Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

-L 1. THE MARION DAILY CHRONICLE, TUESDAY; APRIL 17, 1906 PAGE THRER- Summer Outings Yellowstone Park 7 The finest place in America fur a vacation of a week, a month, or.t the season." Low. Round Trip Rates Plan summer. journey now. In Yellowstone Park.

you may enjoy the nest coaching trip-in America; the natural phenomena; 8 glorious mountain summer climajestic scenery of the a Rockies; the study of wonderful mate; a view of the magnificent Grand Canyon these are tow things; others are described in Vonderland 1906 sent for pix Or, if for SIXTY DOLLARS (From Chicago $75 Round Trip) you can enjoy a round trip from St. Paul and Minne apolis through the heart of the Great Northwest--across two indountain chains to Puget Sound- "Mediterranean of America and Yellowstone Park as 8 side trip en route, going via the A AL ONE OARS Gardiner Gateway The Official Entrance and the Northern Pacific Railway Summer- For' full information write Excursion Rates -C District 42 Jackson Place, Liberal- Stopovera. Indianapolis, A. M. CLELAND, General Passenger Agent, St.

Paul, Minn. 20G ANTHONY HOPE'S NEW STORY "Sophy of Kravonia," Said to Be More Thrilling than' "'The Prisoner or Zenda," to' Appear Serially. Good news for lovers of- stirring romance! Hope has written a new story in the style of "The Prisoner of Zenda," and even sur-passing it in interest. It is: called "Sophy of- Kravonia," and is to appear exclusively in the Sunday Magazine of the Chicago Record-Herald beginning April 22. The mysterious -country of Tonia lies in the same romantic rerion of- southern Europe as Zenda, the new story has no connection with that of the famous Rudolph Rassendyll.

Its central figure is a still courageous more- and Interesting beautiful. herolne, a who rises from lowly life to the throne. Sophy. de Gruche 1g her name, and loves the brave but unfortunate Sergius, as. she proves in a series of the most exciting events in modern fiction.

Her trials and triumphs. due to the existence of two in the One is loyal to the true heir apparent, Prince Sergius, and: the otherg seek to upon the throne the little son of Countess El-lenburg, tho king's morganatic wife. conspiracy leads many dramatic one of the most thrillIng being that in which the old king discovers the guilt of the countess and drops dead at a moment when. things are in a perilous. condition for Sergius and big How Sophy comes out of this turmoil of intrigue, battel, tears -and -oy, Anthonjy Hope reveals in his own style.

The Arst Installment: of "Sophy of Kravonla" will appear April 22. On account of the great demand for this fascinating story it will be wise to order copy of The Sunday Record-Herald well In A IF YOU PAY ON IMPROVEMENTS -GO TO CITY BUILDING City Treasurer Ryckman. was discussing yesterday the fact that -the time for the payment of taxeg was rapidly: -drawing to a close- and -said that he was afraid that some people would be confused by the fact that the regular city taxes were paid at the count treasurer's office neglect to pay. their street, sewer and alley Some people go to the office of the county treasurer and ask to pay their taxes and knowing that there was a change and -seeing that-the amount was much larger than it was the year before, take it for granted that all their taxes are -Only yesterday two men who thought that they did not have to pay any taxes at the city building dropped into the place on other business and before they left they ascertained that there were street and sewer assessments against them. If you pay on any streets or alleys or sower Improvement, go to the city building and poy your assessment, for It is there on the books against you.

Three Candidates." The county board of. education will hold its regular meeting. in the county superintendent's the first Monday in May. At this meeting a truant officer will be elected. There are three candidates for the far.

Anto Accident. Millville, N. April automobile accident 18 just reported as happening "last night. Robert a Philadelphia lawyer, was killed and five others were injured. BURIAL POSTPONED HOPE FOR NEW LIFE Parents of Boy Killed at Bluffton Say He Will Live Again.

