Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

Residence Scene of Meet For Back Creek Members of the Back Creek Women's Christian Temperance Union met recently at the home Rev. and Mrs. Vernon Riley. Mrs. Della Kirkpatrick, dent, was in charge of the business meeting and Rev.

Riley gave the opening prayer, after which group singing was conducted. Ruth Eastburn was in charge of devotions. Minutes of the November meeting were read by the secreMary Hoppes, and the ribbon recruit service was conducted by Jessie Smith, who tied the ribbon on Trudi Lee Adams and Joe Andy Young. After a prayer by Ida Allen the group sang "Precious Christmas poem was read by Elsie Kirkpatrick and Christmas carols were led by Aldine Riley with Lucille Baldwin at the piano. Ruth Peaco*ck was in charge of the benediction and Mary Hoppes read the sermon of the month from the Christian Herald.

Members attending were Elsie Kirkpatrick, Della Kirkpatrick, Ida Allen, Mary Hoppes, Louise Elliott, Bertie Spangler, Jessie Smith, Vera Ruth Smith and son, Ruth Eastburn, Pauline Jackson and Lucille Baldwin. Guests attending were Ruth, Peaco*ck and great-grandson, Maxine. Blake and daughter, Bernadine Kinda Adams and daughter, and Ann and son. Meeting Planned Mrs. Coan Cain will be hostess to the Mount Olive Women's Society.

of Wednesday Christian at Service her at home. 1:30 The lesson on the Virgin Islands will be given by Mrs. William Shook. A. Christmas gift exchange will be featured during the social hour.

Mrs. Roy Rich-mond, president, has asked all members to be present. Pollyanna Club. Has Meet At Felton Home ton. Session Set Mrs.

Olga Felton entertained members of the Pollyanna club Wednesday night at her home in Hackleman. Mrs. George Ackley. conducted the business. session and plans were made for the Christmas party and exchange to be held Dec.

15 at her home on Lincoln boulevard. Contests were featured and prizes awarded Mrs. James Leech, Mrs. Lester Baker and Mrs. Everett Long.

Those present were Mrs. Albert Canten, Mrs. George Klein, Mrs. Long, Mrs. Ackley, Mrs.

Baker, Mrs. Leech and Mrs. Fel- Woman's Missionary society of the Second Salem Baptist church will meet Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Clay Eviston. Mrs.

William Thorne and Mrs. Ben Thorne will be assistants. Mrs. William Taylor will give devotions and Mrs. Walter Naugle will be in charge of the program.

Gifts will be exchanged. Club Plans Christmas, of party the will I. T. be club held Wednesday at the Davis party house. Luncheon will be held at 12:30 p.

m. Mrs. Larma Pearson and Mrs. Joel Overman will be the hostesses. Following the luncheon members will go to the of Pearson, South Adams street, for program and gift exchange.

Dinner Scheduled Members of the Loyal Chrisp. m. dinner Wednesday at the tian Workers class of Central Christian church el will hold a 6 home of Mrs. Homer Clupper, 3613 South Selby street: Circle Plans Meet Members I. circle will hold a at 6:30 p.

m. Wednesday home of Mrs. Leslie Stone, 204 South Race street. "Model" Gift Suggestions FOR BROTHER and SISTER 2 to 6 Years DRAPES OF CIRCUS PRINTS Very Clever Place Your Order Now MODEL VENETIAN BLIND CO. 104 South Washington Phone 5526 on HERE COMES ARISTMAS Here You Come in a your Franklin dress splashed with holiday spirit.

Gay poppies accent the silhouette with its side cascade. In wonderful Canton Crepe. Emerald green, steel grey, black, or navy. 10-20. the In the Spencer Hotel Joint Meeting Has Installation Of New Officers The Elizabeth circle was hostess to members of the Afternoon circle of the Central Christian church at 8 joint meeting recently at the church.

Mrs. Fred Sharon served as installing officer for the following officers of the Woman's Council: Mrs. Anna Graves, president; Mrs. Audra Thompson, vice-president; Mrs. Hazel Jacobs, treasurer; Sarah Joy, secretary, and Mrs.

