ingredients on oat packaging is crucial for selecting the best oats for weight loss. Here’s how you can make an informed choice by examining the ingredient list:

  • Minimal Ingredients: Look for oats with the fewest ingredients. Ideally, the list should contain only one ingredient: oats. Oats are good for weight loss when they don’t have a long list of additives, preservatives, or artificial ingredients added to them.
  • Whole Grains: Ensure that the ingredients specify “whole oats” or “whole grain oats.” This indicates that the product is made from the entire oat grain, including the bran and germ, providing more fiber and nutrients.
  • No Added Sugars: Check for added sugars like sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, or other sweeteners in the ingredient list. Oats should not have added sugars if you’re aiming for weight loss.
  • Low Sodium: Look for oats with little to no added salt (sodium) in the ingredient list. High sodium levels can lead to water retention and may not be conducive to weight loss.
  • Avoid Hydrogenated Oils: Check for the ingredients’ hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. These are sources of unhealthy trans fats and can increase calorie content.
  • Check for Whole Ingredients: If the oats are flavoured or include added ingredients, make sure those additional ingredients are whole and wholesome. For example, if you choose flavoured oats, check that the flavour comes from natural fruits or nuts rather than artificial additives.

2. Should have low sugar content.

Opting for oats with low sugar content is essential when choosing the best oats for weight loss. Here’s how you can make an informed choice by considering the sugar content:

  • Check the Nutrition Label: Look at the nutrition label on the oat packaging. Pay attention to the “Total Sugars” section, which specifies the amount of sugar in each serving. Choose oats with the lowest sugar content per serving.
  • Per Serving Information: Always note the serving size indicated on the nutrition label. Some oat products may have lower sugar content per serving, but if you consume more significant portions, the overall sugar intake will be higher.
  • Avoid Added Sugars: Check the ingredient list for added sugars or sweeteners. Common added sugars to watch out for include sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, and honey. Ideally, the ingredient list should not include added sugars.

3. Avoid Artificial flavors and additives

Avoiding artificial flavors and additives when selecting oats is an important step in choosing the best oats for weight loss. Here’s how you can make an informed choice by considering the absence of artificial flavours and additives:

  • Read the Ingredient List: Start by carefully reading the ingredient list on the oat packaging. Look for oats that have a straightforward list of ingredients. Ideally, the list should contain only one ingredient: “oats.”
  • Avoid Artificial Flavors: Ensure no artificial flavours are listed among the ingredients. Artificial flavours are often used to enhance the taste of processed foods, and their presence may indicate a less wholesome product.
  • Check for Natural Additions: If you’re choosing flavoured oats, check for the source of flavour. Natural ingredients like real fruits, nuts, or spices are preferable over artificial flavourings.
  • Beware of Preservatives: Artificial preservatives can be added to oats to extend their shelf life. While they are generally safe, choosing oats without artificial preservatives can align with a preference for minimally processed foods.

4. Choose 100% Natural Ingredients

Choosing oats with 100% natural ingredients is an excellent approach when selecting the best oats for weight loss. Here’s how you can make an informed choice by ensuring that the oats contain only natural ingredients:

  • Read the Ingredient List: Start by carefully reading the ingredient list on the oat packaging. Look for oats with a simple list of ingredients; ideally, the list should contain only one ingredient: “oats.”
  • Organic or Non-GMO: If you prefer organic or non-genetically modified (non-GMO) products, look for relevant certifications and labels on the oat packaging.
  • “No Additives” or “Clean Label” Products: Some oat products are marketed as “no additives” or “clean label.” These varieties are typically free from artificial ingredients. They are a good choice for those who prioritise natural and minimally processed options and are considered one of the best oats for weight loss.
  • Check for Whole Grains: Ensure that the ingredients specify “whole oats” or “whole grain oats.” This indicates that the product is made from the entire oat grain, including the bran and germ, providing more fiber and nutrients.

What is the best time to eat Oats for Weight Loss?

The best time to eat oats for weight loss can vary depending on your preferences and daily schedule. Oats are a versatile and nutritious food that can be enjoyed at various times of the day. Here are some options:

  1. Breakfast: Many people prefer to have oats for breakfast. It provides a healthy and satisfying start to the day. You can prepare oatmeal, overnight oats, or oat-based smoothies for a filling morning meal. Oats can help keep you full and energized throughout the morning, reducing the likelihood of snacking on high-calorie foods.
  2. Before or After Exercise: Oats are an excellent choice for a pre-workout or post-workout meal. Their complex carbohydrates provide a slow-release source of energy, which can help fuel your workout and aid in recovery.
  3. Dinner: Some people like to have oats as part of their dinner, especially if they prefer a lighter evening meal. Oats are a good source of dietary fiber, which can aid digestion and prevent late-night cravings.

Ultimately, the best time to eat oats for weight loss is when it fits into your daily routine and helps you maintain a balanced diet with controlled portion sizes.


1. Which type of oats is best for weight loss?

Steel-cut oats are the best oats for weight loss. They are minimally processed, retaining more fiber and nutrients. The high fiber content promotes fullness, aids in appetite control, and helps stabilise blood sugar levels, making them an ideal choice for weight management.

2. Should I include oats in my diet to lose weight?

Yes, including oats is good for weight loss. Oats are fiber-rich and keep you full, helping control your appetite. They also provide steady energy, stabilise blood sugar levels, and are a low-calorie, nutritious food. As part of a balanced diet, oats are good for weight loss.

3. Do Oats help to reduce Belly Fat?

Oats can help in reducing belly fat as part of a calorie-controlled diet as their high fiber content promotes fullness, helping control overall calorie intake. They are also rich in protein which promotes resting metabolism that helps in burning belly fat even when teh body is at rest.

4. Are Milk Oats Good for Weight Loss?

Milk oats is good for weight loss as they are high in fiber which provides satiety and promotes appetite control. They are a nutritious and filling meal that supports weight loss goals by helping manage overall calorie intake.

5. Should I eat Oats for dinner for Weight Loss?

Yes, you can eat oats for dinner for weight loss. A light dinner of oats can help control late-night cravings and prevent overeating. However, ensure your feed is balanced and calorie-appropriate for your daily intake.

6. How to use Oats for Weight Loss?

To use oats for weight loss, incorporate them into your diet sensibly. Enjoy oatmeal, overnight oats, or oat-based smoothies for breakfast. Snack on oat bars or use oats in baking.

7. Is it okay to eat oats everyday for weight loss?

Yes, it is okay to eat oats for weight loss everyday as there are numerous health benefits of oats, including their ability to help with weight loss, control blood sugar levels, and lower cardiac disease risk.

8. Can I eat oats to lose belly fat?

Yes, incorporating oats into your diet, such as consuming oats water, can aid in effectively losing belly fat. Oats water is particularly beneficial as it’s rich in fiber, promoting satiety and reducing appetite, leading to weight loss and reducing belly fat.

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List of Best Oats for Weight Loss in India - 2024 | Livofy (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.