Ind. April 17- -The parents of William Whittridge, the 6-year-old boy who died from Injurles received last Saturday under a Leaf. train, declare that their son will be brought to. life and they; have postponed the burial, which was to -have been held Monday. family have a peculiar creed, which they base- on -extracts taken from the -Bible, and they- -believe that it they have strong enough faith that they will never die.

extract quoted is as follows: "Whosoever believeth. on shall not perish; but- shall: have everlasting life, yea, even though -he -were dead shall he live again." Relying on this text and others of. similar nature the parents and relatives, who were called from De-catur-and-other-cities, cities, are trying-by prayers and the exercise of faith to bring the boy back to life, and at one time this afternoon part of them belleved that the: prayers were be- jing answered and that signs of returning were visible. Outside Aid Promised! -The family hus finally is not decided, quite however, their faith to accomplish the miracle; 60 they have communicated by wire with a Rev. Deems, -living in Kansas, a man who.

has a belief similar to own, and. he has promised tu-intercede for them for the restoration of the told them that if they had power to raise the dead the boy would be raised, and they are now trying to exercise: more falth. The father of dead -boy 19 quoted having said that- it. physicians had not been called that he belleved he could have cured the boy himself. by faith.

Neighbors say; however, that: tie was anxious to have a doctor Saturday, although his wite said. a physician was necessary. The time for the -funeral has notbeen PENNSYLVANIA ASKED TO RAISE ITS- BRIDGE Place, The Pennsylvania. railroad company more than three feet lower at the ends will be- notifed: to at once -raise its I than'is the newly constructed C. C.

temporary bridge at Western avenue L. bridge. With this difference in the to conform with. the C. C.

L. bridge heights of the bridges no relief is now being -constructed at that cross- given except to pedestrians. The board ing. It 1s said that the Pennsylvania of works this-morning instructed the rallroad company did not. erect the clerk to notify the Pennsylvania railtemporary structure according to the road to at once raise its bridge so that plans submitted the city engineer it- connects with that erected by.

the and because of this fact its bridge is C. C. L. will or-. MINE WORKERS COMMITTEE TO ACT TODAY Indianapolis, April' executive board of the United Mine Workers of America: is.

holding a meeting today to decide the: acceptance or of the offer of the West. Virginia operators, who offer -compromise to pay 3 per cent increase in. wages. Other: 1m- portant matters. are also up for consideration.

SOCIALIST MEEFINGS ARE WELL ATTENDED trustees of the Spencer Avenue U. B. chapel will not clalists to. meet In. the church Wednesday evening as has been advertised.

The socialists held a meeting in the church last evening. I -but it was only through a misunderstandIng that they were permitted to do "So. The trustees had not Inquired into the character of the meeting end supposed. that it was to be a religious. Trey did 7 not know that the meeting as to be held under the auspices of the cialists and that a political speech was to be made -Sald one- of -the trustees today: "We will not knowingly permit any political- meetings in the chapel.

We did not know that the meeting last evening was to be: of a political character until yesterday afternoon when bills were scattered. We. will not allow. a political mneeting to be -there Wednesday The meeting was addressed by Gertrude B. Hunt, a woman She spoke on the subiect: "Poverty, Its Cause and Cure." Mira.

Hunt is daughter of James C. traveler, warent and war. artist, who is now on the staff of the New York Tribune. Sho will -speak -this evening at Dig. nal's -Stern-Lelian.

The wedding of Miss Asia Stern of Marion and Joseph Lelan o' fPeru will be solemnized: Wednesdny mcrning- at -priset's residence. Immediately after the ceremony the the groom has a home for his bride. They to their many friends Leaves Rolla J. Rockafellar. Thursday morning to accept a- position funeral- directors.

afellar is thoroughly the position of funeral we congratulate the fortunate as services.Six days, ten 'cents- In readiness: will be at h'ome there. bridal -couple will go to the home. of the bride. on: South Gallatin street given and breakfast- served. About--forty--invitations have, been issued to relatives of the bride and groom.

Stern 19 a graduate of the Marion high schonl and is well- -known here where she has many friends. Mr. an off worker -and Peru. The young couple will leave on noon -train for Peru where. left last for" Marion: with Diggs Mr8.

Rockqualified to All direcior and firm which has secure his Democrat. The Chronicle. GORKY SAYS HIS MAIL HAS BEEN KEPT FROM HIM New York, April 17-Since the expose of his living with a Russian actpress, Maxini. Gorky's mill has dwindled from three hundred letters dally to a Chalf-dozen. These latter are from wild socialists, who commend him.

Formerly he. got letters from scores of prominent people. Gorky, however, declares that Russtan secret service agents are holding up his mail. This theory Is. laughed because it is Impossible.

FINDS NOTED -OLD TEMPLE Athens, April Bosanquet, director of tho British school of archaeology at. Athens, Monday announced that he has discovered on the the River Eurotas nearest to The site of the ancient city of Sparta the temple- -of mis, with a profusion of statuettes, gold, silver and. dvory ornaments and- other relies Dr. Bosanquet Arst. communicated his discovery to King Edward, who, with Queen Alexandra, will arrive here fomorrow.