Lova Clupper, literature chairman. Mrs. Agnes Nutter, leader of the Elizabeth circle, and Gertrude Ring, leader of the Afternoon unit, gave reports. Speaker for the session was Miss Edith Eberle. Later tea was served to the members and guests.

Those attending were Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Johnson, Miss Edith Eberle, Mrs.

Frel Sharon, Rev. and Mrs. Ray Lawrence and daughter, Tanna Rae; Mrs. Graves, Mrs. Audra Tompson, Mrs.

Hazel Jacobs, Homer Clupper, Sarah Joy, Mrs. Walter Murphy, Mrs. Jerry Johnson, Mrs. Harold Price, Mrs. Glen McGraw, Mrs.

Ruth, Albright, Mrs. Minnie Wiley, Evart Ring, Mrs. Harry Fixel, Mrs. Paul Newsom, George Ellison, Miss Glen Harter, Mrs. Gerald Bonham, Mrs.

Fred Meredith, Mrs. Clarence Bruner, Mrs, Overman, Mrs. Brewer, Mrs. John Ickes, Mrs. Merrill Talbott, Mrs.

Ernest Goodwin, Mrs. Artie Lines, Mrs. Velma Hewitt, Miss Orpha Lines, Mrs. Will Alters, Mrs. Ruth Isenbarger, Mrs.

Charles Simmons, Everett Nutter, Mrs. Waldo Hawkins, Mrs. Maurice Tilbury, Mrs. Otis Dowling and. Mrs.

Laura Russell. Delphians To Meet Marion Delphian chapter will meet at 9:30 a. m. Thursday at the home of Mrs. Harry L.

Beshore. 503 Spencer avenue. Mrs. Ralph Roessler will be the leader. Hartford City Hartford City, Dec.

Everhart, 86, retired contractor, died today at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Dan Long, a brief illness. Survivors are two other daughters, Mrs. Samuel Martin, this city, Mrs. Margaret Finch, three stepsons, John, Elmer and Supinger, Muncie; one stepdaughter, Mrs.

Sedalia Sthrome, Muncie; brothers, Jess and Lew Everhart, Dayton, 17 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren. The body was removed to 501 West Washington street where funeral services have ly been set for Wednesday afternoon. Burial will be in Elm Ridge cemetery, Muncie. Funeral services for John Christian Weschke, 80, will be conducted at 2 p. m.

Tuesday at the Zion Lutheran church by the Rev. Frank Dell, and interment will be in IOOF cemetery. He died at his home Sunday after a long illness. Survivors include the widow, two daughters, Mrs. Walter Lynch, Jonesboro, and Mrs.

Arthur Godfrey, near Hartford City. In ill health for several months, Mrs. Mary Matilda Blakely, 73, widow of Clem R. Blakely, died Sunday. Funeral services will be conducted 1:30 p.

m. Thursday at the Grant Street Methodist church, and burial will be near Portland. Six children survive. They are: Mrs. Albert Schocke, Pasadena, Mrs.

Daniel Storer, Gaston, Mrs. Charles Kerby, Montpelier, Mrs. Floyd Booker, Lawton, Dorsey- Blakley, this city, William Blakley, Dunkirk. In addition there are two sisters, Mrs. Blakely, Muncie, and Mrs.

Catherine Stewart, Dunkirk. Funeral services will bet held at Eaton, Tuesday, for Omer C. Morris, 67, father of Mrs. Harold Stump, city. Miss Berniece Louise Stillwell, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. George Dardene, and Dale Lee Julian, this city, son of John T. Julian, Covington, were married at 4 p. m. Saturday at the home of the bridegroom's sister, Mrs.

Paul O. Jackson. The Rev. George Kellogg officiated. The Rev.

Benjamin Kell officiated at the ceremony, Sunday, which united in marriage, Miss' Catherine Townsend, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Townsend, and Franklin R.

Hopkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fleming R. Hopkins. The wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents.

HURT IN CRASH Plymouth, Dec. 6. Raymond Oglesby, 36, and his 32-year-old wife, both of Indianapolis, and John Leventhal, 19, a Purdue University student, were reported recovering in a South Bend hospital today from injuries suffered Sunday in 8 plane crash near Argos. SINCE THEY WERE BABIESTHE QUINTUPLETS always used this for coughs of' CHEST COLDS The Quintuplets have always relied on Musterole to relieve coughs, sore throat and aching muscles of No other rub at any price gives faster relief! Musterole also helps break up painful local congestion. In three strengths: Child's Mild Musterole, Regular and Strong for grown-ups.

Buy it today! MUSTEROLE: Anin Club Members Set January Meeting Here Annual Christmas party of the Anin club was held Friday at the home of Mrs. Chalmer Weesner, 2035 South Race street. Assistant 'hostesses were Mrs. Chester Lloyd, Mrs. Ruth Ellen Steven and Fern Duncan: Gift exchange was held at secret pal names were disclosed.

Contest winners were Mrs. Fanny Sage, Mrs. Lela Shugart and Mrs. Nine Powers. Mrs.

Weesner, vice-president, was in charge of the business meeting. Next meeting of the group will be held at the Knights of Pythias hall, Jan. 7 at 6:30 p. m. when the annual election of offcers has been scheduled.

Personals Mr. and Mrs. Phaney P. Strange have returned to their home in Arlington, after visiting Mrs. Roseanna Ryter, 3635 Race street.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pugh, and Mrs. Earl Swisher, City, spent Sunday night at Angola where they attended the presentation of Messiah" by the combined choirs of Angola churches and the American Male Chorus. James Pugh, sang the contralto solo in the presentation.

Mrs. Walter Bish spent the weekend in Indianapolis with her daughter, Miss Margaret Bish. She attended the Sonja Henie ice revue Friday night. Mrs. J.

M. Veach spent weekend Indianapolis as the guest of her son and daughterin-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. L.

Veach. Mrs. Jennie, Hicks, 4406 South Wigger street, is reported in critical condition at Marion General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs.

William Seifert and daughter, Janie, Bremen, are visiting Mrs. Seifert's mother, Mrs. Dahl. Curfman, 211 West Thirty-eighth street. Mr.

Seifert is attending the national sales convention of the Lindley Box and Paper here. Mrs. Bess Reiter is reported ill at her -home, 405 Iroquois building. Mr. and Mrs.

Shanahan and son, Leslie, Paul Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Shanahan, Seven Gables apartments, have returned to their homes after a weekend visit in Canton, O.

While in Canton they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Shanahan and family. Louis Shanahan) is the brother Lyman Shanahan.

Dinner Scheduled Pleasant Township Home Economics club members will hold potluck Christmas dinner noon Dec. 17 at the home of Mrs. Ila Lake. Gifts will be exchanged by secret pals. Mrs.

William Shook, president, will conduct the brief business session. Members have been asked to take a dish of food and table service. Schedule Meet Members of the Martha Circle of the First Christian Church Woman's Council will meet 2 p. m. Friday at the home Mrs.

Velma Wiley, 223 North street. Miss Estella Brown, circle leader, announced contributions to the leper colony will be accepted at the session. The meeting will be the regular Christmas session of the group. Society Plans Meet Women's Society of Christian Service of the Trinity church will meet at 7:30 Wednesday in the church basem*nt. 'A twenty-five cent gift exchange will be held.

Mrs. Harold Schramm will conduct the lesson on "The Bible Woman Is Mary, Mother of Jesus." Mrs. Rowena Blinn will be hostess. Session Scheduled Friendly Neighbors club of Jalapa will meet at 1:30 p. m.

today at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Lawson, Jalapa. Roll call response will be "What I Want for Christmas." Mrs. Albert Chenoweth will be in charge of entertainment. WITH THIS ASPIRIN First TABLET YOUR MADE JUST FOR So easy to give accurate dosage the ST.