The Jong tolegiaphed his congratulations. The temple of Artemis (Diana of the Ephesians) was founded don years before toe Christian era, In Ephesus, and was rebuilt 800. years later. The temple was Ionic, octastyle, with twenty-one one colon the flanks, and measured 104 by 342 feet The base oter of the -columns was six feet; their height fifty five fret. The base.

drums of thirty six coliunns of the front- and rear were beautifully sculptured: with. figures in relief; The cella had ranges of umne, Tonic in the lower tier and Corinthian above: TILLMAN WANTS ALL THE NATIONAL BANKS INSPECTED Rae Vashington, Aprit-17- The senate today listened to a remarkable speech by- in -which the inveighed against the alleged corrupt practices of all national banks. He urged the adoption of a resolution callan investigation to see it -the banks have been contributing the carpaign funds. I PRESIDENT: SENDS. SPECIAL MESSAGE McKae Telegram.

Washington. April a special message to congress this afternoon the president advocated the adoption of insurance laws for the District ('o) jim bra In Accord with suggestions made by. the meeting of insurance commisI sioners at. Chicago recently. better the grade, the more satis factory is tone.

We call your atIt will beautity your home and delight! easy payments. Wallace Music Co. A. BARLEY CO. The Big Store GREATER GREATEST DEPARTMENT- STORE Beautiful sheer woolen stuffs, and silks Marion's most- The great silk popular store of -Dress Goods Store Northern Indiana" THE of old POPULAR rose, Alice and blue, much reseda wanted green sheer and pearl woolen grays goods are here in at the yard.

season's predominating, shades $1 up We white are figures- showing a white great ground stock of with fancy tiny Jap colored Silky; rosebud embracing design; plain and a white ground grounds fu with dainty blues dots--sky blue: ground with. small. rings of dots In black, and for the I elderly wowam a subdued gray and white mixed confusion -of- pin- point black dote Intermingled with small oblong all the wot magnifceut showing of the season- priced at yard 50c 65c N. B. Special offer of Italian Taffeta, 19-in wide, fo reseda green, cardinal, tan; red, changeable, green two tone, green aud gray changeable, pougee, worth 75c- on sale at yurd 49c Exquiste tub materials for your liking OUR BUYER exhibited for such this an department immense has outdone hiniself this season, for never heretofore have stock, permitting of such diversity of pattern effects and -color blendings as does our present superb showing and, at as reasonably low figures, quality and richness considered.

Damask Linen Finish Suitings, 27 inch wide; light blue, cadet blue, gray, tan, black and at. white, fast special color; fine for 'wash suits, worth yard 62c German cadot Linen Finish Sultings, '32 shirtwaist In. wide; plain colors of green, light Dundeo Sultings, 27 In. wide. in small checks with 19e; blue, this week at for suits; worth- 10c dots, in red; blue, green, tan und browu, at yd embroidered 15c -Fine-Batistes, colors--an exceptionally good and Natural Linen Suitings, all puro linen, at 350, 32-in.

wide, all 10c 20c value at yd only grAy, Colored navy Linen and. Suitings In light -blue, blue mixed, natural brown, Arnold's fine Dimities, light grounds with dainty figures- 12 1-2c rod; ut yd. 25c splendid value at yd only Printed Silk light grounda, -In beautiful range of patArnoid's Holly Batistes, light grounds in wide profusion 12.1-2c. Terns, at yu only 25c Fine Mercerized Mohair Plain Sultings in- blue, red, tan and in. wide a Ane morcorized fabric, all colors 15c at yd only gray mixtures, 35c -Jato Ponged, 27.

-excellent value at yd. Keppo Silk. 27 In. wide, a very choice sill wary fabric In Arnold's only Organdies- in beautiful checked patterns and colors, 15c white, shades, at black- only. light blue, navy, light green and mucdium 40c1 at ya Egyptian, Silk, 27 hi.

wide, a very tho mercerized fast color fabrio, Batiste din blue, green, tan, brown and gray in stripes 15c fine. for waists, sulta or skirts, all colora, and checks, at yd SWEETSER A number of young ladies will or-. gauize a club to- meet and will be known as the Pleasure and; Proft club. The following young ladies will compose the club: Misses Hazel Stevens, Marguerite Williamson, Veach, Marjorie Lillian Malott, Jester, Mary Elsie McGraw, Masterson Hazel and Clorecia McGraw. Mrs.

Harter to Marion to spend a few days with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lanford Achor and son. of Converse took dinner with Mrs.

Emily Achor Sunday. Mrs. of -Tokio, will arrive in a few days to visit her parents, Mr. and -MrS. Alfred Stevens.

Mrs. W. Hatcher. left Saturday night for Sedalia, called to the bedside of her father, Garrison DawSOD. Mr.

Dawson is very old and can not see. He was robbed and his clothIng fire. The robbers then fled. He screamed and negroes who were passing He -was taken to a hospital at Sedalia. Mrs.

Hatcher will remain until he is able to come back with her. and -Ruth Stutesmanhave returned to their Lafontaine after a several days' visit with Mrs. Eva Vardaman. Frank Goens of Michigan, who- has been visiting in the vicinity, has returned homie.Mrs. Rebecca.

J. Trego, national W. O. T. U.

evangelist from Cleveland, lectured at the M. E. church- Friday evening. The subject was "Sowing and Reaping, or Sense and Nonsense." Owing to the rainy night the house was not filled, but her talk -very much applauded. appreciated and was hearthMiss Pearl home from a visit with Mrs.

Cora Owings of Marion. Ross Wintrow Converse called on friends here Saturday evening. -Miss Zora Small entertained at dinner Sunday Miss Cleo Lake, Messrs. Earl Props and Roger Lake. The Odd Fellows gave Walter Cain the initiatory degree, Will Gillenwater, Harry Blackman and George Baum the first degree, Saturday night.

After the work was over refreshments were seryed. Mr. and Mrg, Seaph Ancil and children of near Swayzee took dinner with Jasper Spencer and family. Word has been received here that Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Daniels of North Marion were the proud baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. just recently moxed to Marion and opened. 2.

drug store. His many friends are waiting for a box of cigarg to arrive. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Luster entertained at- dinner Sunday Mr.

and Mrs. Piper and son Everett, Misses Ida and Nora Luster. Ollie Futrell and Bert Futrell are home a visit with friends at Indianapolis. potom Miss Marie Shockey pleasantly entertained a number of young ladies at her home east of town Thursday evening. The evening was spent in music and games.

Miss Nellie Patterson won first prize, a beautiful vase, in a guessing contest of advertisem*nts. Miss Bertha Shockey won. first. prize, a match safe, in an old maid's contest. A dainty lunch was served.

Those were so royally entertained were Misses Minnie Harreld, Mary Farthing. Della Rehard, Nellie Patterson: Bertha Shockey, Florinda Harreld, Lizzie Goff, Anna Bechtel and Bertha Shockey. Mrs. George- Williamson and: daughter Marguerite are home after a short visit with the former's, sister, Mrs. Della Hendricks, of Fox.

ing Sunday. was furnished on O. Sisson, had his Easter openthe piano and violin. A souvenir was each one, and Mrs. Jack Pratt and som Everett of Marion spent Sunday with Burr Lloyd and Miss Flora Livengood of Marion was the guest of Mrs.

Minnie' Williamson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Miller and children were the guests of Ed Pickering and. family Sunday.

Pianos Sdeak for tention to our high grade your friends. Come in and 211, Washington North of ED 'CONNELL DID NOT APPEAR AT FAIRMOUNT Was at Delphi and Missed Train Back Into 1th District. The postotice situation at Pairmount remains unchanged. terpotentiary; Ed McConnell did not arrive at this morning Ag scheduled and will not arrive until tomorrow. It understood that Connell was at.

Delphi and missed the train back Into the Eleventh district; The crowd that was getting ready-to march to land rallroad to welcome McConnell digversed and will wait impatiently until tomorrow. Jep. Wilson, claimof by big friends, is the logical candidate for. the place, Messrs. Jones and Chamin having resigned from the hty favor; C.

byons in Falrmount yesterday and some of Wilson's friends clalined that he was seeking support among the citof the place. Editor Baldwin Is saying nothing and sawing wood. Eight of the ninet of Fairmount, 13 claimed by have endorsed -him for the Baldwin 19 d. committeeman from Fairmount township and It. saluT that hw in the one that has not dorsed REV.

BEST HAS RETURNED Tosouh E. Best of the Soldiers Home returned yesterday from visit with his son. Gorden -S. Best, at the 0. S.

And. S. 0. Hone at -Xenia, O. visited- who reared hfu from infancy.