JOSEPH 5-grain adult tablets. ASPIRIN No breaking tab- FOR CHILDREN lets. Orange flavored. Potluck Dinner Features Home Economics Meet A potluck dinner was served at the meeting of the Jackson Township Home Economics club held Thursday at the home of Mrs. C.

C. Kettner. Following the dinner officers were installed for the new. year. They are Mrs.

Galen Shutz, president; Mrs. Claudine Stroup, vice president; Mrs. Wanda Campbell, secretary treasurer, and Mrs. Glen Lee and Mrs. Cora Campbell, project leaders.

Gifts exchanged by Mrs. Berlie "Banter and daughter; Mrs. Cora Campbell, Mrs. Wanda Campbell, Mrs. Delphia Kelander, Mrs.

Ruey Leas, Mrs. Effie Lee, Mrs. Glen Lee, Mrs. Nellie Lightle and son; Mrs. Evelyn and daughters; Mrs.

Ethel Blinn, Leota Slusher, Mrs. Stroup, Sallie Mrs. "Riggs. Claudine Mrs. Stroup Mae and son; Mrs.

Caroline Zoda, Mrs. Wilma Zoda and son; Mrs. Georgia Maples, Mrs. Ruth Little, Mrs. Anna Carmin, Mrs.

Dorothy Dilly, Mrs. Shirley Shutz, Mrs. Belvia Palmer, Mrs. Namie Carroll, Mrs. Stella Brown and Mrs.

Clara Kettner. Luncheon Planned Woman's Auxiliary to Gethsemane Episcopal church will hold a Christmas party today at the parish house. luncheon will be served at 12:30 30 p. followed with group singing of Christmas carols. Committee in charge is Mrs.

Mary Holliday, chairman, in Mrs. John Lindley, Edwin Ball, Mrs. Edwin Trook. Mrs. William Ladwig and Miss Mary L.

Cole. Mrs. Downing Hostess Mothers' Forum of the Child Cohservation League will meet at 8 my today at the home of Mrs. 'Harlan Downing, 1019 West Fifth street. Mrs.

Richard Tegarden will be her assistant. Class To Meet Leaders class of the Mount Olive Church will meet Dec. 14 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cain.

Topic, "A Christmas Plea," will be given by Mrs. Clarence Owings. Gifts will be exchanged. Meet Set tian Temperance Union will Southe Marion Women's Chrismeet at 2 p. m.

Thursday at the home of Mrs. James A. Meredith, 3915 South Washington street. A Christmas program will be given. Party Planned Opti-Mrs.

club will hold a Christmas party at 7:30 p. m. today at home of Mrs. Pat Lahey, this South street. A dollar gift exchange will be featured.

Practices Planned American Legion Auxiliary chorus will hold a practice at 6:30 m. Wednesday at the Legion home. Noel Hill, director, has asked all members to be present. County Calendar DEC. 8 Fairmount Mutual Home Economics-Mrs.

Clark Davis. Deer Creek Home Economics -Mrs. Willard Gemmill. Sweetser Home EconomicsMrs. Russell Cates.

We wash everything with IVORY SOAP DAMP DRY WASH 16 LBS. ONLY 6C LB. MIN. $1.00 Inc. Launderer and Dry Cleaners hincial ANYONE CAN AFFORD Financial worries need not add to the grief of the bereaved family.

It is not necessary to pay more for a complete and impressive service because, despit rising costs, moderate prices always prevail at Raven Funeral Home. We consider it a community obligation to provide funeral services with the means of anyone. Funeral Home RAVEN WASHINGTON STREET 911 SOUTH TELEPHONE For out Christmas Angel Pure Silk SCARFS gay or pastel colors 200 TO An ideal gift and priced just right for Christmas budgets. Floral prints, plaids, scenic designs and of course, plain colors. Squares, and longer styles.

She will love a scarf for Christmas. Gifts Attractively Christmas Wrapped Alices Phillips i 1 3 b. C. T. Club Members Have Meet At Stevens Home T.