Mr. Harmon is now seventy-seven years of uge and is gertously with Mr. expects any time. When but two months old Mr. Best a inother died, and he was then taken by Mr.

Harmon and -reared to manhood. -Profanity Is Joe Kincan waN tried in Squire Holman' court last night 011 charge, of profanity: brought by Rosy. After hearing the evidence the squire took the caso under-advisem*nt. TRY CHRONICLE WANT ADA. The Ebersole Piano rare, sweet tone and rich case hone COME IN WASHINGTON NORTH OF PUBLIC SQUARE' MARKET OWN AND CONTROL -REPORTS OVER 16,000 ACRES Indianapolis, April CATTLE duo heavy Fair to medium Voulg Best heavy and mixed Bulk of sules Pigs Lambs Chicago -Chicago, April Butter EggsTurkeys; Chicago, April 17 Cattle, range from range from Sheep, range from Lambs, range from Chicago Chicago, April 177 Wheat Corn Oats Einst Buffalo, April Cattle, range from Toga, range from Sheep, range from Lambs, range from Pittsburg Pittsburg.

April 17. Cattle, range from sheep. from range trout SOCAL 120 Country Butter Goes 7c. FowlsCountry Chickens Cloversced, cash, Rye, Corn. white Hogs, Sheep- 50.

Beef hides ON Tinna. Second New' CastleCanada Carbel Corning North Itina South Lima Indiana Attracts music the designs makes AND INSPECT WALLACE $5.0005.70 $4.00008.00 $6.75 0.80 $6.00 11 6.80 $6.6006.80 $2.50104.75 $4.60 fi 0.76 Produce, nicestock. 4 6.20 $5.90 6.82½ $4.40 0 0.80 $3.96 0.70 Grain, el livestock. 17. $3.00005.76 $4.00 $5.200 00.25 of wild lands together with with several improved farms which I can sell at very sonable prices on easy terms at low Interest.

In the seven years I have been selling farms and farming lands have benefited the conditions of many men, enabling them to buy Instead of rent land, In short, to and their. own independence. The consciousness I Jam- my is oua of the most gratifying features of my business, The opportunities coffered at the present time are exceptionally good, because I am selling these lands at the same prices placed on them last your. (Prices will The of- my and unvarying soon advance, account as they rightly. lute S.

S. THORPE. should, on of the 1m- proyements going on In area. Rollable and comprehensive Information 18 given in my illustrated litand -map will pond you free on -your -request. Now is the time to: buy, Write today, Address, SAMUEL THORPE, livestock.

Suite 2, Webber -Me Mullen Bldg $5.0001.00 P. .60 $4.7544 90 Corecana light 89 0 6,50 Ragland GU MARKETS. heavy to Wed. A marriage ltronso was this afternoon to Robert V. Ross, aged 21, Aluncto, and- May- Young, aged 18 $0.00.

A TOW for boing placed Oli the market: it can: be hardened by a ture and allowing it to cool in the air. Tools made; out of -this stool do not become adfe through growing hit while being $1.71 1.61 1.38 1.2 1.13 :97 .91 .91 In these adulterated foods even the tempting cake not To what it AK was recently the analysia of the products of a. firm which advertised the purity of: 104 preparations, may be, like the obelisk in Contrat Park, pa possibly as a protection against the gastric of a stomach. New York Tribune, to An advertise ought reap. more from a plainly than he.

can nover hope to reap from. a mere picture M. Shirley. Swift ('o. -attention Its Do You Want an it an elegant With a marvelously sweet tone? THEM.

at our high grade EBERSOLE. MUSIC CO. easy payments. 211 STREET WASHINGTON DUDE DAILY REPORT. Real FURNISHED 40 Abstracters Mortgage Leapi? Bloom to J.

M. Jones, lot 210 R. E. 1st $200. S.

J. Gabriel to C. Dreltzler, lot 9 In Robt. Overman's $1,000. T.

Jr. Detamore 1o-I. E. Kibbey, lot 111 fu Balley and Kariden's add, -and get -your Mortise -Exemptions Having the only Abstract Records Graut county and keeping the new 1n- posted up when fled enables us to continue abstracts very promoth and with greater accuracy. Deeds and Mortgages made.

7 Money to loan on long time and See GRANT COUNTY CRABSTRACT REOC COURT. HoUsE: 1: Themselves EBERSOLE PIANO. hear it. Sold on Public Square Artistic Piano If you do, come in andlook It will delight you. Sold on Wallace Music Co: CAP.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

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Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.