Stevens was hostess Plan Joint Beta Sigma Phi Meeting Wednesday to members of the C. T. club at a meeting recently at her home on East Thirtieth street. Mrs. Ruth Wheeler opeded the session with group singing and roll call response vas "What I Want for Christmas." Reservations were made for the Christmas party which will be held Dec.

13 at the Davis party house. O. B. presented two readings entitled "Wild White Rose" and "A Quiet Evening at Home." Contest prizes were Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs.

Gladys Graf, Mrs. Minnie Ernstand Mrs. Nettie Helm. Mrs. Clifford Hulce, Mrs.

Helms, Refreshments were served to Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Charles Carroll, Mrs. Francis Will, Mrs.

Ernst, Mrs. Mattie Morical, Mrs. Lena ha Folk, Mrs. Faye Beasley, Mrs. F.

W. Bradford, Mrs. Graf, Mrs. Laymon Miss Georgianna Hill was hostess to Mu chapter, Beta Sigma Phi sorority, recently in the and club rooms. Lesson was presented on "Old Furniture and "Housing" up to the present day.

Plans were made to hold Christmas exchange Wednesday night at the YWCA with Xi Mu chapter hostess. Refreshments were served to Frances Pearson, Mrs. June Rogers, Mrs. Pauline Johnson, Barbara Kees, S. Whitley, Mrs.

Jack Settles, Katherine Talbert, Geneva Druckemiller, Virginia Little, Elizabeth Van Winkle, Virginia Spencer, Georgianna Hill. Mrs. C. J. Harreld Feted At Family Party Here Mrs.

Harreld was the honored guest at a dinner given Sunday by her family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harreld, north of Marion. The birthday anniversary of the honored guest was celebrated. Those attending were Mr.

and Mrs. Herman Harreld, Miss Phyllis Harreld, Miss Gayle Gaymile, Indianapolis, Mrs. A. C. Martin, Mrs.

Minnie Gordon, Loren Harreld and children, Tommy, David, Diana and Brad- How Dr. Edwards Helps Constipated Folks! For years Dr. Edwards relieved patients bothered by constipation famous Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets -now sold by all drugstores. Tablets are mild, gentle but oh--so thorough! Olive Tablets act on BOTH upper and lower bowels to produce more natural-like movements.

No griping. Just complete satisfaction. Buy today! Marion, Indiana, Leader-Tribune ford, Shelby vile Mrs. Pauli Smith and children, Janet and Jerry, Winchester; Mr. and Mrs.

Albert Harreld and daughters, Alberta and Alene, New Haven; Mr. and Harreld, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harreld and family, Bobbie, Donnie Jackie; Harreld and and Harreld. FM Demonstration Set Guy Farnsworth, manager of the new Marion FM station, WMRI, and his engineer, Dane Ulrich, will a motion picture and demonstration of FM reception during a meeting of the Phi Delta Kappa club scheduled Thursday night in the rooms.

Thurman Speer, president, will be in charge of the short business meeting. 'Session Planned Ladies' Auxiltary of Typographical Union will Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Marion Sapp, 2201 South Nebraska street. December 7, 1948 3 WCTU To Deer Creek Women's Christian Temperance Union will meet at: of Mrs. "catoday Slusser.

Mrs. 1:30 p. home Katherine Poe and Mrs. Willis Hoke will be assistant hostesses, Devotions will be given by Mrs. Charlotte Fenstermaker and Bible verses will be given as roll call responses.

Report of the national convention held recently in Portland, will be by Mrs. Ernest Carey. Plan Meeting Members of the Mother's Study club of the Church of God will hold their annual Christmas party in the I and.M club rooms at :7. m. Wednesday.

Fifty cent gift exchange will be held for the sunshine friends. I Meeting Set Monthly meeting of the St. Anne study, club will be held at the Mrs. Frank Sturm, South Adams street, at 1 p. m.

Thursday. Neumode PAY DAY SPECIAL 51. Guage TISSUE SHEER NYLONS Join the Neumode Hosiery Club $1.53 and Save. Free Gift Wrapping NEUMODE HOSIERY SHOP Third and Washington at: I at or.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.